Thought is the pilot that drives every system.....

Thought is the body of the spirit.......

Thought is the instructional command the mind acts on....

The is the determinant of our will power, and that is why the Bible puts it right that, "As a man thinks in his heart, so he is"

Thought! Thought!! Thought!!! Is the reality of a man's character...

Thought is the container for the divine program codes....

All hidden in the heart of man, and man is who he is in his thought.

Before I go deep and deeper, few words I would want to consider and think deeper the revelation meaning






These words are actually symbolic than literal, but our mentality has reduced us to always think literal, which does not connect us to the revelation of God's thought program. When the Lord start talking to me to always unravel these great mysteries, I used to be left in wonder amazed! With my heart open the endless inspiration and whatever you read in my books comes through similar way, and has nothing to do with my thought or my knowledge or knowledge reached from any research or searching of information on the internet. If you observe clearly these five (5) words above, you will discover a deeper revelation if you are open to knowledge by trusting God, not trying to assume what they mean. When God opened my eyes to the reality of the above words, my thought about the Word of God took a drastic turn, and I purposed in my heart, never to try to access the meaning of the Word of God by my intellect or what I feel it should be, and since then, God has been consistently flooding my heart with endless inspiration, such that even when I have not written anything, when I open Microsoft word office to type, the inspiration flows endless, my only limiting factor now is time, programmed to meet up with some certain responsible, to keep my dynamic relationship with my world and people around me. When I considered the word "TREE" even as I was been led, I discovered from my literal understanding that tree has branches and leaves, and it does produces fruit which could hang on the extension of different branches. With this knowledge, I got to discover tree is a system, with various function unitsand since our emphasis has to do with unravel the mystery of the reality of what happened, that we start experiencing conflicting thoughts as if we are dual being, living us with no option than to make choice, a mandatory choice, if we must to be at peace with ourselves. What I found out was our heart is a battle ground, a battle for the original thought program and the opposing thought program. That is why, sometimes when you want to do some things, you just end up struggling with yourself, with hearing a consistent replay of words like, "Do it!" and the opposing, "Don't do it!". So in reality, tree is what bears fruit, and fruit is what reveals knowledge, and knowledge is what defines character. And from the Scripture, we were made to understand that Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches, which implies, Jesus Christ is the Tree, our essence of bearing fruit and we can never bear fruit except we are connected to Him. So the mind of the devil, is to disconnect us from Him, by creating an impression to make us self-will to resist God's will and God's will is simply doing the mind of God and Jesus is. So whatever task that is been giving man from the beginning of creation, should and must be done in the tree that has the right sequence of God's thought program and the moment we go solo, we take the wrong sequence in the contrary thought program, which I am also going to explain. So tree is simply the content of Divinity that bears the character of Divinity in humanity, but has a container which is defined by the word MIDST meaning in the middle of S-T. The question we should ask ourselves is what is in the middle of S-T? And what is S-T? Clearly speaking from the understanding of the word MIDST we will discover S-T is defined as container, and if there is a container and we have a pointer "midst", it implies there is content in the midst of S-T, what is this content?

Genesis 2: 7

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.

To give you a clue to finding out what the code word S-T means, I would like to ask you, what did God formed? Man! And after He had formed man, what did He do? Breathe into man His very breath which typifies His spirit that gives life. Can you see that, man is the container, while the breath of God which carries His life is the content? Alright, let's take it up from there! Spiritual understanding cannot be reach by our effort to, but by our trust to…. One thing I discovered that has given me a giant leap and increase the depth of my understanding mystery… because there is no mystery in the light when you can trust God. So what God actually breathe into man, was His very thought program, because He had already decided how He wants man to function, in His mind, so He poured out the content of His mind, into the container He formed from the earth, but in reality, real container is not the earth, but His very nature in man that accommodate His poured out thought, and that nature is simply the body of the spirit, while the content is His spirit in the container called HEART where thoughts are generated. So the devil knows that man will grow in knowledge and when man grows, he will rise up to his ordained responsibilities, which implies the devil also serving his purpose as ordained as God's thought program, so the devil now acted in rebellion to resist the mind of God from coming through for man. By so doing, he had to introduce an alien into God's thought program, by bringing in a contrary by simply negating the command of God, "You will not surely die". The word die is gotten from the domain of vision, when it seizes as a result of the heart of the eye being stripped off. What do I mean by this? I mean, when the pivot or the fulcrum represented as Y of the eye is taking, we will be left with the two electrons (EE) which defines double electron called DIE. So the change the thought pattern of man, the devil has to steal the heart of the eyes of man, in order to give his own contrary impression of what God has given. So he has to use the serpent code to introduce an alien bug called S which is a minutely minute microcosm thought program housing a big monster that opposes the progress of the original thought program of God as ordained. This alien bug, agitates for independency and goes solo to resist and oppose true knowledge, and that was why, the devil negatively quoted God, by saying, "You will not surely die, for God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."Here he was indirectly saying to the woman, that she will become like him who is selfish, to choose between God and him, because God is the personification of good, while the devil is the personification of evil, that looks like good, which simply define lusts. So lusts became the major weapon that the devil uses to enter into the heart of man, to steal his will and take hold of his thought to detect the direction of his actions toward life. So TREES now became the contrary sequence of God's thought program because of the addition of S which is defined as SELF. The devil is cunning and subtly selfish that is why he is called the serpent, because he can romance with what you desire to fall.

Following the reality of the word "MIDST", you will discover the word is actually a pointer to something and that thing has its open bound as S and close bound as T. Look carefully at the word spirit, you will discover the reality. The open and the close bound of the spirit that defines the first and the last is S-T, it implies S-T is the form of container of which content should be poured in. Have you ever read with open mind 2 Corinthians 5: 15 which states, "Therefore, if anyone is IN Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." You can see that the container is clearly define and the implication of the container is to destroy the old life birthed from the infection of the bug S, in order to live a new life in the container who has His own life that cannot be corrupt because it brims from light, where the bug cannot survive. So in reality from the foundation of the earth, the container of God's thought program planted was the symbolic picture of Jesus as the tree of life called the SPIRITUAL TREE which was truly explained in Revelation 2:7 which states, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God."We can only overcome when we stay in the container of our purpose and that container is simply the Word of God from where we breed our life to walk in the light. Miscreants cannot survive in the light, so they will always run to hide in the dark. The devil and his demons are like miscreants bed bug that cannot survive the presence of light; they are nocturnal spirit that cannot stand the impression of light.

So let's limit our emphasis to explain much more the thought program of God's life in man called SPIRIT with the consciousness of the pointer "MIDST". What is in the middle of S-T? PIRI is what is in the middle, which implies PIRI is the content. What does PIRI means? PIRI means the breath of God. How do we get a clearer picture of the breath of God? The clearer picture is simply the life in man. This implies, PIRI is God's thought program of life which we can trace to the heart of what God did to rescue man in John 3: 16 that reveals the reality of how to access true which begins with love that involves giving that the content of the giving which is the Divine Gift can only be accessed with believe, in order to have everlasting life. Have everlasting life? Wow! This implies PIRI is coming from eternity to time and if it came from eternity, it then implies it incidence on the earth surface, explaining love came down. So when it incidence, in order to feel the impact, we must receive and believe in Him (John 1: 12) in order to enjoy the content of Divinity called GRACE and TRUTH. So in reality, PI defines GRACE, while RI defines TRUTH. Let me make it clearer! Grace has to do with God involved in whatever we do here on earth, to enable us, even making us strong in our weaknesses to perform the unimaginable task we would not be able to if we want to depend on our strength. So PI reveals the POWER EYE and grace is the power eye called the PRINCIPAL INCIDENCE, while RI defines TRUTH which has to do with the knowledge after been enabled and quickened by grace and there can never be knowledge in the dark, which implies there must be light and this light comes from the life and the life is simply the reality of Grace and Truth, which defines the identity of someone who in the very thought program of God. So, RI is simply define as RECEIVER EYE which explains the ground for learning spiritual things that cannot be access by our effort, but through our trusting and obey God (Proverbs 3: 5, 6)wherein we have direction, into very mind of God to know His will…. So when we add PI and RI we will have the PRINCIPAL INCIDENCE RECEIVER EYE which is the eye into the spirit and that eye is coded as TRUST and OBEY. When we trust and obey God's Word, we have access into Divine Truth, to connect us to reality of everything, but things that appears to look real and this is God's mind to us in order not to be ignorant of what is happening in our world and the world beyond ours. There is supposed to be a free flow communication, between us and God and this cannot be possible when we are distracted with the things of this world. Until we trust and obey God, we can never stay undistracted from the things of this world and the devil's mind is to keep our heart fix to the things of this world, in order not to access the things beyond this world.

So the content poured into man, is grace and truth, while the devil in his wile, using his serpent code, which is simply a distortion of the original thought content of God's program (Spirit), to create deception and lies that will oppose grace and lies that will oppose truth. Let me break the serpent code, so you could understand little of the deep revelation of what the devil did. You he was stripped of his eyes and casted into the earth that was why the earth was in darkness before God spoke light, so his only form of vision is the electron power of earth called darkness. So he had to use the electron power to create a false light, having discovered God has spoken light, he had to create something that looks like light and he ended up using the electron power of earth to create a false light (e0=1) and this was what he used in deceiving the woman. Looking carefully at the word "SERPENT" you will discover, it also has S-T as the first and last bound, which implies what the devil did was to alter the original content of the spirit, replacing light will the charge of earth called electron, leaving behind the receiver and changing the position of the principal focus into the heart of the container to serve as power will and the principal focus is what I defined as the PYRAMID (check my Divine verse Da Vinci's Code) where the mind of evil is situated. So this is the concept the devil uses, instead of the principal focus receiving the impulsive thought (eternal signal0from eternity to time, he alternates it and present the earth electron to receive to create the power called electricity which generate the impulse that is been received into the heart of the peak of evil called the pyramid which serves as a giant earth machine in the form of electronic device which receives the frequencies and then converts with the alternating current (AC) principle of his character before transferring to the spirit of man. So serpent, releases demons to possess the spirit of man, if such man does not focus on his very container who is Jesus the Author and the Finisher of our faith. So the E close to the S which typifies the spirit signal is defined ELECTRICITY, while the second E mediating between the principal focus (P) and the NOT (N) which functions as alternator is ELECTRONICS, while the T is simply what does the transfer which we all know to be the BROADCASTING MEDIA and THE INTERNET controlled by the INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY which is only but a code of the character that helps transfer the mind of the devil, where I is coded as MAIL and T coded as the TAIL of the serpent which typifies the last bound of his opposing thought program…. And the reality of his tail can be gotten from solving the tangent of the South, and when you solve correctly, what you will as IDEA is SATAN hiding under LIGHT. This explains that, he hides the true knowledge and presents what looks like the true knowledge to deceive us. We must guide our hearts with all diligence.