The good thing about the wisdom of God, it is very simple to the humble, even mathematically, those who are lay man to mathematics will be able to understand and grasp the message. Therefore, I will be revealing the hidden secret to the number 666 in the face of light even as God gives me to grace to...

If 6 is a number of man

Then 666 should be man, man, man = man^3.

This means man rose to the power of 3, from the normal power of one.

What kind of man could this be?

The number 3 is also very symbolic, because it is one short of 4

The number 4 is also very symbolic

If 4 is the number of evil and 4 = D, we have Devil as earlier emphasized, then

Man exponent 3 (Me3) being an extra-ordinary man with triple Power of man, it then implies such man will possess the power of the devil and function in his place in the figure of man to rule and bring man under subjection since the devil cannot in himself, and this unique man will be dangerously evil because he is out for complete evil, with a code of two eyes, not showing as eyes, but the time 10: 10 even as revealed in the symbolic call code John 10: 10

What the Bible does is to call our attention to things which are programmed to happen and if we are sensitive in the spirit, we will be able to know the time when such things will happen, even as it is programmed.

Like the code 10: 10 looks like a code of deception presenting good to our knowledge, but beyond is evil i.e. 1 is good, while 0 is evil and the Bible says "In Him there is no darkness at all (1 John 1: 5)" which implies the code 10 is evil in disguise in the fullness of time which we are already right in. and also the Revelation of code 6 is found in 1 John 1: 6 which states "If we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth." So Revelation code 1 John 1: 6 points out the symbolic code of John 10: 10 which explains a deception that presents itself as TRUTH, but the Bible says, "If we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the TRUTH" I reiterate! This code reveals that they will present themselves as light, putting good forward, but the reality they are is evil, evident in the code as 10. If they had put the 0 first, then 1 would be able to know that it is deception. This is explaining the subtlety and cunning nature of the devil as serpent who uses his deceptive code 3 (triple power of man) to deceive the woman by first of all presenting code 1 (light, good, knowledge etc.) to romance the woman's thought and make her to become much more thoughtful outside God's thought, then proceeds to introducing the evil code 4 with the revelation code John 10: 10 which is simply code 0 (darkness, disaster in disguise, death (wolf) in sheep clothing of life etc.) i.e. Genesis 3: 1, 4, 6 are symbolic evil code, exposed in John 10: 10 as evil hiding behind evil, or the devil hiding under light.

Don't just desire and choose because of the appearance of the container, search deep to know the content and choose based on the true knowledge of the content, not the container.

Beauty is deceptive, character is the reality of the content....

I just thought to rest a while before continuing to prove the time we are in, and my Divine call, I just saw on my clock 10:10, meaning the days are evil and we need to be wise not to walk as fools (Ephesians 5: 15, 16), because the devil who is a thief will come in his wiles to steal, kill and destroy.

Symbolic attention call code Genesis 3: 1, 4, (5), and 6

1. Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, "You shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die"

You can only imagine! Did the woman go to the serpent to ask the serpent questions to know? So how did the serpent found out the woman's thought? He did, because he saw the woman's desire and how she was lusting after the fruit and read her mind, as she was experiencing inner conflict, trying to find out why God placed a restriction from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Since her thought was outside God, it eventually fell into devil's thought and the subtly cunning serpent, possessed by the devil acted swiftly in the direction of the impulse of the woman's thought. When I am saying serpent, I don't mean snake, I am referring to the distorted content of the devil's thought which gives birth to deceiving spirits and deceiving is simply demons.

If a woman's thought does not come under the influence of the Holy Spirit, it will always travel far to see things that will activate her lusts and it will be very difficult to control such woman because you can never meet her desires.