The Engagement Day

On the roof of a luxury building in Seoul, South Korea. There was a man dressed in a neat suit looking at the view of Seoul city above. He was accompanied by two people who were dressed all in black with black glasses as well. It was clear that there was a dragon tattoo on their slightly open neck. They seemed to be waiting for an order from the well-dressed person. But it seems that the person hasn't said anything yet. He was looking at a photo of a beautiful woman who was smiling.

It seemed that the boy's hand was shaking and was holding his hand firmly. A resentful aura was strong behind his grip. After all this time that man finally said...

"Catch him even to the end of the world!" shouted the man making orders.

"Fine boss." The two tattooed men lowered their heads and accepted the order. After that, they both left the man who was now lighting a fire and tried to burn another photo and this time it was a photo of a man who seemed to hate him a lot. The photo is Rjun's photo.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There are many decorations made of beautiful flowers. Azmya's house looked as beautifully decorated as possible for her engagement tonight. The front yard of the house is a place for invited guests who witnessed Sena's engagement and proposal with Azmya. Shades of pink and blue were the theme of the event's decorations. Mommy and Daddy have prepared in as much detail as possible without any contribution from Azmya. She gave everything to her parents. She just knows it's done.

Many guests have arrived. Most of them are her parents' friends. None of Azmya's friends were present. Therefore Azmya is only accompanied by Akira. She accompanies her in the room before she goes downstairs. Akira helps her put on makeup. Azmya sees her reflection in the mirror of her dressing table. No happy expression. Flat and too obvious if she wasn't fully ready. Akira tried to cheer her up.

"Smile, if you still love Rjun, it's still not too late," Akira teased for real.

"No Akira, I have to forget Jun," murmured Azmya.

"If he comes tonight, will you cancel your engagement?" Akira asked immediately making Azmya startled and glared at her a little.

"You invited him here?" Azmya asked.

"Not directly, I just told him tonight is your engagement ceremony. That's all. And I share the location too," said Akira, making Azmya a little annoyed.

"If you believe in Sena, you won't be affected by Jun's arrival, right?" Akira asked, of course, it made Azmya's heart a little worried.

"I -," said Azmya interrupted when her mother's voice came to her room.

"The Sena family has come, you guys hurry down and get down!" said her mother informs.

"Yes," Azmya answered.

Azmya and Akira immediately went downstairs to the venue. Akira held Azmya's cold hand. Whether it's because she's nervous or something.

It seems that there is already Sena with several of his family. Sena looked manly and handsome in his navy suit. Azmya smiles because Sena chose the same coat color as the dress she is wearing today. Sena's face looked happy when he saw Azmya coming. In fact, he had time to speak silently to her.

"You're so beautiful," Sena said silently. Azmya bit her lip slowly. Feeling nervous and worried. She also swept the faces of her guests. Maybe Akira was right that Jun was coming here.

There was the voice of the MC who was about to start the event. Azmya looks a little worried sitting between her mother and father. While Akira, don't know where she sat on the other side.

Event after event has passed. And here comes the engagement ring exchange. Azmya and Sena are asked to step in the middle. Azmya is a little hesitant to go forward. She looked around looking for Akira, who had not seen before the event began.

"Please for the future husband to pin the ring!" exclaimed the MC.

Sena then got ready to pin the blue-eyed ring to Azmya's ring finger. Azmya is tensed and worried about where Akira is. She shouldn't be far from here. Azmya still looks around at her. Until she realized that her right hand was grabbed by Sena. Azmya stared at Sena's radiant face, who was ready with the ring.

"I love you," said Sena while pinning the ring. Azmya felt her throat tighten, unable to speak. Then she realized that not far from her standing, Akira came with someone familiar. Jun is coming.

Azmya was shocked and immediately shed tears seeing Jun's face looking at him sadly and in disbelief. Azmya immediately took her hand away from Sena. She couldn't help seeing Jun's face like that.

Several times the MC reminded herself to immediately put the ring on Sena's finger. Tremblingly Azmya grabbed the ring and she slowly pinned it to Sena's ring finger. Her heart ached and she also wanted to feel like she was calling off the engagement when she saw that Jun seemed to be trying to be strong and wiped his sad tears. But when she saw Sena's face, who was smiling sincerely with an aura of happiness, she couldn't do much.

"What have I done," muttered Azmya to herself.

Sena suddenly kisses her forehead in front of many people. Azmya gasped and was shocked by it. It was clear to her that Jun turned around and left this place without a word. Her heart must be hurt. But Azmya couldn't do anything about it. This is up to her. She couldn't turn around and cancel it.

"I'm sorry Jun," said Azmya, sobbing.

Azmya's cry may look like someone who is being moved by her engagement. Even though her tears and tears are her regrets for Jun.

Akira seemed to be chasing Jun. Let Akira comfort Jun today.

The peak of the engagement ceremony is filled with deliberations on when the wedding will take place. Azmya is not paying attention blankly. Sena caught Azmya's face. Sena also gave her a message via chat. Because he can't speak directly. Now sitting opposite Azmya.

[Are you okay?]

[I'm okey]

[You are like someone who just got into an accident. What happened?]

[It's okay Uncle]

[I'm just nervous]

[How come to Uncle again]

[Yesterday you called Oppa]

[Sorry Oppa, I'm a habit]

[Yes, it is okay.]

Sena put his cellphone again in his coat pocket.

Azmya was getting impatient to finish the event. She wanted to find Akira and Jun. She also didn't focus on the program until the event was over. She didn't even notice that the two families had agreed that their marriage would not belong. Next month is the right time and the date is the same as the date and month of the anniversary of her Mommy and Daddy.

After all Sena's family came home. Azmya is busy calling Akira to ask her whereabouts.

"Where are you?" Azmya asked worriedly and also curious about Jun's situation.

"I was in a park in the middle of this city with Jun," Akira replied.

"Can I talk to him," said Azmya.

It was heard that Akira asked Jun. Does he want to talk to Azmya on the phone?

Waiting for Jun to answer made Azmya tremble and tense. She was very afraid that Jun would refuse to talk to her.

"Hello." Hearing Jun's voice made Azmya breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hello Jun," Azmya whispered. Her chest was a little tight and she couldn't breathe properly.

"Yeah, sorry I can't attend until your engagement ceremony over," Jun said trying to be strong.

"Jun, I-I, I ...."

"It's okay, don't think about it, I hope you will be happy and smooth until you get married later," said Jun holding back his tears.

"Jun ...." Azmya was speechless. She just cried.

"Oh yes, I thank you for coming to my parents 'grave and taking care of their graves," said Jun, who finally knew that Azmya had been caring for his parents' graves. He found out after meeting Mr. Tito, his homeroom teacher in high school.

Azmya just sobbed unable to speak. She was the one who ordered Jun's parent's grave keeper to clean and care for his grave.

"You don't have to cry, you should be happy to find the right person who can make you happy, not sad and hurt like me," Jun said making Azmya unable to hold back her tears.

"Jun, I'm sorry, sorry if I hurt you too."

"Yes, it's okay. Have a good time!"

And Jun immediately gave the cellphone to Akira.

"Hello, Jun!" Azmya called out.

"He's gone," Akira answered.

"He must be sad," cried Azmya.

"Maybe he wants to be alone, I will also return to Jakarta," said Akira.

Azmya hangs up the phone call and runs. She took the car keys and immediately ran to her car. Shouts and calls of Mommy and Daddy who asked she did not pay attention. She drove her car at high speed. She will follow Jun to the park. She didn't want Jun to leave.


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