22. Sneaky

Amy pov

After hours of explaining, still, she isn't budging. I have to find a way to get out from here. 

"Ems, please just for once, I won't ask you again. " I pleaded to give my best puppy eyes. 

I'm desperate to meet him. I didn't meet him for a while. I want to tell him everything. 

"Amy, try to understand. You are in danger. It's not safe for you to go outside to meet a stranger. "

"He isn't a stranger. He's my best friend" I'm starting to get irritated. 

"Seriously you only meet him few times and how he becomes your best friend. "

"Ems, please. I want to meet him. Just for once. Please, you can come with me too"

I was so desperate to meet him. 

"Okay, fine. But I'm coming"

"Okay" I hugged her hard. Alex allowed me to go outside with Emma. Once I reached there, I ran to our spot and saw him pacing around. 

He turned around and sighed. 

"You are late again"