Something Fishy

Wow, Thomas was quite good looking. How to describe him? He was not the usual knock out handsome type; he was more normal? He was more the 'boy next door' type. Not bad, not bad at all. His looks would definitely make him a hit. He looked more approachable, which goes well among the ladies.

I am low key looking forward to this....

Mr Wilson stared out the window. He looked at our car leaving the place and sighed to himself before resuming his work. Time to time he would subconsciously look outside his office window to see my desk, which was now empty.

Why did I immediately volunteer to be some artist's manager? It is because I needed a change of environment. Mr Wilson and I just had a big fight, a huge argument! And I do not think I could face him after that.

I needed some time away from him and for myself. Although being someone's manager is not exactly 'time for myself' but it's nice to take a break from the daily routine.

Laura drove us to the agency. The moment I set foot there, many weird gazes fell on me.

Maybe because I am so beautiful, cough cough, I saw a few girl trainees give me dirty looks. Perhaps they thought that I was a recruit, and that I was competition.

Bruh, I don't even know you. Stop glaring at me like that. For a company that had barely enough resources to go around, I guess internal fighting and competition was common.

A woman came running towards Laura, "What next?" she asked.

"Bring Thomas here. I have someone to introduce him to."

The woman nodded and ran back into the building in the same speed she came running here.

Thomas looked very unbothered and aloof as he walked up to us. After taking a good look at me, he flashed a bright innocent smile like how the idols usually do and greeted me. His personality.... one moment he looked like he hated to even be here, but the very next moment he looked like how idols usually look, 'cute and innocent'.

I might have found this hard to digest, but I went along with it. Of course he has a different personality. Everything that appears on the TV is not true, there is a very high chance that he was just faking the look to appease the audience.

"This is Luna Brown. She will be your manager temporarily." After saying this, she shot him a look, and he seemed to understand what she meant exactly. Okay, there is something going on here. I can't put my finger on it, but there is something definitely wrong and I might have got more than what I asked for.

"Hello Ms Brown. Can I call you Luna?" Thomas acted all cute. If it were someone else standing in front of him, their heart would have melted, but I just felt creepy. Knowing that this guy can act all cute on will whenever he's in public just... creeps me out in ways I cannot begin to describe.

"Of- Of course... Thomas..." Mommy help. Ahem! No, I am Amelia Smith! It's going to take more than some weirdo to scare me. I got my own office. Niceeeeee. But it was only for a week.

I did not have a proper office when working with Mr Wilson. Well, my desk was to a side right outside Mr Wilson's. And from time to time I became used to spying on him. What better work to do when you're free than spying, am I right? Cough, cough.

Although I do believe that Mr Wilson was aware of me looking at him through the window. He never questioned it, though. Maybe he was used to having 'secret admirers'.

'Or maybe I like that you take an interest in me'- Mr Wilson.

Yeah, probably not.

"Here. In this file lies the list of auditions available. You should talk to Thomas and schedule the auditions which he wants to try out for. If he does not tell you anything specifically, take the liberty of choosing some. Make sure they do not clash and that he has enough prep time."

Laura started spewing a lot of information. I know what it means to be an assistant, so please stop. I am not a complete newbie; I have experience, and I was working under Mr Wilson, which makes me equipped with skills I did not even know an assistant should have. But I never heard of managers choosing the roles. Am I not updated with the latest news or is Laura lying to me?

I must say, the list consisted of pretty good roles. If he got a chance to play at least two of them properly, I would say that he would make a good name for himself in the entertainment industry.

Speaking of which, fun fact: If I was not going to be a CEO (and also not a secretary) I would probably become a model like my grandma. She knew a lot of people in the industry and she was rich and talented enough to open her own agency, something I admire very much because making connections is key. My grandma was not from some rich family. She made it big through her hard work.

Anyway, I got the height; I got the looks and talent can be cultivated, so I think I would be fine if I chose that route.

I did not want to choose his auditions. As an artist he would know what role would suit him or what role would highlight his abilities. I would probably make mistakes if I made that decision. After all, I just met him. I don't know much about his talents and weaknesses.

I went to him and handed over the list. He was sitting on the sofa arrogantly while scrolling through his phone. The moment he saw that I was walking up to him, his attitude took a 180-degree turn.

"Oh, hi Luna! What's up?" He smiled cheerfully. For a second I forgot that this is not the real him.

"Here, take it." I handed over the file which listed the roles. After he selects what he wants to audition for, I could make some calls and fix a proper schedule for him.

"Oh? Luna, since you have experience, can you choose it for me?" He batted his eyes and tried to look cure. It would have worked if someone else was in my place.

"No. Yes, I do have experience, but not in this field. You are the one who is going to play the role. You should choose the role." I felt that there was something fishy. No sane artist would hand over a matter like this to a manager who joined on the very same day!

"Oh NO. I insist. I really so INSIST," He said with an unusual glint in his eyes.

Boy, he sure knows how to make a gal uncomfortable. I'm not buying his act, not even for one minute. There is something wrong. I just need some time to figure it out.

Mr Wilson, oh Mr Wilson..... What did you get yourself into. And why am I the one to deal with your messes?

I took back the file and acted like I was making some notes and doing research. I picked three random roles and got back to him. This time I made sure to have my phone's recorder on. Precautions are important people. Follow your gut when you feel something is wrong. And make sure you are equipped with something to document it so that you would not be wrongfully blamed.

This time, my gut says that something is wrong with him and this entertainment company. I will weed out the weirdos and protect my job. Mr Wilson should be more appreciative of me, humph!

"I selected a few roles, but I do not think that I am right. I do not know your weaknesses and strengths, so it's better for you to choose it. Just take the file and choose the audition you want." I tossed the file back to him. Respect? No, not anymore.

"Oh Luna, you don't want to be let go on your first day now would you? When I say choose a role for me, I mean it. So hop away and come back after you chose an appropriate role. Sure, I could do it myself, but what's the fun in that? I am your boss, so listen to my instructions."

I made sure my phone recorded the entire conversation. Correction Thomas, Mr Wilson is my one and only boss and mentor. You can throw your attitude around all you want but do not offend those whom you should not.

This little piece of- Ahem! This guy obviously has an ulterior motive in letting me choose it. Too bad I am going to expose you.

I chose an easy role for him. He has to play a high school boy in a teen love story. Considering his age and his looks, he would be perfect for the role, and the director of the movie is a world renowned director. Getting an audition is something only Revolution can pull off.

Let's see how you mess this up, Thomas.... A boost to your career or a plan to harm me... Your choice.

I gave him his lines and information about his character and left.

He muttered behind my back, "I guess this pretty face is not so dumb after all.... I can play this game. Oh Laura, it seems you've encountered a problem."