1 Peter 5:8

KJV:Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

I know some Christian folks who have become so religious would want to oppose this knowledge God is revealing through me by asking, "Which devil is in Christianity?" but the simple answer is self is the devil in Christianity, because if we are still driven by self, then we are being controlled by the devil, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are called the sons of God (Romans 8: 14).

You will know soon, when you understand that the definition of anything can never be true until it rest on the very origin of that thing (Acts 11: 26). Where were we first called Christians? Was it in the church or in the wilderness? Did Jesus call us Christians? If HE didn't, then who did? Is it right for us to bear the name the world gave us? What is the implication of name?

When we fail to understand our true identity as God's chosen, we become devilish in our attitude toward life. We are supposed to approach life with love and give our selfless services, but we can never administer love when we are selfish and one of the major causes of lawlessness in our churches that is making the love of many to wax cold is self. The devil in Christianity is birthed from the extra-inclusion into the original thought program of God called TREE, making our standard for the gospel to embrace blended concept of the NEW AGE MOVEMENT such that everything is permitted in the church, watering down the gospel to suite every body's need with the excuse that the gospel will change them, but what we see today, is the gospel changing, because we have become very selfish.

This inclusion of an alien bug into the operating system of the church is called S bug, evident in the TREES when the woman who is the symbolic figure representing the church misquoted God. This is what births the Satan's codes which its reality is serpent that has two faces as DECEPTION and LIES coded from his name D and L typifying Devil and Lucifer, where Devil defines the dimension of his evil power called darkness, while Lucifer defines the extent of his power called false light which presents itself as lusts to deceive people. Devil is the dimension of evil power, while Lucifer is the extent of same evil power, which implies there will be a kind of transfer from the point of power concentration to the point target where his intent is programmed to be executed. So in order to get this, he had to use the four winds; North, South, East and West, concentrating on the South, pulling down the North to distort (cause chaos) the relationship between the East (man which typifies the secular world) and the West (religious world). The West is simply the symbolic code typifying the Woman who is the symbol of the Church that hinges on the attribute of the true thought program of the religious world, which implies there is an opposing or contrary thought program of the religious world which has its trace from the serpent himself.

The Devil is a falling angel (SATAN) who rebelled against God and from his rebellion became against God and that made him became ANTI with a NOT code, but since the reality is a thought program and thought is simply define as the body of the spirit, he had to use the heart ® of the spirit eyes and the height (H) from the dimension he fell which reveals the level of his knowledge, but because of his Anti-nature, negates it and now became NORTH WIND POWER to alternate the reality of God's thought reaching the earth through LUSTS code as deceptions and lies that creates an impression for us to love the world instead of the Word. Since God's thought is love, the Devil will use his North code to alternate it to hate, breeding excessive wickedness in the world, such that the world would now become full of violence, not considering human life, valuing animals than humans, when emphasizing the right treatment. The Devil is often identified as serpent as we can see in the Garden of Eden, whose persuasion led to the two corresponding Christian doctrines, namely

1. The original sin and

2. The redemption of Jesus Christ

What the Devil does is to accuse our conscience and allow us to condemn ourselves maybe with something terrible we have done, by constantly creating a condition that will make these thoughts to keep recurring. But in this case, the recurrence will present itself not as the Vine's (1) attributes, but others such that, it alternates its attribute when reflected. What do I mean by this? When you reflect 1, what you will have is 1, but when you reflect any other number apart from 1, what you will have is the contrary of the number, while zero is the point of origin revealing nothing or voidness or a container waiting to receive a content of thought program to run in circle to form a character which could either go clockwise or anti-clockwise. The character of the Vine, made it crystal clear that there is no any other character that can portray the character of God, except that of the Vine, and that is why He is our only standard that does not change, because whatever changes is no longer a standard.

Acts 4: 12, 11

Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. This is the 'stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.'

The standard in which the world system has rejected is the very right standard and has embraced the negated standard of the right and made it appear as the right, even the church who is supposed to keep and maintain this standard, is much more thwarting it, in what looks like the real that is even more deceptive than the world, which is obvious to discover the thwarting. The Devil accuses and tempts us to fall from the original thought program of God to rest in His will, into the contrary thought program to depend on ourselves, thinking we can do without God, seeing God as one big monster who would not allow us to have our freedom, always wanting us to create the selfish consciousness to ask, "Whose will is God doing?"

The reason why the Devil accuses us is for us to accuse God, giving reasons to questions God's supremacy and see reason more reason to conclude that God is selfish. The selfish picture the devil is trying to paint to us to prove a point is to bring us to a point to accept that God is selfish and that was why he also agitates for his independence.

John 8: 44

AMP:You are of your father, the devil, and it is your will to practice the lusts and gratify the desires [which are characteristic] of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a falsehood, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar [himself] and the father of lies and of all that is false.

The devil is a deceiver, do not be deceive by his cunning wiles to prove a point, because if you give him a chance, he will lure you into accepting with reasons that will make you thoughtful to think all the evidence he had presented to you is, true.

Satan in Hebrew is translated as "The Opposer" and this is a title of various entities, both human and divine, who challenges the faith of human in this world of frailty and voidness. Satan is simply the personification of good negated called evil, but you will never see it as evil from the initial. From this reality, you will know evil only exist when good is negated, by this I mean when good is opposed. The Devil promotes evil as good and resists good as evil and the world is tolling same direction that is why the world is becoming devilish and wicked.

The Devil and any minister of the gospel, can go no further than the word of Christ the logos allows, which will definitely result in the problem of evil, no matter how good it may seem. Death actually entered the world because of the envy of the Devil, who was jealous, even as he is still jealous of man, why God had to create man in his very image and likeness. He cause man to sin to destroy God's thought program (man) and when that happens, he has succeeded in winning God, so God had to give Himself in the place of His thought program (man) because man is His purpose and He cannot destroy His purpose, in order to salvage His purpose, He gave Himself, for His purpose (man) to doom Satan with knowledge of the truth in light, which is the true manifestation of his identity in God. Satan is the one deceiving the whole world (Revelation 12: 9).

The Devil gets us into diabolism when we fall into his current, by using his satanic nature of false light to educate us to love the world, so that the love of the Father will not be in us, receiving him as the prince of this world to rule over us because of our deliberate ignorance, creating fears, and using us to create the negative world of crisis, wars, pains, wickedness, poverty, joblessness, created epidemics, catastrophic genocides etc. and making the world uninhabitable.

The Devil is called the wicked one who teaches us wickedness as good and good as wickedness, so just know it that when you are in a system that is built on satanic idea, even when you don't confront them, provided you are good, you are a threat.

The Devil is the tempter who would always want to romance you to hell if you give him a single chance, he will create the best atmosphere and leave you in the world of fantasies travelling to hell, smiling as if you have free ticket to heaven. He will make things appear to you as if all is well, when actually in reality the well you are falling into is bottomless pit. Do not be ignorant to be smiling when travelling down to hell because of the irresistible AC you are enjoying, not knowing that it is actually alternating current of Air condition, which will rest you soul in fire condition. Wake up and think deep, when you are smiling in this world with what the world gives you. Whatever the world gives you, the world will take it all and also you inclusive. The world's giving is taking, and it is only God's giving that is true and for you to receive what the Lord is giving, you must have to first give your life to receive God's gift.

The Devil is a liar and the father of all liars (John 8: 44). Lies is actually his language and deceives with lies, sweet lies, sweeter than milk and honey, that one would not want to miss to have a leak that will lick you into hell like water in a sieve.

The Devil is called the god of this world, and would want to impact us with the mindset of being a god called idol promoted by the new agers in the entertainment industries in the form of project fame or whatever idol, creating in us a celebrity consciousness, seeing ourselves as an extra ordinary being even with God (2 Corinthians 4: 4).

The Devil is called the adversary (1 Peter 5: 8) and the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2: 2) pointing to the fact that he controls the affair of our broadcasting system and the cyber space from the underworld.

The Devil is called the dragon that will drag you on from good to evil, when you don't guide your heart with all diligence (Revelation 20: 2).

The Devil is also called the ancient serpent, now beast, revealing that he has never changed from who he used to be, any changes we observe is only but deception, even the one we are experiencing around the globe. The world's change is ever contrary to good, watch it and see!

The devil lives us with a mindset of demonic possession which can be gotten from the spiritual high ways, through the internet and the media broadcast.