The face of the mastermind

I hardly spent any time with Alejandro or the girls since Gloria took up 80% of my day, whether she was free or not she always called or wrote to see me. Alejandro didn't want to be anywhere near Gloria, Andrea and Esther didn't know what to do and although they would try to calm an angry Alejandro by knowing his doubts, they didn't even know what to believe.

On the one hand Andrea understood their theories, but she also thought that they were jealousy of lack of attention, Esther on the other hand also believed that something was not right with Gloria and that she was a double sided. Esther asked Alejandro for more details about Gloria because she had something wrong with her and had dreams about me where I got hurt; clearly that worried Alejandro, and even if I listened to them and understood them, I couldn't see the evil in Gloria.

Alejandro, because of his great doubts and fear of Esther's dream, decided to go to Madrid for a few days and ask Mac Fly for help with a big investigation.

At first I didn't like the idea at all, but since Esther was also with me I agreed to get to know him a little better and take away his nickname, he really was more stature than age since he was only 23 years old and I was already almost a 30 year old woman; he really agreed to all our requests, to go and buy cat food, pastries, among other things but we always gave him something since he really did a great job.

Alejandro, because of his great doubts and fear of Esther's dream, decided to go to Madrid for a few days and ask Mac Fly for help with a big investigation.

At first I didn't like the idea at all, but since Esther was also with me I agreed to get to know him a little better and take away his nickname, he really was more stature than age since he was only 23 years old and I was already almost a 30 year old woman; he really agreed to all our requests, to go and buy cat food, pastries, among other things but we always gave him something since he really did a great job.

Carlos wanted to study to be a policeman, only he didn't take the Academy test yet, but he studied when he went with Esther to the sea, I was forbidden to go into the sea again, but I was alert with Carlos of the girls. I didn't understand why they didn't want me at sea, but with everyone's insistence I had to agree to that request. Sometimes I had the feeling that we were being watched, but I could never locate where they were watching us from.

The times that Gloria called, the girls hid the phone because she already had it. Selene, to alleviate her anger, said "she's worse than a girlfriend" or "this woman has no other things to do", but her comical way of saying it only made me laugh out loud because of how I wanted to imitate her.

But the most unusual thing was the 20 messages followed by Gloria, Marta to kill time decides to read them and can only exclaim

Marta: hey light, are you sure this crazy woman has a boyfriend?.

Selene: I think the word short is too short, worth the redundancy. -joining her thumb and index finger-

Rosa: I don't want to be cruel but I'm really only looking for you to be a tick. -watching the cell phone with Marta-

Andrea: girls checking out someone else's phone is not right, but really Luz supported Rosa's comment, that girl only wants you to be there 24 hours a day for her, she doesn't even let you work well anymore and the closest clients are worried.

Luz: girls should understand her, I've been her co-worker for a year and we have an 8 month friendship, I just think she missed me.

Carlos: I understand your point, but you don't find it too absorbing. If I were your real friend I would understand more and be more flexible. -he comments by way of curiosity-

Esther: even he thinks the same, we are also your friends, ok if I admit that she beats us for a great journey, but we know how to respect your space and your moments; she has called you even in your appointments with Alejandro.

When I heard that I was amazed and Andrea explained to me that she had taken it out on them because she didn't understand if it was something normal or not, she hadn't told me because I would defend Gloria in part and in that I couldn't blame her because even if I said no, I knew that I would do it unconsciously.

Esther's dreams were more and more followed and all of them were about me, if I didn't get hurt by a knife, I was seriously injured, the poor thing couldn't sleep at night anymore and her screams at 3: 00 am was to not sleep again. Since I could work twice as hard and let Esther rest in our relaxation room, the children understood why we didn't play there and we sat at the table playing some board games, when I felt exhausted I would tell Andrea and Wendy to cover for me.

I had to change my sleep schedule to a split schedule since I had managed to get a trick for Esther to get a good night's sleep between ""; I had to make her sleep by sticking to me like a little girl, playing with her hair while she managed to sleep, I didn't want to take her to a doctor and take pills, although if that didn't work I would but luckily it started working and I ruled out the doctor thing.

In the evenings I made her watch with me Japanese animated series or classics like Tom and Jerry, the Pink Panther or failing that Scooby Doo to make her laugh and thus relax her mind, in the mornings after breakfast I would meditate with her so that she would be able to relax, very rarely I had the nightmares, but I could not let down my guard, although I wanted to swim and relax to the maximum, the water was my element of relaxation and I wanted to swim but understood that I had to be cautious.

A week had already passed since the nightmares, although Esther hardly had them anymore, but she remembered them with luxury and details, asking her to ignore them and forget them, because that was all it was, "a dream", although I had read on the Internet that a frequent dream of the same type was already qualified as a premonition, but I could not stay thinking about it and I had to forget it anyway. I had once asked Carlos to accompany me to the sea, I would not enter as a mermaid and would not go far but I wanted to swim and forget everything.

Carlos with so much insistence of mine had to say yes, but that he would see what other place he could use, since our place was not safe, I agreed to go to another one but in order to swim I would be happy, my big mistake was to give away my plan to Gloria for a little conversation about beaches; I promised her that I would give her a good warning. That same afternoon while I was pampering my hairy baby, my name was Gloria and she was all excited and said

Gloria: Luzzz, my friend... I'm glad you took the call. -raising your voice-

Luz: -Removing the phone a little and calming Pecosa by the fright- H.. Hi Gloria, I'm fine thanks for asking and I'm glad to know you're okay, what happened, did you win the lottery? -curious look and half mockery-

Gloria: -sharp smile- -toase- what a nice friend and if you can say I won the lottery, Larry asked me to marry him and I want you to be with me to celebrate, I also invited some friends; do you think I should hire a stripper? -he smiles maliciously-

Luz: ah, well... I'll leave that to your liking just as it is your bachelorette party. -smile-

Gloria: -strange smile- but the idea is that everyone will get a special surprise from your friend. -says the latter in a curious way-

Luz: -looks at the telephone- what a detail but the important one is you.

Gloria: -strange smile again- of course that's logical. -Breathe deeply-

Luz: well... you'll keep me posted on the day. -cutting the calling-

Gloria: if you don't worry. -serious spokesperson- don't get lost.

I still look at the phone all strange and see how Pecosa is upset and angry snorting at the cell phone, that caused me intrigue because I had never done it before, I put the phone away and tried to calm her down because I had thought I had made a bad move and that made her uncomfortable or threatened by the phone. It took me almost 20 minutes to calm her down and I decided to go out with her and stay in the hammock to see if that way she would feel the most peaceful; apparently my month in the hammock had managed to calm her down more, so I looked for a notebook and started copying ideas, but I could not get Gloria's attitude out of my mind so much so I remembered her laughing hedgehog my skin for a few minutes.

Pecosa had fallen asleep in my belly and from time to time I loved her gently so as not to wake her up, so much so that I fell asleep for a while ignoring the phone ringing, I entered with Pecosa and then I answered the call, Alejandro had called me and we talked for a long time, I asked him how he was, He told me he was about to finish his work in a few weeks and would take the first ferry here from there. Hearing that made me happy in part but after hearing his voice it made me feel that something was not right.

I knew it was a white lie but I understood that the stress had exhausted him; after talking to him and being in the room I talked to my parents by video call, they were happy about my new job and friendships and hoped that I would copy them more often, which I promised to call them more often. It wasn't that I didn't want to, but many things kept me busy and sometimes I was so exhausted that I just wanted to sleep a few hours and wake up feeling renewed.

The week went on forever, I was so anxious for Alejandro's return that I went looking for him and after two hours I received a call from him, he explained to me that something had happened at the last minute and therefore I could not come back today, when I asked him how long will it take, his sigh was long and between his melancholic and angry voice he told me

Alejandro: -something uncomfortable about losing the trip- if it were up to me, it would be a matter of five minutes, but I really don't know, my queen. -Pause- Forgive me.

Luz: -melancholic spokesperson- you don't have to ask for forgiveness, I understand last minute works, you know that my work was partly like that and it exhausted me. -says-

Alejandro: -she laughs with her- thank you my queen for understanding me, I will be warning you in the same way, go carefully on your way home.

Luz: -smile- if I promise, I love you.

Alejandro: -lucky- I love you too. -Call a cab before hanging up-

On the way home I met Gloria who in a curious tone exclaimed that she was calling to talk to me about the details of her wedding and that she needed help with it. As I greeted her I said

Luz: I'm sorry Gloria but I won't be able to help you with your wedding preparations, now if you'll excuse me I have to go back to the hotel. -sharp-

Gloria: if you go to the hotel I can take you, besides I'm going there anyway. I have to tell you many things, but I don't think I'll let you sleep.

Luz: *this must be a joke, I don't know what I said* I appreciate your offer but I can go by myself, besides it's not so far that it's said. -he looks at her seriously-

Gloria: come on, stop begging, I'll take you in my car. Well, it's my fiancé's, but soon it will be mine.

Luz: *again?, it will be that he does not understand the word no, I cannot tell him that if since I promised it, he continues with the No woman* as I already said Gloria thanks but No. -I affirm in the no- we can speak another day calm still there is time. -He smiled unwillingly as he dialed Carlos' number-

I knew that Carlos hearing an insistent rhyme and without me speaking was an SOS, I felt strange with so much insistence from Gloria that she was not like that, besides she had told a lie on the way home.

Not even five minutes went by and Carlos, all dressed up in a sportsmanlike manner with the boys, had arrived and called me, while saying

Carlos: Madam was looking for you inside, did the gentleman arrive? -seriously-

Luz: Yes, the gentleman is still inside looking for the suitcase. -discreet looking-

Carlos: Very well, Madam, I am already looking for him, and his secretary is waiting for him. -sign as a soldier-

Luz: -holding a smile- thanks for letting me know and I will go to him.

The kids had gone to help him, Carlos, when he saw my first SOS I preferred to ask for the kids' reinforcement and I didn't know why but that made me feel relieved in part since I had more support, I said goodbye to Gloria in a normal way and I went calmly to the other kids, but Gloria's look was so heavy that only when I got into the car was I able to breathe; I couldn't understand why but as soon as I sat behind the car I had to give a sigh and calm my breath; Something strange had felt close to Gloria as if I was short of breath and I didn't even understand why.

When Carlos saw me looking a little pale he opened the window and drove partly fast; watching that nobody followed him while he told me that this woman who was with me did not inspire him confidence, that he even felt uncomfortable, I know that Carlos would want to tell Alejandro that and I asked him not to and at the same time I apologized for the call, but being honest with myself my mind was in chaos and I could only say?.

After a week Gloria had copied me indicating the place and time of her bachelorette party and a printed invitation to one of the most expensive clubs, on the printed card she indicated the address, time and floor of that reception for the VIP guests, When I saw the card I could only say to myself *what a big deal this one spent with the boyfriend, if it continues like that I will leave him in bankruptcy*, as it was at night I could leave the dinner ready since Esther had gone to swim with the girls and take more pictures, as it was something retired I called a cab I didn't want to bother Carlos.

Around 6:30 pm I was ready and dressed, I left comfortable but flirtatious, I had left a note to Esther and a copy of the invitation so she was partly calm as there was the address, reception place and the floor of the same. I left food for the cat and said goodbye to her, from there I got in the cab and gave her the directions.

I arrived just at 7:00 pm, there was a man in a black tuxedo and he was watching the door, I was going to ask him for directions just when the cell phone rang and I just said "Hi Gloria, I just arrived" and I felt a strong headache, how could I turn around and saw another man in sneakers with a stone in his hands who was laughing as he saw me fall and pass out little by little.

When I woke up, my hands and feet were tied up in a limousine with light gray sofas and black paint, while I was still dizzy and asked

Luz: Who are they? -painful-

Man 1: Can't the victims say anything but, -his voice says- "Who are you, what do you want?" -imitating a woman's voice- they sound like a broken record.

Man 2: -laughing- shut up man, love your woman's voice.

Luz: -trying to forget the pain and not to faint, so you want to hear something different. -trying to move your hands- are you an idiot?.

Man 2: ugh, low blow. -laughter-

Man 1: shut up you look like a hyena laughing like that, restrain yourself. -pointing at me after talking to the man- and you take care of that little mouth or I'll smash it.

Luz: you don't say new things either, where you get them from a bad movie. -Mocking-

Gloria: you talk a lot to still be dizzy, stoned and half faint, turn it off for a while you want.

The man in the white tuxedo injected me with a drug to make me faint again, when I came to, I had my feet free but they moved so clumsily that I couldn't even walk, I went with the man in the sneakers into a kind of cave, although of course this Gloria admired herself for making a special dungeon for me where no one could find me; I know she asked me the same questions from a movie: Why are you doing this, what did I do to you, what do you want in yourself? And more questions, in the dungeon she "built" for me it seemed almost like a medieval place of torture.

They grabbed me by the hands a few feet off the ground and without caring about the men he ripped off the clothes I had and dressed me in a new one; I knew the effect of the drug did not last long and soon I would only have a horrible headache, he left me barefoot and with clothes that were a little small for my taste.

I take off the earrings, necklace and engagement ring that Alejandro had given me, in front of my burning clothes and I keep the jewelry. Without me even talking I just looked at her angrily and while looking for a not so obvious question I breathed and said

Luz: well, you already have one phase of your plan, now what does it go on? -angry look-

Gloria: -she arranges her hair and looks for a chair to be comfortable- that's a good question, you see guys she knows how to keep calm even though everything is against her. -pointing out to me-

Luz: -trying- I see your plan is to ignore me, very well. -calm look although with strong headache-

Man 1: I admit she is strong since that headache must be killing her. -says-

Man 2: that's no fun, you're kind of boring. -approaching me-

Man: calm down Dragon, she is challenging us, the idea is to despair her; that was a good play, miss, but we must see how long it lasts. -taking off her tie and jacket-

Gloria: you know... I have a beautiful story with a heartbreaking ending. -strong smile- Do you want to hear it? I don't know why I ask because there are no options here.

Gloria: a long time ago there was a very beautiful woman, in fact she was a Goddess and had more than one under her feet, but then that Goddess met a lackey who suddenly took away her followers and she was shining, the jealous Goddess invoked evil and enjoyed how the commoner died. She could revive her many times so that she would die in a thousand ways. -he gasps-

Luz: you are a sick person, you are crazy, no Goddess, however bad she was, would do something so twisted. -You must see a psychologist. -shouts-

Angry Gloria stands up and looks for a whip she had nearby, she grabs me by the jaw with force while her eyes open wider and in a tone of hysteria she says

Gloria: I'm not crazy. -squeezes my jaw more- the fault was the lackey's for believing in the Goddess and becoming her slave.

When she let go of my face she walked away a few steps but her face became so dark that she raised her hand and slapped me while shouting "Shut up". Then she moved a little further away and with the whip she whipped my left leg; to hear her shout "suffer", "Shut up", and how she walked as if that gave her pleasure. Although I could bear the screams I could not help crying until she calmed down her whip and unleashed the whip and came to me again and said

Gloria: that's your true beauty, I see why it captivated more than one. -he laughs similar to the Joker- ay this relaxes me so much.

After going to the pool she touches it and sees me, then she comes closer and tells me that she already knew about my real job and not that fake one of accountant and with secretary, she knew that I was a mermaid of a cheap bar and that before I was of bad luck, she knew that she wanted to make me angry and much but calm my anger and my pain, she explained to me that she sent me to make a pool to be her slave both human and mermaid, so much so that she had asked for water and animals of that beach along with pieces of coral and seaweed.

Hearing all that from her made me feel bad, I had destroyed part of that place just for the whim of being able to torture myself in a thousand ways, when Rayo went to look for the mermaid's clothes I could only think? she stole the suit? when she saw my amazement she could only laugh; she took off my clothes again leaving me naked this time and putting on the mermaid's suit, they lowered me and took me to the pool, where when I put my body there a chain of feet appeared and immobilized me, only leaving my hands free.

The chains on my foot partly looked like bear traps as it was thick and had small teeth, I knew that having my leg injured prevented me from moving well, Gloria had asked that the water not be too cold or I would die too quickly and it would not be fun.

That night she didn't want to give me dinner, her true character made me partly afraid, but I had to keep my sanity and find out the truth, the real Why, if it was really something against me or against Alejandro since his plans could have been ruined or he wanted to drive Alejandro crazy, the "dungeon" was near his room, I knew that in front of me there was a corridor and the room was only divided by thick red or wine curtains since I could hardly distinguish their color, the room where I was did not have any bars but its tenuous colors of light blue with dark gave the impression of a sea, the walls were patterned with medieval black bricks.

I gave the idea that I was in the depths of the sea, I could hardly move, I didn't get anything to drink and I knew I was capable of drinking sea water even if it hurt me later; I had ordered that I would eat only light things since I wouldn't leave the pool. But sometimes she managed to calm her laughter like the Joker and other times she hurt me and it looked like that "excited" her although it made me angry and sometimes she managed to challenge her, and that instead of calming her or stopping with a phrase, but she always invented how to hurt me, that day she looked for her meat-eating knife and pricked my hands with the blade and dragged it to my wrists.

Until she quenched her thirst and then as a little girl she told me "you are boring, the idea of the game is that you scream", I could only tell her that this was not funny and that she was crazy, her expressions and way of being changed a lot, the same as her way of dressing, sometimes she dressed provocatively, other times sporty and other times all covered up, I knew that I had to look for answers and by feeling around I came to ask

Luz: Gloria, you are smart and you love money. -from my hands-

Gloria: -she laughs discreetly- if I know that I'm smart and beautiful, I'm powerful -self- indulging you- you know that, for having been a good and educated girl I'll tell you -spoken softly- I'll put it in dollars... I got more than eight billion in total.

Luz: fence -faking amazement- really amazes me, so... Will you buy an island or Queen Elizabeth's mansion?.

Gloria: -she stares at me and gets a little uncomfortable- no dear I don't want old people's things, although the island sounds tempting -she holds out her hands- "the island of glory" would be more than a queen, she would be the Goddess of that island, you will be there my slave and with whom I say you will be of him or her -she laughs- the limit is the sky, I can let you swim near the island and I will also look for sharks so you will never leave.

Luz: you are evil and twisted. -furious and disgusting-

Gloria: I do what I can baby, even if you have to be a toy I will take good care of you, maybe I will have fun with your body too. -she bites her lips-

Luz: you are a sow, you just want to torture me, why don't you kill me? -shouts-

Gloria: shut up, you dramatic woman, I partly said it as a joke, don't take everything so seriously, besides you haven't done anything wrong to me, but someone close to you has.

I didn't need to investigate more about who she was, but I felt that I was exaggerating since she had stolen a great amount of money, while I was thinking about other options a very strong one came to my mind *I had another theft in mind and Alejandro managed to move before*; it was the most accurate idea, when he saw that he could not leave me without eating his obsessive stepmother side had shown up before me and went to get me water with sugar and a piece of bread, then he returned to his room and wished me a happy night.

I understood by that "good night" that it was past 12:00 am, I could see a little bit of the sky and see a beautiful moon so radiant and bright, without making much noise I tried to bite the knot of my wrists, but I managed to hurt my lips more because Gloria had not healed any wound, despite the pain and drown my screams struggling as I could to get free, I had only managed to hurt my leg, mouth and put my hands a little red.

The water was warm and polite for some fish, I understood that this idea was not entirely hers, I still felt tired, although I had the strong headache knew how to control the discomfort. Even though there were no surveillance cameras inside the room I knew I was being watched, but the one thing I could not hurt at the moment was my free mind.

I thought of the girls and Alejandro, while I calmed my desire to cry I told myself *don't get weak now, hold on Luz, be strong* I remembered Alejandro's voice with words of encouragement, they made me smile even though I wanted to cry I remembered my promise that day to "be strong and never fall again" I had promised before her grave and I didn't think about breaking that promise.

It had only been 3 days, which for me was exactly 1 week, she didn't let me sleep almost, her childish side was inquisitive, and even though she knew the answer she didn't let me sleep, I only ate bread and water, my wound remained the same, because I was in the same position for so long I didn't feel a part of my body, how could I ask her more questions in a polite way. I noticed how the men hardly treated her and between light conversations between them I understood that they had only helped her in one or two jobs but she was "crazy".

She might have been crazy but she knew how to play her cards very well, she managed to imitate my way of copying and sending an SOS to Carlos and telling him a slight hint of where I was and that he should hurry up because I had escaped, she didn't mind telling me what she was doing with my cell phone and that the photos she took of me were uploaded to a BDSM page, just hearing her say that made her twisted mind nauseous; Poor Carlos had fallen into her trap, they took him to the same room I was in, tied him up like me the first time, interrogated him and while that was happening Gloria was calling someone to check on me.

When everyone left, he wanted to talk to me and as I could, I asked him not to tell me anything, that he would keep that news that he wanted to tell me, in spite of his anger at seeing me in such a state, he only repeated over and over again, forgive me Luz. I spoke to him telling him that we would get out of this and that we would only have to be calm; with him they were more abrupt and the men mistreated him, in spite of the bread and water they gave him something sweet, after a while another woman arrived who was just as blonde and beautiful, she was a little shorter than Gloria, as soon as she called him "sister" she knew I was screwed up, she changed her clothes to something more comfortable and put on her doctor's gown with her name, Gloria touched me with a pen my most injured parts until she said

Gloria: Sister, as you see here, I need you to come back as before, without that bruise and scratch on your lower lip. -Then she points to my leg.

Camila: -inspecting myself- that water is already contaminated, if you want your fish to last you must change the water and take out that fin and I'll look at it. -smile-

Luz: fence nor did I know that now I must be insulted as a pet, even for those we call animals is an offense. -angry-

Camila: -Ignore me- I didn't know your fish was talking, I thought it was just a rough, voiceless shark. -striking the word shark-

Gloria: ah it is that she still does not learn education, calm that soon she will be as submissive as the slaves of years ago.

Luz: you do not have a shred of sorrow, right? since you speak of slaves as if nothing happened, knowing how many people suffer and for you it is something normal. -the staring eyes-

Gloria: -signalling men- ah they are slaves different from you, you eat from a copper plate, this new toy from a bronze plate and they from a silver plate, they have known well to be cautious and obedient -she laughs- they are dogs of race.

Camilla: -pointing to Ray- hey you, take the water out of the tank and take away all this stuff that decorates it.

Luz: you should be more educated; you are of the worst kind.

Camila: you know... you should kiss my feet because I will heal your wound and you will have some more freedom, so shut up.

I knew that what I had said was because they treated some people worse than I could only imagine, I asked Rayo kindly not to throw the fish away, in part they didn't make me feel lonely even though Carlos now kept me company, even though he only saw me I saw a slight smile and I wanted to believe that it was a yes to my request.

I had been sedated by Camila so I wouldn't do anything silly or "absurd", they took off my mermaid suit and washed it, my pose had changed but I was still in the tank pool, I was in that position for a while, Camila asked Gloria to leave me like that for a few days and after that she would go home again. I had indeed healed my wounds. Carlos when he sees my body well tried not to cry since both legs had whip marks, one that caused such a wound, the crack of my lip was from the whip and my ribs were bruised, already its color was a light purple.

In front of Camila I kept asking her about her next move and who else was in on the scam, until Camila could only laugh and scoffed and said that it was all Gloria's idea but she was the one who managed to execute part of the plan. My computer was easy, just a simple hack, then I made a fake page where I logged out of the bank and through calls from Gloria a few times at night and without me being near the computer, the guard with gloves made those transfers and through the security cameras they watched me and warned her of everything.

Seeing them laugh and telling Claudia in detail about my scared face when I was arrested and how I had to endure the laughter so as not to ruin a perfect plan. Not only did Gloria have my schedule, but she knew how organized I was and where I kept everything down to the smallest detail.

Seeing them laughing and telling how she acted in front of the boss and the detective was something that scared me since her plan was not to get me in until much earlier and I had only been a front for her things. After laughing so hard, they both left and left us alone, they filled the tank and Rayo hid the fish and Camila put them back in the water.