God is simply saying "Our expectation as the redeemed church of Christ will give birth to sufferings caused by the devil who runs every system, especially the technological system that will be Artificial intelligently driven and we will be tested and also we will experience great tribulation for ten days. He admonished us with a hope of the crown of life. He said, "We should be faithful until death, so as to receive the crown of life." It implies, if we for the fear of death deny Him, we have automatically denied life.

So Hannah's vow brought forth.... As noted in the symbolic call code (1 Samuel 1: 11), brought forth our stands as a church in the Revelation code 12: 11, which implies, Hannah's vow was on an act of worship that is true and it counts to 2 evidences as the double portion of anointing the redeemed church of Christ will have experienced as the symbolic Prophet Samuel who experienced one portion. Since Hannah's sown her spiritual son to God as a seed, God had to carry His property (Revelation 12: 14), so that when the fullness of the time is come, the church will now enjoy the glory of God even unto death (Revelation 12: 11).

What do I mean by the fullness of the time?

The Scripture was actually speaking in a symbolic call code. The Bible did not say, "Elkanah said, "When the time is come….", but the Bible only records in the symbolic call code 1 Samuel 1: 4, 5 that "And whenever the time come…."

What time?

The time that Satan will be casted down from heaven

What will happen at that time?

The devil will be ready to devour the church (symbolic: woman that gave birth to a male child in Revelation) and her double portion anointing (the glory of the Father's love). 1 Peter 5: 8 reveals what the devil has been doing and now since his days are numbered, he wants to carry it out in full because we are in the fullness of the time, and we must walk not as fools, but understanding the time because the days are evil (Ephesians 5: 15). The mystery of God will be finished with the spiritual birth.

1 Peter 5; 8 is a symbolic call code revealing a shift pointing to the fullness of the time that will ushers the New Dimension Anointing which is the reality of the Father's love correcting spiritual bareness (1 Samuel 1: 5), revealing that the church will manifest in double portion of what will be divinely released (fruit of the womb from Divinity: Divinity anointing) and when I am talking about the church here, I mean the remnant sons of God. Because of this reality, the symbolic call code 1Peter 5: 8, even as the verse 8 points to the answers Elkanah's question to Hannah, in the symbolic call code 1 Samuel 1: 8 and the answer is found in the Revelation code 12: 4- 6, because "The revelation woman in the symbolic picture of Hannah revealed as the church was grieved in her heart. From the symbolic code 1 Samuel 1: 5, because she was barren, despite with her double portion, she desires a fruit of the womb and from the Revelation code 12: 5, she delivered the child of her double portion anointing who is to rule all the nation with a rod of iron as revealed that the child was caught up to God and his throne (preserved by God for the appointed time.

Why was Hannah's heart grieved?

Her heart was grieved because, her rival Peninnah was provoking her terribly and this is evident in the symbolic call code 1 Samuel 1: 6 and revealed as the Revelation code 12: 6 which states "Then the woman fled into the wilderness where she has a place preserved by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days." This reveals a great affliction from fiery trials perpetuated by the world, which is the church's rival. So Peninnah is just but a symbolic picture of the world against the church. I caught this revelation and it is so interesting! The woman will be fed by her spiritual son who is one of the two witnesses (the two lampstands). How did I know this? Check the code, the number of days they will prophesy and the number of days; she will be fed in the wilderness; which implies one of the two witnesses is here spiritual son. Revelation code 11: 3 is the code of her spiritual son. She will be fed by the two witnesses as I have earlier emphasized, while Revelation 12: 6 which explains the shift in the realm of the spirit from the son's physical position to a position of manifestation whereby 3, is the code of her son's class as calculated i.e. SSS 3, to give the sequence or order of her son's anointing S= 2. If S = 2, it then means, the Revelation code 12: 6 is explained as the code of her son's manifestation i.e. Revelation code 12: S3, where code 12 represents the number of the members of his spiritual chosen family (ISRAEL) and 6, represents the number of man.

What is the revelation in this?

The revelation is, 12 is a chosen number symbolically typifying the 12 tribes of Israel, while Revelation now aligns with my immediate family, but from a spirituals stand, the 12 spiritual tribes of Jack of which I in I AM is the 11th born with the heaven' mandate to resist the New Age Movement (NAM) in the entertainment industries with the New Dimension (NDM) called the true sons of God who are called to manifest the Father's glory. From the realm of the spirit, you read from right to left, not from left to right, because it is the spirit that controls the physical, so the physical does not control the spiritual, but reflects its activities, which implies, we will be able to break the code of what the New Age Movement (NAM) is, if we are spiritual and are functioning in the New Dimension Movement (NDM).

What will prove this reality?

6 is the number of man....

If we obey the spiritual flow in the realm of the physical, the New Age Movement is NAM, but in reality, the New Dimension Movement, is simply a standing in faith in God to expose the Anti-Christ wiles to deceive people into the broad path of destruction through the New Age Movement that is in control of almost everything that is happening in our world today. What does this explain? It explains that the anointing of God will expose every secrets of this age and evil men will have nowhere to hide. How...…...?

If the New Age Movement is the physical, the New Dimension Movement which will reflect in the physical world as the Ancient Path Stands will stand on the side of truth to redirect people back to the right track, it will be a battle between the kingdom of darkness and that of light and in this time, ignorance is not an excuse. So we have the spiritual from the left tending to the right and the physical from the right tending to the left.


Spiritual = physical


Revelation in

The face of



So the New Dimension Movement will be able to expose the Anti-Christ who will come in the form of a man with the base number of 6 but with the exponent of 3. How could this be possible? This could be possible only by the anointing of God. What do I mean by the anointing of God?

If it is man's movement against God's, then, we will have a relationship in the form of ratio;

MAN: MDN this means man against the New Dimension release or the world against the true sons of God who will manifest the Father's love i.e. reflect the true character of God, which is the person of Jesus Christ, which implies, when the world sees, what they will see through us is the very image of God.

A = D

What is the New Dimension?

From my calculation, mathematically, the New Dimension is the ANOINTING, because every other thing will give way for Divine empowerment i.e.

A = D if A = 1, D = 4

1 typifies the Vine (Jesus Christ), while A typifies ANOINTING

4 typify the number of evil and 4 = D, which implies 4 evil meaning the Devil, is for evil.

So the battle is between the Almighty God through the sons of God and the devil that is out for complete evil. When scripture says, "Here is wisdom, let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it is the number of a man. His number is 666" (Revelation 13: 18), a lot of people will be thinking it is just an ordinary number as presented 666, but not knowing that it is simply a symbolic code and it is very deep if you are not Divinely enable to have it revealed to you.

If 6 is a number of man....

Then we need to calculate, following the good counsel that the Scripture as given us to able to decipher the character of the beast who is the antichrist and all of his agents that is entirely taking over every system from government, to financial institutions, sports, entertainment industries, medias, technologies and even much more our churches.