Entrance test

"With this the awakening ceremony is completed and let the entrance test begin!" The professor shouted out.

The students were surprised and shocked at what the professor was saying and would vomit blood if they had not been this shocked. Since the goal of the heavenly palace academy was weed out the useless students and make sure the only the best ones remain. They were shocked to find there would be an entrance test as well as the goal had already been met.

They're group number had fallen from 1000 students to measly 100 students remaining overall

They tried to protest against the professor.

"yes, professor since goal of the heavenly palace academy was weed out the useless students and make sure the only the best one's remain isn't it already done there only a 100 students left"

"yes, professor is it really necessary to conduct the entrance test since the useless student have already been weeded"

"yes, professor is it really to conduct an entrance test���

"yes it possible not to conduct the entrance test


as the students tried to protest.

"SILENCE!" The professor shouted out in an angry voice that caused the area to reverberate from the after shock the words for a few minutes after the words were spoken. The students who tried to protest fell down onto their knees clutching their ears and crying out in agony and despair as if they suffered from some sort of extreme pain. The remaining students who saw immediately became quiet as any thought of protest left their mind as soon as it came. From the fear of what the professor would to them if they tried to say anything.

It was so silent that a person could hear a pin dropping a mile away.

As Isaac turned and looked towards the students who were on their knees clutching their ears and crying out in agony and despair as they claw and scratch their body and face and blood oozing from the wounds and the seven offricies.

"ahh I remember this technique" he thought as he looked at them "it's the 'Demonic voice technique' it's a low level magic technique that's only effective on non mages or newly awakened mages who cannot use magic to protect themselves from attacks from others and are weak willed and cannot withstand the effect." Isaac thought

"Never mind that" Isaac thought as he started paying attention to his mana core in his body.

The mana core was an unusual and mysterious thing. Although it was located inside Isaac's body, it was at the same time, not sharing the same space with his internal organs nor did it occupy any space at all in his body it did exist and at the same time didn't exist like Schrödinger's cat. You could say that it was endlessly huge, yet at the same time infinitely small.

There were many names for it. Some call it the Multifaced colour changing orb ; some call it the Energy pool and some the energy sphere and so on... However the most accurate description and the way many know it as the Mana core. The entire body is spherical and the surface of it is covered in flowing white light, like a thin layer of light coating. It was the layer of light from us naturally from the awakening ceremony .

This thin membrane of light supported the mana core So That it would not collapse, in on itself and would be stable, There were some cases of thin membrane of light not forming properly which led to horrible disaster in which the mana core would collapse immediately or in some time heavily damaging the user and and causing deep injuries as blood flowed endlessly from all their pores and they suffered from extreme agony and pain of the core collapsing in itself by each passing second and eventually exploding in gigantic way erasing all traces of existence of the host. But this was a risk that all people who wanted to travel the path of the magi had to take!.

But since the cases of this happening were so rare that people usually neglected this issue and some precautions would be kept in place in order to avoid this happening.

The lack of formation of the membrane can also be caused by the lack of quality of the awakening circle or if the awakening circle was defective which leads to the process of incomplete membrane formation. But this was not a problem since heavenly palace academy was one of the top most successful academy's in the world.

Isaac started scanning his mana core as He got up and started following the professor and followed the professor to the entrance exam area site

Inside the magic core, mana was filled to the brim like a gigantic sea but it wasn't very dense at all, looked translucent and it constantly changed colours from red to blue to black and so on... and sometimes it was multicoloured. The density, the quality and the formation and absorption rate was all predetermined by talent. The higher rank of talent the better density quality and so

Every drop of seawater was pure mana essence, representing the condensation of Isaac 's essence, vitality and soul. It was also the accumulation of his life potential over the past 15 years. However this time the mana core looked somewhat different; he wondered if it was the effect of being reborn and observing space time and wondered if with enough comprehension if there would be qualitative transformation.

Isaac walked with the same emotionless face as the professor flew on the air towards the entrance ceremony. He knew what the entrance test would be and started thinking.

"seems like everything is going according to the plan" Isaac thought as he started think about the voice he heard during the awakening process

" host has successfully awakened"

"quest's are officially unlocked"

"host has become level 1"

"skills are now available"

"congratulations to host on successfully completing the awakening process rewarding a skill free"

" SoThis may start as a tier 1 mage or rank 1 mage" Isaac thought. Went towards the entrance area remembering the "codex of a magic" as he controlled flow within him.

Issac called status system in his mind and translucent tab appeared before him

"It seems all my stats are doubled" Isaac looked at with an excited expression on his face. So the awakening process enhances body and clears out the waste and gives way to mana causing the body to become extremely healthy and fresh and position as tier one mage seems to be mentioned as well

Issac next went to the skill's tab as he remembered that he got a skill for awakening and level up at the same time as well.

<10 Skill points available>

< 'passive skill' memory enhancement>: This allows the host to remember events and things in much more detail and at much more greater quantities and increases the overall the strength of the brain and processing speed

{skill points :0/10} {level1}

"This is very useful," Isaac thought as he looked at The memory enhancement skill that can allow me to plan things at much greater detail using the past reference and the best thing Is it's a passive skill that requires no amount at all to activate. But the other skills seem to be still locked and greyed out" isaac thought as he wondered when would they unlock or if they had some kind of requirements to unlock

"I shall put some skill points in this skill since it's my only one and it looks like it's very useful in this scenario and can help me pass this test with ease and gain greater benefits as well " isaac thought and just as he applied 4 skill points suddenly his mind went through nirvana as the skill points effect took place.

Isaac could remember all the events very vividly and distinctly as the nirvana passed as after a few seconds. Just as he tried to remember again the effect wasn't the same as before but he could remember things at much greater detail than before he applied the skill points. "It seems that moment is just a momentary phase when adding skill points to memory enhancement and also it seems that my intelligent stat seems to have increased by 2 points as well so it would seem that the memories enhancement skill and the intelligence stat are correlated in some manner and help each other out" he thought as he decided to see quest that was unlocked as well.

< upon passing quest host shall be awarded 300 experience points and 50 skill points>

< penalty system: upon failure of quest host shall suffer serious drawback his stats will be halved and will weakening for 3 days and lose his chance to enter heavenly palace academy>

" The system seems to be designed to make me achieve my goals and the penalties seem harsh but I don't need to worry I have taken this chance. I shall not fail this easily and in the first possible quest ! I will walk and strive to achieve all goals and desires!! I'm walking on the road of no regrets! Failure and death I do not fear it! I'f it comes then I will embrace it! I will not despair and mourn endlessly. I shall accept these feelings and laugh crazily as I strive to achieve my goal as I began my journey to immortality". Isaac thought to himself as reaffirmed his will and strengthened his resolve towards his goal.

Just as Isaac stopped exploring the system they arrived at the entrance test.

" Ok students we have arrived at the entrance test location" the professor shouted out in a loud voice, as The students looked over in curiosity at what the entrance test would be.

just as they peeked they saw a huge gate towering over 40 ft tall with the words 'HADES'S GATES' written massively just as they looked at it an unknown force From the words started suppressing them pushing them to their knees but a few stood tall withstanding the force with their might.

The professor saw this smiled evilly and chillingly "ok students before you participate in the entrance test few rules will be explained"

Isaac saw This and smiled as they finally reached this point.