The identity of the mysterious boy is revealed

A month after the opening of the restaurant the girls were still with the crazy idea that this guy and I had a strong connection, I had really chosen not to say anything else and leave them with their ideas, I for my part decided to continue with the attention of the children in the play areas, for a while I observed that he only looked at me and did not say or do anything.

He always had the habit of staying a little longer to close the restaurant, and I after arranging everything sat down for a cold drink, we still did not use our uniforms as such but beachwear and sportswear, while taking a soda I noticed how Selene happily told us that she had met an old architect friend and had seen the bar and even given some ideas to expand it and keep the pool areas fresh coming to install a new one.

Andrea was a little hesitant about this idea because of the cost and how this extension would be done, but on the other hand she was fine with the fact that we could only be mermaids, so she had to look for more female employees with the title of "mermaid keeper", which seemed a little exaggerated to me.

While I only heard his comments he came closer and asked me if he could sit next to me, as I didn't feel uncomfortable I just felt like eating some ham and cheese cakes accompanied by a soda, while Selene explained her friend's idea I just imagined it and said to me *that looks great*.

Andrea had agreed to meet him and let him explain, we had encouraged her not to worry about the money since we could all pay for it and that for now if that was to help us then we should agree. So for that reason we would work in the bar and from tomorrow we would only be in the restaurant.

After eating and I informed him about the bar, he only looked at me, and I noticed that he had doubts about me and the bar, because he was still uncomfortable about that incident and several others, like watching my training with the girls, asking me where I live, what I liked and things like that; he did not answer because he did not want to but because he felt that it was beyond a curious question.

That's why I had chosen to be more drastic with him and be a little cold, maybe then he would understand that those pressures only made me feel uncomfortable and pressured, while I was still drinking I saw how the girls were asking his opinion.

Andrea: I still have some doubts, it's not that I don't want to broaden it and make you and the clients more comfortable.

Selene: come on, trust me... I will carry out this project myself, trust the team. -raising a finger-

Esther: How do you plan to do it? -happy and anxious look-

Selene: don't eat anxiety, my friend and I are architects and I know that everything will be fine. -smile-

Luz: but... first of all you have to find a place while for the fish.

Rosa: typical of the queen of the sea, concerned about marine fauna. -winked an eye-

Mysterious boy: -smile- that is tender of you Light, but you are right, we must organize ourselves and from there leave the rest to them.

While he was saying that his phone rang and without caring about our slight noise he decided to answer it, because of his voice I could sense that something was wrong with him, as soon as he said a few words he hung up and got up from his chair while he said goodbye to everybody and walked a little fast to the door *for some reason I couldn't avoid asking myself*.

After collecting everything and closing we went to the bar, from there we prepared to attend the bar, but at Andrea's request around a certain time all the sirens had to go into the water, the guys would help in the bar and keep watch, although that seemed heavy to us they insisted so much that we could not say no.

After a few hours of opening, he arrived in the company of Detective Mac Fly, they went closer to the pool where they could see us, I decided to attend his order and when he was going to speak he said

Mysterious boy: fence, you are going to attend to us without anyone asking you or perhaps Destiny asked you before my arrival.

Dita: do not start you want, check the letter calmly and tell me later that you want.

Mac Fly: I can see my eyes, a fight of lovebirds -laughs- who would say, you like this girl called Dita.

Mac Fly: but, now that I detail her well she looks like that girl you told me about once, as her name was... -takes her hand to her forehead and makes a funny grimace- I think her name was Lu...

At that moment the mysterious boy shouts that he wants to drink, while looking at something nervous and bothered the detective for such a comment, I was somewhat surprised by such a detail I could not say many words just a

Dita: eh! Sure... I'll bring you your order. -He looks at it curiously-

While I was going with Destiny, I observed how he, in a low tone, claimed him and raised his hands a little as a sign of "God give me patience", I recognized this gesture because I usually do it a lot.

After receiving the beers I returned to his table and served them calmly, he was still a little uncomfortable and Mr. Mac Fly only laughed mischievously and then raised his palms as a sign of "you win, I won't do anything", after serving them I said

Dita: enjoy your drink, if you need anything else please ask...

But before I could finish the sentence Syoran interrupted me indicating that it was time to go to the water and while I was ginning he said

Syoran: come on, go easy... I know I won't be as excellent as you, but I'll do my best.

Dita: -she smiles happily and calmly- thank you very much Syoran, then I will entrust them to you.

I decided to go to the dressing room and change my clothes, we took the flippers under our arms and decided to place them near the pool and go into the water with them. We could hear many people asking why we had left, and others were just calling us by way of cheers.

After we were able to put on our tails we went into the water and greeted everyone, when I saw how we were all in the water I noticed that the pool itself was a bit small if we were 8 sirens we would be tight, if we could move but I understood Selene's point of view of enlarging the pool so that up to 12 sirens could enter, although I couldn't imagine it but it sounded good.

Destiny left the bar to Wendy for a few minutes and she went to the karaoke, she explained to the clients why we were all at sea and what would happen to the bar, none of them gave any criticism, on the contrary they applauded and said they wanted more beautiful mermaids and would be patient for our return. We were making a sign of victory in our own way and Destiny, as a farewell to the beginning of the end, decided to sing a nice song. We danced and jumped for it and at 12:00 am we took our big jump so we said goodbye to the clients.

From there we went up to the top and laughed while Marina with a slightly broken voice told God for the moment to this beautiful bar, I embraced her by understanding her sadness and gave her encouragement to be happier.

At 12:10 am we were ready to go back to the bar and dry off, but just as we returned I heard the words of Mr. Mac Fly saying

Mac Fly: you can't keep lying to that girl, she has reason to distrust you, not that I blame you, but... Carolina already knows that she took refuge here after you set her free and that you went to her boss to explain that she was unfairly arrested.

Mysterious boy: I know very well Renato, you don't have to tell me something I already know -uncomfortable- but I can't say "hey, you remember me, I was your bodyguard without your consent", you saw his character.

Renato: if -he laughs out loud- he will beat you to a pulp if he finds out you are Ale...

Just when I was about to hear her name Marina called me to let them know that I was close to them and had heard almost everything. I said nothing because I had become mute, it is true that many things were familiar to me but I could not fit them in with me because of the key words to what happened to me. I preferred not to ask for 2 very simple reasons, 1) he was someone similar to me and 2) I couldn't force him to talk to me about it if I also did the same with him, I didn't see it as fair.

Mr. Renato just saw us and seeing that I did not say anything just ended up warning him that she was walking around and looking for that girl and him, because what he did was an insult to her, after saying that I smiled and left, the boy named Ale just looked at his glass and without much encouragement rose and said

Mysterious boy: it was a nice performance Luz, I hope to see them again and from there she went to the door and left.

Dita: ¿Luz?, it is not that you told them the truth. -fixed eyes-

Marina: At this point in the game you realize, I think you're a little slow. -smile-

Dita: I am not slow since the Wendy incident I realized but as you are capable gossips and you missed my real name in front of him, or I am in a mistake. -crossed arms-

Destiny: -astonished- oh mother, don't tell me that happened, fence it, even if he promised to keep your secret but we don't know if he meant that or your way of being.

Miki: -puts his hand to his head- fence in or out, but... I don't think we said your name, did we?.

Dita: -sighing- well, I think we'll leave that for now, as we're closed we must organize everything, I think now we can know the Selene project.

Selene: bingo, I'll explain it over and over again, because if I talk about it as such it will be long and a bit tangled. -clarifies her voice-

Selene: we will expand the bar more both in height and width, our dressing room will be upstairs along with the pool, of course a part of the top will be uncovered to enter the night light, where this covered we will use the lights, the pool still do not know if to make it round or square, the lights will be clear so it will not affect the vision of customers and the floor will be wood, the windows somewhat wider.

Andrea: hey, I don't know about you, but I imagine the room of a mansion, because of the details you give. -concerned-

Selene: that's because we only have the measurements and it's not yet in 3D, but tomorrow you'll be able to see it in a sketch and you'll see that it's not as elegant as you think, it won't completely lose its essence, but it will be something bigger.

Luz: well, worrying is useless, we just have to trust Selene and her friend, we on the other hand must recruit more staff and rehearse. -animate-

Esther: Mmm we should look for the fish tank and put the fish there, I think we can ask for a permit to help preserve some fish that are about to become extinct.

Luz: Hey, are you sure you can do that? the people from the Marine Reserve are strict and I don't know if it's a good idea for them to be in contact with humans, it would be like taking them out of their habitat and routine. -concerned-

Rosa: calm if they are animals that can adapt easily I do not believe that we have problem, it would be to consult him our idea and to see that they think, in addition with the measures of the swimming pool they could be calm. -firm look-

Martha: don't worry, I know that everything will be fine, so tomorrow we will take a schedule to get everything out and leave everything ready for Selene.

Selene: thank you very much Martha, besides Wendy may be a mermaid too.

Rosa: -joins her hands happily- it's true, I must create the costumes of the guards and the princesses and the mermaid queen, it will be a marvel besides decorating the lower edge with our logos; besides the trident and the crowns can go on display, right?.

Andrea: -payment- that wouldn't be a bad idea, besides my shelves will be wider and I think I can manage a space for the princess and queen crowns together with the trident.

After their animated talks on the way to the cabins we said goodbye in a lively way and agreed that tomorrow Esther and I should help Selene's friend in the pool and see the size of the pool. After work Rosa would go to the rescue group and talk to them about the fish, Martha, Andrea and Wendy along with the kids would help get the stuff out of the bar and Selene would look for a storage room while the bar was being enlarged.

After dinner and we both pampered Pecosa we decided to watch a nice ballet in a pool, while we got an idea of what the pool would look like Esther said

Esther: you know, such a view would be good if it was a single pool. -penspensory-

Luz: -still looking- you are thinking that anime of sirens, where the villain had them trapped in columns.

Esther: -laughs- you got me, but it would be great.

Luz: yeah, but you forgot something smart, -I pause and raise my finger- we should move and jump, we couldn't be quiet. I understand your point because we divide the entertainment but... I feel comfortable with all of us together and having fun in a natural way -I look a little sad where it's freckled-

Esther when she saw that my voice was breaking for remembering something sad gave me a slight tingle while she smiled and winked at me, I understood that she wanted to lift my spirits and take away my darkness and while I hugged her she said a warm *thank you*.

Esther was still sleeping and Pecosa next to me barely stretched out as I poke her nose with my arm as a sign of good morning, I cheerfully said good morning and she lifted me up to wash my face and see what I was doing for breakfast, while I dried my hair I looked at it and said "it has really grown a lot" that did not bother me but it would be good to cut it a little.

While I was thinking about it I looked for something to raise my hair and after I cleaned my hands again I made breakfast for Esther and me, Pecosa would drink milk with us and then serve her her favorite croquettes. I didn't need to wake Esther up because the smell of bacon with fried eggs and toast would reach the room, she always drank coffee at a hot temperature, although for me it was boiling, I preferred coffee with milk at a warm temperature and that for her was cold.

We had a quiet breakfast and while I was picking up everything and organizing the dishes to wash them, Esther asked me what I wanted to bring and showed me if it was what I asked for. After washing everything, I served Pecosa's food and helped Esther finish arranging everything, while we were almost leaving the cabin I told her

Luz: I think I will cut my hair -looking at the length of my hair-

Esther: And will you want to paint it? -the curious look-

Luz: I don't know, but I'll cut it if I want to.

Esther: Okay, then at night we'll look at it calmly.

Luz: Yes, it's a good idea -smile happily-

We arrived at Selene's and there she introduced us to her friend Pablo, he was a nice and handsome boy, Pablo had followed in his grandfather's footsteps of being a great architect, where beyond the luxuries he just wanted to make his clients feel good, he was taller than me so I was still a dwarf, even though Wendy was a little shorter than me, she had toasted blond hair and deep black eyes, her skin tone was the same as Wendy's a nice creamy tan.

Pablo was Italian by birth although after his adolescence he came to live in Spain, after introducing us he gave us a sketch of the pool, it would be oval and wide for 12 people, it would be the height of the other, so there we would not have any problem, Selene decided to go a few minutes to Andrea to help in the restaurant, Pablo should take pictures and record them to be sure of these measures, was accompanied by two other boys named Juan and Julian were brothers they loved the project of Pablo.

They were both light brown-eyed and white-skinned, we got on Esther's yacht and showed them our practice spot, between the brothers they settled down and decided to go in but we had to stop them.

Esther: wait, don't go in yet.

Juan: -he looks at her in a confused way- Why not, hey we won't do anything bad there we will only put that.

Julian who had taken out a plastic oval with the exact measurement that Paul had said for that test, we did not want them to enter before us because of a promise we had made to the sea, but... If we said that it would sound silly and it was a "mermaid" secret so to speak.

Luz: -look at Esther and give her an eye as a sign of calm- is that the truth would like them to see our movements first without the measurements and from there we help them to accommodate the measure.

Pablo: -he clicks his fingers- that is an excellent idea, besides... I brought the camera for that too. Well, then we'll do like this, we'll do it on your signal.

Esther smiles more calmly knowing that I had managed to convince them in my way, so we looked for everything and changed. Esther helped me with the tail and then with hers, the boys helped us get into the water, but we decided to do it our way and we jumped when they had us hugging from the waist.

While one of them got angry, the other one was only surprised to see such a risk on our part, but to cheer them up we had taken the impulse and made a nice jump, they just laughed and applauded, the sun as if it was congratulating us got a little brighter and the kids decided to take pictures and record our dance and jumps.

Luz: -laughs- I think they can go down now and if they want they can record from the sea.

Esther: the water is divine, I will help you.

I could only laugh at Esther's comment, because it sounded so merry, and that made me happy. The children lowered the measure made with soda recycling until it formed an oval, from there we arranged it and the children saw how two dolphins approached us to play.

Pablo: -shocked- mamma mia, they really look like real mermaids.

Julian signals his brother to take pictures while he records us playing with the dolphins in such a natural and jovial way. Julian recorded me playing with the dolphins while we talked in circles and as some fish joined our dance, then Esther took turns downstairs with the dolphins and I took turns upstairs with the pirouettes with other dolphins. Pablo and Juan who from time to time saw his face expressed an emotion of joy, with fantasy and victory for recording something so incredible.

Our dance lasted for a long time where many fish and other dolphins joined the dance, then we danced together and the dolphins jumped and pirouetted until Pablo made a bird-like whistle, that's when we said goodbye to the dolphins and boarded the yacht still in our mermaid form.

Esther: That was amazing Luz.

Luz: -she smiled happily while I still say goodbye with my hand- it was really great, today we were lucky with those beautiful dolphins.

Pablo: incredible, Selene was right about what she had told me, really Andrea has an excellent eye, I can't describe how she felt seconds ago... it was a mixture of dream with magic and joy.

Luz: -I stare at him while he smiled- you don't need to describe it, enjoy that emotion and mixture of feelings , just seeing their faces for me is rewarding to know that they felt like in a dream, I would feel the same if I saw a Pegasus.

He covered my mouth when he said that since he was telling a great dream to someone I barely know and I didn't know if I had done well in saying it or not, the kids applauded us happily and even more so knowing that the test of the oval had gone wonderfully, although I couldn't deny feeling more animated and happy.

After we changed, Esther told me that Rosa wanted to make us some mermaid costumes, but I didn't really know what to say, but what I did know was that later we would all see those photos and video of the two of us; although we planned to film all of us as mermaids one day and leave it for the reopening, Pablo and the kids had loved that idea since it could be a picnic day.

After eating some sandwiches made by the kids and orange juice, we watched the sea and while I asked for the simple camera for some shots of landscapes and marine animals that I could see nearby, after a long time we went back to the sea with the kids and they helped us to see if there were any animals with problems, I was more risky and got a little closer to the corals and could touch the sea turtles for a while.

With the sharks we were attentive since those that were close to the corals and depending on our smells or proximity are more aggressive, although we used the music to calm them down so we could do our rounds calmly.

We stayed until 3:00 pm with several shots of landscape and marine animals, we decided to return to the restaurant already closed and to listen between Pablo and the boys to the new inspirations and extensions, I by my side helped Rosa with the gala suits of sirens and clothes of the restaurant. The colors were an excellent mix of dark and light colors, with several layers and not very loud tones.

After that we went back to Selene and the group and from there we saw a sketch of how the structures would be, how I wanted our pool to be, for some curious reason I redrew that sketch and looked for the colors and painted it in a way that I felt I could see it as it was.

The girls who saw me so absorbed in other things, their curiosity got the better of them and just when I was finished they had taken my little work of art and made me run around for that drawing. While I was running from one side to the other I had not noticed that he had arrived and through several movements this sheet came to his hands and in a curious tone he says.

Mysterious boy: incredible, who made this work of art, it's really very beautiful.

Andrea: -approaches him calmly and watches- oh! so it was with this that you were distracted, not bad.

Luz: ehhh! how did it get there, but... I haven't finished it yet -trying to reach the leaf-

Mysterious boy: -laughs- Hehe dwarf, you will never reach him.

Esther: -takes the leaf and shows it- I really see it great, you support my idea.

Luz: -nervous- I see it horrible.

Selene: -just kidding, I really see him as cute.

The kids: unbelievable.

Pablo: can I see it for a minute, I would like to be inspired by your drawing, also... how did you draw it just like I did? -He looks at it curiously.

Selene passed the drawing to her and observed what she does and what she says. She was partly right that my drawing was missing something and that was the shadows, but they praised the colors I had used and how it gave them light and depth even without the shadows, the colors were nice and even though they were dark colors they gave enlargement.

You could say that already painted they could see the details of enlargement or the narrow part, I together with Esther decided to prepare a rich meal and to serve it to all, together with some drinks of grape juice, and for other soda, pasta with meatballs with bechamel sauce and a little bit of parmesan cheese, for dessert a rich cake three milks and had left preparing coffee for all.

After eating a delicious lunch, dessert and drink we decided to go home, I was able to pamper Pecosa for a while longer, she was happy for our arrival, I pampered her and spoiled her until she was exhausted, I watched a movie with Esther which was recommended to us by Andrea herself called "the devil wears fashion"; While I listened to her I copied some poems for a new blog I had in mind.

When I finished the poem I watched it carefully and while we left some delicious Arepas with mayonnaise, tomato, ham and cheese and we commented on the movie and then on the project that Pablo wanted to do.

The morning was great because before work we tried some new cakes that Rosa had in mind, then we ordered everything and arranged the tables calmly while the other girls arrived, Andrea arrived in company and while saying good morning he sat at his favorite table and waited calmly.

Seeing him so pensive worried me in some way, but I knew why, I decided to serve him a cold cake that I had made with the girls and give him his usual coffee, the girls looked at me curiously and I only decided to raise a finger in sign of "wait for me a minute", Esther who understood my signs only nodded and continued talking with the others.

When I was near his table he greeted me without much encouragement and did not say anything about his usual behavior, so I decided to talk to him a little and while watching the cake I said

Luz: We made this cake a few hours ago, since I saw some recipes for various cakes and I liked this one that I saw something quick to make. -he looks at it curiously-

Mysterious boy: ...thanks Luz, it's a very nice detail from you. -concerned tone-

Luz: -I decided to sit at his table and stare at him- I am not a curious girl, but your voice and your gesture worries me, can I know what happened?.

Mysterious boy: -stares at her- I don't know if I should tell you... Maybe I would only get you into trouble.

Luz: -raising her hand a little- I promise you that nothing will come out of my mouth.

Mysterious boy: -smiles at the sight of his animated gesture- ...okay I'll tell you, a few months ago I had a very strict job and of several cases, I loved my job but... one day something very horrible and cruel happened to a girl.

As I was drinking your coffee and pausing to continue, we felt the door of the restaurant open where two people had entered, just as he was about to speak a woman's voice left us all speechless.

Woman: So you were hiding here, you really are a coward. -she looks at him in anger and then at me-

Renato: -follows her- come on woman, you should leave bitter things behind.

Woman: You think I can't denounce you for what you've done Alejandro, and now, as far as I can see, I can kill two birds with one stone.

Luz: Alejandro? -I looked at the woman in a frightened voice and said in a trembling voice- Carolina?.

Esther, upon hearing that name, came to me and put her hand on her shoulder as a sign of support, I could not deny that I felt somewhat calm, but I felt like a frightened cat.

Carolina: fence... I see that the thief has recognized me, so here you hide. -she looks at me more angrily-

Alejandro: -angry- that's enough Carolina, she is not a thief, you know perfectly well that this case has been cleared up and the culprits have been found, why do you have any idea about her?.

Carolina: oh I see, so you let yourself be fooled by this girl and now you protect her with your sword and cloak. -she hits the table-

Andrea: -he approaches calmly- I understand that they want to resolve past and personal issues, but he did not accept that they destroy the restaurant.

Carolina: -she points out to me with her finger- she knew that she has a thief as an employee, she stole from her last job and to tell the truth she is one of the five best in the field of economy.

Andrea: she is not a thief and I know it very well, her ex-boss told me what happened and gave excellent recommendations about her. -she says all that with pride while she sees me and smiles-

Luz: so you are that boy who freed me and sought such evidence? -I look at you in amazement but calmly- the last time before I left I wrote a letter to you and asked that it be sent, in that letter I thanked you for everything and told you that I would start a new life.

This amazed by what he had said denies me of such letter but then Renato tells us that he took such letter and decided to look for me to verify such information and then bring it to him to see that I was really well. I was amazed and happy to know that everything had happened thanks to Mac Fly but as a detective it was logical that he would locate me quickly.

Mac Fly: -while he looks at Carolina he takes a finger to her beard- How did you know where this lady was?.

Carolina laughs as if she had told a joke and comments that she sent for Alejandro to be located and followed him; that is to say, while he was watching me in turn he was being watched, while raising an ironic eyebrow I could only remain silent and then rising from the chair I excused myself and decided to continue with the work of the Restaurant.

Carolina could not even joke for two beautiful reasons, the first is because she was not at her desk and secondly because she was at my work and did not have to give me orders; I could notice after opening and attending to Mac Fly clients, Alejandro and she "talking" in looks that could kill someone, Andrea worried in part decided that she will not work much and will rest in our area so that she can think with calm and breathe pure air.

So that's what I did, but before I went to get some fresh air I prepared the candy with the decorations and from there when I left them ready to just serve I went to our rest and lay down for a while in the hammock and let the sea breeze cradle me and let it take away those discomforts of earlier times; after a while I felt like swimming and stressing out for a long time.

Since I was so taken by the sea breeze and the smell of the sea, I completely forgot about the time until I felt Esther's voice as she came in and told me in detail what had happened with Carolina and Alejandro's defensive attitude; this made me feel flushed and relieved because she had already been warned that since she was not guilty there could be no accusations or misunderstandings.

What left me worried was that she would leave just like that, making me feel strange like that well-known saying "the calm before the storm" although to be honest she was not a storm but a hurricane. I knew beforehand that things would get ugly but I had to be careful with her.