God's Word from Genesis to Revelation is an absolute symbolic program code running in the container system of Alpha and Omega, but the reality behind God's Word is the absolute Divine revelation truth that brings out the true picture of God's mind which will reflect in the revelation container of Alpha and Omega as the First and the Last (i.e. when MIDST is used as a pointer to the SPIRIT, PIRI is what is in the middle of S-T which is the program container, while PIRI is the Divine program running; where PI is defined as the Power Eye which is simply Life and RI is the Revelation (reflected eye) which is simply light.).

Without life and light, what is the essence of existence?

It is because of how all things will be revealed through the light of God that the Bible says all eyes shall see everything clearly in the light of His glory and nothing shall be hidden, even your deepest secrets shall be revealed in face of light. The truthfulness and validity of the Word of God will be proved and sure even as the Bible recorded that all eyes shall see Him (Revelation 1: 7), it will be so and this will be when all His Word has come to fulfillment. To prove to you that the Bible is an absolute Divine program code, look at the chapter and verse of the Revelation that was quoted, it reveals the Vine (1) and fulfillment which is evident as the numeric code 7 (finished, completed or perfect) and to point you clearer to this Divine truth is Revelation 10: 7. God is a perfect programmer and no one can dispute this reality that the Bible is an absolute Divine program that will be executed in our time and we will see for real with our naked eyes (spirit).

1 John 1: 3

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is.

We need God's grace alone to be able to catch the true revelation as pertains, the message He is trying to pass across to us in the time we are in. In our intellects, we have ended up misinterpreted to interpret the Word of God from our perspectives and as a result had introduced lots of twist and this is really telling on the mindset of many, especially the so called believers in quote, butt this is simply the agenda of the devil which was coded in the form of educating ourselves to know the unknown. Whatever we learn ourselves, can never be God's will, we must learn of God and learning of God will have nothing to do with the principles and philosophies of men, despite it may seem as if it is the same, the life is not in the letters, but in His Word, that spans beyond literal word spoken or written.

The reality of our King of Kings, Lord of Lords is a deep secret sealed in His Divine Program codes and the opening of the seal gives us who are sons of God access into His heart of hearts to understand mysteries that has been kept sealed right from the foundation of the earth, and the true revelation of all of His program codes which uses Scriptures as the Divine time that aligns with our time in life to prove the reality of His mind.

It is time!

The mystery of God will be finished in the sons of God. Hallelujah! Hosannah in the highest!! Jesus is our Lord and God and there is nothing the world can do about this.


On this date, I had a date with I AM and in the course of our intimate experience, we had sweetly sweet intimate discussion that led me into a depth of inspiration to start writing on "Seeing into the mind of God through His Divine program" and I was able to break Divine codes through His help. You can never live a fulfilled life until you are able to understand your Divine program codes, and this book will help you understand your Divine program, so as to connect you to knowing the mind of God, as pertains your unique destiny in Him. Without the understanding of your Divine program codes, you can never understand the direction of your flow and you will not know your spiritual position which is will be the determinant of your stand of witnessing, like John the baptize who came as a voice crying out in the wilderness, to prepare the way of the Lord, do you know who you are?

Without the knowledge of your spiritual position, you cannot write an algorithm that reveals your Divine program and once you cannot follow the right algorithm, you will end up struggling, because you cannot be fulfilled. Fulfillment is simply, Divine program executed successfully as ordained, while purpose not fulfilled as ordained is Divine program executed unsuccessfully, as a result of not following the ordained rules and regulations as set aside by the programmer. Do not rest with the Lord, with the sense of you are fulfilled and contented with the materials things you have possessed, else the Lord will not rest with you; because rest is a sign that you are tired of work, and you are now in grace which connects you to follow all of God's program for your life such that you are no longer comfortable (tired) with the things of this world, now dead to lusts and in this, you cannot stand in the ways of the world, but see with the eyes of the spirit and ask with the mind of God for the ancient path where the good way is and as you trust God, He will surely direct you to walk in it and you will now have rest for your soul.

You can never rest until you are very tired and exhausted of the work of the flesh and the earlier you rest from the work of the flesh, the better. Are you not tired of the world?

God has programmed each and every one of us for a special purpose to fulfill heavens mandate in order to correct the bug introduced to the initial program of His thought by the contrary thought program (virus) that spread so fast and corrupted every other system with a devastating viral effect of replication. So God in His infinite wisdom have to design individual complex program with a seal to counter the invading bugs, that has eaten the heart of the other system which become carnal, despite its Divine seal, ignorance could not allow him to function with the right of the Divine seal and then God over looks, not in our time when knowledge has increased. The most terrible bug ever existed in this terrestrial plane is created by SELF and this bug is called SIN BUG. Do you have an idea, how much sin bugs?

When a Divine program designed to go right ends up going left, it becomes a sin and if you see through the lens of God's Word, you will discover the program is a thought design to resist the original thought as programmed by the introduction of a strange program and this strange program strives for independence to do without the original program, because of the purpose of the programmer for the original thought program. This strange thought program will end up scattering or altering the sequence of the original thought program by redefining the focus of the product of the original thought program, such that instead of facing the direction as programmed, it will end up facing the contrary, thereby opposing the ordained ignorantly and the contrary thought program (Satan) will now capitalize on that and start using that as his power to live and do against the mind of the programmer, using the mind of the product of the original thought program (man), to reprogram the system and live a far reaching impression from the supposed. I mean left becomes right and right becomes left, and this is the situation we find ourselves in the world now. The introduction of the bug into an operational system will either results to slowing down the system or increasing the speed beyond the normal programmed dynamics, so as not to achieve the desired aimed and at the end, crash the entire system. This will also affect the execution of the original program as designed by the programmer. Correcting this program that is tending the contrary would require extra carefulness and in doing this, the programmer had to give up His all and that His all will be His very life, to restructure the distorted program and the seed of that very life is what is called LOVE. So with love, the programmer can now do spiritual cleaning by releasing His blood into the corrupt system to flush out every impurity through the process I called by revelation knowledge DIVINE DEBUGGING, which would set in as Divine judgment or Divine chastisement for the product of the original thought program carrying the source codes, corrupted by the pseudo source code (the serpent called the devil).

Debugging could lead to deletion of the old program which was corrupted and starting a new program will be done with a divine security enabled program to detect and resist every invading virus from the contrary thought program and this new program will still have the very sequence as programmed in the programmer's mind.

The REVELATION CODE to correcting malfunctioning Divine program is REPENTANCE CODE which has to do with ACKNOWLEDGMENT of the programmer's thought and following His order to correct whatever has been corrupted by the devastating virus of sin which has it host as self. You can only see through to understand the programmer's thought when you see through His mind. God is the programmer, Jesus is the Active codes of the programmer (God's thought) and the Holy Spirit is the executor of the Divine program, in all God is all in all and it is not that God is separate from Jesus or the Jesus separate from the Holy Spirit, it is simply God manifesting Himself in varying dimension to bring to reality His Divine program.