A mysterious boy

A week had gone by since my first performance and I felt better than ever, Andrea and Selene were taking their projects by storm and the next day the restaurant could be inaugurated with the winners, almost every day that mysterious man always went either in a group or with a partner and even though I didn't attend him because he was always at the table where Miki was supposed to wait on him; I found him curious but in part it made me feel that I knew him from somewhere.

That night after closing Andrea talked to everyone about what suits we could wear, although it had the elegance of a restaurant we would wear some beautiful Japanese style waitress suits in black and white, it would be something elegant and the only thing that would differentiate us would be a necklace with a shell in the center with our colors, although it was hard to imagine it as such is something difficult, but knowing who had made them we would be calm; Andrea asked the boys if they wanted to work in the restaurant too but not as guards but waiters, and in turn could live from rented in the cabins.

The boys agreed and said they knew some friends who needed jobs, Andrea cheerfully accepted and asked them to call them and interview them. The boys' real names were Gabriel and Cristian; they had asked to still have their jobs as security guards at the bar, so Andrea could not say no to such a request.

Cristian: Thank you very much Andrea, you really are a sunshine.

Andrea: -flushed- come on, you will make me blush, but I am glad to know that you feel comfortable in this job.

Luz: Well, from tomorrow we will have more work, -suspira- this will be tough, but we will be able to handle it.

Esther: I think we should hire other boys and girls, although in the bar we are more women than men, in the restaurant it should be more balanced, well... that's what I think. -payment-

Selene: you hit the target -winking- in fact, here they will be a little more balanced and so we can have more shifts, we will work but less hours since here we must be awake and ready.

Luz: that means... What should we have for our relief? -a curious look-

Andrea: don't worry about it, for now it will be like that.

Although it sounded complicated to me maybe it was easier than I thought, Andrea would be the administrator, according to Selene we would be assigned tables, that way it would be a little easier to attend to everyone, the 2 friends of the boys were cooks so there wouldn't be so much mess around.

What I didn't count on when I got home and turned on my laptop was messages from old co-workers, for a moment I hesitated to open it and read the mail, so I decided to feed Pecosa and make dinner for us; I knew very well that Pecosa was curious but I didn't know that Esther was also curious since her direct speeches were accurate but some managed to avoid them.

While serving our dinner and Pecosa's, Esther asked if she could read them for me and so I dictated that she answer them, although she insisted that it was not necessary my insistence was in vain, so I agreed to have her read them and tell them about them.

Esther: Who is Marcos, so I read here that he apologizes for what happened and for having accused you of that.

Luz: What do you mean, "that"? I think you'll have to read it to see if I understand.

Esther, a little confused, read me Marcos' letter, then she looked at me and saw every one of my gestures, I listened attentively and partly held back my desire to cry, making me remember Johanna was still painful for me, and she reminded me of what I had done recently with the detective named Carolina, after serving everything I wrote her what I wanted to answer and thank her for it.

Esther: Are you all right, she regretted if I was nosy, I didn't think it was such a delicate thing -sad look-

Seeing her sad amazed me and I could not stand the urge to hug her and while caressing her head like a little girl I promised to tell her about it and what happened, I felt that I should tell it and thus lighten up, Esther was understanding and reliable; So I decided to open up with her and tell her everything.

Luz: I imagine that maybe Wendy copies me for the same reason. -sigh-

After the dinner and my talk with Esther about what happened until the detective, she was sad and apologized to me again, I felt like an older sister consoling her younger sister, after talking to Esther I decided to answer both letters, Marcos apologized for the ugly words and how a detective had forced the boss to tell the truth.

For her part Wendy apologized for not helping me with what happened with Johanna and leaving work suddenly and not contacting anyone; both were unemployed, Marcos quit when he found out the truth and Wendy found it hard to fit into the jobs as it had created a certain phobia.

I invited them to where I was to talk and tell them about the work at the restaurant, so after sending it I decided to watch a comedy series with Esther to make her laugh and forget about the sadness of not long ago. Already the next morning I had 2 messages on my cell phone from Marcos and Wendy saying that they would arrive in a few hours and that they thought it was great about the restaurant, so I decided to copy Andrea and notify her of their arrival.

Around 9:00 am they had arrived, I managed to talk to them calmly and show them the place, I introduced them to Andrea and that same day she interviewed them; I for my part prepared everything with the girls for the winners of the contest and the inauguration of the restaurant area, by 9:30 am everything was ready to open, the boys' friends were here along with Marcos and Wendy who adapted quickly.

Andrea: well... I think it's time to open up and wait, your tables haven't changed, I've already assigned you to the other tables so that they don't clash with yours.

All: great -holding up the hands of victory-

Luz: well, that way it's more comfortable for everyone -relieved-

Selene: it's a way of being organized, I guess if it was done like the others it would be something boring and routine, I feel comfortable that way -she smiles animatedly-

Rosa: yes, it's more comfortable, besides... we're doing sports, this feels great -stretching-

We attended to our clients with calm and we were glad that they invited the family, the children ate ice cream and cakes until no more power and the parents drank some delicious homemade juices. As I was distracted and attended to my respective tables, a somewhat curious Selene told me

Selene: how curious, that man doesn't take his eyes off you.

Luz: eh! -something distracted-

Rosa: That man... Is he the same one from your debut as the mermaid queen?

Esther: Mm... Yes he is, but it intrigues me more how he looks at Luz -she stares at him-

Martha: I don't know about you, but that man smells of mystery -looking at Luz-

They all stared at me and I did not know what to say to them, it is true that man is a mystery, even if I looked at him and thought he did not remind me of who he looked like, it is not that I had a bad memory but that with time without seeing someone you forget some details.

Martha: he is in my area, but I want to try something -she smiles mischievously-

We all see Martha with that face of mystery and her smile of hiding something and we see how she goes to Andrea and tells him something, Andrea seeing me and the boy can only smile and nod to the idea of Martha.

After that, Martha approaches me and tells me that Andrea wants me to take his order; I look at them in amazement and say

Luz: hey, but that's your area. -nervous-

Esther who understands the idea a little gives me a push while encouraging me to go to the man's table with a slight smile. Still nervous, I approached his table and introduced myself to him with cordiality, although on seeing me closer I saw him a little nervous and he asked me for some chocolate alfrajoles with cappuccino coffee from the candy menu.

I went to pick up his order with order and the ones that were already free I watched as he looked at me in a tender way and I did not miss a second; to arrive where he with his order first brought him the cup of cappuccino coffee followed by sugar and cream and finally 3 alfrajoles with chocolate coating.

I noticed how he looked at every detail and told him sweetly that he would enjoy his post and his rich coffee, that if he felt it too cold or too hot he would let me know and I would not hesitate to change it, while I was getting ready to leave his voice caught my attention saying

Mysterious boy: Thank you very much Luz, you are very kind and attentive, you are a great girl. -gentle smile-

Luz: -flushed- thank you very much sir.

As I walked to Esther's, that boy's voice echoed in my mind as if I had heard it before and it only left me pensive for a few good hours. Esther just looked at me and waited patiently for me to come out of my thought bubble and then said that this mysterious boy seemed to be attracted to me.

That made me blush and laugh while I was telling her that this was not possible, maybe it was her idea but I did not feel that way, if it was true that she followed me with her eyes but I did not feel anything bad in it and I found it hard to believe that her eyes were of love and not of curiosity.

I would watch from time to time as he ate and calmly enjoyed his cappuccino with alfrajoles and while I watched him he only made me smile and I had the feeling that I knew him from before.

When he finished calmly he called me to ask for the bill and go pay at the cash desk, I didn't know why but seeing him so calmly made me feel calm and in a calm that I still couldn't explain, so after giving him the bill for the total I saw him smile as he thanked and went to Andrea. While I was cleaning the table Esther came closer and looked at me with a mischievous face and laughed in a flirtatious way; I shook my head making him understand that he won't think of strange things and that it wasn't what he imagined.

Although he returned to his table and only looked at the dancing of the waves and looked at the clock calmly, although I was curious I assumed that he was waiting for someone and wanted to be in the restaurant for a while longer. I had to go back to my table where there were children and of course they wanted to play, so I told the family that there was a field with some hammocks nearby and they could play there.

The children played and enjoyed playing in the sand near the beach and some played in the hammocks for a while before closing the restaurant; the customers loved the restaurant and promised to come back and tell their friends so that it would remain popular.

Because I was so tired at the time, I forgot that boy was still in the restaurant and I decided to sit down and said with an exhausting tone

Luz: I am exhausted, I had years without sharing with children -sigh happily-

Esther: -bringing me a milkshake- here, I really admire you for so much energy for several children.

Luz: Hehe is that I love children. -blushing-

Mysterious boy: fence, I finally see another side of you, you are a mermaid, loving with children, attentive and now... flattered? -smiles mischievously-

Luz: -shocked- *Ouch! mother what a pity* excuse me I didn't know that there were still customers.

Mysterious boy: -laughs- it's ok, I think my partner couldn't make it, anyway thanks for the attention.

I see how he gets up and says goodbye but without first promising to come back followed by the delicious coffee and alfrajoles. That made me blush a little bit even though I didn't know why yet, even though he will ask me many times maybe I still wouldn't have the answer to it.

After several hours in the bar I still wondered what that feeling was, there were things that I still did not understand why, Miki and Luchia swam and danced to the music, Marina and I attended to the customers and were in charge of music and karaoke with the customers, after a few hours Marina looked at me mischievously while she said in a joking and romantic tone that my Prince had arrived; I looked at her curiously and she was turning my head as he had arrived in the company of another man.

I did not know how to react, my heart was beating a little fast and if it had not been for Marina's comment I would not have noticed that she was blushing, I shook my head and tried to explain to her that I was misunderstanding, but that was in vain since she was still with that idea so I could only sigh and ignore that crazy idea.

Andrea calls me in a soft tone and asks me to attend to his table and make them feel at ease.

Dita: Ehh, okay Andrea don't worry.

Destiny: Good girl, besides it makes me think that you and that man get along very well. -winks-

Dita: -flushed- oh my mother, you are misunderstanding it too.

I decided to leave this matter of that boy and I for later, I was sure that everything was a misunderstanding nothing more, so I went to his table and gave him the letter of drinks, I was curious to see his way of looking at the letter and in each one just say "hmm", I looked at him from time to time but without wanting to be abusive, his partner only touched the table with his finger waiting for him to finally decide, but apparently he was a man of short patience.

Man: for God's sake, how hard is it to choose a beer or a wine, man or a mountain climbing brochure, give me here. -something uncomfortable takes away the letter-

Mysterious boy: you still have the same short patience as usual, that you have detective McFly, is there something bothering you? -he looks at him intrigued-

Mc Fly: do you want to stop calling me that, I hate that nickname, do you want me to say yours in front of this girl? -he laughs mockingly-

Mysterious boy: eh?, hey you wouldn't be able to... please don't do that. -try to cover his mouth- you win, order the drinks.

McFly: -he laughs out loud- I've never seen you so nervous, but that was fun, okay I'll order the drinks.

I could only observe and see how the so-called Mc Fly laughed out loud and I had finally seen another gesture from him, his shy and nervous side; he looked in part like a child, while I looked at the man I noticed the reason for that nickname since he had a certain air of that actor, I tried to hold a smile but I had to remain calm.

I took the orders and went with Andrea to help her serve and then stay with her at the bar, while we served the drinks she told me that she would give us good news later and although she gave me a lot of curiosity I agreed to wait to hear her ideas or changes.

That night we had done great and because I was distracted I decided to rest and in an audible tone I commented that I felt exhausted, but a curious voice made me realize that I had said it out loud.

Mysterious boy: oh! I didn't know that sirens also get tired like humans. -he smiles mischievously-

Mysterious boy: don't worry, I promise to keep your secret Dita -having a hand in the form of a goodbye-

After I left my face turned pinker, as I said *what a pity*, after that Andrea put up the closing sign and we served each other dinner, although I couldn't escape the girls' mischief.

Selene: who would say it, Luz, I think you've got your hands on your mermaid shape. -winking an eye-

Luz: come on, cut it out... I think I was just being polite. -discreet looking-

Andrea: Yes, it can be, but... you can't deny that he's attracted to you. -fixed gaze in light-

Esther: Well, yes, it is true that since his arrival he has not stopped observing you, he knows how to keep his distance, but at the same time he knows how to make himself noticed. -takes his chocolate shake-

Martha: do you really like Luz? -astonished-

Luz: girls, I think you are forming a storm in a glass of water, I don't think he sees me that way, for sure it is a misunderstanding. -looking at the group-

Andrea: well, you have a good point there, but I have a feeling that he likes you. -smile-

Esther: Andrea is right, I don't see it as a bad match for you, but both opinions are on par.

Rosa: That's Luz. -make a cheer after having tried a bite of your dinner-

Just as I was about to speak to Esther, she had the crazy idea of saying things about me in front of him and seeing his reaction. When I heard such a crazy plan, all I could do was put my hand to my head and try to make them see reason, but I had forgotten that when something gets into Esther's head, no one can correct it. I could only sigh and say to myself, *They're going to take the boards away, he doesn't see me that way, does he?*.

While we were on our way to the cabin I was thinking about Andrea's idea of having the kids work at the bar too, that partly didn't seem like a bad idea, plus Selene had in mind a staff search night, but I still didn't have any response from the kids or Wendy, no way.

After our exercise and rich breakfast Esther and I went to continue with the photos and cleaning up on the beach and sea, I admit that I had never been so close to a manta ray and although it made me smile I kept my distance, they were not only photos of me in mermaid form and training with my tail, they were also photos of marine flora and fauna.

Esther had gotten the permit for environmental posters with our costumes, Rosa's idea was to use the whole kit, in short scale makeup and use the wigs, although it seemed like a crazy idea but as long as it wasn't eye makeup and toxic to fish I would accept.

Although Esther encouraged me to get my hair dyed or have some highlights done to experience something new in my hair I agreed to think about it, so after our cleanup and photos we organized everything and about the afternoon we went to the bar, to clean up and set everything up for the next few days. When I had everything ready Andrea passed us a message that Esther and I would be in the pool, although I thought it was a bit curious because when this is full it is full.

Esther: don't doubt the power of a mermaid Your Highness, you will see that the three of them with the help of Destiny will be able to do it and well. -showing her thumb up-

Luz: you are right, if they did it before my arrival, more now. -smile-

When the others arrived, Andrea, on seeing me, commented in a mischievous manner that the mystery boy had also gone to the restaurant today and although I was not there, I enjoyed the same menu as yesterday and only looked at the children.

Destiny: I think I was thinking of someone I see right now. -smiles mischievously-

Marina: Eh?, you mean... I was thinking about Dita, my mother, this is a blast.

Dita: Oh for all the marine fish, I still think they misinterpret it. -suspires-

Miki: come on don't be angry, but you can't deny that it's curious.

Luchia: also that day you danced so beautifully, more than one of the clients liked it. -she smiles animatedly-

Miki: oh! I won't miss that mermaid queen dance today. -animate-

Close to the night we had the bar ready, Esther and I would be in the pool, and the others would wait on the tables, we opened up and from there Esther and I left, like the first time that among the fish they surrounded me and I could only smile, Selene on seeing that said in a happy voice "incredible, the fish also like you" I could only deny with my head and see her smile.

Esther in her own way laughed and supported Selene, I decided to ignore that for now and swim close to Andrea and greet the clients that arrived. Selene immediately looked for a nice music and I saw how Esther started to dance.

An hour had not passed and the bar was already full, although all of them were organized and the clients knew how to wait calmly, but something very curious and exciting happened at the same time, thanks to Rosa's scream for a scare she had taken we saw the guys who had helped us in the restaurant and when they saw me they could only scream so much so that almost Wendy fainted.

For some reason that mysterious boy helped Wendy to sit on the chairs and some boys could only admire us, Marco was so amazed that he asked many times if it was me, but he always asked for silence since he could not say my name, between signs I told him that later I would explain.

Andrea helped them to calm down and asked them to enjoy the show, Esther had taken my hands and made me turn around so that I would dance, between games we danced and smiled, Selene seeing how the fish were kept close to me and how I played with them only made her wonder although in her way I did not neglect the customers.

This time the mysterious boy was on the tables in front and he could admire our dance better. Of course, being mermaids we had to be a bit seductive and sensual, but we knew how to do it in an elegant way and not in a provocative way.

Wendy and had reacted and could only admire our dance, Esther who had come up for air points out to Luchia the karaoke and is calm and animated looking for a music and encourage customers to sing and have fun.

She was so focused on the fishes and playing with them that she ignored everyone except Esther with whom she sometimes danced and played with her tail.

After 11:00 pm the clients happily sang the last song with the girls and as a final touch we took our big jump where they could see thanks to the drones. Everyone applauded happily and left calmly singing, I wanted to laugh and had to go up quickly if I didn't swallow water.

The girls helped us out and we decided to dry our tails and talk to the others, to my surprise, as soon as I said "Hello" a scolding stopped me in my tracks.

Mysterious boy: you are crazy, you could have drowned, you should be more aware of that Miss "Lu". -angry-

Dita: -scared by his face- Lu? but nothing happened, he was close to the surface anyway, besides I don't understand why you get angry.

Marina: come on, both of you, calm down. Luckily it didn't happen, maybe I wasn't alone there. -nervous smile-

Marcos: he is right, you should be more careful Lu...

He covered his mouth in dry and whispered that he couldn't say my real name in this area, although the mysterious boy was still angry, but the boys supported him and he had also worried the girls even though they knew he was almost on the surface.

Dita: OK you are right, I was reckless and should have been more careful, but you shouldn't be like that either... Besides, who are you? -looks at it curiously-

Mysterious boy: I think that's the least of it now Dita... Besides, right now I have a curiosity. -stares at me-

Miki: it's funny how the fish are not afraid to stick to you, it's as if they see you as one of them and not as a person disguised as a mermaid.

Esther: the same thing happened the first time in her debut, maybe because she is the queen of the sea. -she smiles and raises her index finger-

My face was a mixture of "that's illogical no matter how you look at it", mild anger and a "whatever you say" as I sighed and listened to what they said, although sometimes it sounded cute like a fairy tale but I felt that beyond that there was no magic or anything like it. Esther, upon seeing my face, knew in part that I was tired and graciously asked to leave it at that for now.

Seeing his gesture and telling me gently that we are going to rest, I smiled at that gesture and understood that he was saying it for me, but someone interrupted my bubble from being in bed and taking a nap.

Mysterious boy: hey Dita, can we talk in private?

Esther: Well... I think there's a bit too much here. -She smiles and cheers me on and goes-

Luz: eh!... Marina...-I see how she goes to the girls and asks them to come out- *that doesn't help me Esther*.

Mysterious boy: -see my curious gesture as the girls leave- listen to me calmly, I'm not going to do anything to you... it's not that I'm a strange man either.

Luz: well... I'll be honest with you, you're not weird but I don't know you at all so we're alone. -looks at him angrily-

Mysterious boy: -he stares at me- why are you on the defensive, do you distrust me or are you hungry and sleepy?.

Luz:-stares at him- *he has hit the target, hey... not that it was the target... does my face really express that?* Ehh! I distrust you, and that makes me so. -I get nervous-

He just laughs and tells me that he is not the cousin we used to be, he asked me why I had left my other job and why I had moved, still distrustful, angry and hungry I was abrupt and told him that it was my business; although in part I apologized in case he had perhaps met my sweet side but I also didn't want him to think I was a girl who told everything to any stranger.

He did not utter a word and listened attentively to my claim, I saw how he stood up from the chair and as he looked around to see me and from there go to the door of the bar and half open it in a sweet tone and with more mystery says

Mysterious boy: oh! another side of you I didn't know, how you get when you spend a lot of time hungry, I'm glad to know that this beautiful mermaid is brave. -smiles in the midst of mocking-

Luz: -flushed- hey, don't make fun of me. -moving my hands- *who do you think you are*.

Mysterious boy: -laughs- even angry you are pretty, goodbye little mermaid Dita... I wait and see you tomorrow, eat well. -while he raises his hand and moves it a little sideways as a sign of goodbye-

Still angry, I would move around while he told me that he liked to make more than one person fall in love, even if it was heavy or rough, I didn't know why sometimes he made me so angry. I decided to ignore what happened a few minutes ago and close the door and go to the dressing room to freshen up a bit. When I opened the door the girls were stuck to the door watching everything, I didn't know whether to laugh or get more angry.

Selene: Uy fence failure of feet has caught us. -nervous smile-

Andrea: -Selene's punch- I told them that spying was bad.

Luz: look who's talking.

Martha: -smile- don't blame us, no one is to blame that they make a nice couple.

Esther: you see Luz, it's true that it was wrong to peel your ear at the door and listen to your talk or war of looks -she smiles mischievously- but I think he's not a bad guy and he's behaved with you... Although he wanted to see your face when he hit the target.

Remembering that made me blush more and I explained to her that even if she was right, I wouldn't give it to him since I didn't know him well, if it is true that I have only known the others for months, but being able to share more with them, I know them a little more than him, we have only spoken a few words.

I did not want to tell them what we had talked about in itself, despite their insistence excluding Esther and Andrea, who respected that it was private but without first telling me that if something happened I would tell them about it.

We arrived at the cabin and I was more than ground up and hungrier, although with Esther I could control my anger, maybe because our routine when we arrived was me saying hello and taking care of my baby and she turning on the TV to continue with the anime or find a new one, I think that's why my anger was going away and I could wait for dinner.

We ate a lot, although it was a light dish, some delicious ham and cheese sandwiches with tomato slices and cold chocolate drink, after eating and while I was listening to Esther's new anime called "full metal panic" I managed to get a few laughs out of me, while after watching Pecosa eat she looked for me to be spoiled and combed.