Don't Cry

I don't care that he was talking while he was drunk, it's enough that he had these thoughts. It's enough that he believes that I can do it. *smiles to herself like a young girl in love*

Chris, who locked the door after giving words of encouragement, stood against the door. He had his hand on his mouth like he could not believe what he just did.

'That was the most daring thing, and perhaps the stupidest thing I have ever done! I just hope she does not hate me.' He facepalmed himself.

The rainstorm did not look like it was going to stop anytime soon.

Although I occasionally got frightened by the huge lightnings fallowed by loud thunder. I was doing pretty okay. Although I could not say the same about Mr Wilson.

Mr Wilson was definitely scared, but he did not come out of that room. I mean, I am well aware of his shamelessness, so why does he bother saving his dignity?

Eh, what do I care? If he's reaaaaally that scared, he's going to come out himself.


Mr Wilson sat on the bed pondering on something. "Should I or should I not?" He muttered.

'Well, I have no face left in front of Luna anymore, I might as well try..... Or should I hold on to the last piece of dignity I have left?'

Mr Wilson had to make the hardest decisions in his life, it was whether he should go out and be shameless so that their relationship would improve or hold on to his last shred of dignity. Sigh, rich people problems, I tell you.

I was sitting at my place and was reworking my notes after the 'tips' Mr Wilson gave. Honestly, if he did not smack me on the head, I would thank him. I shivered and sneezed because it was so cold. Why? Because I left the windows open.

Well, why don't you go and close it you ask?

One word, laziness. Oh, just leave me alone. I'm going to regret it soon enough. Well, not complete because there was a silver lining.

After a good twenty minutes, Mr Wilson felt that his last shred of dignity was not worth it. Come on man, you're better than that!

Mr Wilson: Apparently not.

After a huge thunder which made me break my pencil's tip mid writing, Mr Wilson came running out of the room.

"Wifey! I'm scared!!!" And like that, he made me get up from my chair (do not ask how) and hugged me tight.

I can't breathe let me go! Also, did he go back to being a child again? Oh no, not now. Not in the middle of a thunderstorm, for goodness' sake.

'Well, there goes my dignity.' Mr Wilson thought to myself.

It's okay Mr Wilson, we can be shameless together. But at that time I did not know he was acting, if I knew, I would not have known how to react.

"Okay, okay. Let me go now. I'm right here."

"Waaaah!" He cried.

Okay then, don't let go. Let me die because of suffocation. Cough air, I need air cough.

"Come on now, Chris, let go. I'll be right here." I said with a gentle tone. And I tried wriggling out of his grip.

He loosened his grip after I said that. Phew. AIR! Cough cough.

He held my hand tightly instead. Okay, so it was either suffocation or suffer fractures in my hand. Normally I would say no to both, but now, I had to go with the latter. Plus, I would have a reason to not do his errands after he becomes sober.

*bam!* Ugh God, now is not a good time to vent. Why could you not throw your lightning at a different timing and preferably at a different location?

Mr Wilson gripped my other hand too. Am I getting arrested or something? What is up with this pose? He held both of my hands. He scooted closer, but I moved away. Why? Because I did not want to get his snot on my dress.

I'm going to admit, I am not good with kids. But thanks to Mr Wilson, not only am I learning business but also how to take care of kids. In other words, I am his babysitter.

What did Lily do when she was in such situations?

She'd probably knock him out and move on with her work. Honestly, I did give that idea consideration, but that was before my hands held by Mr Wilson.

'Why is Luna moving away? Am I not handsome enough?' Mr Wilson thought. Typical Mr Wilson.

"Chris, be a good boy and let go of my hands."

Mr Wilson shook his head to say no. I want to smack him, but I can't because my hands are being held against their will.

"Fine, what should I do for you to let go of my hands?"

'Seriously, why is my face not working? It worked perfectly until now.' He thought. That was before I got to know how shameless you are.

"Make the storm stop, please wifey."

Okay, let's give it a try. Storm, please stop. You're scaring lil cutie Chris. 1....2....3....

*bam!* Huh? I was sure that it was going to work though. -_-

"Ahem! 'Wifey' has some work to do, so be a good boy and let go."

'Damn it! I should probably give her less work from now on. Aye, why do I have such good work ethics?' Really, Mr Wilson? Really?

He reluctantly let go. But he made sure to sit right next to me. Like he was really close. If he moved an inch closer, he's probably be on my lap. He was THAT close. He stared at me while I did my work again.

This! Is! Really! Hard! I was trying really hard to let go of my budding feelings and tried very hard to say no to that face.

*Chris grins while showing his attitude* Oh get over yourself.

It's just a face, it's just a face! I thought so that I can remind myself that I was kicking this job to curve after two months or so. Wait a minute! Heheheh. *smiles evilly*

I got my phone and to try recording our conversation.

Mr Wilson was confused as heck when he saw me doing this, but he had to keep up his 'act' so he kept trying to look cute without breaking character.


"Umm, yes?" I could almost hear the nervousness in his voice. He was a good actor, unfortunately.

"You are going to become the CEO of your father's company, right?"

"Yes. Absolutely, I will be a good CEO and take care of my employees." He said with an innocent smile.

Wow, who hurt you? Why did you turn out like this when you were so much better when you were younger? What happened to these morals when it came to me?

#bring back the old Chris

"So, if I asked you to give me a job in your company, would you give it to me?"

"Of course! Anything for wifey! I know that you are very talented." Aww, I wish Mr Wilson stayed like this.

"Aww, thank you. So, would you give me a job in the finance department?" Please say yes. Please give me my dream job so that I can say goodbye to being your secretary!

'Do you want to leave me so bad?' He thought to himself. But he was an actor who could win the Oscars if given a chance. "What's a finance department Lia?"

'Oh, right! How can a five-year-old know about this' I face palmed myself.

(The level of acting! He is Jason's guru)

I ruffled his hair and said, "It's nothing, don't bother."

"Then why did you tell me about this?"

I sighed and turned to look at him. "I'll let you in on a secret-"

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." He acted like he zipped his lips. So cute *blush*

I chuckled and said, "I trust you. You don't know this but, I always dreamed of working in a company. The other kids wanted to be an astronaut or a scientist, but I wanted to be a CEO. Maybe that's why the kids found me weird. Meh, I'm used to being alone, anyway. I was overestimating myself. I mean, look at me now." I had my head held low. I did not know why, but I felt like crying.

I was never going to achieve my dreams, time to to box 'em up and throw them aside. Maybe I'm better off being a secretary.

Chris held my face, using his two hands to lift my head up.


"I don't think you are overestimating yourself. I think you can achieve your dream. I believe in you....wifey." He hugged me.


I could not stop crying. They just kept coming out. Stop! Stop it, Lia! Stop crying! Didn't you promise yourself that you would not cry when dad said that Luke was like the son he never had.

Hearing me cry, or perhaps he could feel the wetness from my tears and snot *laughing and bawling at the same time* he stopped hugging me to wipe my tears.

"Oh no, don't cry." He started wiping my tears. This action of his only made me cry harder.

'Way to go, Chris, you made her cry. *facepalm*'

I wish I could tell him that this was not exactly a 'sad' type of crying, it was more of a 'happy' type of crying. Chris Wilson, where were you my entire life. If only I met you earlier. I would have been brave enough to confess my feelings.