In one way or the other in our lives, we keep wrestling with God and never prevailing because we want God to dance to our music even when the music we are playing is completely off the ordained key. But I have come to learn this, even as I am still learning and will never stop learning; if only we can say, yes to God's will, we don't need to wrestle, all we need is to be resting in His love.

Wrestling with God is simply loving God and resolving never to let Him go, with a made that is made up to eternally remain with Him in God and in bad times, having the sure hope that is all of God.

Life is full of ups and downs, a journey when you are thinking you are coming to rest, you just run into bumps and gallops with terrible windings and sometimes consistent break down, that will make you feel there can never be rest provided one is alive. Some of us have come to describe rest as death, but the truth is, rest is the very true life, while death is the absence of true life. You must press your way through if you must breakthrough, and it will press you so hard and compress you so harsh and make you spill off any thing that is selfish to leave behind in you the very real contents that will make you stronger if you don't give up, but will make you weaker, if the future you cannot see, because you will end up giving up. Anyone who gives up cannot reach up to the height of greatness, but stay down in the valley of smallness.

Jacob had an encounter with God and his thigh got affected and that became his Divine seal.

I in I Am also had an encounter with God and my right wrist got affected with literal pains that I could hardly endure, and that also became my Divine seal with an obvious scar to remind me of my heaven's mandate. God is still in the business of using men to fulfill His mandate and God's business is to enable men to do His will and the true men have only but one business and that business is to do the will of God, which has to do with answering correctly the question "What are you seeking?'. For you to do the will of God, the right answer from you to this Divine question must be, "I am seeking to bring the already saved soul to God, because all that is done as regard the salvation of mankind was finished on the cross of Calvary". I had never thought in my wildest imagination, I was worthy of His grace, but He still gave it to me any way. He came to dwell on my right wrist with His weight and my right intent void of selfish ambitions became His very container that He is resting in, releasing and propelling His wisdom through the ink of my mere pen, to release endless mysteries to finish the work of wisdom in the face of light, and since He rested on my right wrist with His weight, my life has never remain the same, my thoughts ceases to exist in me but in Him, He now thinks through me and since then, till this moment, when I close my eyes even to sleep, I become much more awake, and staying awake even when I am asleep to intimate Him, became my sleeping, because He has made me a watchman, and I must not sleep in sleep, but stay awake in my sleep when others are sleeping in order not allow the enemy come in sow tares just the way he had done in the past and we are suffering today implication today, with tares amongst us that looks like wheat and we just cannot pull them out, except the Lord Himself. So when I am awake in the spirit while physically asleep, He teaches me the knowledge of the truth and points my attention to the glory that is to come.

I have never stopped writing His mind since I had that encounter for real and He has never stopped telling me His mind. Men who had encounters with God are men who have true relationship with Him, it might not be too rosy with such men, but the reality of their encounter, no man can dispute. Such men who encountered God, knows Him to the extent that God had revealed Himself to them and had judged God faithful never to fail in all of His promises concerning His own, and that is why they are ever strong in Him to face adversity and have the strong will to conquer cities and nations for God and to do exploits by administering the very truth of God's Word with fear or intimidation of any sort. We are in the time when the whole world is about to see for real the power and the glory of God like never before, through the sons of God (Romans 8: 14, 19) to bring to close the agenda in His mind and heaven will rejoice for Divine program executed successfully when the sons are manifesting and the gospel is being preached all around the globe, to every nook and crannies of the world, then Jesus Christ will come with the cloud and all eyes shall see Him. What a privilege to be part of the generation that is executing God's Divine program to completely annihilate Satan and all of his agents and after which there will be no deceptions anymore and no evil, no darkness, no sickness, no sorrow, no pains, no war, no jealousy or anything contrary to good. There would only be truth, life, much more abundant life, love, power and sound mind that will have no trace of the contrary thought. When I am talking about contrary thought, I am simply referring to the devil.

Jesus we life up your name, because You are exalted above the heavens and the earth. Let your glory be seen in all creation, as we offer our all to You, our Lord of all.