I have come to discover that our major problem in life begin with the misplacement of knowledge which could be as a result of not resting in the Father's love. It all starts with the first man and continue with us until now.

The major challenge we experience in the world system that we now operates in is caused by principles that carries the S-bug, built from the mind of Satan, which hides (PODS) the reality of the truth, and then presents what looks like truth, but actually far from the true knowledge of what is true, because what we have come to know and accepted is the idea of the reality of the knowledge, not the insight of the truth in the reality.

Idea is like the left eye that hides the real thing, and presents something that looks like the real. I am not referring to the physical eye, but the spiritual eye, which typifies light of the thought that is our spirit and light of the mind, which is the driver of our will. I will take my time to explain the points I am trying to make as God gives me the enablement to unravel this great mystery that have been kept seal since the foundation of the earth.

There are a lot of things we are ignorant of, because what we have been dwelling on is simply the impressions we have received, even as we are been taught, not knowing that most of what we have learnt are coded. The reality of these codes, reveals the character of either the contrary thought program or the original thought program of God.

There is no system that does not run with programs, but for real, beyond the hardware and software, in the reality of our functionality, God has programmed us to run with thought. In every system, no matter how big that system appears to be, what drives it is a very tiny eye, which could either be the left or the right eye, and the reality of these two eyes is that the left hides the knowledge, while the right reveals the knowledge. The left eye is simply idea, while the right eye is simply insight. What have you been dwelling on all this while, Idea or insight?

We were taught in biology that life begins with a cell and a cell is define in my lay man's understanding as the smallest minutely minute microcosm unit of life, which have various units that I am not going to dive into explaining, because that is not the purpose for this inspiration, but one central part of the cell that cannot be over emphasized is the nucleus which is defines as the part of the cell that contains the genetic code called the DNA. It is also known as the command center where character are built and controlled, even as designed from the thought program. I had to go little into explaining these biological terms because what I am about revealing is the reality of what we see happening in life and why the happenings, the secret behind the happenings. All that we see happening in life is simply the manifestation of thought programs which reveals an innate character of a tiny cell that contains what is bigger than the entire universe called thoughts, which is simply the body of the spirit. What I am about explaining spans beyond the confines of sciences, it is Divine.

As a computer science graduate, I understand little of program and I also understand the implication of bug in a written program. Bug in computer written programs, alters the running of the program, and makes the program to go the contrary from the ordained as originally programmed. Software bug is simply an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program or system that cause it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways. Most bugs arise from mistakes and errors made in either a program's source code or its design, or in components and operating systems used by such program.

Man is simply God's program and the source code use in programming man is the SPIRIT, while the operating system is simply the mind of the spirit called THE WILL POWER which drives the affair of man's entire behavior as instructed by the thought. So the thought became the instructor of the system acting as the body of the spirit, and man became the system designed to perform the purpose of God. The devil was like a compiler who ended up producing a malicious code that led to the distortion of the original source code of God, which eventually started affecting the character of the original program of God's thought (man). How did it all happen? When a thought becomes contrary, it become rebellious, producing large number of bugs that will seriously interfere with the functioning of the original thought program, making it to become defective in its function….. This triggered erroneous character could have serious ripple effects, if not quickly detected and deleted. Bug could also have subtle effects or cause the original program to crash or freeze the system.

Let me try to drive you back home to the point I am trying to make with God's thought program and the rebellious contrary thought program of God's thought. And the Bible records in Genesis 1: 26, "Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over all the earth and over every creeping things that creeps on the earth." This Scripture reveals the reality that man is God's thought program evident from the conversation, "Let Us…" This clearly implies, there was an organize system functioning to make God's thought come to existence for real and among the system are units of which there must be laborer who would build God's design and these laborers are angels in various dimensions and capacity, of which some would be compiling and others could be assembling. By revelation, I saw that the devil was the one doing the compilation, so while compiling, he thought in his mind, "What is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that You care for them?" (Psalm 8: 4), so he became malicious of man, the truth is, not even God, because man was God's thought program, and any malice channeled toward man is directly opposing God's thought as programmed. This was the reality of the devil's rebellion and he immediately became anti God. So in order for the devil to deceive man, he ended up creating a contrary mindset that is far from the ordained, making man to be anti-God and pro-religion and others pro-God and anti-religion, such that what results in the entire system is simply chaos with the units of each system never agreeing with each other. So the devil rebelled by just a thought which makes him to become envious of God's purpose and envy in this contest is like a plot to over throne the thought program of God called man. So when the devil tries exalting himself above man, he is invariably trying to exalt himself beyond the throne of God, because man, is the reality of God's thought.

Psalm 8: 5- 8

For You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen, even the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea that pass through the paths of the seas.

So the conflict of life starts with the battle of the thought, when man's will refuses to rest in God's perfect will, man became decisive. By this I mean, man is left to choose between good and evil and in the original thought program of God for man, God wants man to operate only in the knowledge of good, not to have the knowledge of evil. But since the conflict of thought program that results to the devil thinking to have the character to oppose God's thought program starts with the thought of man, having the sure signature to operate beyond his cadre of the devil. Therefore, the heart of man became the battle ground for the divine force of God with that of the devil opposing the mind of God for man, by dragging man into the ways of self.

Let me take you a little bit deeper into the reality of the point I am trying to make. The Bible says, "The LORD God planted the garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man who He had formed." This implies man was kept in the domain of his territory where he was programmed to have dominion and that territory is earth. So East became a symbolic pointer to man, who is not yet impressed with the true knowledge that will make him function in the full capacity of his Divine program called PURPOSE. So God created from the ground every tree and made them grow so beautiful and pleasant to the sight to capture man's desire (Genesis 2: 9) and the Bible made it crystal; clear that the tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. From the Scripture, we can see a clear demarcation of the thought programs revealed as TREE OF LIFE and TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOD AND EVIL. You can see that the contrary thought program actually have the knowledge, but because he hides the knowledge and presents what looks like, creating a form of hypocritical character, hiding his intention, he now became evil. The devil's intention is hidden in his idea of light, which is not actually light, but what looks like light.

So the purpose for God creating and putting man in the Garden of Eden is to tend and keep it. Which implies man's assignment is to tend and keep and in tending, you prepare and cultivate the platform where you are to live impression, and when the impression is left, you keep the standard of the original thought program, so that it does it slip from the ordained to something else. The world system is failing today because even when man is tending, man could not keep the standard of the original thought program because, he becomes busy lusting after the things of this world, thereby reducing him to things, even the things he chases. In God's thought, man is given the highest right to be responsible to be the steward of God's creation; even the devil is under man's control in according to God's program.

To assure the reality of thought programs, it is evident with the temptation and the fall.

When we become pompous and proud, what God does is to reduce us to the lowest level of dwelling like a beast in the field; it was made evident with King Nebuchadnezzar, so the devil was reduced to the level of a creeping serpent after he had been stripped of his eyes, and casted down from the domain of light to the domain of darkness and emptiness, a volume of voidness where he doomed will be completed in knowledge by God's thought program (man). So the introduction of the serpent is simply the reality of the distorted thought program of God that has his life in the life, but the program of God has his life in the spirit. So it became the battle of flesh and blood with spirit and the mind, where the strategies of the devil now became built of the foundation of flesh and blood, creating a room for carnality, which is the major cause of death. The reason why the serpent had to lure the woman to believing his lies was because, he wants to have access into the woman's thought in order to create false impression and hide from the woman the true knowledge of the implication of eating the fruit and once the woman eats, the thought program of God is distorted, because of disobedience. God has defined to them what to do, and they ended up doing the contrary. When you read carefully the Scripture, you will discover what the woman quoted in Genesis 3: 2 which states, "And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden;" was a misplacement of knowledge, if we are to compare it with the instruction that God gave Adam who is the man in Genesis 2: 16 and 17 which states, "And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.". So the ground the devil started building on to introduce his very contrary distorted thought program was the misplaced knowledge of the woman, having known the truth, he had to hide the knowledge and now present to the woman a knowledge that looks like, to capture her eyes. The Bible record in Genesis 3 and 5 that, "Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." So what the devil use to distort the woman's thought were lies, because the woman created the platform for him, and that platform is simply defined as IGNORANCE. Base on the impression the devil made, the woman heart was won, because her focus was no longer on supposed, but now on what looks like, such that, she now saw in the light of the light that looks like the real light, while the devil actually hides the knowledge, by saying the contrary of what God said. God said, "They will surely die" while on the contrary, the devil said, "They will not surely die". You can see that the thought program of the devil negates the thought program of God, on the ground of knowledge and live us with the option to make choice and choose. So immediately the woman saw, her passion was ignited immediately to desire what she does not even know, because it appeared good, looks pleasant to the eyes, and also desirable to make one wise. What the entire woman saw, is simply the reality of the intent of the devil to make the woman to love the world and this is still happening today in our lives. We keep seeing and desiring even what we don't know the secret, because we lack the true knowledge.

When the Bible records that, "when they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, they hid themselves…." This simply reveals the reality of what Satan does, by hiding under light, so in reality, Adam and Eve hide under the idea of light, because they have left the true light and that idea is simply darkness, where they think in their myopic mind after the fall, that darkness can cover their nakedness, not knowing that their darkness will be much more exposed when they are in the dark. The true light actually covers our nakedness, when we are obedient to the will of God and exposes our nakedness when we are disobedient to the will of God.

Man became selfish because of a tiny bug that is housing a gigantic disastrous monster called SELF which sees itself big in PRIDE.