It will sound very absurd to hear that demons are not humanity's greatest enemy, and you will be forced to quickly asked, if not demon, then what is humanity's greatest enemy? Hmmmmmmm!

Let's journey a little to the world of reality, to see the Father's mind and catch the revelation to the above contradicting statement, when we want to be logical and more religious than the devil who is the author of religion. I reiterate demons are not humanity's greatest enemy. Humanity greatest enemy is more demonic than demons themselves and this enemy is simply self.

Satan is responsible for false teaching (2 Corinthians 11: 12- 14) because he cannot have control over man when man have the true knowledge of the Word of God. Satan troubles our peace and makes life hard to distract us from our focus where we have a full assurance of hope. The major reason why we lose hope is because we accept Satan's false impressions. He limits our progress in life, by making us to move in circle, limiting ourselves with our mindset by falling away from the faith and becoming blasphemously heretic.

Satan is simply behind or the secret of the world power which is symbolic as Roman Empire or they that persecutes those who does good or they that persecute and resist good are of the synagogue of Satan and most of our churches today are...

Satan is always lying in wait, looking for a perfect opportunity to strike, if you give him a chance, you are doomed.

Satan has never run short of strategies, when you don't resist him steadfastly in knowledge (James 4: 7, 8), he will keep coming until he gets hold of you and possess your will. He enters Judah's Iscariot, and Judah become a betrayer. When you become selfish, Satan will enter you and when he enters you, you will end up becoming a betrayer, even of those who love you and can even give their lives for you (Luke 22:3).

He filled the heart of Ananias (Acts 5: 3) and Ananias ended up becoming a liar, which cost him and his wife's life (Acts 5: 3).

The devil can tempt a believer of Christ due to lack of self-control in sexual matters (1 Corinthians 7: 5) and can masquerade as an angel of light to accomplish his purpose (2 Corinthians 11: 14). Satan is a thorn to our flesh (2 Corinthians 12: 7) who opposes the proclamation of the gospel, snatching away the seed (The Word of God preached) that was sown in people's heart (Mark 4: 15, Luke 8: 12)

Proportionally considering the sequences of thought program, the original and the distorted (contrary) we will have




This is a simple proportional relationship revealing the original thought program of God and the opposing thought program that is anti in nature.

i = typifies light defines as the Vine (1) in whom there is life and that life is the light of man and we are made to understand from the Scripture that it is the spirit that gives life, which correspondingly define the eye of the spirit as light.

While S defines Satan who hides under light to deceive man as the light of men (Civilization) but in reality, NOT

From solving the tangent of South, we were able to get the word "IDEA" to be equal to 1/SATAN which is coded as 1/S , this implies(I.I)/(E.E.N) which truly define the revealed nature of the word "idea" that hides the true knowledge and present something that looks like the true and it also explain the reality that devil use to appear with a character that looks like the manifestation of the original, hiding the original, by painting the impression to look so captivatingly irresistible to our desire to go after his latest current releases in the form of Electronic.....

i.i = 99 = DI9, which is a code the devil will use in this end time to install his Digital System (DS) as Artificial Intelligence.

E.E.N =DIEN =DIE14 i.e. N = 14 and E = 5 which typifies the serpents signal current of electricity, therefore we will end up having gotten from the earth electron. DIE14 = DI5ID meaning Double Signal Identity. What is double signal identity? It simply digital signal, that presents itself as AUDIO and VISUAL in high frequency of Electromagnetic wave to capture our mind current.

DIEN defines the manifestation of the false light (Darkness negated) which is the glory of the sons of this world

DI.I defines the manifestation of the true light, which is Divine in nature (11) revealing the glory of the sons of God of which the earnest expectation of all creations is waiting for (Romans 8: 14, Isaiah 60: 1- 3) to complete the Divine program to annihilate evil.

This will actually appear to be an alien knowledge to a lot people, but it is a reality explaining Scripture in absolute codes and this has nothing to do with my knowledge, it is Divine. The reality of the word "idea" been Satan hiding under the light reveals the attitude of man, immediately the fall, evident as him hiding himself as recorded in the Scripture

Genesis 3: 10

So he said, "I heard Your voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.

It is obvious clear if you observe that the battle is between light and darkness, such that the sons of God will operate from the dimension of the true light (knowledge of the Word: Truth), while the sons of this world will operate in the dimension of false light (knowledge of the world: falsehood) which has an introduction of an alien bug L into the Word and this bug is what defines lusts that acts as a catalyst to our desire by creating an impression of our thought, presenting the very image of what we are thinking, despite in reality he is only using the appearance, but hiding it the image is what is far from our thought.

Lusts is the manifestation of S in the TREES, such that S is define as SELF.

So the son of God will use the Divine's eye (The Word), revelation insight, while the sons of this world will use Da Vinci's eyes (E.E.N= ELECTRICAL ELECTRONIC NETWORK) worldly ideas of which the Divine' eyes will have the numeric code 99, while the Da Vinci's eyes will have the code 5514 (5514 has the alphabetic code DI5ID which means Double Signal Identity (Digital Signal Identity)), while the alphabetic code DI.I means DIVINE INSIGHT.

Have you ever thought this about Electronic being a code?

Look at this, it means ELECT is CHOOSE, R which typifies the heart of the spiritual eye ON, IC which typifies eye contact. What does this implies? It implies capture the heart of the spiritual eye of man on the devil's false light generating device. Do you know without the ic in your phone, you phone will not on and the camera cannot work? So the ic is the source of light of your phone, while the battery generates the electricity to turn on the light. What is eye contact in reality? Eye contact is simply instant camera, which clear reveal that the word ic is telling us that the device we are carry that has ic, is seeing us. This may sound absurd, but it does not change the truth. You need to think deeper, if you want to think this! But the truth is, your thought cannot reach this reality, it is only your trust.

The reality of this end time battle which has been on and a lot of ignorance folks are still expecting to see the stars and the moon fall down, and see some strange living creatures, not knowing that the battle has been on, and our mind is the battle ground. The real transformation starts from the mind and our translation can only be made real if our mind becomes like that of God, such that our will perfectly aligns into His.

So the sons of God will be using the word of God, while the sons of this world will be using technologies which has to do with electricity and electronic networks, such that, the will be inflow of this technologies into the domain of the sons of God, and some will fall to the current release of the devil and get electrocuted.