According to science, Light travels as a wave. But unlike sound waves or water waves, it does not need any matter or material to carry its energy along. This means that light can travel through a vacuum—a completely airless space. ... It speeds through the vacuum of space at 186,400 miles (300,000 km) per second.


It all began with life....

That life that cannot be created, but created all and allowing all to have the innate ability to create in accordance as ordained.

That life that cannot be divided, but divided all into uniqueness independent of self but dependent on Him uniting all together...

Even when they claim they know, no one knows the history of light, for none can reach its origin, because it is an origin beyond original beginning since with light there is only beginning into eternity and end into eternity.

Life is a journey; you better put your shoes on…

The more we focus, the clearer and bigger the tiny shiny glowing cross will become, and the clearer and bigger it becomes, the better we see the reality of the cross and the better we see the reality of the cross of Christ, the better we will key into the revelation of His glory, even in our mortal state of mind to know He is much more real than we can think or imagine, realer than we are to ourselves.


We are caught up in glory, where we have no sense of darkness, we can never ever connect true life.

Jesus is the ordained light, I mean, the power source of lights, of which believers of Christ are and only the true knowledge of Christ and His testimony in our hearts that will enhance our travelling to glory.

Jesus is the cross that unites us with Himself in glory.

Jesus is the WAY in glory.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6), I have seen it and I need no man to tell me about it anymore, for I have encountered it for real and I even pass into the WAY separating light from darkness and life from death. Death only exist in the realm of the physical, it ceases to exist the moment we become spiritual and how do you become spiritual when you are still alive to carnal things? Overcoming death can only be guaranteed by dying to all the things that makes you carnally minded, therefore, if you are dead to carnal mindedness, death will have no course on you, because to be carnally minded is death. This implies, even in my mortal state, I can live to defile death if my thought does not limit me to think I am a carnal being. Now I understand truly the word, "To be spiritually minded is life, to be carnally minded is death". The Lord is trying to teach us how we can live eternally here on earth after He must executed His final program, which He is already test running with the shift in the realm of the spirit evident with the date 666 (6th June, 2016). A lot of people did not take note of this! I got my Divine seal, the moment I realized this date, I was struck on my right wrist and the scar is still very evident and clear as I type this. Jacob wrestled with God had his thigh bone displaced. I had an encounter with God, my right wrist got impressed to write down things that Daniel and John were asked to seal and not write. God has called me as His secretary in this dispensation to make known His wisdom here on earth, so He poured in the contents into my heart and my hand could not just help but to keep writing, mysteries expressed in words, to the point that my right thumb became completely numb. My wrist hurts badly because there was a literal Divine seal against the beast whose grand design is to mark humanity with his seal as a sign of ownership but heaven has already had me sealed and as God has mandated me to resist the beast called the ANTI-CHRIST, I will do that with all that God has given me as gift.

This is my destiny!

I saw it! It is real and I know I am not an ordinary person and I must not allow my thoughts to limit me to carnal things any more. My thoughts have so much shipwrecked me and it is time for me to be free to be the person that God has made me to be in Him, the person of my true identity in Him. I am a spirit functioning in the dimension of light where I live my life in Him, and I am not saying this just by faith, this is who I am in I AM.

I asked a question in the course of my travel in light, "Where is this light coming from? Yes! I can clearly see the glory, but I am not seeing the person of the glory. Instantly, I got an answer, but it will surprise you that the answer spoke from the inside of me. Do you want to know the answer? Then read on, it will shock your imagination, despite you have time without number heard, but this time around you will understand better the life.

The answer…


We are returning back to the heart of true worship in the speed of light, into the realm of glory, even while still on earth, we will be caught up, even as we have our focus on the CROSS, He will gradually keep revealing Himself and the more we focus with the mind of Christ, the faster we will travel beyond the speed of light. If there is a rocket speed in the realm of the physical, there will also be a rocket speed in the realm of the spirit and the speed we are travelling in the realm of the spirit is infinitely far more than the speed of the rocket. It will be so snappy, much snappier than the flash of a photographic camera. Jesus will gradually, even as He has already started revealing Himself and the more we focus not on the circumstances around us that is creating fears and tensions, but on Him, with His mind, the faster we will travel beyond the speed of light. The faster we travel in the frequency of the speed of light; the sooner we will enter into His glory.

It is now I caught the revelation and understand truly Isaiah 60: 1 and 2, but it did not stop there, we need to get there from where we are, and in this reality, we do not function with the consciousness of the t factor, but the L factor, which implies in the dimension we operate, life is our time, for time does regulate life, but life regulates time, so, our emphasis, is not on the time, but the LIFE that calls us deeper and deeper into His marvelous light, and deeper into a depth beyond depth in the depth into the heart of the Father's love. I lack words to express this reality, I wish I could.

I was amazed trying to figure out where this brilliantly brilliant and radiating illuminating shining bright light with greatly great awe of glory was coming from, that I could not even stand the sight, and the spirit in me ministered to me that, "The light is in me". I opened my mouth, Ah! In wonder amazed, because I could not just imagine it, I was like left spirit dead, then the Spirit in me started taking me through a fresh journey in His Word. I mean, my spirit was like shutdown, for His Spirit to journey me and all I was doing was to just rest in Him.