There exist no me without Him. All I am before I know and I am still getting to know is in I AM, because in I AM, I ceased to exist in me long ago in order to function beyond the confines of living being to the very dimension of living spirit and if you are very sincere to acknowledge the truth, you will observe this from the depth of the knowledge that I am communicating in Him through this inspiration that has vehemently nothing to do with me. I in I AM is a living spirit and my Father is a Life Giving Spirit.

For you to be able to understand a divine program, you need to have first understand the programming language. You can never access to understand the programming language until you have first understand the programmer's thought. What I mean by understanding the programmer's thought, is simply putting yourself in the programmer's thought to think not just like the programmer, but to allow the programmer to have full expression through you. Once you are able to understand the programmer's thought, and key in, you can now have uninterrupted access into His mind. When your access into the programmer's mind is interrupted, you will now know how to know what each of the programmer's source program codes implies, because all of His thoughts is coded in His Word and the only system to perfectly run the program is human system, not computer or any electronic system. Yes, human being could design a system to fetch out the consistency in the codes and try to predict event, but it can never be accurate like when it is being run through the human system of which the program is ordained to run. The eye contact (ic) is simply the mind, while the conductor is simply the spirit.

God is the first and ever true programmer and nobody can defile the authenticity of His programs and by His Divine wisdom, He had programmed all of His creations to function based on His thought, following the rhythm of His heartbeats, connecting us deeper to the heart of His love, the depth of His essence reflecting as His presence of which we cannot do without, the reality of our identity. In His wisdom, He has concealed the reality of everything in what I call DIVINE PROGRAM CODES. There are different types of codes, but one unique code that controls everything and defile the protocol of every other code.

SOURCE CODE (God's thought or Divine code)

PSEUDO SOURCE CODE (Devil's Thought or Da Vinci Code)

WORD CODE (God's spoken thought)

LIFE CODE (The Word became flesh)

LIGHT CODE (Visual or manifest code or Appearance code)

TIME CODE (Numeric or Digital Code)

SYMBOLIC CODE (The Alpha and The Omega Code: pointer to reality)

REVELATION CODE (The First and The Last Code)

PSEUDO REVELATION CODE (The Alternating Current (AC) or Current Eye (ic) Code)




KNOWLEDGE CODE (True Worship Code or The NOW Code)

CONSCEPTUAL CODE (Spiritual Pregnancy Code)

DELIVERY CODE (Fruit of the Holy Spirit)






REWARD CODE (Source's Glory (The riches of heaven which involves righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost/Pseudo Source's Glory (The glory of this world which involves riches, wealth, fame etc.)

REPENTANCE CODE (Back to the Source)

BACKSLIDDEN CODE (turning away from the source or turning to the contrary source)

BLESSING CODE (Total Obedience; Blessing is always from the Source)

CURSE CODE (Disobedience: course is always suffered as a result of ignorance of not turning back to the source)

GRACE CODE (Divine Enablement)

Based on these codes, I will be revealing some deep reality from my Divine program, which will help ignite your passion to search out yours for real, in order to understand how the earth and everything was programmed to function and the reason why some certain things happens, and the reason why the earth system malfunctions; so you could know and ask Him (God) to know how heaven respond to the malfunctioning. The glory of the Lord is His Beautiful Ray Field of light, passing through, from eternity to time, resident in the Father's love (Jesus Christ). It stays in us if we desire it to stay in and once it stays, it rubs on us and lives us anew, shining with a magnificent awe that could live one brain dead if you want to think it, it will only live you at wonder amaze. Ah!

God wants His presence permanent in us, because His presence is the essence of His glory, and this can only be if we can stay permanent in Him as we abide in Him, He will also abide in us. God right from the Genesis dispensation has never left us in any way, yes, He could some time withdraw, that does not mean He had left us. He desires our presence to present to us His presence and He wants us deeper into Him, like husband keep coming after his wife, even when our mood is ever repelling Him, He comes and create an atmosphere to alter our mood and give us a good sense of humor, but we are ever in remorse because of the multitude of thoughts that crowds our mind, even when we have not gone out, but in thoughts we must have strayed very far to the world of wonderland. The moment we experience a straying thought, He feels the impulse of our heart and since it is contrary to His, He gets terribly hurt and withdraw away from us, I did not say leaves us. You need to know that God can never leave, nor forsake you. If you are forsaking, it is not God, it is your ignorance that has made you feel forsake and ignorance in this case is simply pride, when you know you are supposed to return back to God, you will just stay back and be condemning yourself, when He had made it crystal clear that there is no condemnation for those who are Christ Jesus. Man is wired to function with the kind of heart that models God's thought, though silent but ever acting in love even when the words are not literally heard, but if we as man we become full of self, we cannot get the all of God's love. When as a man we behave like woman, it is simply against our makeup; and this will make us want to always hear God ever talking, even when He has never stopped talking in His Word. So when we call and He answers in silence, we get provoked and end up complaining, wondering out, not knowing that, with just a response, He can absolutely solve all of our problem, riddles and enigmas and expects us to learn patience from His silence, but we are never learning because, we are not patient. We want things done in our own pace and that is why most at times, we eat our reality meal undone. God wants it perfectly done and well-cooked for us, but we are so selfish and very hungry to have it sharp, sharp and the sharp, sharp reality meals troubles the stomach when eaten, provided it is not well cooked and that is why we end up struggling so much with life and in life. Our love for God is usually based on emotions and feelings and because of our mood, He sometimes allows us our way to see the end of it, so that when we come back from our wondering, having tried, and end up not going forward but backward, He will now start teaching us that love is not a thing of emotions and feelings, but a thing of decision and choice, because in love that is where all the glory is released.