God speaks to us into our mind and there is a strong communication like when we are not operating in self, but in the spirit. When we see through the mirror of God's Word, we will see through into the eyes of His heart into the very depth of His mind where His thoughts are sent to activate His will for us, where He designed His mysterious program that brought everything to existence. If you can see into His mind through His Word, you will read His very thought, even as you allow His network nodes in you to receive the signal to bear you witness of whatever be your thoughts if it aligns into His.

God's mind is the power source, while our thoughts is the body of our spirit that have two eyes serving as a wire connecting God's mind that serves as Divine pole called the Vine to generate power and activate our minds from His Divine dam where His Spirit was hovering over the face of the waters, even as darkness was upon the face of the DEEP, to drive every of our affairs in life just like an operating system. From this point I can state boldly that our mind could act as a platform for God's will to be fulfilled or the devil's…and it will also interest you to know that your mind is also a business platform and that is why the Bible asked, "What shall you give in exchange of your soul?" (Mark 8: 37).

From my personal experiences and my encounters with God before He started revealing deep things to me, I have come to discover and I present the knowledge to you that, whatever keeps recurring in your life is simply calling your attention deeper. I reiterate! It could be a Divine chord that you need to pay close attention to and try to understand the combination of notes that makes up the chord, so you could perfectly fit into the rhythm of the deep that calls after deep to take you deeper into the heart of the caller, because as you answers the call, "Here I am", He will start talking to you, exposing you to the reality of you in Him, so as to understand that there is no you without Him and until you cease to exist in you, you can never enjoy the journey to fulfilling your Divine purpose which is His program for you. You are not the one who programmed Him and you must not try to program Him with your limited thoughts, He is your programmer. Whatever keeps recurring as I have earlier reemphasized, needs your attention much more, than you give attention to yourself, because you can only understand yourself much more by giving attention to what is calling and is never allowing you to be. It is simply a call in codes and when you discover the secret, you will save yourself the stress of finding out what your purpose is. All you need to do is to return back to the programming manual (Bible) and find out what the revelation of the code is and from there, you will be able to build a perfect Divine system and as you follow the right algorithm in alignment with the programmer's program, you will execute the program and it will be successful. Mine comes in the form of events that usually recurs from time to time or some certain happenings with respect to my position in my family (11).

While I was growing as a child, one of the things that kept recurring was frequent convulsion which lasted for 11 tormenting years, and all these happened because of fear of the unknown, always having a sense that I am not safe without my Dad, so if he is not around me, it is like the world is crashing on me and all the wild beast ever existed, even the ones beyond existence is coming to catch me. The devil is wicked, he really tried brainwashing me to believe the world is full of horrors, but now I know, it is a lie from the pit of hell. As man thinks in his heart, so is he. After that experience of recurring convulsion that lasted for 11 years. After I was delivered from the torment of convulsion that I was more of a slave to, another sequence started, but this time around, it became this pattern of recurring time that will never allow me a second to think. Provided I am having a particular thought, the next thing that will occur is the pattern of recurring time that is always calling my attention. I became a slave to this time and I was ever trying to resist it, but the more I try, the more it recurs. Time in the pattern of 01: 01, 02; 02, 03; 03…12:12, I tried (then) aligning it, and I got a clue even as I started giving attention to my thoughts, I noticed a voice speaking into my heart, telling me what to do. I was not just comfortable with this at all, because it was making me feel very uncomfortable, why something inside of my will be trying to dictate what I want to do, even if I want to take water or bath. Sometimes, it will tell me to look into the cup of water, when I do, I won't believe what I would have drank if I had not looked as the voice had instructed, because of the dirt in the water. I discover if you follow your inner voice, you can never get things wrong, but it is so pathetic that self, will not allow us hear the instruction of our inner voice, I am writing to you from my personal experiences to help you also discover you purpose in God, the way I have. I got a clue the moment I started giving attention to my thought and from my clue, I named the time Twin-Time (T: T) and with respect to when I got delivered from the torment of that evil convulsion when I was 11, and being the 11th born of my family I realize there is something about my base and that thing is simply coded with 11. This was what I discover; 1 is an identity, typifying an eye which is simply current in accordance to physics and looking at its shape, it is simply a stroke which represents a rod that could serve as a pole that connects. Immediate I caught the revelation, I discovered, 1 is simply the Vine, wow! This implies 11 is Divine which is a clear indication that the essence of my life is connected to the life of God which is the Vine in the person of Jesus Christ, pointing to the fact that the recurring time is simply a Divine call pointing my attention to my source (God). I got it and immediately, everything about my life changed and I now discovered if Jesus is the Vine and I am Divine, I will be a figure to reflect His true character in appearance and knowledge even as I depend completely on God to reflection (projects or manifest0 of Jesus' character, but I truly need to understand this proper.

Let's travel deeper!

If you can follow this revelation like a babe who is ready to learn to know the very Divine truth, you will reach the heart to discover your very purpose and mandate why God brought you out through your parent into this world. So I discovered what I have never recovered from since the moment of my discovery and that which I discovered was, my Divine program codes which is simply a recurring pairs of time that implies in the realm of the spirit what reflects will certainly reflect in the physical, calling my attention to be spiritually alert, because it is what happens in the spiritual dimension of my life that controls what happens in my physical world and the convulsion was actually a fight of the devil trying to take hold of my thought, to use me for his purpose, but God humiliated him and has fashion me as a tool to shipwreck him and torment the kingdom of darkness. If you can master your thought which is the body of your spirit, you will be able to resist anything that is not of God, no matter how true it presents itself. This clearly points that I have a Divine seal which reveals my mandate here on earth. If my program codes are understood, I can unlock any symbolic divine revelation code about my life and understand what God is telling me per time. If it is God, my code will flash on to call my attention deeper to pay close attention to my thoughts, because God will definitely speak into my heart and when He is speaking I will know it is not just a mere thought, but God speaking to me. God speaks to us for real, wake up!