23. LISA

Amy pov

I woke up before Alex and went to my room. It's still early. Aaron has to go now or else he's going to get caught. I entered the room, Emma is sleeping in a weird position, half of her body was on the floor. Wait where's Aaron. I checked the bathroom too. He wasn't there too. I checked my phone. There's one message from Aaron. 

Aaron - I left, I'll come around 11clock.take care. 

I smiled, he's careful more than us. I did my morning routine and was going to Alex room. When I heard a muffled voice. Who got in Alex room. I stood near the door confused between should I go inside or not. 

"She was sleeping with you" A irritated voice came from Alex room. It's Lisa, why the hell is she here. 

"She's my mate, of course, she will sleep with me," Alex told with a duh tone. Take that bitch huh. 

"But you don't like her" I wanted to hear what is Alex's answer.