Rjun's Side Story


Rjun doesn't want to part with Azmya. But he doesn't want to stay at her house because he's afraid that he won't be able to hold back when he is with Azmya. Because just by looking at Azmya's face, Rjun didn't want to look away at her and couldn't get away from the perverted demon who kept teasing him. So he decided to return to the hotel.

Before he got into the taxi, he remembered that Azmya was wearing a ring that he thought was an engagement ring. He also promised to replace the ring with a real engagement ring from him. He was determined to have Azmya after knowing that Azmya's feelings for her had not changed.

In Rjun's taxi, Rjun is fantasizing. After his fan meets in Tokyo he plans to ask Azmya on a romantic date in Tokyo before he has to return to Korea. He was already imagining that he would take her for a romantic dinner and walk hand in hand to spend time together at popular places in Japan where young people date.

Arriving in front of the hotel they stay in. Rjun went down and went straight into the lobby hotel. Initially, he wanted to go to the hotel reception to ask for his spare room key. But he was shocked when he saw Lee Do Hwa in front of him with a cold gaze.

"Do Hwa, how come you are here, where else?" asked Rjun.

"The others are still there, I tried to contact Hyung, but your cellphone is not active," said Lee Do Hwa irritably.

"Sorry, my cellphone battery runs out," replied Rjun showing his dead cellphone.

"I have something to ask you!" Said Lee Do Hwa a little emphasizing his words.

"All right, we go to our room, you bring the key, right?" Asked Rjun.

Lee Do Hwa silently walked towards the elevator doors. Rjun wondered why Lee Do Hwa's attitude was so out of the ordinary. Is there a problem with Lee Do Hwa that Do Hwa follows him to Tokyo?

On the balcony of his hotel room, the two of them looked away towards the city of Tokyo, which was sparkling with lights. The two of them haven't started talks yet. Rjun saw that Lee Do Hwa's face was very serious and looked cold. Usually, Do Hwa always had a smiling face and was never this serious when they were together.

"You said there is something you want to ask?" Asked Rjun to start the conversation.

"Hyung, is the girl who used to be in that photo Amya, huh?" Lee Do Hwa asked, shocking Rjun? Because Lee Do Hwa asked about Azmya.

"Errr ... yes it's Azmya," replied Rjun, a little hesitant to answer.

"Is she Hyung's first love?" Asked Do Hwa.

"Why do you ask that?" Asked Rjun.

"I just know it's not true!"

"What do you mean, Do Hwa?"

"Hyung knows, from the start I told you that I like Azmya."

"Do Hwa, why do you like her?"

"I like her because I like her!" Replied Lee Do Hwa full of emotion.

Rjun was shocked to hear Lee Do Hwa's answer.

"I don't think Hyung can be with Azmya," said Lee Do Hwa, making Rjun angry. "

" Think of Hyo Jin, Hyo Jin won't be quiet if she finds out about Azmya, and you also know CEO Park won't be quiet if he finds out about Azmya! "Lee Do Hwa gave a warning.

" Can you protect Azmya? "Asked Lee Do Hwa.

" Even you did not know that Azmya was hurt and cried at the Onsen this afternoon, "said Lee Do Hwa.

" Crying, you see. she cried? "asked Rjun in disbelief.

"She cried maybe she knows the relationship between you and Hyo Jin, "guessed Lee Do Hwa.

" Is that true? "asked Rjun feeling guilty.

" What if Hyo Jin found out that you spent the night with Azmya. Hyo Jin will not be quiet, she will try to get Azmya, is that what you want? "

" No, I didn't do anything with Azmya, and why are you suddenly discussing this? "Asked Rjun, not expecting that Do Hwa would discuss it.

"CEO Park has reminded you many times until his younger brother got hurt because of you acting up, he must be very disappointed, and maybe he will disband Seven-F. For him, Hyo Jin is more important than Seven-F. "

" And when that happens, you just make everyone problematic. I might be ready to disperse, but others may not be able to accept the group broke up, "said Lee Do Hwa.

"You must remember, if not caused Hyo Jin you can not be in HV Entertainment like now?"

Rjun even more crowded with words from Lee Do Hwa. He felt that Lee Do Hwa only makes it flashed back to the first time he ever wanted to debut with Seven-F, they do not have a sponsor. But Hyo Jin was their savior. Hyo Jin tries to convince all producers to help the Seven-F debut. But it had to be paid handsomely by Rjun because Hyo Jin made himself even more attached to him. He must be willing to pretend to be with him to attract public attention. So that Hyo Jin and himself boosted popularity. But now Hyo Jin seems too obsessed with him. And he couldn't avoid Hyo Jin.

Rjun could only be silent to absorb what Lee Do Hwa said to him. Don't know who he should be angry and disappointed at. He returned to being a human loser who was unable to make decisions that would allow him to be with Azmya again. This time it wasn't Yan, but Lee Do Hwa and Hyo Jin who made him the man who disappointed Azmya again.

Finally, Rjun that night with a heavy heart decided not to contact Azmya yet.

While looking for a way so he could break free, Hyo Jin and Seven F did not become victims either. He hopes he can come up with a solution and so he can get back to Azmya as soon as possible.

Let Azmya think he is playing with her heart. The important thing is Rjun doesn't want Azmya to get into trouble first. Azmya is just an ordinary girl who doesn't know his world. He didn't want to make Azmya suffer too if she would be dragged into the bad news.

"I'm sorry Azmya, this time I make you sick and suffer again, I promise I will make up for all this," said Rjun to himself.

Lee Do Hwa then left Rjun alone in the hotel room. He also feels disappointed in Rjun who doesn't want to tell his relationship with Azmya from the start. Even though all this time he always told about his personal life to Rjun.

But this time, he felt fooled. If only Rjun had spoken from the beginning, maybe he wouldn't have let his feelings for Azmya grow. He also cursed himself why he could easily and easily fall in love with Azmya, even though only by meeting her a few times, he didn't know why his interest in Azmya grew. Was it because she resembled someone who was now gone that made him unable to forget her? So that when he met Azmya, he remembered her again and made him want to approach Azmya even more. His feelings got even more turbulent when he caught the two of them at the resort talking.

Especially seeing Azmya also cry after that. And in the evening they both suddenly left. Lee Do Hwa feels unwilling, even though Azmya is someone who was once in Rjun's heart, but Lee Do Hwa feels unfair himself.

*** **** *****

Rjun and the others returned to Korea again. Lee Do Hwa since yesterday's incident has been more silent and seems to have avoided it. Rjun becomes uneasy and uncomfortable with this situation. He plans to talk to him privately again next time.

But Lee Do Hwa often refuses it subtly for various reasons. And one day CEO Park and Manager Lee personally called him to CEO's room.

"You will have a duet with Austin Garri!" Said CEO Park.

"Really, why should I, there are still others. Kang Su Ho or Lee Do Hwa seems more suitable," said Rjun.

"The Austin Label wants you," Manager Lee replied.

"How do you want?" Asked CEO Park.

"Just arrange it according to as you wish," Rjun felt a little overwhelmed.

"Rjun, I will make the news that you and Hyo Jin are dating," said CEO Park again.

"That is also arranged as you have planned" Rjun replied resignedly. He would have guessed that this would one day come.

"Okay then," said CEO Park.

"Jun, you won't tell us anything?" Asked Manager Lee.

"What story?" Asked Rjun pretended.

"Your problem with Azmya?"

"Take it easy, I have nothing to do with Azmya, we are just old friends," replied Rjun lying.

"Good then," they said relieved.

Is that what they want. Then do they not know how he feels now. Rjun was just trying to be patient because it was undeniable that they were the ones who helped him become now.

If only not, maybe Rjun was just a poor man, unemployed, and unable to go to college because his adoptive father could not help pay for his studies. He was forced to find part-time work in Korea. But good luck brings him Manager Lee, and he invites him to join a casting trainee at HV Entertainment. Intending to survive in Korea by relying on his singing talent, he tried hard several years before officially debuting as a member of the idol group Seven-F. And now the fruit of his hard work must be accompanied by a contract that makes him like being exploited.

Although he earned a sizable income, but not with his free life. He must obey and obey what he has signed in the contract. Initially, he just wanted to benefit from each other and increase his and Hyo Jin's popularity. But it seems like Hyon Jin misunderstood his obedience. Now he feels that Hyo Jin considers this scandal to be real. Sometimes Rjun wished he would return to being a free ordinary person.

News Rjun will be a duet with Austin Garry, a rising pop singer in America. Make the other members feel happy and support him. But not Do Hwa, two days after he found out that Rjun would collaborate with Austin, Lee Do Hwa made the decision to join the Korean Military Conscription this year. The decision naturally took the others by surprise. Moreover, Do Hwa's age, who is still twenty-one, is not obliged to enter the military. But Do Hwa gives an excuse that he is in the army now.

Two years later he will focus more on his career without having to think about his obligations as a Korean citizen, which obliges every man to enter the military barracks.

But Rjun caught Do Hwa's decision to enlist early because he might feel disappointed with him. Rjun also asks him to talk before Do Hwa goes to his military training camp.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Asked Rjun sadly.

"What do you mean, Hyung?" Asked Do Hwa.

"You left me when I was trying to be someone you can rely on."

"It's okay, it's not because of Hyung or anyone, I just want to do it now," said Do Hwa as he patted Rjun's shoulder and walked away leaving Rjun who looked at him full of regret and sadness.

After Lee Do Hwa goes to his military training camp. Rjun looks at his cell phone screen and a message arrives.


Rjun was shocked to saw the message he received from Akira. Nobody knows that Rjun did ask for Akira's cell number. And he asks Akira not to tell Azmya if he asks for her number.

Rjun imagines Azmya must be very sad. He then looks for a cell phone number that he saved but never tries to call. Rjun called Azmya but never answered. Rjun was getting worried, he felt like going to Tokyo and comforting her grief. But considering what happened. It was very likely that Azmya would reject his presence because he was already disappointed. Moreover, maybe he had heard the news about him and Hyo Jin.

A few days later Akira reported again. If Azmya quit the Konami Group and return to Indonesia. Rjun could not hold back his frustration. Azmya may be deeply hurt. Imagining that Rjun was taking out his sadness by heavy drinking. Which he never did. But because his heart and soul were confused, Rjun was drunk.