Back to the Home Town

That day was a day of mourning for Azmya. Her grandfather died from complications of his disease. Her parents also came to Japan to help bury him. Azmya feels very lost because for the past eight years her grandfather has taken care of her with great affection.

Her eyes were swollen and swollen from crying so much, Akira tried to give her support and encouragement.

But Azmya felt unable to hold back her cries. She also cried in Akira's arms. She felt so lost.

"Be patient, he must be calm there," consoled Akira.

"I don't know, I cried not only because I lost my grandfather," sobbed Azmya to herself.

Akira rubbed Azmya's back gently. She can also feel how lost Azmya is. Grandpa Hoshi had accompanied and looked after her in Japan. Not only Azmya who felt devastated by the death of Grandpa Hoshi, her mommy as his only daughter was also devastated and fainted several times during Grandpa's funeral. Her daddy tried to strengthen and comfort Mommy. Azmya could not help but feel sad again when the funeral was over she saw her grandfather's grave which was full of flowers. She didn't realize that her cellphone rang several times.

For several days Azmya did not come to work. Her enthusiasm was gone. Moreover, she is in a mourning mood plus a deep heartbreak because even now, Rjun has not contacted her. She just lay in bed for days. Her mommy tries to persuade her to go outside the house to just forget about their grief. But Azmya refuses, she feels powerless and has no passion for anything. She just looked at her cell phone. Open the photo gallery. The photos of Rjun that she took from the internet she kept on her cell phone as medicine whenever she wanted to see Rjun's face. Despite the pain and heartbreak, she still wanted to see him. She was sinking deeper into sadness and loneliness after her grandfather died.

One day her mommy asked because Azmya looked not just like a grieving person because her mommy often caught Azmya in tears while looking at photos on her cellphone.

"What's wrong with you, honey?" Asked Mommy.

"There's nothing happened Mom, I just feel my spirit is gone, just want to go to work like it's useless" Azmya replied while still lying on the bed.

"How many days have you not left the room, what's wrong with you?"

Azmya doesn't answer she just hides her crying face covered in a pillow. She didn't want her mommy to know that she was crying just because her heart was broken.

"And I was just speaking with Aunty Akane, who is Rjun? She said he was here when your grandfather was sick, so why did he not come at the funeral?" Asked Mommy.

Azmya wipes her tears. She tried to prepare herself to answer her mommy question.

"Rjun is a model for Konami's products, he was Azmya's friend in Indonesia, now he's in Korea."



"Yes, it doesn't keep up, he's just Azmya's friend."

"Oh, I thought he was your boyfriend?"

"No, our relationship is only a cooperative one," Azmya replied.

"Ohh ... okay then"

"Oh yeah, tomorrow Mommy and Daddy have to go back to Bandung soon. How are you planning now?" Asked Mommy.

Azmya woke up and looked at her mommy with a disheveled face.

"If Mommy and Daddy come home, then I'm here alone?" Said Azmya, frowning.

"Mommy and daddy have a business there, you can't stay here long if you want,

you just go home, how about it? "Mommy offered.

"Sure, and it looks like maybe I just resigned from the company, I wanna go back to Indonesia, maybe looking for a job in there," said Azmya, making a decision.

"Are you sure?" Asked Mommy.

Azmya nods as a sign that she is serious. Maybe this is the best way to forget about Rjun. She returns to Bandung and looks for new activities in a new place so she can forget about her pain. Hopefully, this will be the best decision.

*** *** ***'

At the Tokyo international airport in the overseas departure area. Akira escorted Azmya. Akira felt that Azmya wasn't ready to leave.

"Azmya, how can I live without you?" Asked Akira.

"You can do it!" Comforted Azmya.

"Do you still like Rjun?" Asked Akira, who already knew about Azmya's case and a problem with Rjun.

"Maybe I can forget about it later" Azmya replied.

"Do I need to write a malicious comment on the Seven-F fanbase," said Akira

"It's not difficult, it's very childish, maybe I haven't been able to forget it even though it's been eight years, and Rjun might not consider memories with me," Azmya replied firmly.

Akira then hugged her a sign that she loved her friend.

"Take care, and don't forget to often contact me there!" Asked Akira.

"Okay, later you have to go to Indonesia, we vacation together there!"


Akira also said goodbye for the last time. Azmya also went to get her plane ticket boarding pass.

Her Mommy and Daddy had flown to Indonesia two days ago. Meanwhile, Azmya has to take care of her resignation at Konami Group. Azmya felt it was hard to leave Konami Group, which is a large company in Asia. But this must be done by Azmya for the sake of her intention to organize and heal her heart. She doesn't want to be lonely in Tokyo, let alone her closest family, Hoshi's grandfather has died. And what Azmya needs the most when she feels like this is to be close to her family. So she gave up everything in Tokyo and went back to her mommy and daddy.

When her feet stepped into the plane. Azmya is once again seeing the city of Tokyo for the last eight years she has lived with her grandfather. And she will return to Indonesia after eight years have passed.

Could it be that there has changed a lot? Had she come back there? Would she have gotten medicine for her hurt because of Jun?. And can she forget it?.

Azmya then took a deep breath and continued her steps steadily towards the plane. She should forget and make a new chapter in her life. And she had to throw Jun's image away from her mind and body at this time.