They said enlightenment is a necessary first step, but the truth is intended to impact the thinking habits and behaviors of its recipient. Look at where they miss it; they put enlightenment first before truth. The question is enlightenment about what? Self-realization and power of positive thinking, while relegating the truth to the background which is the only key to true knowledge that can sets you free (John 8: 32). These are deceptions from the pit of hell, simply the devil's wile The truth is, we must wake up to this reality, else we will keep dwelling in deliberate ignorance.

Faith spans beyond enlightenment that makes you aware of what you can do with your innate self, but faith rest all your doing in God and does not make you take the glory that is due God.

You don't need to understand the truth to apply it, all you need is to acknowledge (accept the knowledge (John 1: 12)). As you can see the revelation of acknowledgement of reality as pertains Divine Revelation Insight is simply accepting the truth, not using the truth as catalyst to activate your thinking. The truth is not about your thought; it is about trusting God's thought. Enlightenment is what drives the idea of illuminati and it is clearly not of God and if it is not of God, it is of the devil. If you understand divine codes even from the Scriptural quotation you will detect the reality of the thought behind whatever looks like. All you need is to know (intimate) the Word and you will know your Divine program codes which will track every contrary thought against the thought of God for your life.

Victory is not won by your big grammars or accumulated certificates, but in your understanding and application of the truth of the Word of God.

The greatest challenge that is wrecking the church today is THEOLOGY and PRACTICAL ERROR. I did not say theology; I mean theology and practical error. There are inseparable, just the way grace and truth are inseparable twin. I mean theology and practical error would always go along with each other if the base of the theology is reasoning or what we called school of thoughts today. You cannot delete error in theology, this is because the deletion of practical error in theology is like deleting theology, and however, to reverse the order will take application of truth and building the right doctrine from it being totally dependent on the Holy Spirit for Divine Revelation Insight. I have a good news for you and the good news is, you don't need any doctrine any more, what you need is understanding your Divine program codes which has to do with what God has purposed you to do in life.

Everybody has his/her own unique Divine Program code, but it will not take you out of the truth because it is built in truth by God Himself who is your programmer. You can only be lost in truth and when you are lost in truth, you seize to exist in yourself, but in God through Christ as light, such that nothing connected to darkness can stand in your presence; it will be exposed, even all of Satan's deep dark secrets of deceiving people. Most Christians don't even know that Satan is a strategist who knows exactly how to step into the system through our inordinate desire of lusting after the world, thinking we can copy the world without the world having influence on us. If your calling does not have the job description to expose Satan's wiles, then you are sure on the wrong track and it is when we have come to the very knowledge that it is our mandate to expose the deceptions and lies of Satan in every system, especially the church system with our individual program codes that we will start feeling the awesome presence of God.

Find out to discover your Divine Program Code by trusting God, paying attention to some certain things that just keep happening in your life, but is always calling you deeper and would not let you be, even when you want to be, it will still flash you again and again to tell you, your being is in paying attention to Me. When you come to the knowledge that the thing which always flashes you is a person, it will start talking to you. I am speaking to you from my personal experience that took my years to reach the full understanding because of my stubbornness, resisting God's call. God's call is real, but coded into a form that could vary from one person to the other.

The major purpose of your call in God is to expose the deceptions of Satan and frustrate him, because the understanding of our Divine Program is like throwing Satan into hell before the appointed time, even as it was appointed, because he will have no single control over you. I don't mean he will not adverse against you, I simply mean, even when he opposes, his opposition cannot stop you from administering the mind of God.

If you don't put Satan in hell by understanding your Divine Program, you are in hell for not knowing who you are.