Rjun's Story

Flashback ...

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Jun feel sad and guilty towards Azmya. He took it out drunk. Today his life and spirit are falling apart. Feelings of guilt clung to him how cruel he was to Azmya without giving her any messages or news.

He returns to being a coward and a loser who is unable to do what he wants. In the past, he couldn't approach Azmya because his status was only as of the son of a canteen merchant who was always bullied by Yan. Now even though he is someone who is different from before, he is still only a shadow of another person who must be that person's shadow and follow wherever.

That night Jun was alone at a bar. He wanted to forget his sadness tonight. Azmya has already gone to Indonesia and stopped working. Maybe she heard the news with Hyo Jin. Jun could imagine Azmya's heart being hurt by it. Jun again asked the bartender to fill his empty glass with wine.

His head was getting heavy and he was out of control. Jun took something from his jacket pocket. A luxurious black heart-shaped box. Jun opened the box. A beautiful ring that he just bought and special order. A vintage-style ring that has a sparkling diamond eye in the center. Jun looked at the ring with an indistinct smile. This ring should have been on Azmya's ring finger. Jun imagined himself putting the ring on Azmya's finger. Jun began to feel drunk and his head was spinning. This is the first time he has drunk alcohol.

Jun faintly heard a voice he really didn't like. The sound made Jun want to throw up.

"Oppa, what's wrong with you?" Hyo Jin was in front of Jun.

"How did you get here?" Jun asked irritably.

"It's not important," Hyo Jin replied and then tried to help Jun up.

"Let's get out here!" Said Hyo Jin invited to leave the bar. But Jun immediately threw Hyo Jin's hand away from him.

"Go!" Jun chased out.

"Oppa, why?" Asked Hyo Jin, feeling annoyed she was treated like this. She saw Jun's face that seemed to hate her a lot. Then she saw a ring being held by Jun.

"Whose ring is that?" Asked Hyo Jin.

"Do you want this?" Jun asked holding the ring up to Hyo Jin's face with an angry look. His eyes were red from the influence of drunkenness. Jun blinked his eyes were spinning. Then he shed his tears which he had been holding back for so long.

"Oppa, why are you so pathetic?" Hyo Jin sighed. She just saw Jun like this for the first time. Get drunk and look like someone who is heartbroken.

"Let's go home!" Asked Hyo Jin to force Jun to stand up. This time Jun complied. Because he had started to feel his body hot and burning. Hyo Jin carried half of his body. Jun walked with difficulty and left the bar with Hyo Jin in her arms.

Hyo Jin took Jun to her car which was parked in the basement of the bar. Jun was not strong enough to open his eyes. Before arriving at the car, Jun fell and got free from Hyo Jin's grip. Jun was unconscious because he probably had too much to drink.

*** ****

Jun started blinking slowly. His head was still heavy and his eyes still felt heavy to open. Vaguely he saw the face of a woman he missed so much in front of his face with a seductive smile.

"Azmya!" Jun called out with a smile. Jun felt Azmya in front of him. Jun also rubbed his eyes to see more clearly. But Azmya's face, who had smiled seductively, changed to Hyo Jin's face. Jun rubbed his eyes again.

"Who is Azmya?" Asked Hyo Jin.

Jun immediately got up from his sleep. He felt strange why Hyo Jin was suddenly in bed.

"Why are you here?" Asked Jun, surprised and a little dizzy. He holds his head. He spread his gaze around him. This isn't his bedroom, and it looks like it's not his apartment. Jun felt that his head was dizzy and then he saw his body covered in a blanket.


Jun checked the condition of his lower body. Jun screamed hysterically.

"Why, why am I here, and where are my clothes!" Shouted Jun in Indonesian, making Hyo Jin not understand what he was saying until he got angry and screamed.

"Oppa, don't shout!" Shouted Hyo Jin trying to calm him down. Hyo Jin also shared that Jun was unconscious. Meanwhile, she didn't know the passcode for Jun's apartment door. So she took him to her apartment.

"Oppa, don't you remember?" Asked Hyo Jin trying to ask whether Jun didn't remember what happened last night.

"What happened last night?" Jun asked curiously. Has he done anything bad?

Hyo Jin then put her hands around Jun's neck. Then kissed Jun's lips gently. Of course, Jun immediately pushed the body of Hyo Jin who tried to trick her.

Hyo Jin just frowned. Jun just realized that Hyo Jin only wore lingerie that showed her sexy body. What has he done here with Hyo Jin?

"If you don't remember that last night, you should be not getting drunk!" Said Hyo Jin throwing Jun's shirt lying on the floor.

"Hyo Jin, did we do something last night?"

Hyo Jin looked at Jun's face, hoping she wouldn't say anything he didn't want.

"Oppa you are not remember, don't you?" Asked Hyo Jin, making Jun even more frustrated.

Hyo Jin left a frustrated screaming Jun to the bathroom. She was quite disappointed that Jun seemed like a person who lost his mind.

Shout in a language she didn't understand. Because Jun cursed himself in Indonesian.

"Begooooo bego loe Jun, why can you do that to Hyo Jin, this is crazy."

*** ***

Jun felt angry with himself for doing something stupid. He regrets getting drunk and doing it with Hyo Jin without him knowing it. The effects of alcohol are profound. Even though he only tried once but as a result, he had to carry it for life. What should he do now, by doing that with Hyo Jin? He felt a thousand times hurt Azmya. Maybe he would brand himself as an immoral and shameless man if Azmya found out that he was sleeping with Hyo Jin.

After he put his clothes back on, Jun intends to immediately leave this place. For a long time here he hates himself even more. Without saying anything else, Jun left Hyo Jin who was sitting watching TV without even turning around. Hyo Jin felt that she was also very hurt because Jun left without a word.

She was hurt by Jun's indifferent attitude. Then she cried alone without Jun knowing. Her heart was torn when Jun even mentioned another girl's name. Even though she knew that Jun didn't like him. Jun is the only patient because she knows that Jun only obeys his brother. Hyo Jin spread the fingers of her right hand. The ring that Jun had been holding was now on her ring finger. Hyo Jin finds out that the ring doesn't belong to her. But she wore the ring instead. Even Hyo Jin purposely made Jun misunderstand what happened last night. Even though the real incident happened last night.

Because Hyo Jin was not strong enough to carry a tall and big Jun. Hyo Jin asks security at her apartment building to bring Jun into her apartment. Arriving at the room, it turns out that Jun wakes up, then he messes up incoherently while taking off his own clothes. And fell asleep in her bed like a sleeping baby bear. Hyo Jin actually doesn't sleep with Jun. She sleeps in another room. How could she possibly do something bad to Jun? She loved him very much but she also didn't want to do that without Jun noticing.

*** *** ****

Since the incident at Hyo Jin's apartment. Jun shut himself off from everyone. He just locked himself in his apartment for days. Making Seven-F's schedule and events fall apart. Because they already have contracts with various programs, Seven-F only appeared with five members. Lee Do Hwa, who goes to the army, is certain to be absent for two years.

While Rjun for various reasons he did not want to come out of the apartment. Manager Lee and the other members tried to persuade Rjun to fail. Rjun didn't even open the door of his apartment for them.

Rjun stared at his reflection in the large bathroom mirror. He saw his half-naked body. His burly shoulders and tight abdominal muscles made him cry at the thought that his body had sinned. He purposely shaped this body as well as possible just wanted to show it to Azmya.

He doesn't want any other woman besides Azmya. He felt that only Azmya deserved his body. Because it was Azmya who had often sacrificed for him.

Then full of anger and hatred for him. Jun smashed the mirror with a punch of his fist. The mirror cracked and blood flowed from Jun's hand.

After a frustrating incident. Jun then met a lawyer in Seoul. He wants to discuss and consult so that he can leave HV Entertainment and regarding his contract and cooperation with the agency.

Jun made the decision that he wanted to leave the agency. He didn't want to linger for a long time to be an obedient shadow. He wants his freedom. Therefore he met a lawyer so he could find out what violations or what penalty he would get if he canceled his contract with HV Entertainment. He had predicted what risks and all kids would come to him. If he has to compensate. He hopes that all of his income so far is sufficient to pay the contract cancellation penalty. He was even willing to lose it all. He did not want himself and his heart to be bound by all the rules which made him suffer further. Even though he had to lose everything. He must be prepared for it all.