I'm Leaving!

'Luna.... I can't believe that you would try to butter me up by reminding me of the times we spent together, those special times, just to convince me to accept you and Adam.'

I just sat there in shock, tears in my eyes. I was forcing them to stop, but I failed. I guess- I guess I was wrong. I probably misunderstood everything between us. With what face am I going to return tomorrow? I- I can't believe he said it was a mistake. *sniffle*

Adam was right, it's Mr Wilson, why would he care about anyone except him? Why did I even bother? I threw the tie in the dustbin and left the coffee shop.

That night, I could not sleep, I wanted to throw my phone against the wall when I did not see a single message from Mr Wilson. I refrained from doing so because I did not have the budget to buy a new one.

A new day, a new beginning. A new day, a new beginning!!! Ugh! I was annoyed and sad at the same time I did not know how to show this emotion. I resorted to doing something which always bites me in the back. Over eat, or as I call it, stress eating. I emptied out all the bags of chips and cookies I had that day.

I couldn't get enough sleep that night, I was worried about going back. If I were a regular employee, then it would have been okay, I would not have to meet him but I'm his secretary! I have to face him!


'Damn it! Why am I so frustrated? It's just a girl. There are plenty of fish in the sea. I'm sure that everything will be fine by morning.' Mr Wilson tossed and turned in his bed.

His trusty old butler, who was hired by Mr Wilson's mom, had come back from that day. He worked for around fifteen years for the Wilson family, and he rarely took holidays. Mr Wilson gave him five months off with full pay.

He did not know that Mr Wilson would throw the house upside down in these five months. Mr Wilson was acting out and he had no clue since he just came.

The butler's butler senses tingled, he knew that Mr Wilson was in trouble so went to his room.

"Chris, are you okay? Do you want something to eat?" Classis old people thinking. Whenever someone faces a problem, it can be solved by food. I mean, he ain't wrong though. I would love some hot cocoa when I feel down.

"No, I'm alright."

The butler simply stared at him as if saying, 'Do you expect me to believe that?'

"Ahem, can I talk to you?" The guy practically raised him, he felt most comfortable when talking to him.

The butler sat down on the sofa nearby. He took out a small notebook and waited for Mr Wilson to start talking. Was he a therapist before he became a butler?

"I am asking for a friend, he's currently having some girl troubles. The girl he likes seems to like someone else, and he does not know what to do... What should he do?"

"Friend eh?" The old man looked at him meaningfully.

"Y- Yes, I am asking on behalf of a friend, I have lots of friends and they ask me for advice. This time I did not know what to tell them, that is why I'm asking you... For no other reason at all. It is okay if you do not know too, I'll just tell him that I did not know."

The old man refrained from laughing out loud, "Well, did he try telling the girl that he liked her? Because that is the first thing he should do..."

Chris frowned when he heard that, "Well, he did not tell her because he did not want to get rejected. Though I do not understand why he did that, he's a great catch, the girl is lucky to have him."

"...He should put aside his ego and tell her. So what if he gets rejected? The burden will be lifted off his shoulders if he just confessed. When was the last time he met her?"

"He met her yesterday. She looked all dressed up like she went on a date." Mr Wilson scowled as he answered.

"Oh? Does he know for sure that she met him right after she went on a date with another guy?"

"...." Mr Wilson did not answer. He realised that it was his fault this time. He just assumed that 'Luna' went on a date and met him with a different purpose in mind.

The old man completely understood the situation. He closed his little notebook and said, "If he assumed that she met him right after she went on a date, that means your friend is very narrow minded and has no respect for the girl."

Mr Wilson immediately lifted his head to face him. He was very flustered at the moment, "Why- Why would you say that? He really likes the girl. And he does have respect for her... it's just that..."

The old man shook his head, "No. If he really likes her, he would know what type of girl she is and won't think of her as a person who would go so low that she'd meet with another guy right after she went on a date. You know very well that your friend does not know for sure that she did so, he just connected the wrong dots."

Like that, the old man left, leaving a very flustered and guilty Mr Wilson behind.

Chris was very restless that night. He just could not sleep. He ended up staying awake all night.


"That's it. Use one of your three wishes and request for a change in the departments. Ask him for a job in the finance department and leave your job as a secretary for good." I kept repeating this to assure myself that things were okay.

I practised confronting him in front of the mirror multiple times, but no matter how much I perfect it, I stutter when I face him.

"Ugh, Goddam it!" I stared at my dark circles in the mirror. See, this is what happens if you stay up the entire night punching your pillows. You end up with dark circles and flat pillows, something which can ruin your day.... and night as a matter of fact.

I tied my hair into a professional-looking bun. "You and I are over, Mr Wilson!"

The Devil popped on my shoulder and said, "When were you even together? You say stuff like 'You and I are over' when you're still Single as a Pringle."

Shoo~ Shoo~ Don't mess up my tempo. I am on a roll here. I just summed up courage, which I did not even know I had. Let me make a mess with my overconfidence before I come into self realisation.

I dramatically opened the door to Mr Wilson's office. When I arrived, there were two other people in his office and they just stared at me like I was crazy.

"Uhhhhh... Cough, cough, Mr Wilson. There is an important meeting scheduled in an hour."

Mr Wilson simply nodded his head. He refused to look at me! That's it! I cannot take it anymore. You know what, it's my fault for falling for such a jerk. It's like I know fire burns people but I put my hand in it, anyway.

I'm going to tell him off and leave!

After the two people left, I went inside. Mr Wilson looked at me like he wanted to say something. I thought that he'd apologise but no, he said, "Yes, Ms Brown? What is up?" He squinted his eyes when he said, 'what is up?' he probably learned that phrase recently.

Anyway, I got pretty annoyed, "What is up? Let me tell you what is up!"

Mr Wilson flinched when I raised my volume. I'm practically yelling at him!

"Ms Brown-"

"Look here fancy pants, I am going to use one of my three wishes and you can't deny my request. No, this is not a request, it's an order!"

Mr Wilson started getting angry too, stood up and walked up to me. We were barely a few feet away from each other and Mr Wilson looked pretty pissed off. I started to reconsider my decision, but it was too late. I called him 'fancy pants'- I called him whatever popped into my mind first.

"Ms Brown, I will not tolerate you and Adam being together, that is not allowed in my company. Other than that, you can ask anything."

Wait a minute. He thought Adam and I were together? He thought that my request was him approving 'us'?

He probably thought that I called him yesterday just to tell him about 'Adam and I'...

Mr Wilson.... What the hell? Can't you ask me instead of assuming whatever you want? What's done is done. I'll clarify that there's nothing between Adam and I. But that won't stop me from changing departments. I can't believe that the one I liked was so narrow minded. I am not going to confess. Not anymore.

He is going to have to confess to me if he wants to be with me.

"Who said anything about Adam, Mr Wilson? He and I are just friends, I'm afraid you misunderstood our relationship, just like how you misunderstood the reason why I called you yesterday."

'She is not with Adam? That old man was right! I am in the wrong this time. I hope she forgives me. I'll have to put in a lot of effort to appease her this time.'

"The reason why I called you- You know what? Forget it... You do not deserve it. My first wish is for you to transfer me to the finance department. I do not want to be your secretary anymore."

Dun dun dun!~

Mr Wilson could not get a word out of his mouth. The damage was very heavy this time.

"We have a contract! You can't just leave!"

Humph, do I look like I care? I've wasted too many tears on a narrowminded person like you!

"So? You're so powerful and 'awesome' that you can assume anything without having to pay the price, I'm sure changing the terms of the contract is not hard." I smiled at him.

My smile hurt Mr Wilson a lot. He deserved it. If there is no trust, there is no relationship, whether we're friends or lovers.