[6:00 AM]

Day 13

It had been a busy and tiring day because of the fight with Saitama and just after waking up, I got a call from the Association which was to tell that there will be a meeting between the S class heroes about any new threats and to introduce us to the S class.

Now, this was the plan to teach those rookies about the strength of S class heroes.

It would also make people like tank top tiger and black hole that you don't get acknowledgment by becoming a hero but by getting acknowledgment of people you become a hero.

Saitama was an unacknowledged hero who was unknown in the eye's of the public, I know that Saitama deserves to be acknowledged.

Agoni had decided to give the hero name of 

Dragon to me, why well because my eyes looked like dragon eye's but my right eye was black and left was white while I had dragon tattoos on my body made of different elements but the ones that were shining the most were black and white lightning dragons.

I was able to sense nature better and because now I had divinity the limitation of me not being able to give life to my creation was broken and I would be able to communicate better with my powers.

Maria got up from my chest and said"Let's get ready, what do you want to do first test your powers or go to the welcome party."I wanted to test my powers first so I made a black cube with ark and gave it a consciousness that drained my divinity but my divinity was unquantifiable.

The function of the item was to make simulation space which includes everything I want, it takes energy from me and has a soul connection with me so no one else could use it.

I was sucked inside the space like Kamui and when I looked around it was an open grass field.

I named this training gear Ark training space which is going to be used by all the A-class heroes and for that everyone has to train and work like horse in the dark ages.

I asked the consciousness which would be called the trainer to summon biju so I can test my powers.

A giant one-eyed blob type monster which had a tree cone on it's back and 10 tails that had the power to destroy mountains and the monster itself was at the height of a mountain.

I clasped both of my hands and when I started slowly separating them black and white lightning chaotically dancing with each other and suddenly I used half of divinity ten tails should have and summoned a dragon upper half of the dragon's body should be black and the lower half was white the dragon looked like a Chinese serpent more like Shenron but it was stronger than it looks and considering the amount of energy I used it was strong.

It was at least 10Xtimes stronger than what It should have been which makes me think will all my creations be this strong or stronger because I made this dragon just for fun I wasn't serious.

I looked at the dragons in the eyes because they were the same as me and I could see respect in its eyes and received a question "What would master like this lowly dragon to do in his biding?"

Ryu: "First of all your name what should your name be??"I was confused about what name should I use I was extremely bad at names but I had a name but I didn't know if it would work or not.

Ryu: "Your name from now on will be Rose." suddenly I felt a divine tribulation forming in the sky and attack rose but it was absorbed by him the lightning struck him 10 times and each time it was 10 times faster and stronger and suddenly a birth of a new dragon god had arrived.

After the process was completed the dragon bowed in front of me and said: "Thank you master for your benevolence and kindness I shall from now on will be serving you as Rose."

Rose was covered with black and white lightning that was 100Xtimes stronger than it was before although it was not even close to mine but it was enough to obliterate the ten tails.

Ryu: "kill that monster standing in front of us."

Rose: "This is an easy task, master." he opened his mouth and condensed lightning inside and swallow inside his mouth like a tailed beast and something expended in his mouth it was the energy gathered in his mouth.

He opened his mouth towards ten tails and a white blast covering the 180° radius in front of him small black lightning dragons condensed by pure energy were homing towards ten tails and biju was erased from existence while screaming.

It was a very destructive ray as once the blast was over the earth in the simulation had a hole in it and red magma was spilling from the ground if the otsuki clan even tried to absorb the blast they wouldn't know when their end came as for super 17 the black and white lightning contain Destruction law and kills anyone or anything not containing or having been faced with tribulation lightning and even if you had the lightning it could still leave you in a life and death situation enabling your body to heal naturally or the use of divinity.

Divinity is 100XTIMES stronger than normal mana the lightning would erase you out of existence faster than you can heal.


Something surprising happened rose started shrinking and started turning into a humanoid figure with giant lumps on the chest area.

Ryu: "Why.....?"I started feeling tired after watching the transformation.

Rose: "Master is my transformation to your liking or do I look ugly????" she was getting worried by the second.

Ryu: "Don't worry about it you look amazing but why a female."I was confused but amazed at the transformation she had black hair and eye's matching mine while she also had dragon tattoos on her body but only black and white how can I see them because she was naked and I am more surprised that I can control my self but I was thinking am I a harem protagonist??.

Such questions were useless after the transformation had been made so I decided to enjoy it because if this is life then let it be for what it is as long as I am enjoying myself.

Rose: "Thank you for the praise master I glad you are satisfied with this lowly one as for the reason for being female didn't master create me as a female??" she was proud of herself and confused at my question.

At first, I stared at her body for 10 minutes but woke up and said"You should first stop addressing your self as a lowly one and I am confused as well because I didn't even though about the gender."I was more confused than her but my satisfaction with watching her surpassed the confusion.





I gave the kimono to the new member and it looked fantastic her skin was already shining white but wearing the black kimono with a white dragon on the back was making her extraordinary skin more beautiful it was a maiden kimono and was matching her.

Maria: "Well looks like we have a new member in bed." she was somehow happier than I was which confused me and I asked.

Ryu: "Why are you so happy???"I am extremely confused.

Maria: "Because now we can have a threesome and I am sure she would be really happy." while she was smiling rose was blushing and I stared at her for a minute.

Ryu:"Let's go to the party."

We got out of the simulation and this time rose was with us.



Ryu :"Rose I will give you a very useful skill I want you to use that skill to use it on me."





Ragnarok :"Master my mind is getting filled with an unknown movement technique."she was confused why would I an unknown technique.

Ryu :"I want you to enter my shadow but in a roomsize dragon form because we live in a human world and if people see you in your human form they will either fall in love with you or send killing intent towards me and in your dragon form it will be help full to defeat monster although they are not as strong as the previous monster that you killed,....actually they are very weak."I was relaxed and looked the war dragon god staff it was a black staff made an unknown material which had a round crystal float at the top end of the staff and a golden dragon was sleeping inside.

Maria :"The staff can turn into any type weapon or tools you need but of course an speciality of this staff is it's an immortal item with a consciousness you can explore the rest"she was happy but surprised as well that I got this item so fast,I didn't know anything about this item except what she told me.

I got ready and wore a baggy black shirt and black shorts it was comfortable and high quality because I bought it from the system shop.

My body was exuding a translucent aura which covered me and maria while rose was in my shadow.

I started floating with maria and used my ki but the change in my ki stunned me.

A pressure was continuously developing around me my ki was shaping itself like multiple elemental dragons that are alive coming out of me and the ki was releasing trails of rainbow lightning.








Ryu :"I see so basically my ki is now alive."I was more confused as something like this didn't even happen in dragon ball super.

Maria :"Yes,that is because you have infinite mana or ki and especially since you are able to give life to dragons without even betting an eye."

After that surprise I decided to make it quick and used timeskip to reach city A as fast as possible.

Once I reached the meeting room of course I was the first one then I saw people entering including sitch but he was more surprised as no one saw or noticed me and beside me was maria no one knew her but then I saw saitama enter and that made me think how did he find the way here and I didn't remember to pick him up.

Saitama :"Hey Ryu how can you forget to pick me didn't we discuss that I don't know the way?."

Ryu :"Sorry alot of things were going in my mind today and I at the moment of excitement forgot."

Now first the antics of saitama and me noticed but only for 10 seconds and everyone started staring at maria,beside metal knight everyone was here and them staring at her was getting more annoying while I started wondering'This type of annoyance comes to me whenever a main character is being annoyed to death by female lead but maria isn't annoying me then why am so annoyed to the point that I want anyone of them to become my punching bag???'

Maria :"Can please stop staring at me the atmosphere is getting weird???"they had been staring at her for about 10 minute's even metal bat was a little flustered but that didn't last long as saitama interrupted there daze as hearing Maria's voice put them more into a daze.

Saitama :"Can you please stop wasting our time or what?"saitama was gashing his teeth because of there daze and he was extremely annoyed of waiting.

Sitch :"'Cough...lets us first give a greeting to each other and introduce ourselves my name is sitch and I am Minister Officer of Justice

Earth Is In Danger Prophecy Emergency Measures Team Leader."

The green haired girl who was in a daze as well said "I am Tornado of terror tatsumaki remember that hmph."she was stunned of maria but tried to ignore and got out of the daze.

An old man with silver hair said "I am silverfang bang sorry for the late introduction."after tatsumaki he introduced himself.

A man in his mid 30 with 3 swords on his left waist while he was wearing a kimono with an atom symbol on his back sat on the chair and said "I am atomic samurai kamikaze and I expect you to be strong."while saitama stared at him with a straight face and said"Ok."after him a child with a small bag on his back came and sat on the chair while introducing himself "Hi I am child emperor and use my technology to defeat monsters."he was smiling and looked extremely cute kids are cute there is no doubt I love patting little children they are innocent and make cute faces.

I had to hold my self from screamingat his cuteness after that king came and sat on the chair and introduceed himself "Hello I am king it's nice to meet you guys."king had recognised saitama even with his bald head so he was being nice to us but people around him were stunned they were thinking that we must be strong for him to inroduce himself like that.

A man covered with armor with a metal box with him said "I am drive knight."after him dark shine introduced himself "I am dark shine alloy and I can sense you have excellent muscles."to which I chuckled.

Zombie man came to sit and introduced "I am zombie man and I am immortal."

A giant filled with glucose came to sit and said "I am piggod nice to meet you."

"I am puri puri prisoner you are extremely handsome."

"Woof"I raised an eyebrow at watchdogman "Flashy flash."

"Metal bat bad."he was also tired of waiting for his turn while a buff giant with a smile and said "I am tanktop master nice to meet you."after him someone I knew was going to annoy me at times came "I am amai mask I am A class hero whose job is to avoid weak heroes from becoming S class I have seen you on multiple video recordings but I still have not seen that bald guy are you even strong enough to become S class especially with a hero name like one punch man."

Sitch :"The proof of them being S class is given to me and not released in public for a reason."sitch had already seen the video of me and saitama fighting which was why he was confused about our relationship.

Everyone was confused they didn't know why would they be called just to watch us fight they raised there eyebrow waiting for the explanation.

Sitch started playing the recording let's just say there were shocked speechless as non of them would be able to match them but once the video was finished sitch didn't wait for them to get used to there shock and said "The techniques that were used by dragon would be taught to all the heroes below S class and for special individuals we can make some exceptions but physical fighters will be taught how to use these techniques such as ki and combination of martial arts which was created by dragon you need at least the basics and you can improve your self at least that's what you have told."

Ryu :"yes the basics are most important they can improve your body performance to a high degree and I will be sharing this technique to the masters so they can spread this knowledge to there students."I got up and walked towards bang to put my hands on his head and transfered all the knowledge about the technique.

Once bang received the technique I used my ki to heal his back pain and old body so his body would work as if in it's youth bang got up from his seat and started using the exercises that were transferred to his brain I would let him spread the knowledge.

Bang was surprised his old bones started making cracking sounds and he could some how feel his bones get stronger which I did with bone pulse and transfered some of my lightning generating cells in his bones,lungs and heart safely.

Bang knew this technique was similar to his own and the dream he saw but it was rather good for the heroes who get injured alot this technique makes injured heroes original strength stronger.

Atomic samurai :"What about my students and others sword users."he was confused.

Ryu :"They would be taught how to use ki and given sword training with a special means no matter if they are physical fighters or swordsman,swordswomen,ninja and there is a breathing technique which would be intoduced first let's me explain ki."

"Ki,spirit also known chi/qi or simply energy is lifeforce used by all living being's Ki is also known as "latent energy" or "fighting power," which directly translates as "life force." This force is a tangible energy inside every living being, with its major focus being in the center of the body. By drawing it out, an individual is able to manipulate it and use it outside the body. Ki can beused for many different techniques."

"Because there are physical limits to the strength of the body itself, it is necessary to increase one's ki to overcome this barrier and become stronger.Usually, the more concentrated the masses are, the more time the user requires to draw it out by powering up. When fighters gather ki, they are able to gain enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and can increase the power of their attacks to inflict greater damage to opponents."

"When fighters gather ki, they are able to gain enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and can increase the power of their attacks to inflict greater damage to opponents. Normally, the more the ki is increased, the harder it is to control, so ki control is also important.[2] Energy can be lost when the user sustains injuries."

"Maintaining proper balance between the body and spirit is important in utilizing energy, and the more properly balanced they are, the more energy you can project.

ki is made up of three parts :

•Genki "Vigor"

•Yūki "Courage"

•Shōki "Mind"

for now this is enough."

Everyone was staring at me concentrated saitama wanted to know how I was able to fight him other were more stunned that I want to teach this technique to others.

Sitch nodded and said "Now let's discuss about the reason we were here, we have found the secret lab of doctor genus a mad scientist and the hero association wants you all to capture him we been keeping an eye on him and he has been experimenting on humans."

Tatsaumaki was more pissed as she had been once kidnapped to be experimented on and  blast saved her but she ended up becoming a tyrant in the eye's monsters,humans and her sister.



Thank you for reading and supporting all readers matter to me because this is my first fanfic.