Reason would always present itself right and will live no ground for you to debate and that is why for you to win in debate, you must give more reasons. It is not godly, it is the devil's deceptive wiles to track trick you on a legitimate ground, but the grace of God spans beyond the changes of good reasons.

What do I mean by 10 is a deceptive code?

I started by talking about debate, and I am not here to present my points or state my reasons, my job is to reveal what God has revealed to me and it is in your power to accept or reject it, but I would admonish you to patiently follow me through.

Do you know what is called reflection (mirror effect)?

The mirror effect of 10 is 01 and this reveals spiritual reality which presents good to the physical, but in the dimension where the right spirit gives light, the wrong spirit takes life. So in reality, the devil gives and takes, but God takes and give (hand over your life to God, He gives you all of Himself to protect you and that is His unconditional love that nothing can separate you from).

1 typifies light which represents: good, fortune, blessings, etc.

0 typifies darkness which represents: evil, bad luck, curses etc.

So what the devil does is to present to you what looks like good such that the impression you receive is good, but secretly it is simply evil lying wait. The devil can never be good to you, no matter how good he appears, the end will be evil and he makes you to feel your way is God's way when you are religious minded.

They made endless lists for us to study, when the simple reality is in Him, in the light of His revelation. They did that to confuse us and God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 13: 33), so who are they to create a model that make God appear as if He is the author of confusion? They are some theological school thoughts you will subscribe to that you may end up want to start thinking God is a liar. They are connected to the devil himself who goes to and fro like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour. The devil is ever out to twist what appear straight and present it as it is straight, don't be deceive, learn how to test whatever comes into your life, before giving it room to stay. The devil is not an alternative to stay in your life, don't transact business with him.

Confusion starts with a selfish thought that is never in agreement with reality. During the time of the building of the tower of Babel, men sat down and reasoned in their heart, that they want to make name for themselves and the only thought that was agreed upon was to build a tower to heaven in order to make a name for themselves. Can you imagine the thought of man? It starts with the thought, all of man's problems. The thought of man started religion and the revelation reality of religion is Babelic of which its result is utter confusion. This is devil's program to confuse the entire world not to key into the reality of the New Dimension, but he failed woefully. Since if he comes is the form of evil, he will be discovered, he now ended up in his wiles to subtly and cunningly use his deceptive codes to create a school called theology, not that theology is wrong, I am saying, most have been infiltrated and such theological system that has been infiltrated presents what looks like the true knowledge of truth, but creates a mindset that is far from the ordained. I know I will have more people to resist and speak against this reality, but that will not change the truth. The reality of God's Word has nothing to do with the accumulation of certificates and riding on the wing of big titles, it only has to do with true relationship.

There is nothing wrong with you going to Bible school, but it will interest you to know that I did not go to any Bible school to reach the depth of the knowledge I am writing about. I have never done any Bible course with respect to this period I had this written down, not even a certificate course. I have never followed the protocol of this idea that you must serve a mentor to reach the depth of true knowledge, I think the purpose of a mentor is to learn the act of true service in accordance to God's pattern. There is nothing wrong with mentoring, but there is everything wrong with the mindset of thinking one cannot do without a mentor. We have only one mentor and He is the only true mentor, our very role model without a "BUT" and that mentor is the person of Jesus Christ in the symbol of the Holy Spirit.

The reason why you cannot reach the true revelation of this reality is because you are ignorant. They called it practical doctrines, but the truth is that, we can do nothing on our own. They called it biblical teaching to enlighten our intellect. Where is the place for the Holy Spirit? The devil did this to close the way for the Holy Spirit and that was why Jesus said and I paraphrase "When the Holy Spirit come, He shall teach you all things." Your intellect cannot take you there, it is only your trust in God (Proverbs 3: 5, 6), that will take you through and follow you and guide you into the heart of truth and when you are in, every deception which presents itself as good, but evil lying wait, will be completely exposed in the face of light.

The heart of trusting God is the face of light that no evil can hide…. light will sure expose them all.