Hyo Jin

Jun's decision was unanimous. He will leave HV Entertainment the agency that raised his name. It's been Jun thinking about the good and the bad for his career going forward. He wants to be free from all sorts of things in the form of anything that only makes a profit CEO and Hyo Jin.

Finally, Jun's move has been steady. By hiring a lawyer to help him if HV Entertainment sues a civil case he already has assistance from a lawyer.

HV Entertainment's CEO was furious when Jun said he would quit Seven-F and his agency. He said Jun had no sense of responsibility with the contract. But Jun felt the contract he agreed to was beyond what was already written in the contract. Including his personal life that must be regulated and must be in accordance with the CEO's will and plans. Because he felt disagreed and no longer in line Jun reasoned to come out. With much debate, Jun and his lawyers agreed to settle the contract under the agreement. If the contract expires before the contract expires. Then the canceler must hand over the assets already awarded and pay compensation of 2 percent of the contract. Jun doesn't mind it all. The important thing for him is that he can be free of Hyo Jin and CEO Park who have taken away the freedom of his personal life.

All Seven-F members were saddened and disappointed by Jun's decision. After they were together for five years. Jun could have died while they were at the peak of popularity. Moreover, coupled with Lee Do Hwa who also joined the military. Their leader Kang Su Ho tries to prevent Jun. But Jun is steady. They all know that Jun has been trying to be patient with the CEO's wishes. Just because Hyo Jin is his sister who since her trainee years she is always chasing after Jun. Park's CEO is too controlling of Jun on Hyo Jin's grounds.

Because they can't change Jun's desire to stay with them. Eventually, they and HV Entertainment held a press conference about Jun's exit from Seven-F and agency HV Entertainment. All media especially Civil who are their fandom are disappointed and angry and do not accept that Jun is out of Seven-F. They also had a massive demo in front of the HV Entertainment agency building demanding that Jun not leave Seven-F. Although Jun is not a Native Korean. They already consider Jun to be a part of them. In fact, they showed Jun's exit from Seven-F due to Hyo Jin. Hyo Jin also escaped netizen attacks on social media.

*** *** ***

Hearing the news of Jun's discharge from Seven-F made Akira as a fan upset. She also tried calling Jun directly to confirm the news.

Jun was packing his belongings into a suitcase. It seemed that he was about to be ready to go far. When the sound of his cellphone rang.

"Rjun, that's true?"

"What is ?."

"You decide to left Seven-F?".

"Yes, that's true".

"Why, are you okay?"

Then Jun also told Akira the real reason he left the agency and Seven-F. He also felt guilty and had made a mistake that there was no way she or Azmya would forgive it. Although Jun didn't tell Akira what details.

(Jun still thinks that he slept with Hyo Jin)

Listen to Jun's story. Akira came to understand that what Jun was going through was tough.

"What's your plan now?" Asked Akira.

"I don't know."

"Would you tell her the truth all of this mistake?"

"You mean Azmya, no... I cant."

There was a deep voice. Jun feels he doesn't deserve to meet Azmya anymore. He needed time too so he could figure out a way for him to get through this too. Even though he has left the CEO and contract of HV Entertainment, he has not been able to escape the risks he has done with Hyo Jin. He was sure that Hyo Jin would continue to chase him anywhere. Especially if Hyo Jin gets pregnant because of him.

Remembering that Jun took a deep breath and threw it away roughly. Emotions start to appear again when you remember that.

'I call you later, I am busy now, "Jun also hung up Akira.

Jun returned to bursting his anger and hatred in his apartment. He felt annoyed about why he could do something stupid. Why can he sleep with Hyo Jin? Jun doesn't even remember the time to do it. But remember because he was drunk. It could happen. Jun also cried because he was annoyed. He threw the suitcase until the things in the suitcase fell apart.

*** ****

In Hyo Jin's apartment room …

Hyo Jin stared at her laptop screen while reading some malicious comments for her.

[@RjunForever. She is just an artist with capital because her brother is the boss of HV Entertainment]

[@MyloveRj. She's an artist with absolutely no talent]

[@ Shinlove7. Should we just drag the pretentious woman, we'll continue to skin it]

[@ 7Forever. She should just die. It is better]

[@ParkTaejo. You so suck, you should be ashamed and just die. LOL]

[@Fuck . Hopefully, RJun is kept away from that witch]

There are dozens of bottles of soju scattered around Hyo Jin's room. She had not dared to leave the room for days. Many reporters waited 24 hours in front of her apartment looking for news about her and the news about Rjun's exit from Seven-F. Hyo Jin was devastated by her decision to leave the agency. She felt very disappointed. Did he hate her so much that he decided to leave the agency that had raised his name? Hyo Jin cried without anyone knowing her mental state.

Moreover, she just read the comments of malicious netizens on online media via her laptop. Hyo Jin trembled to hold back her anger at the malicious comments made to her. She bit her lip until it bled. She felt that she was despicable and did not have something like what netizens had thrown at her. Hyo Jin takes another look at the soju for the umpteenth bottle she finished that night.

She started to lose her way. She felt that she was very valuable to her brother and her family but why did so many people ask her to die.

Hyo Jin looked at her face in the mirror of her dressing table. She checks if indeed her face is so inappropriate with Rjun that she is called a shameless witch. Hyo Jin saw her face. Her eyes are swollen and black like a panda because she hasn't bathed in the past few days, not cleaning herself. And she only drinks soju by herself. Her hair is messy and irregular. She sees her face in the mirror. She is very sad indeed. No wonder many people ordered her to die. Hyo Jin smiled wryly. Maybe it was better for her to die so that her suffering would also disappear.

But then Hyo Jin burst into tears. She was also afraid of dying. She is afraid that she will not be able to meet the person she loves.

Hyo Jin is looking for the cellphone that she has placed somewhere. Her room was like a ship broken with lots of goods and clothes scattered about. With unsteady steps, Hyo Jin looked for her cell phone. After all this time she finally found her cellphone on the mattress covered with a pillow. Hyo Jin tries to call Rjun. But the cellphone isn't active. Hyo Jin tried to try calling him again. But not connected.

Hyo Jin is getting frustrated that she can't reach RJun. He wanted so badly to ask her if she deserved to live or die. Hyo Jin is desperate. She was eager to hear RJun's voice at this time. While crying Hyo Jin made a voice message for Rjun.

"Rjun, I'm sorry I made you suffer".

"Rjun, I love you very much."

Hyo Jin had teary eyes as she said that.

"No wonder I live or deserve to die," said Hyo Jin in tears.

"Oppa, mianhe." (Oppa, I'm sorry).

Hyo Jin, who failed to speak directly to Rjun, burst into tears. She gave off all her anxiety and sadness by crying loudly.

*** ****

Hyo Jin cried over an hour. Until her eyes were swollen and she didn't have the strength to cry anymore. Hyo Jin slowly approached the table drawer near her bed. She took out a sheet of paper and a pen. Then she wrote something down on the paper. Her teardrops came back out and wet the paper. After writing, Hyo Jin took off the ring she was wearing. Rjun's ring for the woman he likes. Hyo Jin put it on the paper. Then she walked a little limping because she was too weak. For days, she only filled her stomach with soju. She went to a shelf on the wall and took out a bottle of medicine. Tramadol.

Hyo Jin took it all out. She swallowed it all. With a gaze Hyo Jin took a glass filled with water then she drank it completely so that all the medicine could be swallowed.

After swallowing all the medicine, Hyo Jin took back her cell phone and called her brother.

"Oppa, I'm sorry, whatever happened is not Jun's fault, and I'm just tired of all this."

"Hyo Jin, what happened?" CEO Park's brother asked anxiously.

"Oppa, please, it's my fault."

Hyo Jin started choking. Her vision began to blur. Her breath and heartbeat began to react rapidly. Her whole body felt stiff. Hyo Jin's breath starts to gasp. On the other end of the line came CEO Park's voice calling out his younger sister's name. Starting to panic with everything his sister just said. He began to feel something was wrong with his sister who suddenly spoke strangely. Because Hyo Jin didn't answer. The CEO hurried off to meet his sister who he really loved.

While Hyo Jin before her really died. She smiled and had the chance to imagine Rjun's smiling face at her complete with those charming dimples. Hyo Jin smiled when she saw him, trying to reach Rjun's shadow until her breath stopped.

*** ****

In a military training barracks in South Korea. It appears that Jun is visiting Lee Do Hwa. They sit across from each other. Rjun seemed amazed to see Lee Do Hwa looking handsome in South Korean army clothes. His hair is cropped like a soldier in general.

"How are you Hyung?" asked Do Hwa interrupting Jun's reverie.

"Fine, and how about you, is this fun?" Asked Jun, curious about the feelings of Lee Do Hwa, who was in the military program for two years.

"I quite enjoy it here, a lot of new experiences," answered Do Hwa.

"Thank God."

"Hyung, why did you come out, don't you care anymore about Seven-F?" asked Lee Do Hwa straight to the point.

"I really care about all of you, therefore, I better leave so that you can feel free with your careers."

"If Hyung wants to be like that, please leave Hyung, I will also leave the agency".

"Don't. That's enough. I just came out. You hurry up and finish your army and hurry back to them!".

"Hyung." Does Hwa just say quietly? He also knew that Jun actually wanted to be free from Hyo Jin and his brother.

Suddenly someone came to surprise them. Kang Su Ho turned out to be approaching them, gasping as if he was being chased by something. Frantic face mixed with annoyance that Jun couldn't be reached. It turned out that Su Ho had brought some shocking news.

"Hyo Jin died."

"What!" The two of them exclaimed in disbelief at the news that Kang Su Ho had brought.

*** *****

Rjun didn't think that Hyo Jin was desperate to end her life. Especially when Hyo Jin gave him a voice message before she died. If only Rjun had activated his cell phone. Maybe Rjun can prevent that.

CEO Park is very sad. He doesn't want to see Jun at Hyo Jin's funeral. He was devastated by the death of his younger brother who committed suicide. He didn't know that his sister was so depressed at the last moment of her life. The only regret landed on them all between Jun and CEO Park. They don't realize that Hyo Jin is hurt and depressed. Plus they know that before Hyo Jin died she read malicious comments that influenced Hyo Jin to commit suicide.

CEO Park asked to investigate the accounts that were already malicious on his sister and asked them to be prosecuted. Not to be missed, Jun was investigated by the police and asked for information about Hyo Jin's suicide. Several times Jun had to go back and forth from the police station to give his testimony.

**** ****

Jun is not proven that he has anything to do with the Hyo Jin case. He is only a witness to be asked for information.

Hyo Jin's case was announced as a suicide case due to cyberbullying. Feeling pressured by all allegations of netizens Hyo Jin chose to end her life.

After the case was resolved, Jun left Korea. He went to the United States because a music producer invited him to work together to make songs and do a duet with him. And finally, Jun settled in the United States.