Yes! A lot of us may have known this and can easily say it, but do we truly know the reality of what we are saying? The life is in the reality.

To journey you a little further!

The Spirit in me ministered to me saying, "until you have traveled far off ignorance, you can never reach knowledge". He spoke to me saying again, "until you have traveled out of darkness, you can never reach light" and He also said to me, "Until you have traveled far out of death, you can never reach life" …. based on the sequence of this revelation you can add your own, travelling out of…., and reaching...… I started for you.

• Receive your permanent healing in Jesus name…

• Until you have traveled out of curse, you can never reach to experience blessing… but the bitter truth is, you cannot travel out except you have become totally obedient to the perfect will of God.

OK! This was why the devil came in to give false knowledge by allowing us to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that God commanded us not to eat. Actually, not that the fruit was forbidden in reality, but the moment we disobeyed God's instruction concerning the fruit, it became forbidden. God did not say, "Do not eat of the forbidden fruit", He only gave an instruction, so the emphasis was not even on the fruit, but the instruction that was given.

Please, follow me carefully as I lead you to a dimension of some certain mind blowing knowledge!

The spirit in me ministered to me further!

Is the Spirit in you still ministering to you?

He said, "The Light is in you" that is why you cannot see where it is coming from (For no one has seen God), that until I have first travel far out of ignorance, I will not at all know that the glory I see, and desire to receive is in me. So when I come to a point of KNOWLEDGE (intimacy with Him i.e. true Worship), its shines brighter and brighter in Him and that is why the Bible says in Romans 8: 19, "For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God" hmmm!

Revealing of the sons of God?

Who are the sons of God?

The one who is led by the Spirit of God is a son of God, this is simply the person who carries the fullness of the Spirit of God. This explains that the name Son of God is the nature of the person of God on earth with the mission to deliver mankind from the coming judgment, which is closer than what we can think, but the devil has made it appear as if it is not true, but only fiction. Key into the reality and see for yourself the signs of His coming.

In the realm of the spirit I saw the seven world leader confused, left in a state of uncertainty, not knowing what to do, because they knew that what is happening under their nose is beyond their control even from the realm of the spirit that they operate. They are trying to unite and start up the One World Government with the NEW AGE AGENDA of ONE WORLD ORDER.

Immediately, the thought of a bulb came to my mind! Until we have discovered and known what we carry, we cannot travel out of ignorance to let the light shine, because in ignorance we will not even know we carry the light.

The more we know Him, the more we shine and the more we shine with the knowledge of Him, the brighter we will shine and the brighter we shine with the knowledge of Him, the more we will reveal His glory…. For this is His mind, to shipwreck the kingdom of darkness before His revealing (He is coming with the cloud).


Stop looking at the cloud in expectation to see Him coming with the cloud, start looking at your spiritual cloud with the eyes of the Spirit, you will see Him, He is already coming with the cloud (His glory), but our mindset has limited us to thinking we will see Him with the literal cloud, when we are already cloud of witness.

Hebrews 12:1

KJV:Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us

What is spiritual can never be accessed from the physical realm, so those who are having their vision from the physical will only experience the Anti-Christ in person when the sons of God are manifesting, we are in the fullness of that time, we really need to look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Ignorance is our major illness! And we must wake up to knowledge, so that Christ will give us light…

Ephesians 5: 14

Therefore, He says: "Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light."

In the realm of the spirit when you are ignorant, you are dead and sleeping away out of life and until you are awakened (come to the knowledge of the truth), you cannot receive the life that Christ has already given. Therefore, ignorance is simply identifying with darkness, not knowing that in you is resident the light and this is as a result of shifting away from your focus which is the light (knowledge reached from my revelation of the tiny shiny glowing cross).

The moment you take your focus from the light, you are in the dark and if you are not conscious to quickly refocus back to the light, you may likely be lost in the dark and as a result, you will become comfortable in it, not wanting to live outside it, until it becomes a form of light to you, because you will be exposed in the light where your fruit is supposed to be in all goodness, righteousness and truth (Ephesians 5:8). And it is in this that you can now find out what is acceptable of the Lord, which defines the perfect will of God. You can never avoid having fellowship with the unfruitful work of darkness, if you don't completely focus on the light. And when you are focused on the light, your deeds will expose the unfruitful works of darkness, because your character will become a yardstick to judge other people's character. Why are we ashamed in the light? Because we are naked and if our deeds are wrong, it will be shameful to speak of what we have done in the secret in the light. Even as the Bible puts it in Ephesians 5: 13, "But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light". I am sorry sweetheart for digressing!

Let's continue the journey further into reality! I do hope you are enjoying the trip?

If you turn your focus from the light, you will become much more comfortable in the dark, such that you will become comfortable therein, not wanting to leave it, because all of your corrupt and secret evil will be exposed in the light and would not want to experience shame, not knowing that you are already in shame and cannot hide it.

Shame experienced in the light is an act of humility that will lead to repentance. Don't cover your sins, repent of it and be converted from darkness into light. His grace is sufficient for you!