The calm before the storm

The days had passed, and thanks to Esther's photos of our nighttime picnic some decided to help us and stand guard, the police agreed but with a signed and sealed permit, along with a clear punishment this one.

Although we were somewhat calm because some of them knew about it and would take care of the turtles' eggs, the 3 rascals as I say, spent their time with Pablo and Alejandro wanting to learn about their careers, I did not know why but it seemed that they really wanted to change their lives for the better and although I still had my distance from them, I could only watch.

Alejandro had managed to attract my cold side and sometimes we would walk around for something to eat or go to the stores, Esther always told me "that boy is right for you" it is true that since the boat incident I had let him hug me, even without anything.

I could not deny that he knew how to be patient, although sometimes I had to give him his "stop" because he was a little too affectionate, but I loved being with him and enjoying the ride, for my luck I could already swim and that was the best news of that afternoon after the ride with him.

To celebrate my "return to the sea" we went for some delicious ice creams, mine was vanilla and mint and his was chocolate and strawberry, although I wanted to try mine I could only laugh and say in a naughty way a *no* which made him laugh and after finishing the ice cream we went to the bookstore, and after shopping he escorted me home and in a sweet gesture said

Alejandro: Majesty -he bows a little- we have arrived at your castle.

Luz: -she laughs- you are very funny but it is worth -following the game- thanks knight, I thank you for your service, your company was pleasant for me.

We laughed heartily at my quips, then he came over to me and as he mussed up my hair a little he bent over to kiss me, I was partly embarrassed although I couldn't deny that I was nervous, as well as when our lips were about to touch his phone had rang.

As soon as I entered the house and saw Rosa with Esther and 2 other people I did not know, I said hello to everyone and when I was about to go to the kitchen to get something to drink Esther followed me and told me that the dolphin had recently been released, that had made me happy and calm since it was only a scratch.

I explained to myself who those two people were and what they were doing here. When I saw the coffee made, I looked for the cups to serve Rosa and the two girls, and when I went with the coffee I introduced myself and Rosa, to be creative, introduced me as the main star of the bar, although I had not said who I was in and that made me laugh.

The girls were from the marine shelter and they came in part to ask us questions, like why were we there, what were we doing? And who were those armed men, Esther told them and showed them the marine photos; hiding ours like mermaids, then a video of the dolphins and their play with them.

I explained to myself who those two people were and what they were doing here. When I saw the coffee made, I looked for the cups to serve Rosa and the two girls, and when I went with the coffee I introduced myself and Rosa, to be creative, introduced me as the main star of the bar, although I had not said who I was in and that made me laugh.

The girls were from the marine shelter and they came in part to ask us questions, like why were we there, what were we doing? And who were those armed men, Esther told them and showed them the marine photos; hiding ours like mermaids, then a video of the dolphins and their play with them.

I explained to the girls that apart from working at sea we were doing social work on sea and sand, along with diving and photos of the marine world to raise awareness. Both Amelia and Guadalupe were fascinated to learn about this work.

Afterwards they explained that they had followed the boat and near another dock a woman was waiting for them, but even though they gave their description they commented that she seemed to be wearing a wig. When Esther wanted to ask why Amelia had already beaten her to it, she made us laugh.

After saying goodbye, Rosa showed me a new design and wanted me to use it to see how it looked. When Esther saw it she couldn't help but say "let's go to the sea".

We saved everything and told the group, we wanted everyone's opinion and to see what was missing, this time we would not go to the coral but closer to the shore.

For some curious reason Alejandro took the three boys from the other day, I nicknamed them "the three rascals" as their names were Carlos, Mateo and Julio; I still did not approve of them completely but clearly I cannot deny that they have fixed their behavior a bit since that day, they did social work and have been more applied in the university since Syoran has helped him.

When we arrived at the beach Selene and Pablo were waiting for us with a delicious snack, Esther had bought a Dron, where she had a camera for the 3 angles, also a reflective Dron for the doubts, but since it was a good sun we did not think that it would be needed, by Rosa's suggestion I had to wet my legs well so that the suit would fit perfectly, when I saw her wearing her black color stood out a lot and it was longer than that of a white shark, I understood that it was in memory of the great Megalodon.

I placed all the pieces, in the part near the waist is his fin, it was something big but flexible, his fabric seemed between silk with stretch was very well attached to the body so much that did not feel much weight and the part they use for leggings kept it fixed and highlighted the hips and legs, I know I had used another fabric as a gloss for that black frosting.

They loved the suit, Rosa again had captured that magic that I felt when I wore my first fin, with the help of the girls they took and recorded the photos and pirouettes that I was able to do near the shore, I took my big jump and then returned to the shore to remove the suit, as Rosa dried quickly in the sun, said that the others were almost ready and for what he said would be very varied, Carlos and the boys helped in nothing and nothing less than in the construction of the new bar, Mateo was grateful to know Alejandro and from there to Pablo to really see his vocation, so he left his law degree to go to Architecture and would have an excellent tutor.

Everything was more than excellent, that day we had a great time and after a feast we returned to our homes. I was talking to Esther about the beautiful couple that Selene and Pablo were making; Esther could only smile and comment on how beautiful it would be if she accepted to be her partner, and it was no wonder that Pablo was a renowned architect in much of Madrid and Mallorca. One could say that they both hit it off, she was not an architect but a surveyor and it was well known that it was hard work.

But the most beautiful thing is that in spite of everything that happened, Pablo loved her in a beautiful way, of course from my point of view, although Esther found it difficult to choose the best relationship, whether Pablo's with Selene or Alejandro's with me.

While she could only laugh at Esther's quips she decided to draw two beautiful covers, one of me with Alejandro and the other of Pablo with Selene, when I saw the cover I could only say *eh, that's copyrighted*. Esther could only see me and laugh non-stop, she already knew what she wanted to do and I told her *okay, ok, I'll help you with a Fanfic*.

I helped her with the covers and various ideas, we uploaded the last pictures of the picnic and many loved it, what I was counting on was that the three rascals will help us with the ideas of the Fanfic on a voluntary basis.

All that week was great, the other girls' suits were great and unique, each one was more beautiful than the previous one I had designed, they were all unique and although the basic idea was One Piece she knew how to put her difference and special touch in each fin; the construction of the new bar was going well, but even one of us could not enter the sea, as many did not know because the shark had been there we had more surveillance than a new music idol, but they did not prevent us from taking pictures to publish about the environment.

Thanks to our photos as models, many people helped us, they did not make a report as such but if they showed it on TV, the only one that could be shown to the public as such was Destiny since it was not a mermaid, it made us understand that our "protest to take care of the environment and the marine world" was not something to play with or to be famous for; we only demanded respect for all living beings.

But as in a "fairy tale" our happy ending was not as close as we had thought. As our caregivers knew us outside of the costume they promised to take care of us and in their turns we decided to go in and take more pictures along with a little cleaning. I barely had 10 minutes to swim and I felt weird, I thought it was because I was wearing the new costume and still adjusting to it, but my suspicion was nowhere near the truth.

After feeling like this for a few more minutes, I told the girls to go upstairs and when I saw their faces a concern was present, I breathed calmly and somewhat confused I said

Dita: girls something is not right, the sea is heavy.

Marina: you feel the same way, this doesn't look good at all.

Miki: the sea has something, so far I haven't seen any fish and they are playing with us.

Albedo: I don't see the dolphins, maybe they feel uncomfortable with so much surveillance.

That seemed strange to me since they weren't shy in themselves and liked to play, of the fish I accepted it and believed it but not of the dolphins, I asked the girls to look around while I warned the boys, we asked them to watch the sea, I was also going to dive in to look.

The sea was very calm for how it was a few weeks ago, I thought it might be because of the threat of the shark but I felt that something was telling me not to until I thought ? come on light, don't get too involved in your role or you'll get paranoid, it's probably something silly and that's it?.

When we asked where it was, it informed us and showed us its location, it was close to the coast of New Zealand, that partly relieved us and Marina decided to tell Mario what happened a few minutes ago, he found it curious but nothing strange, although my head gave him reason my heart felt that it was not because of that. The girls had taken off their suits and were talking to the boys until, when I looked at a familiar woman on land, I decided to hide my doubts while I thought about who it could be.

While I was having dinner and copying on the blog I kept thinking about who it could be, Esther took me out of my bubble to warn me that we had to go to the bar to see the details already advanced and if everything was still good in less than a month it was ready, with the Restaurant I took out new recipes and put them into practice, clearly the one who tried them first was Alejandro and the one from Mac Fly crossover when he could go. That night was difficult for me since I did not even pay attention to the details, I lied to them saying that it was still because of the sea but the truth was because of that woman on the shore who intrigued me.

Alejandro who knew me so well hugged me and while in a whisper asked me what was going on I could only nod and sigh since I did not even know where to start

Luz: you see, very strange things have been happening. -concerned and thoughtful-

Alejandro: Well, explain them to me and I will understand you. -confused-

Luz: -sighing- the thing is that today we went into the sea and when we left I saw a very familiar woman.

Alejandro: They went into the sea, Luz, and if something happens again, I'm afraid something will happen to them. -hugs me-

Luz: -I hug- I know, I know, the sea was calm and I know that you were warned about the shark, but I have a bad feeling. I don't know how to describe it.

After I told him how I felt I relaxed, he told me that maybe it was my impression and the woman was nothing to do with me and he was absolutely right that there were 7 people there and I could not take it as just for me even though I felt it.

After three days I did not stop much to that crazy idea but I was focused on the sea, the advantage of the restaurant is that we could watch the sea and more me who felt a strange feeling, make my cold cake of cookies Mary with chocolate was something great and the three milks sold quickly, many customers loved it and that made me happy.

Alejandro would sometimes sit at his favorite table, but that day he decided to sit at one of my tables so that I could pamper him a little more without neglecting the other customers at my respective tables. As I played with the children I did not notice several things and one of them was that Alejandro had gone to talk to Andrea and that after that a mysterious woman had entered, which Esther no doubt whispers to Alejandro in a cautious way that this was the woman I had seen.

As the children played endlessly in our area overlooking the beach they came in with me for these more than satisfied to play and have fun with me, as I was aware of them I did not see where I was going and even less that I would run into a woman I had not seen for months.

When I bumped into them, some children just laughed softly and others asked me if I was okay, but when I went to talk, the woman said

Woman: you're a crazy woman, look what you've done. -look at her clothes without even seeing me-

Luz: -I raised my head and looked at it while I took my hand to my head- I apologize, I did not really see you. -A minute of silence and I see her well- Gloria?

When Alejandro said his name, he changed his gesture from one of laughter to one of discomfort, and when Andrea saw that face, he knew it was not a good sign.

Gloria: -he raises an eyebrow and stares at me- Light, you really are a friend. -I was so worried about you, I have so much to ask you.

Gloria: I didn't really recognize you and these children are your nephews? -She looks at them from the top to the bottom-

Richard: Lady, don't be nosy, I go where my father is light. -He embraces me-

Luz: -nervous smile- how nice.

Camila: I don't like that Mrs. Luz, I'm going to my grandmother's. -She hugs me-

Luz: it's OK to go back to your relatives. -I hug them strongly-

I understood why the children had said that and it was not for nothing since the first time I met Gloria she gave me the impression of being daddy's girl, and since the poster of those games "princess-plebey" did not say it because of her physique but because of her humor.

I invited her to an unoccupied table and I served her with love. Andrea could not refuse since I asked her in a special way, but I was curious to feel the tense and heavy atmosphere, I did not know why it had reminded me of the sea.

I served her a nice lunch with her favorite peach juice, she told me what she had done those months, about a man she knew who could be the love of her life and about the ex. I won't deny that sometimes I felt he had sought me out just to get advice and nothing more, even though that haunted my head from one discarded it but I was left with the feeling of that doubt.

Alejandro did not approach me as she did not inspire him with confidence, I was happy to see her and I loved that we could share again like in the old days.