The Omen of the Sirens

After all that commotion hours ago between Andrea and Esther they gave the idea of a general break, inviting all the kids including Pablo, they knew that this would calm me down since at this moment I was so distracted in my world that I could hit a rock by not being attentive.

Although Pablo and his team missed Selene's idea to cover for me, which she said had been a tense day and we all needed a break and since he still had to see things from the pool I could help him and get more ideas, plus there would be all the mermaids in the sea.

That seemed like an excellent idea to him and without asking for more details or explanations he accepted without much insistence; that's what we did, we went to our cabins and looked for everything, I was still out of it so Esther must have helped me a little, but my body felt strange and in her whisper I said to Esther *I have a bad feeling*, she just hugged me and then she said

Esther: I feel that way too, I also have a bad feeling -she notices that I get more depressed and decides to use her animated tone- I knew that you were our queen when I saw you, rather than how you connect with the elements.

Luz: -I blush a little because of her comment and she smiled- come on, we already started with the queen of the sea thing -she sighs- I still feel that it's a lot of responsibility for me.

Esther: -lively- at last you are smiling, woman, come on, move that black cloud away, besides you are not alone... here we are.

Hearing those words made me a little happy and seeing Esther's gesture so animated and firm made me feel warm and while I smiled I could only say thank you, I was grateful to have some friends who were not only understanding but who would be there when I needed them.

The girls went to look for us with the boys and I did not know how to feel when I saw them animated and trying to make me laugh with their quips and that made me be calm, I understood that I was not alone and I could trust them; what I had not noticed were some of the looks of Selene and Pablo, I did not know if it was for mischief or they felt something for each other.

When I got to the dock where the yachts were, I waved to the girls because I had seen something funny, so I went with Esther and Selene in a hurry and behind us the rest of the girls, although I just wanted to see what those guys were doing very close to a turtle, my protective side did not hold out much. So I sneaked up to them and listened to their plans, it turned out that there were several turtles laying their eggs in the sand and there was one that was about to be finished; their idea was to open up where the eggs were and take them out, I didn't give them time to find out why since my uncomfortable face was so evident.

In a brusque tone I asked them what they were doing, I didn't care if it was 3 vs 1, but their plan seemed twisted and when they saw my face they were a little scared, one of them recognized me, the other just saw my angry gesture was scared but the last one wasn't even intimidated and tried to make me feel bad.

What that boy and I didn't count on was that Alejandro was close by because he liked to think calmly while looking at the sea.

Alejandro: What are you going to do to him? just listening to you makes my blood boil.

Luz: -Drowned a scary cry with my hand as I turned around-

As soon as the boy turned to run he met up with the rest of the group and instead of calming down an angry Alejandro they gave him more ideas, one of which was to help us clean up the sea. Clearly he did and said it was not a nice thing to do, but to help us I don't know if it was a good idea, but Alejandro wanted to see him suffer and Pablo was uncomfortable with the way he treated the turtles.

We decided to let the men understand each other because we were worried about the turtles, as the mermaid queen I decided to use that role and give the order to go see the turtles and look for more crooks, they did not hesitate to say

Selene (Albedo): If there are any of you bothering, you will meet a very angry mermaid queen. -She crosses her arms and then nods at my command.

Esther (Marina): as you order Dita, let's dispense girls. -understood what she had in mind and decided to use her mermaid name- I Marina will not let a torture suffer.

Selene could only smile while the other animated ones said their huge *yes*, my idea was not only to use our power of sirens but to give a lesson to the boys, Pablo on his side could only laugh and in a tone between serious and animated he said

Pablo: boy are you in big trouble, you made the Queen of the Sea and her princesses angry -squeezing his shirt-

Boy 1: I know my rights and they can't touch me, besides... I can sue them -nervous voice-

Alejandro: Really, what a mess, what are we going to tell the police now, -takes his badge out of his pocket and shows it to the boy- I had forgotten, I am a detective and I think that is worse.

Syoran: You're in big trouble, kid. -laughs mockingly-

Kurogane: our Queen is a tremendous scoundrel, her partner is none other than a cop.

Boy 2: -his nerves were making him gag- Car-Car-Carlos... Call your-your parents, they have -some long pause- power.

Boy 3: my old lady is going to kill me, why the fuck did I follow you?, the old lady will call me "asshole" and rightly so.

The kids were only enjoying that scene while I managed to hear everything a few steps away, I decided to leave them and see how it all ended. I ran a little bit angry to the turtles and checked them over, I knew that touching them now would only make them uncomfortable and that was what I wanted the least, although my bad skills were stronger and I decided to talk to them and let them know that I was not going to hurt them but to take care of them from all danger.

I decided to talk to them and let them know that I was not going to hurt them, but to take care of them. Some of them were about to return to the sea, so I hurried to check them and told them what I wanted to do and why I did it.

I got to the girls and they explained to me more calmly that the ones on their side were fine and in good condition, after walking to look for the rest we could finish the inspection, but Andrea called to have them patrol the place later but Selene did not agree at all since the turtles had laid their eggs and if instead of helping they got worse. There she was right, I marked the places where the turtles' eggs were, but no matter how careful I was, there could be a risk.

We decided to go back to the kids while we thought of something; by going back to the kids they agreed that they would help them and with it an idea that I had thought of before and accepted without hesitation.

Pablo put them on Marina's yacht and said that they would help if or when, I liked that and we all accepted that plan but on the condition that we did not want them in the sea. The boys knew we were still angry, I did not hesitate much and I changed my clothes to go into the sea, I decided to go to the other side of the yacht and there to jump into the water, after going next to them, they understood why I had come out on the other side, still angry but calm I said

Dita: I will check the surroundings, I want to make sure everything is okay, no one goes into the sea until I say so. -I look at the three boys angrily-

Alejandro: wait... What do you mean, by yourself and if there are sharks, let me go with you -taking off your shoes-

Dita: -I look at him angry- No.

The kids were a little pressed, it was the first time they had seen me so angry and I didn't blame them, but the truth was that I hadn't lost that feeling and I wanted to be attentive to the smallest detail.

I ignored the boys and I took another jump showing my fin to those 3 rascals, from there I swam fast and I saw the dolphins I went up a little bit with them and I talked to them again, so they stayed my side in the tour until I was safe and I returned with them to the yacht, I took another jump and this time I was smiling, I saw the girls already with fins ready to jump and when I saw how the 3 dolphins jumped they all jumped into the sea. Amazed, the three boys said in unison

The 3 rascals: what a bunch of mermaids.

Pablo: don't look too much at Albedo. -he looks at them angrily-

Alejandro: if the queen is beautiful, but I don't want them to see her much either.

All the boys: Do you like the queen of the sea? -they stare at him-

Alejandro: -something flushed- eh!, as you think... well it's not that I deny she's pretty.

Kurogane: aja yes, is it hard for you to admit it? Eh.

Syoran: -he laughs a little but then he gets serious when he sees where the girls are- leave that for now, what is that?

Everyone looks at where Syoran indicates and sees a motor boat cornering the girls, because they were distracted they did not feel the motor of said boat and since its direction was the girls in the shape of a mermaid; although Alejandro wanted to jump Syoran and Kurogane were more than ready and gave the impression that they would go, the boys' swim was fast and they observed how the dolphins in their own way wanted to knock down 2 men who did not have good intentions.

When we saw the boat, I gave the order to the girls to return to the yacht, but we did not expect them to go around in a circle, I did not worry about Marina and Miki they always went deeper and could come out of it peacefully, my concern was Albedo and Luchia.

Marina met the boys and told them what she had seen before she escaped. It turns out that the men were armed and beyond caring about ourselves, we were worried about the dolphins because they would take their chances. While they were talking they were watching us and coming as they were pointing at us, we didn't count on a fourth dolphin jumping so it wouldn't shoot us, but my feeling was still there, so without thinking twice I jumped and covered the dolphin, I didn't mind showing my mermaid tail to strangers. They all screamed when they saw how this shot to my fin

Miki: Ditaaaaa -shouting-

Marina: there is no, Luz. -shouting loudly-

Albedo: -she shout-

Luchia: Dita. -she gets scared-

For some reason the dolphins swam quickly to where we were, without realizing it was already 8 dolphins, the sound had alerted more than one and a Pablo and Alejandro hearing the screams moved the yacht, while Alejandro used his power as a police detective, Destiny called the maritime police and explained what had happened so they could come, after hanging up I called a marine rescue group since the bullet had grazed both of us, as I could move the dolphin and I continued to care for it, although I knew that the smell would attract sharks, no matter what I shouted

Dita: let's go mermaids all to the mainland, the sharks are close. -I look at it and I give it an eye-

Albedo: No, I'm not going to leave you alone.

Dita: That's an order, come on Albedo, you must go quickly.

Albedo knew he was lying about something, and he knew I would look for a quick and, if possible, risky solution, but I would not let them hurt another sea animal, let alone stand idly by. I trusted him even though I didn't know him well, I trusted Alejandro and I knew he would solve this. The girls listened and went to the yacht, Syoran and Kurogane took care of them, but Kurogane was attentive to me since he knew that I was partly like him.

Although the girls went upstairs, they changed quickly and were getting ready to go back in, but they had to slow down when they saw something incredible. They didn't know what to do, but when they saw the silhouette of a shark on a nearby side of their boat, still angry I didn't know how but I had a feeling that there really was a shark, seeing the dolphins around me left me alert. The movements of the shark were slow.

Pablo didn't know what to do, he distracted the shark and quickly, since the dolphin's life and mine depended on a thread or in this case on a "fang", the men ignored the shark since they were confident that it would soon attack me, but in itself it still didn't attack anyone, I was curious so to speak, I decided to go down a little and try to see the shark, I could see its enormous size and since it made a semi-circle without yet being close to us, the dolphins still didn't move since they waited to see what the shark was doing.

Even though we were close to the coral reefs, this did not prevent him from entering and eating us, but his attitude itself was more curious to me. Luckily for us the rescue team arrived, although when they saw the shark they were also astonished, they moved with discretion and when they saw me inside the dolphin circle they could only smile and I helped them carry the injured dolphin, at a glance they noticed that it was not serious and in 4 days it would recover, although they were worried about me, with the help of the dolphins that carried me they saw that it grazed my right foot but it was not serious.

They didn't know if I was lucky since I hadn't touched any veins, but there was a problem, a wound at sea was not the cure, since it could make it worse; I just smiled and asked them to take care of the dolphin since I cared more about him than my own wound, the shark was still near the boat and from there it didn't move and the rescue boy in a soft tone said

Rescue boy: I don't know if you're a very lucky woman or if that shark sees you as one of them, but I think you have some queen of the sea magic. -smiles happily-

Dita: Hey, how do you know that? -confused-

Rescue boy: -laughs- it is a secret for today majesty, I will take the dolphin, he must return to the mainland.

I told him that if he nodded and pointed to the dolphins, while watching the rescue boy leave, they decided to wait not only to see me arrive safely but because all of this was very curious. I submerged and as I could swim to the yacht, but my movement was so slow that it made me stay behind, between 2 dolphins they helped me and moved a little fast, when I raised my head to the surface I could only thank them, thanks to them we arrived fast and a scared Alejandro jumped in to help me get into the yacht.

I still thanked the dolphins and asked them to leave, Esther ran to where we were with the first aid kit and he quickly bandaged me up to stop the bleeding, the shark was still close to the boat, I saw them shoot the shark but without success, After a few seconds the marine police arrived in their boat and the men started the engine and left, a police boat went to us and saw my injury, for life's sake they were two clients of mine and seeing how the shark did not attack me was something to be amazed at, for some reason the shark also followed the men in the boat.

We couldn't do the cleaning but seeing that everyone was fine was something that calmed me down, although the feeling decreased but I missed all of us since it was the first time something like this had happened to us. Alejandro could only hug me and in a whisper he said

Alejandro: you had me very scared, don't scare me again like that light. -hugs me tight-

Luz: -hugs him- excuse me, I didn't want to scare you, but as you can see it was just a graze and the dolphin's was the same, the other dolphins weren't hurt, so the bullet didn't hurt any marine being seriously.

Alejandro: Is that typical of you? -he lets go of his hug-

Luz: -she stares at him and nods- Hehe... in fact it is, I know you will scold me but... I can't just worry about me.

Alejandro: I think that's why you're the Queen of the Sea. -smile-

After all the fright and seeing that I'm fine, the rescue workers left and the police still, although they promised to patrol the surroundings, the kids still thought that it was a punishment to give the 3 rascals, since our other part of the plan we set it in motion, Andrea and Selene were waiting for us while a group looked for the necessary things and took everything for a big picnic, the kids went to the market and looked for a grill, after returning the other group went to get their things.

I took my cat daughter and the present one, everyone was fond of her, but she let herself be spoiled more by Syoran and Kurogane, the boys set up the tents and left lights where the eggs were, they had bought a torch and we told the police about our plan, they thought it was a good idea, it was close to night and I had to go with Alejandro to the hospital for a quick check-up of my foot.

The doctor congratulated Alejandro on the first aid he applied to my foot, so much so that the pain had greatly diminished, and he also gave me some painkillers, since the wound was not large, no stitches were needed.

From there we returned to the picnic and watched the sea, I could walk but with some calm, I was forbidden to touch the sea for a few days, which made me sad but I agreed to that request, partly the boys joked that I looked like the Little Mermaid because of my gesture.

While I saw the sea Andrea went to where I was and while she passed me some tasty sandwiches and some skewers she said in a soft tone

Andrea: that shark saved your life, beyond its fear of the dolphins, it went to protect you... it really seems that the sea loves you.

Luz: Why do you say that? -I look at it curiously for a while and then I see the sea-

Andrea: I don't know myself, maybe Destiny who is a fortune teller knows but she doesn't want to tell me, but in the same way I thank God because I send a few helps for you and that dolphin.

Luz: I understand you very well, a part of me is sad for being a little far away and close to the sea, but another part is partly afraid, I was still amazed about the shark.

The girls who were close and unable to stand heard my words, they could only hug me and give me warm smiles. I know I should not be afraid because I was not alone, but fear is normal in humans and it is inevitable not to have them.

The girls had researched what a possible shark was, for its size it could be a tiger or a young white, while looking at the photos I read an old report from 2013 where they demanded shark fishing because they helped in the corals, because they kept the balance.

Even though we were near the coral we did not see them, but the report left us wondering and we agreed to investigate further; Esther, seeing how it distracted me, said

Esther: if the sea sees you like this it will be sad anyway, in the same way I don't know whether to call the shark a "miracle", because everyone behaves differently.

Marta: -looking at Esther- Well, but in the same way there were no tragedies, be it myth or truth that scares the dolphins.

Rosa: I know you want to keep the magic Marta, but now we must be realistic, if it is true about the article we must help them.

Luchia: it's not only our job, it's also our duty as mermaids. -she laughs a little-

Luz: beyond that, the human being has destroyed much of his world, I don't know if he would act the same in being hostile to someone I don't know and damages my world. -look a little sad-

Without realizing it, the boys had been worried about us, a slight hug from Alejandro had made me react, when I saw him I smiled and said

Luz: ok I admit it, I think I would watch them, how they are, how they act, and from there I would decide -look at them- I think if we can do something, since they are partly like cats and dogs.

Everyone looks at the light and asks them to explain

Luz: you will see I compare them because they have no voice and their way of expressing themselves is very different from ours, it is still true that we can teach them sign language like the gorillas and chimpanzees, but we are still their spokesmen.

Esther: -penspensory- you are saying that... Let's be their voice, it won't be an easy task but you have given me an idea.

The boys had understood my plan and we had agreed to make some slight changes to our fins, we would have 2 mermaid fins, ours as a princess and as a protector of the marine kingdom. We would ask for a list of marine animals in danger of extinction and pink would design the fins, we had to copy a little of the One Piece anime.

After Esther copied that idea and saved some images in her cell phone, she took out her camera and decided to capture the night camp, the police went to see us from time to time and watched the sea, we had everything at hand just in case and Esther had left the yacht in sight in case we had to make a chase, with Alejandro as a detective that action was valid for us, but we couldn't abuse it either.

To the surprise of all the 3 rascals of the afternoon they had gone to the beach while I, accompanied by Andrea, looked at the places where the turtles had laid their eggs. Thanks to Andrea I had warned her friends so that on the day of the departure of those beautiful turtles they would help her; when I returned to the boys and saw the 3 rascals I could only ask myself "What are they doing here"?.

Listening to them talk to Pablo and Alejandro made me curious; so I went to the girls and in a gesture of sign I asked the "Why", the answer from all of them at the same time of a "I don't know" made me laugh; but we decided to leave those to the boys.