I woke up with a runny nose and the worst headache ever. Waking up with a banging headache has been a reoccurring factor in my life for as long as I can remember. It started when I was ten years old after the break in at my foster home. It only lasts about an hour or so and thankfully its the weekend and I'm not on call today. I sat on the edge of my bed for about an extra thirty minutes before heading to the bathroom to freshen up.

I opened the medicine cabinet and popped open the bottle of aspirin and threw two pills into my mouth. After I swallowed the pills I got out of my pyjama and stepped into the shower and let the hot water rain down on me as it poured out from the shower head.

After I finished taking a shower I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my waist and proceeded to brushing my teeth, can't go out into the world with a smelling mouth.

I got out of the bathroom and slipped into a white t-shirt and a black jean trouser and then I made my way to the living room where I was greeted by the alluring aroma that was coming from the kitchen. Someone was making pancakes.

"Look who is finally out of the bathroom" I could hear Christina say as I walked down the stairs.

"How long have you been here?" I asked as I sat on one of the seats on the island in the kitchen

"Long enough to hear you singing conversations in the dark while you were in the bathroom" she replied as she laughed a bit "I called out to you but you were busy giving a Grammy worthy performance" She added still laughing

"I could arrest you for breaking and entering you know" I responded as I served myself from the stack of pancakes she made

"That's the thanks I get for going out of my way to come here and make you breakfast" She said pouring me a glass of orange juice

"Thanks babe" I replied as I got up from my seat to give her a quick kiss on the cheek

Christina and I met at the academy a few years ago. She was the toughest woman I had ever seen during our academy days. She burned through all the courses that gave most of the other applicants a hard time and she did it without even breaking a sweat.

We got really close and then rose up the ranks to become the top detectives in the department within just a year after we graduated from the academy. And now she's my partner in crime both literally and figuratively.

"So what are you up to today?" I asked her as I made my way back to my seat to stuff my face with the delicious pancakes she makes so well

"I actually have plans with Marina to go check out some wedding dresses and put in the final touches for her wedding" she said taking a seat besides me on the island

"Oh well you girls have fun then. I'm gonna sit at home and enjoy my day off" I said to her taking a sip from my glass of orange juice. "Don't forget about our dinner reservations later this evening though" I added setting the glass down

"Yeah I know. Unlike you I have a perfectly good memory and I don't forget things so easily" She teased reminding me of the time I forgot our one year anniversary

"It was just one time and I remember that I did make it up to you later that day" I responded as I flashed a smile from the side of my face and winked at her

"I have no recollection of that Mr Blake" she said as she took a sip from her cup of coffee

"You want me to refresh your memory?" I replied getting from my seat and grabbing her waist from behind

"That sounds so tempting but I need to go see Marina soon" she replied as she smacked my hands away

That didn't stop me from spinning here around on the chair, reaching for her hand and pulling her close to me. We stood there with my hands around her waist and hers on my shoulders as we stared at each others eyes waiting for the other to make the first move

"If you're gonna kiss me, do it already" she said not breaking her gaze from mine

Without hesitating I planted my lips on hers and pulled her close to me. Lifting her up and setting her down on top of the island without breaking the contact between our lips. I pressed her body closer to mine as I sucked her bottom lip hard causing to moan inside my mouth.

I broke away from our kiss for an instant and kissed her neck. Arching her back behind and giving me more room to work it.

Pulling her top off I was greeted by her black lacy bra and her almost visible areola. Sliding my hand up her bra, I teased her already hard nipples as I went back to kissing her lips. With each time I pinched her nipple I could hear her moan from pleasure.

Going back and forth from kissing her lips to intensely sucking her bottom lip and then to kissing her neck and rubbing her nipple between my thumb and my index finger it was a symphony of moans. We were then interrupted by vibrations coming from her phone that was in the front pocket of her jeans

"Wait babe I gotta take this, its Marina" She said as she pulled away from the kiss to pick up the call.

"Hello Marina, yes I'm on my way. I'll be there in ten minutes" She said as she spoke to Marina over the phone "I gotta go babe, I'll be back in time for dinner" she added as the call dropped

"Do you really have to go?" I asked as I pouted my bottom lip hoping it would convince her to stay

"I'm sorry but I have to be there for her. I am her maid of honour after all" She said pouting her lips as well

"Fine" I responded releasing a deep breath

"We'll pick up from where we left off later tonight" she said breaking from my hold and putting her shirt back on

"Don't be late" I replied her as she picked up her bag and tossed her phone inside

She walked up to me and planted a soft kiss on my lips "I won't" she said as she broke away from the kiss

And after that she ran towards the door shouting I love you as the door shut behind her. I looked down at my pants and saw the bulge down there that was a result from our five minutes of pleasure. I'll need to do something about that.

A few minutes later I was back in the living room, bulge free and ready to start the activities of today and then realising that I didn't really plan for the day. This is gonna be a long day. Heading towards the kitchen area I picked up the dirty dishes that was left on the island and threw the remaining pieces of pancakes inside the trash bin and washed the dishes.

With nothing interesting to do with myself on a Saturday morning I decided to spend my time watching Television. I walked down to the living room that was only a few feet from the kitchen, plopped myself down on my brown leather sofa and switched the TV on.

After surfing through the channels for what felt like a lifetime with nothing interesting on I decided to give up on entertainment and let the TV be background noise as I pulled out my phone from my pocket to surf the world wide web or the inter-web as Christina loved to call it.

Jumping from Facebook to twitter to see all the trending news about people being dragged for whatever reason, and a lot of other news it was safe to conclude that just like me the rest of the world was just bored and nobody had anything productive to do besides being a pest to others and making unnecessary noise all over the internet.

A knock on the door and the sound of my doorbell going off prompted me get up from my comfortable position on the sofa to open the door and see who it could possibly be. Maybe it was Christina and she happened to forget something on her way out was the thought playing in my mind as I reached for the door knob.

I was highly disappointed to see Nathaniel, my next door neighbour and best friend from the academy.

"Hello neighbour" He said with a grin on his face the moment the door was open

I swung the door shut and walked back to my sofa as he opened it back and let himself in.

"Well someone seems to be in a good mood" He said sarcastically as he made his way to the kitchen to grab a drink from the fridge

"I thought you were someone else" I said to him without looking in his direction

"Who? Lemme guess Christina. Yeah I saw her leaving here in a hurry" He said as he took a seat on the chair next to the sofa "She probably just noticed that you had a small wanker" He added laughing as he took a sip from his drink

"I hope you choke on that drink" I responded to him with a smile on my face as I watched him drink from his soda.

"You know you'll miss me if I died" He said

"If you died I probably was the one who killed you" I said to him as I set my phone down and rubbed my hands together maniacally

"Don't kill me I'm going to get married soon" He said raising his hands in defeat

"Yeah I wonder what Marina saw in you anyways?" I asked as I stroked my chin

"My awesomeness obviously" He responded as he flexed his pecks

"No not that, I know many awesome people and you're not in the top ten" I replied laughing

"You are definitely the crazy and toxic one in this relationship" He said to me before turning his attention to the TV

"Well I have until next month before I would stop being so toxic to you since you're getting married soon" I responded as I got up from the sofa to get myself a drink from the fridge. "You're lucky to have someone like Marina in your life" I added

"Yeah I still can't believe I had to almost die before I found the one that was made for me" He said to me as he took another sip from his drink

Nathaniel met Marina after an accident that almost claimed his life about a year ago. Nathaniel and I had just graduated from the academy and we were assigned to patrol the north district. It was a Friday evening and we got a distress call about a disturbance from a neighbourhood, we both assumed it would be the usual domestic violence report.


We arrived on the scene and made our way to the door leading to the entrance of the five story apartment building. Making our way up the stairs to the third floor we could already hear the loud screams and crashes coming from Room 30

"Are you sure this is just a domestic violence report?" I asked Nathaniel as we approached the room door

"Only one way to find out" He replied

"This is the Lemon county police" Nathaniel said knocking on the door "We've received a noise complaint coming from this apartment, is everything alright?" he added

There was no response coming from the inside of the apartment for a while. It was as quiet as a graveyard and then someone came to the door.

"There's no problem here officer. You can head on back" A husky male voice replied from inside the apartment

"Then you don't mind opening up so we can look around? I spoke up to the man behind the door

And the silence was back again

"If you don't open the door we would be forced to break down the door" I heard Nathaniel say as he reached for his Gun holster

"Help me" we heard a woman scream from inside the room

Without wasting a single second Nathaniel and I pulled out our guns, stepping away from the door as Nate counted down to three before kicking the door in forcing it to swing open. Storming into the small apartment, I took account of the man standing close to a window at the end of the room directly opposite the door and I also noticed a frightened woman cowering in fear at the right end corner of the room with both her hands bounded together with rope

"He has a gun" The lady shouted as she returned her head back into her arms

Turning my attention back at to the man, I could now clearly see the 12 gauge shotgun he just picked from the side of the little table to his right. In my eyes everything was happening so slow as if we were in a movie where the slow motion effect just kicked in.

He picked up the gun, cocked it, aimed at Nathaniel and pulled the trigger. The blast from the gun was deafening and loud as it echoed inside the room. Before I could turn to warn it was too late. I saw Nathaniel clutching his bleeding abdomen as he fell down to ground. Turning my attention back to the man with the shotgun, he had already pointed his gun at me and ready to fire. He cocked the gun again and as he was about to shoot, the lady from the corner of the room rushed in and pushed his hand causing him to fire at the ceiling.

They began to struggle with each other for the gun. Due to the obvious difference in their size and strength, the man overpowered her and hit her on the head with the back of the gun. Before he could cock the gun again to aim at me, I pulled my pistol up and fired at the man two shots to the chest.

He stumbled backwards, dropping the gun down and falling out through the window that was behind him.

"Nathaniel can you hear me?" I said as I ran back and knelt beside Nathaniel "Come on buddy stay with me" I added as I applied pressure on the gunshot wound on his stomach.

Reaching for the radio on my chest I sent in a call back to the station

"This is officer Blake Hunter requesting immediate medical support at the Old apartment building on Fifth in the Northern district. We are on the third floor, room 30. Officer down, I repeat officer down" I let go of the radio and resumed putting pressure on the wound

"You're gonna be okay bud. Help is on the way" I said to Nathaniel not lifting my hands

No later than five minutes the whole block was busy as police officers flooded the entire street and the siren lights and sounds, blocking off all entrances from pedestrians. I was assisted by two other officers as we carried Nathaniel down to the entrance of the apartment where he was placed on a stretcher and rolled into the ambulance and was driven to the hospital where they performed surgery on him for more than eight hours.


"Funny how my nurse is now about to become my wife" Nate said with a huge smile on his face

"Cheers to that" I responded lifting my drink up in the air

"So what special plans do you have for me for my bachelor's eve?" I heard Nathaniel ask as I returned back to the living room to take sit on the sofa

"Well my young grasshopper, I have the best plan for you" I said with a grin on my face

"Enlighten me oh great and wise one" Nate said as he lifted his hands up and bowed

"We would sit on this sofa, order pizza and watch re runs of Hawaii five o" I said to him with a straight face

"You're joking right" He asked looking rather confused and disappointed

"You really think I'd take you to a club and get wasted" I said to him as I grabbed the remote to change the channel "Nah bro, we'll be here watching Netflix" I added

"I should look for a new best man before it's too late" Nate mumbled to himself

We sat down in the living room in silence for about an hour just on our phones as depiction blasted from the speakers at the highest volume. One listening from the outside would think we were having a live private concert with Justin Bieber, Daddy Yankee and Luis Fonsi. That's how loud it was.

"Turn it down" Nate said but I could barely hear what he was saying

"What?" I screamed trying to understand what he was saying

"I said" He shouted as he snatched the remote from my hand "Turn it down a little" He added as he reduced the volume to from 100 to 30

"Oh turn it down. You could have just told me that" I said to him as I snatched the remote back from his hand

"Well I was trying to for the last five minutes but you couldn't hear me because the damn music was too loud" He said to me as he walked back to his seat "Take it the local news station, let's see what's going on" he added

I changed the channel to channel 5 which was the number for the news network which covered all the news concerning the county from local man who won a lottery to an ongoing bank robbery with forty people being held hostage inside.

"Earlier this morning, the police discovered a burnt van at an alley close to Benny's Supermarket. Thanks to the quick response of the fire station and the civilians within the area the van was quickly put out before it spread into the supermarket" Lead anchor-woman Monica Smith reported as she read from the white paper in her hand

"Who would set a van on fires close to Benny's supermarket?" I asked as I switched the TV off

"That place sells the best bread in all of Lemon county" Nathaniel said before gulping down the remaining contents from the bottle in his hand. That was his third bottle since he came over

Before I could respond to what Nate just said I felt my phone vibrate as the notification light popped on. I got a text from Christina

C: Hey baby. Monica just finished trying on her wedding gown and it looks so amazing. We're heading off to see the decorators after she takes it off. We should be done soon

To avoid starting another world war I sent a text back

ME: That's nice, sounds like you're having fun. Meanwhile Nate is about to finish the drinks in my fridge

C: Definitely sounds like something Nate would do. Anyways we're still on for tonight. I promise I won't be late

ME: Alright babe. I'll understand if you come in late. I know how much demanding they both can be when they want something

C: Hahaha amen to that. I gotta go. I think Marina is stuck in her wedding dress. I call you when we're down. I love you

ME: I love you too babe. Catch you later

I set my phone down and turned my attention back to Nate who was already in the kitchen rummaging through my fridge looking for another drink to consume.

"Dude seriously, you've already had three" I screamed at Nate as he pulled out another bottle and shut the fridge door behind him

"Well it's not my fault that you only have non alcoholic drinks" He said as he returned back to his chair in the living room.

"Wait don't tell me that tough guy Nathaniel is feeling nervous about getting married?" I asked noticing that he seemed rather tense

"Me? Nervous? Not by a long shot" He said opening the battle cap and taking a large gulp from the drink

"Come on man, talk to me. What's wrong?" I said to him

"I just don't know if I'll be a good husband to Marina. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve to be with someone like her" He sighed

"Well if there's anything that I've noticed about the two of you is that you're perfect for each other. The way both of your flaws knocks counters each other's is truly magical and I know for a fact that she truly loves you just as you love her. So stop being so worried about nothing" I said to him in the most convincing tone I could muster

"And if things don't work out you can always sleep on my couch or in the basement" I said trying to hold in a laugh

"Jerk" He replied and we both ended up laughing

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about wedding preparations and many other random stuffs. Time surely goes by when we both sit and talk about random things or when we give ourselves weird random challenges like going to every shop within the district, stand at the entrance and just start laughing for no reason. After our series of jokes and unimportant conversations I decided to take a quick nap before my date with Christina

"What time is it?" I asked opening my eyes

"Well it's Uhn" He said as he raised his hand to check his watch

"It's 7:00pm" He managed to say after a series of yawns

"Shit, I'm going to be late" I said to myself as I jumped up from the sofa and ran up to the stairs to my bedroom. Taking my clothes off as fast as I could I hopped into the shower to freshen up a bit before I come out and threw on the black suit and picked up from the dry cleaners a few days ago

I sprayed on some cologne and made my way down stairs and straight for the door.

"You kids have fun tonight" I heard Nathaniel say as I reached for the door knob

"You better not be here by the time I get back" I screamed back at him as I shut the door behind me

I got into my car, started it revered out of my driveway and onto the open road with one destination in mind 'The Silver Trident' where I am supposed to meet Christina for our date.

Half way through the drive with only a few minutes left before I arrived at my destination, I saw the screen light up and a pretty face appeared on it. Christina was calling.

"Hello Chris, sorry I'm late. I'll be there in a few minutes" I said as soon as I picked the call and set it on loudspeaker

"I'm not at the restaurant yet" She responded sounding a bit panicked

"Okay, where are you and is everything okay. Sound a bit off" I responded pulling over to the side of the road so I could talk better

"I got a call from the chief and I'm at the abandoned docks now. We found something horrifying here. I've already called Nate" She responded

"Okay. I'll be there soon" I said and then I hung up the call.

Turning my car around I drove at full speed towards the docks. I got to the docks at about 7:30pm and the place was already sealed off with police tape.

I got out of my car and walked towards the tape, flashed my badge at the officers at the entrance and they let me pass. I met Christina and Nathaniel at the other side of the tape talking about something

"Hey Chris. What's going on?" I asked as I threw my hands around her to give her a hug

"Come see for yourself" She said as she broke away from the hug and led me and Nate to the warehouse at the end of the docks. And there she was sitting on the chair, knife in her chest and blood all over the place

It was a murder straight out of a horror movie. I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing but it was no dream and I definitely wasn't sleeping

"Any ID on her?" I asked the officers who were bagging evidence that they found on the scene

"Nothing. No phone, No wallet, Nothing" Officer Mark replied

'Who found the body and made the call?" Nathaniel asked

"Some kids" Christina replied pointing to a group of teenagers who were sitting at the back of a police car

"I'm gonna go back and check if they found anything else. You two go talk to the kids and see what they know" Christina said as she turned and walked towards the warehouse. Nate and I walked down to the car to see two boys and a girl sitting inside the car then we asked them to step out.

"Can any of you tell me what you all were doing here at night?" Nathaniel asked folding his hands and profiling the kids with his eyes

"We just came down here to get a view of the ocean" The only girl in their midst said

"Yes sir but the place had a really bad smell so we traced the smell and found the dead lady on the chair" The older looking boy said

"And which one of you called the cops" I asked looking at all three of them

"I did sir" The girl replied

"And how old are you all?" I asked

"I'm 18 sir" The older looking boy replied "They're both 17" He added

"Twins?" Nathaniel asked looking a bit confused

"Yes sir" The girl and the other boy said at the same time

"Okay this is what's going to happen. It's already getting late so you're going to give your parents number to this officer here so she can pick you up" I said pointing to Nathaniel "But she's going have to come with you all to the station to give your statement" I added

"Hey Blake" I hear Christina call out to me

"Stay here with them" I said to Nate before walking towards Christina

"Yeah what's up?" I asked as I walked down to meet Christina

"We found something. You're gonna want to see this" She said as she handed me a pair of gloves and led me inside the warehouse

I got inside and I could see some officers taking a few more pictures of the scene and the victim before bagging her and putting her on the stretcher.

"We found this by the side of the chair. It was on the ground covered in blood but you can still read it" Officer mark said handing me a piece of paper

"What is this?" I asked taking the paper from his hand and staring at it

"Its a letter. Addressed to you" Christina said looking at me

Confused and somewhat shocked by what she just said, I opened up the note and read the contents out loud

Good evening officer, by the time you're reading this letter our friend on the chair would have been long dead and I would have been long gone. She is just the first of many that would pay the price for your weakness and I'm hoping to have some fun with this chase that is about to begin. I look forward to writing to you again. Try to catch me and stop me if you can but until then take care Officer Blake and remember I'm watching you.

signed, Ghost ;)

"Ghost? Who's that?" Christina asked looking as confused as I was

"I have no idea"