Exam begins!

Isaac bends down as he is suppressed by the immense pressure emitted from 'HADES'S GATE', most of the students were on their knees barely able to stand due to the immense pressure from the gate but there were a few students who stood up and resisted the suppressive force being emitted.

Isaac knew that it's better to act like he to is being suppressed by the gate's pressure as well because It could be quite unusual that a third rate talent like him is able to stand up against the suppressive force emitted from the gate that made more talented students than him their fall onto their knees and could draw quite a lot of attention to him even though Isaac knew that he could stand up against the force using will that he honed in the past 300 years of life.

It would be better to act he to is being suppressed by the force as even though resisting the suppressive force as third grade talent and the spotlight would be on him and the benefits would be good but it would only be temporary considering his talent and this could cast a spotlight on him scrutinising every action he does and closet judging him that could greatly harm his future plans and would lose a lot than what would he gain.

Isaac thought "finally things have reached this point from now it truly begins the entrance test of heavenly palace academy! From now on I need to be careful on what I do since they are observing us" as he looked at top left Corner of the room there was faint mana pulse being emitted from that area if one was not an experienced mage they wouldn't notice the pulse at all, on the other side there was a group of people looking Through a screen all of them wearing same thing it was black coat overall with gold letter's 'heavenly palace academy' embroidered on It near the the chest they looked at the screen everyone having different expression some with anticipation other's excitement and so on.

One professor of the who was watching the screen turned back and said "headmaster Luke don't we have good crop this year there seems to be good number of student who can resist the HADES'S GATE'S pressure this time especially the three first rank talent and the zero grade talent they seem be actively resisting it".

The headmaster was behind a black gauze thin curtain but even though the curtain was thin you couldn't see his appearance at all all you could see was just a shadow that seem to flicker at time could be seen and beside the headmaster there two other shadows but none of the Professor knew who the other two shadows were.

The headmaster Luke looked like extremely ordinary middle aged man this sharply contrasted with the two people who were sitting on either side of him, one his left was a was black haired beauty with fair and supple skin and radiated charm and if you looked at her directly you would feel as if your soul sucked in by her beauty it was definitely that the level which wars were fought over. On his right was an extremely handsome man, any normal man who would envy over his looks.

The headmaster look towards his left at the black haired beauty and started talking "There seems to be quite interesting batch this year The three great houses heirs seem to be here in this batch isn't lian'er " "You're right," She said as she nodded looking at the screen intently. The headmaster sighed as he turned towards the man who was on the other side "it seems even there's a mysterious candidate with zero grade talent in our batch this time I hope you will do some research on his background" the headmaster looked serious as he said to the man "I will do my due diligence but there might be even more hidden students it's better observe for the time being".

"Ok the entrance exams are going to officially begin from this point on! Your life will be at risk from this point onwards if you want dropout now is your one and only chance! So if you want get out, get out now!l the professor spoke in a loud and dominating voice,The students looked incredibly nervous some wanted drop out but they looked to afraid to do so finally after a few minutes of silence a student raised his hand using this as a catalyst a few more students raised their hand and chose to give up.

The professor looked at these students with contempt and disdain "There's always a few every year" he sighed as he spoke in a contempt full tone, the professor snapped his Fingers Suddenly a white flash appeared and those students who opted to give up suddenly disappeared. The students looked in fright at the empty places left by the students wondering if the professor had killed these students given his previous track record. The professor looked at the students expression and laughed in a chilling way that caused shivers down the students spine "you're wondering if I killed them right" he said as if he could read their mind "rest assured they are safe I just transported to entrance are where they are exiting the buildings"

"Now that the trash have given up! let me give you brief explanation about mana before I explain about the entrance test" suddenly a light an orb of light above the professor finger, the orb Split into multiple forms of itself as it floated above the professor's hand suddenly the orb of light rushed into the forehead of every student who as there standing with an expression of what just had Happened.

Isaac felt a warm and comfortable feeling caress his body as the the orb of light entered his body suddenly a stream of informant magically appeared in his mind

The students in shock and wondering what is this information that just appeared in their mind

"don't worry about it's just some basic informal about mana that you're seeing don't resist it and let it flow" the professor said as he looked at the students who were in deep concentration as they observe the flow information that appeared in their mind

"Mana is the source everything, each and every being in this world has mana"

"Using this mana we perform action that defy logic, using mana as the foundation we cast spells there our energy besides mana as you attend the academy you will about learn about this, but for now all you need to know about is mana"

"Mana is a It is a cultivation or possession of energy and power, it is source of power that exist in the body of all beings and permeates throughout the world as it's foundation , mana exists in the body of every existence not only those posses mana core have mana but existence Who possess a mana core can nurture mana present in their core and prevent it from exiting the body as it does normally and they can also manipulate mana as to perform 'spells' and manipulate it as they please to perform various other actions as well"

"people who control mana as they please and use it perform actions such as 'spells' and more are called mages".

The students suddenly snapped out of the deep state of meditation they we're in as the flood of information came to end.

Isaac looked at the professor with emotionless face and back in his coat pocket inside it there Was ordinary mirrored but the only thing was that this mirrored glow dimly the light resembled that orb of light had given out. Isaac looked at this and smiled as he turned back towards the professor and continued to listen to what the professor was saying

The professor looked at the students as he pulled up both his hands and snapped as the pressure exerted from the gate finally disappeared. The students finally sighed in relief and some fell to ground in exhaustion after resisting the suppressive exerted from the gate, some stood up in triumph as they endured the gate's massive suppressive force without giving up and being unrelenting.

"Enjoy this feeling for now, this is the only feeling of relaxation you will get for the next 5 days so enjoy this feeling while it lasts as it could be your last" the professor laughed chillingly that sent fear running down the spines as they lost any moment of triumph that they gained for getting to this point without give up and not relenting under that pressure.

"now that you reached this point I shall start explaining the what the entrance test is and it's rules so get ready and pass this trial and become a student a heavenly palace academy, hoping that survive this with your life intact and hope you remain sane unlike so many others before you that had become crazy" The professor spoke in calm manner as an evil spread across his face in delight on knowing on what was to come, some students look at this on regret as they wondered why hadn't they given up Like some of the students before them.

Isaac looked at the professor in delight as it finally started his path to his goal!