The Lord God is against the devil today because he became selfish, instead of being selfless to carry out God's command without any ill feelings of jealousy, but what did he do? He was envious of man's right in God and since he has not the power to also give command like the command that was given man to function in the capacity of God, he ended up rebelling with just a thought in his heart (who is man that You are mindful of him?), so he questioned God's authority.

What the devil succeeded planting into man is the seed of self; which is the major cause of lawlessness and the highest level of carnality. Grace can never be released in the place of self, because self is pride and God opposes the proud and give grace to the humble (James 1: 6).

Like a stubborn and an unfaithful wife, we most at times starve God of His meal and we often expect Him to be responsible for our up keeps and even when He is, we are ever nagging and complaining, never satisfied, ever fluctuating in being responsible for giving Him What He deserves. What God deserves is our all (glory), so that He could give us His all and once we have all of Him, He now becomes the portion of our inheritance to contain His all released from His eternal nature, because we can only contain the all of God, in God and that is why, it is necessary He becomes the portion of our inheritance. We end up limiting God with self, by giving Him part of ourselves and keeping the best portion for ourselves. God's greatest challenge with us is self, because flesh runs in our blood and that is why He had taken the real life off flesh and blood, because flesh and blood can never live the life of God. So we must discipline the flesh to die to self. When you don't discipline your flesh, you will live the spirit dead. But when you starve the flesh, the spirit comes alive and you become much more sensitive to doing the right things and hyper sensitive to resist the wrong things. This is the dimension God wants us to dwell in and the more we get into this dimension, the more we get deeper with Him, and the deeper we go with Him, the deeper He takes us into Himself, and the deeper He takes us into Himself, the more we will realize that we are in the height of His true life revealing the depth of His love, where no evil can access to reach, where nothing will be able to snatch or separate us from Him. We have eternal security, if we are not enjoying it; it is because we are selfishly going our own way, instead of staying and walking in His way. The way of God is the way of rest and that way and there is no way we can come to rest except we are tired of the things we do that is outside the rest of the Lord, and the way to access this true rest is simply called the ancient path, which is the only tested and proven path, the path to true and eternal rest in the bosom of the Father's love.

I in I AM is learning how to love like God, since all of my program codes reflects God's character. Yes! Often time I get terribly hurt when I don't have it reciprocated, but the truth is, I will or could only get hurt when I give attention to my selfish thoughts, but I tend to love even much more with wisdom, when my love is not reciprocated, knowing what true love is, I have to endure long. But know this, if your endurance is not drawing you close to God, run for your life. Did I say run? Please, flee! Because once the devil gets you into his current, you are doomed. We must learn how to lavish our love on God, because He first loves us, and it is out of the abundance of love, He had loved us, that we can love Him. Knowing this, engulfs us in Him whose glory no man can contest and the more we experience His glory, the more we are enabled to love Him the more, because all we are, belong to Him, and we are absolutely nothing without Him and whatever we become outside Him, is like smoke puffed into the air, with its reality like mirage, which I define as true vision, never catching reality.

God's love would always meet our needs, and we must know this; it is not all about what we want, but what we need, because it is in our need that we know that God has supply all that involves His blessings according to His riches in glory. We need not to be bothering for anything, because worrying, limits God's capacity to do and you do expect God to do when what you are manifesting is the opposite of His very character. God expects us to worship instead of worrying and this is a secret when truly discovered and practiced, makes the enemy stupidly stupid, because he cannot just stop your progress. God expects us to learn from a little of things which He cares for them, talk more of us His prime purpose on earth. I when you worry, you are invariably pointing that God has not released all that you need, and when He had already. If you cannot access what rightfully belong to you, it is because you are faithless and selfish.

We need to learn to become a good judge to always judge God faithful in all His doing, even when literally we have not experienced what we are anticipating from Him. The truth is not Him, because even before we asked whatever, He had released it, the challenge is growing our faith to see and receive that which He had released as our package.

You can never a package from God except with the hand of faith and faith in God is the only activator of real things. You want love, joy and happiness in your family, faith is the instruments to play the chords to sing the music with the contents of all that is good.

You can never be cold in the love of God; it keeps you warm and moderates in the right temperature and give you the best feelings to the right suiting temperature that will live you with the only option, to keep asking and desiring more and more and more of Him. God wants more of us than we want Him for the sake of unconditional love, but He is trying to teach us that we are the once that need Him more since we cannot live without Him and He cannot gamble His love for us, so He had to love even more so we could love Him out of the abundance of love He had loved us, but the truth remains that we need Him more. I mean, God needs of us more is simply because of His nature of eternal love that cannot change and He will not because we don't love Him, stop loving us, because if He does, then He had failed His Word. So we need to understand the reason why God cannot fail and come to valid conclusive stand that whenever things go wrong, it is never God and can never be God, it is either our mindset or the devil's trying us after he had gotten permission from God and God would allow it, to prove your nature in Him and grow you into His perfect state even as you keep overcoming the wiles of the devil. He comes seeking us even when we are not. What do you desire more when you have all you need in life? That is greed and it will take you out of your safety zone, if you are not careful. He knows what is best for you, but will not always offer it to you when you need it , if you desire has not fall in place with His perfect timing, He would expect you to wait patiently and have your strength renewed to be able to see clearly His mind to release unto you the very best in His mind, not what you have defined as your best, because your best is even the least in His mind that is if it even exist, it is only in our mind that we have the best as the limit of good, but in God's mind, there is no limit to good, because it is more beyond best that does not bring you to a state of want, but He will not even offer you the best, what He will offer you is Himself, and that was why He had to come down to die and have the price paid for our sins. He, who knows no sin, became sin. If it is not God, it can never be good and if it is not good, you will never have rest. When you don't have rest, you will ever be distressed, and this is because you have gone out of your safety zone (God's presence) into your way, running out of patience, searching for the best, when you have your best in rest, not in stress. Your best outside God will end up stealing your rest, and your rest outside God, will end up killing your peace and your peace outside God, will end up destroying your soul. So do not desire anything outside God, else, you have subscribed to lifetime misery.

Search out God's best for your life and you will have rest for life. God's best, is simply His Word and when we totally trust His grace, and as we obey His Word in the most holy faith, believing all of His promises, that will only be made perfect as it comes to pass in your life.