Chasing Jun

Azmya drove her car through the city of Bandung. If she heard it right. Akira said they were both in a City Hall Park.

Along the way, Azmya tried to strengthen her heart. She had to meet Jun before she started her new leaf with Sena. She must resolve her feelings and her story with Jun that way everything will be fine after they have cleared all the misunderstandings between the two of them. So that the misunderstanding between them does not become a thorn for them.

Azmya walks along the road trying to find Jun. She almost arrived at the Bandung City Hall Park. But she hasn't found Jun or Akira yet.

Azmya then stopped the car on the side of the sidewalk near the entrance to the park. And get out of her car. Azmya while half running to find and wander in every corner of the garden. Hope that Jun is still not far from the park.

Then a chat message came in. From Akira.

[I immediately returned to Jakarta. Sorry, there is a little trouble with tomorrow's event preparations. I'm in a taxi now. If you want to call Jun I'll give you his cell phone number.]

Azmya immediately contacted the cellphone number given by Akira. Connected but not lifted. Azmya tries to call while continuing to walk looking for Jun. In the park, it was getting quiet but there were still some people who stayed there just enjoying the night breeze in the city of Bandung. 

It's been almost fifteen minutes since Azmya circled the garden, but she didn't find Jun. Azmya returned to her car. She felt sad that she didn't find Jun. The cellphone was called and not picked up.

Azmya also drove the car back home. She looked at the digital clock screen on her car, which showed eleven in the evening. Where did Jun go? Has he also returned to Jakarta or is he staying at one of the hotels here?

The streets are rather quiet. Azmya is still trying to call Jun and hopes that he sees Jun on the street.

Arriving at a deserted road, a jeep-type car appeared pulled over the shoulder of the road. Azmya saw the commotion in front of the car that stopped, there were five people ganging up on one person who could not keep up with their strength. Trying to parry and avoid their punches. Initially, Azmya was about to call the police to report. But she saw that the person who was beaten up was the person she had been looking for. Azmya failed to call and immediately pulled over the car. Then Azmya hurriedly approached them.

"Hey, what are you doing!" shouted Azmya fearlessly.

"Azmya," Jun whispered. Several people are holding their hands. His face was battered. The corners of his lips were already covered in blood.

"You don't want to interfere, if you don't, we can do it for you too!" Exclaimed a man with a scary face. He looks like a market thug.

"I've called the police, they'll come soon too!" Azmya threatened.

"At least she lied," said another.

"You idiots, hurry and catch that girl too!" shouted another person as if he was the leader.

Azmya was alert and watched the movements of those who were approaching her. Azmya took off her high heels and got ready that they would try to touch her.

They didn't know who they were dealing with. The first two people tried to catch Azmya. But Azmya nimbly dodged and with a few effective blows she managed to knock two people down to the ground at once.

Seeing his two colleagues who fell. The two people who were holding Jun couldn't help but stepped in too. But seeing two of his friends earlier, the two realized that Azmya could do martial arts.

"Who are you who dare to gang up on him! What do you want, huh?" shouted Azmya angrily.

"A lot of questions, let's hurry up and wrap her up too!" Said the scary face and tried to catch Azmya. But Azmya had already prepared. She twisted her body then spun around while grabbing the man's hand and kicking his knee until he collapsed. Meanwhile, another person tries to catch Azmya from behind. He managed to grab Azmya's body and locked Azmya's hands. Azmya tried to release the grip. She then bent her body and then with all her strength she knocked her head back against the person's head so that he was in pain and at that time Azmya gave a heavy blow to his ribs. He groaned in pain.

Four people were already lying helplessly on the ground. One person looked scared and reached for his cell phone trying to contact someone.

With unruly breath, because Azmya had gone through a tiring battle she approached Jun who was lying on the road.

Several passing vehicles began to pull over and find out what was going on.

"Jun, Jun ... can you hear me?" exclaimed Azmya panicked seeing Jun lying down but his eyes were still open. Jun nodded weakly. Azmya then tries to wake him up. Slowly Azmya helps Jun to sit up.

"Who are they, why did they make you like this?" Azmya asked while shedding tears. She tried to grab Jun's face, which was bruised, his nose and mouth were bleeding.

"Why are you here?" Jun asked in disbelief that Azmya saved him. AGAIN.

"It doesn't matter, why can you deal with them. Who are they?" Azmya asked.

Some people and vehicles stopped trying to help. Azmya saw that one person managed to escape. While the four people were successfully secured by several people who helped.

"What happen?" asked some of the gentlemen who came.

" They are street robbers, sir," said Azmya.

"Geez, let's hurry up and call the police!" exclaimed one person took the initiative.

"Sir, I asked you to take this friend of mine to the car. I want to take him to the hospital!" asked Azmya for help.

They immediately carried Jun into Azmya's car.

"Sir, I must immediately take him to the hospital, help me those people must be taken by the police."

"Okay, hurry up and take him to the hospital afraid something will happen to your friend!" they replied.

"Thank you, sir," said Azmya, starting to start the car.

"Hey Miss, Miss … Bring the shoes!" someone brought the shoes she took off earlier.

Azmya takes it and thanks to him. Then she drove his car to take Jun to the hospital.

Azmya sees Jun cough and cough making Azmya even more panicked.

"Hang in there, I'll take you to the hospital," said Azmya while still focused on driving. She saw Jun holding his chest while trying to sit up properly.

Jun looked at Azmya who was driving. Then he saw Azmya's dress torn down to her smooth white groin. Making Jun guilty. Azmya must not have realized that her dress was torn and made her thighs slightly exposed and exposed. Jun slowly tried to take off his jacket with great difficulty as his body felt crushed.

"W-what do you want?" Azmya asked seeing Jun moving to open his jacket. She's worried because Jun is hurt.

Jun didn't answer but instead turned his gaze towards the window after covering Azmya's exposed thighs with his coat.

"Ooh," said Azmya, realizing what Jun meant.

"Thanks, Jun."

"I should be grateful. I don't know for the umpteenth time you helped me," said Jun, looking at Azmya who was driving.

"You often help me, and I often hurt you," Jun whispered apologetically.

Azmya was unable to answer. Jun's words were true.

"I'm sorry that all this time has made you suffer and hurt, and thank you for loving me all this time. I hope you can be happy with him," said Jun.

"Just take me to the hotel, no need to go to the hospital, I'm fine," asked Jun.

"But you are injured, we have to check your wounds. I'm afraid there are wounds inside!" exclaimed Azmya.

"I'm fine, really, I'm just a little hurt," Jun replied trying to convince Azmya.

"Who are they, how come they suddenly attack you?" asked Azmya curiously.

"They suddenly stopped me, and tried to take me, I fought. I don't know who they are I don't know. Maybe they were just robbers."

"Did you walk earlier?" Azmya asked.


"From the park to the place earlier?" Asked Azmya.

"Yes, for some reason I was also not aware. I was daydreaming."

"Then I tried to call you, you didn't answer?" Azmya asked irritably.

"You call me, why? Could you look for me?" Jun asked, looking at Azmya in disbelief.

"You didn't answer my question earlier, why didn't you answer my phone?" asked Azmya once again.

"My phone is on silent mode. Why are you calling and looking for me?" Jun asked investigating.

Azmya did not answer immediately. She pretends to focus on driving.

"Stop, put me down in front!" asked Jun, shocking Azmya. Why did Jun ask to be dropped?

"I said stop Azmya!" shouted Jun, making Azmya startled and hurriedly pulled over her car. They are now in the Dago area.

After the car stopped. Jun then was about to open the car door to get off. Azmya hurriedly stopped Jun from getting off.

"Please why do you want to come down?" prevents Azmya from holding Jun's hand. But Jun shook off Azmya's hand roughly.

"I don't want to see you again!" Jun replied firmly.

"Jun, where are you going, I will take you to the hotel you are staying at," said Azmya trying to hold back Jun, who was about to get out of his car.

"No, I can take a taxi from here!" Jun remains adamant about getting off.

"Do you hate me, to the point that you don't want me to take you?" Azmya asked sadly.

"It's not that I hate you."

"So why?"

"I-I, I don't want you to see me pathetic like this again."

Azmya feels that she has made Jun sad. What should she do now?

Then Jun got out of the car, limping. Azmya got out of her car and caught up with Jun. Then block him in front of Jun. Jun saw that Azmya did not cover the exposed part of her body earlier because the coat that had been covering her was left in the car. Jun looked at their left and right. There are not many people passing by. So no one saw it.

"Go back to the car and go home, don't you realize your thighs are visible. I don't want you to be embarrassed," Jun said trying to look another way he didn't want to see Azmya's face. He really missed Azmya's gaze. But he realized Azmya was someone else's fiancé.

"Jun ..." Azmya took a step towards Jun. Jun also took a step back. If only Azmya took another step. He won't be able to take it anymore. All his longing.

"I-I ..." Azmya could not help being sad to see Jun even retreating and it seems he also doesn't want to see her. She didn't want Jun to ignore her like this, so she took a step closer.

Jun realizes that Azmya is approaching him instead. And even Jun knew he could no longer hold it back. When Azmya slowly approached him, Jun pulled Azmya's body and immediately embraced her with all his longing for this.



They also cried and cried their feelings of longing with unstoppable tears.


Far from where Azmya and Jun are. One person who managed to escape was with three people. The two people had slanted eyes and a dragon tattoo appeared on their neck. While one more person was angry at that person.

"You are stupid, to arrest one person is incompetent. All the people caught the event," shouted the man furiously.

"Sorry, boss Jefri. There are beautiful women who can fight. So it failed."

"What did you say?"

"Beautiful women can do karate, boss Jef," the man replied, making the person called Bos Jefri frown.

Jefri, the thug boss who attacked Jun, was a little surprised and he remembered a woman whom he had never forgotten. Ten years ago...