"Hello, is anybody out there?" she cried out as she struggled with the ropes used to bind her hands and feet to the metal chair that she was tied to. Sitting in the middle of the room was Allison. A girl or in her case a lady in her early-twenties, I really did so much homework on her before placing a white cloth laced with chloroform over her face as she jogged through the park alone.

"Look who's finally awake" I said as I walked into the warehouse where she was being held. "Didn't know when you would wake up so I went out to get some supplies" I added as I dropped the black bags on the floor.

"Who are you? What do you want? Why am I tied up? Where am I?" She rained out the questions as she tried to get a look at my face

"Well I can't tell you who I am because that would only ruin the mystery" I said pointing to the black mask on my face. "As for where you are well you're in a warehouse at the end of an abandoned dock" I added

The dock had been abandoned for more than five years now because of poor maintenance so its the perfect place to hide a dead body or in my case a kidnapped victim. The warehouse was located at the extreme end of the pier so even if she screamed at the top of her voice nobody would hear her.

"What do you want from me?" she asked still struggling with the ropes tied to her wrists

"Well Allison, I'd say that I want to harvest your organs but that would be a lie" I said as I walked around to stand behind her seat. "What I really want from you is to entertain me" I added as I massaged her shoulders

I could feel her shoulders tense up as my hands touched her body. She must be really scared and also confused by my request for her to entertain me. I wonder what kind of thoughts would be running through her mind right now.

"What do you mean by entertain you"? she asked the moment I walked round back and stood in front of her

"Well you have to think of something to do that would be worth my while and if I find it entertaining I might just let you go" I said as walked back to pick up the bags I had dropped earlier

"And if I can't entertain you, what would you do?" she asked as her eyes searched the warehouse and then turned back to look at me.

"Well lets just say I'll have to look for ways to entertain myself with you then" I said as I pulled out the butchers knife from inside one the two black bags.

Her eyes shot wide as she watched me empty the contents of the bag onto the wooden table I pulled from across the room.

Silence filled the room as she watched me bring out the tools from the plastic bags. From the looks of things I don't think that she's scared of me. Who knows maybe she thinks that I'm bluffing.

"You've been staring at me like that for over ten minutes and you haven't done anything to entertain me" I said as I finished arranging the tools on the table.

No sooner did I finish speaking she let out a loud laugh that sounded so sweet for a moment before it turned into an annoying chuckle

"And mind I ask what exactly you find so funny?" I asked after letting her laugh to her hearts content

"Let me ask you something, what exactly are you feeling like?" she asked looking at me dead in the eye as she spoke "Lemme guess you just watched a horror movie about a serial killer and you thought it'll be cool to try it out in real life. you're really laughable" she added with a smile on her face.

"I see you really aren't scared of me and you're yet to understand the situation that you're in right now" I replied walking slowly to where she was tied up

"No I'm not really scared of you, wanna know why?" she asked

"Yes please enlighten me" I replied looking at her and waiting for her to speak

"Because right now, I'm sure that my parents must have called the police by now and they'd already be looking for me because I don't jog for more than an hour before I return home" she said as she leaned back on the chair

"Wow, that's why you're not scared?" I asked and laughed as loud as she did. I pulled her cell phone out from my pockets and read out the text message that I sent to her mom a few minutes after she passed out when I drugged her in the park.

"Hey mom, I'm gonna be a little late heading back home. Kate is having another crisis again. Don't wait up for me" I read as I walked close to her. "And then your mom replied by saying "Okay dear. Be back soon" I added as I switched the phone off and put it back into my pockets.

"How do you know who Kate is?" she asked surprised after hearing the text the sent to her mom

"My dear Allison I didn't catch you by accident. No, I've been watching for quite some time and you're the perfect victim to make my grand entrance into the world" I replied as I walked back to the table

"You've been watching me?" she said shocked

"How else would I know that you go out to jog by 8:15pm every night through the park before you go back home?" I said scanning through the items on the table "Your name is Allison Hill. Age 24. You and your boyfriend broke up because he found out that you were cheating on him and he kicked you out of his apartment about a year ago and now you live with your parents" I added

"What do you want from me?" she said practically screaming

"Scream again and I would cut off your tongue" I responded as I turned my attention towards her

Looking at the situation at hand it seems prolonging this situation won't do any of us any good because at the end of the day she's not leaving this place alive and I need to relax my mind and prepare myself for the next hunt.

"Well my dear Allison its been fun but right now I've run out of patience with you since you have refused to entertain me to save your life" I said as I picked up a knife from the table.

"Wait please you don't have to kill me" she said begging for her life as I walked towards her with the knife in my hand

"Well I did give you a chance to save your life but oh well, say hi to my dad for me if you see him" I replied as I placed a hand over her mouth and stabbed her wrist.

I could hear her muffled cries as she screamed at the top of her voice as I slit both of her wrists and watched the blood gushed out from her hands. I stood there and watched as life slowly left her body as she struggled with the ropes and cried from the immense pain that she felt in both of her hands.

After about thirty minutes of watching her, she had finally stopped struggling. I checked her pulse to see if she was still alive. She still had a pulse but it was really weak and even though I knew she wouldn't make it through the night I didn't want to take any chances.

I picked up the dagger from the table and stabbed her three times in the chest. At the third strike I left the dagger impaled on her chest and walked back to the table. Picking up a pen and paper I wrote a letter, slide it into an envelope and left it on the floor next to the chair.

Walking back to the table I picked up the plier "Well she's already dead so she won't feel what I'm about to do to her" I thought to myself. I walked back to her, squatted down, grabbed her legs and started pulling out all of her toe nails.

When I was down pulling her toenails off I proceeded to pulling off her fingernails, because well I should have the full set don't you think. I thought with a grin on my face. After about ten minutes I was done with the toe nails and finger nails.

Right now the time is 4:30am. I usually didn't get to come out as early as I did yesterday when I captured Allison but I guess I was lucky. But right now the most important thing is getting out of here before morning comes and I was not ready to be seen by anyone as I left the docks.

I got to the van that I parked at the entrance to the docks. Turned the key in the ignition port and I reversed out of there and onto the open road.

"Now that I've killed my first victim I'm going to have to look for another one" I said to myself as I stopped at the red light.

I drove for about ten minutes and then turned into an alleyway making sure to avoid any and all security cameras that might be within the area. I stopped at the end of the dark alleyway, turned the van off and came down. Walking towards the back of the van, I grabbed the door handle and opened the back door bringing out a gas can.

After emptying the contents of the gas can on the van, I brought out a pack of matches from my pocket and set the van ablaze. I guess that's one way to cover your tracks. Not like I left any fingerprints on there because I had a pair of gloves on through out the whole operation.

As I turned to walk away from the burning vehicle I had just one thought in mind "Who would be my next victim?"