Underground lab.

[Unknown forest]

(Third POV)

[3:45 PM]

I was standing with all the S-class heroes staring at an empty building.

"We should check inside the building if he is even there because there haven't any movement, at least that's what we have been told," said Child Emperor asking the others.

"There's no need for that, I can sense no one is in there." said, Ryu in a confident tone.

"How do you know? we haven't even gotten close to the building." Asked bang, everyone was confused including Saitama.

"Because I have Dragon senses which help me in detecting any creature around me." Said, Ryu.

'Should I demonstrate my skills to them or hide? …no hiding anything wouldn't do us any good.' Ryu was thinking if he should hide from the limelight or not but he had decided to at least reveal somethings to them like his race which was slowly changing and evolving him.

He started to walk closer to the building and stopped at a 10-meter distance, he started charging a simple ki blast to show them the difference between him and them.

Once he threw the Ki blast to destroy the building, it changed its shape into a dragon which was covered in Rainbow lightning but, once the blast was expected it didn't come.

A strong gust of wind came and the building turned to dust, while everyone was stunned, how can the building turn to dust in an instant they weren't even able to see the attack.

"I think I should guide you because I can sense the layout of the building, there is an underground space hidden under a metal trap door." Said, Ryu was able to sense clearer as a dragon than see as a human, either it was because of his stats or divinity but, that doesn't mean anything right now they needed to hurry or Dr.Genus will escape without them even knowing.


Entering the underground laboratory while walking behind Ryu while the corridor was very big and filled with hidden traps but Ryu had an electrical field around him, which was the reason the remote control or auto-activation traps didn't work at all entirely.

I am a god so the reach of my domain was as large as the universe but, because I limited the reach it was smaller but, something confused me why was it so silent did Genus finding out that we are here and ran away or is he oblivious about us invading his lab.

          It didn't matter, to make it quick I increased the range of the domain and found out he was confused about his hidden camera's not working while he making plans to test the abilities of his experiments on the closest town, if the experiment fails he will find an excellent test subject but unfortunately the heroes were here and he wasn't aware of but he sent some clones to check themself if the problem is big he will try to control the situation or escape.

"We should hurry and increase our pace of coverage because Genus is sending one of his clones to check the problem with the camera's and the traps or if someone hacked which wouldn't be an easy task", said Ryu to fasten the pace of there walking and capture the real Genus.

"Wait he doesn't even know we are here? I thought that you having a hard time trying to detect Genus and trying to avoid traps", said child emperor confused.

"I was just going straight to his lab because I made electromagnetic field around me which would interrupt the traps from activating and the camera's from recording us, while this is the shortest path I could take without worrying about the traps, while also going at a pace that is neither slow nor fast, but we need to quicken our pace or he might escape", said Ryu

          We started running at a fast speed it took ten minutes to reach the clone that was sent by Genus.

First, he was stunned at finding out that all the S-class heroes had raided the underground lab, and how could they reach so far without getting into trouble with the misleading paths that were made with the purpose of confusing any of the intruders, but of course they didn't succeed as well as the traps didn't work on them why they didn't know, because the camera's weren't working for some reason. 

Before he could do anything I used universal pull and turned him into ashes using lightning, The heroes around me were stunned except Amai mask, but first, he asked, "Why did you kill him? We weren't supposed to kill him" Amai mask was releasing a pressure that didn't affect me at all. 

"Because he was a clone as I told you scientists like him do everything they can to save their skin and this is just a clone", said Ryu to Amai mask although he didn't even care for what he said, so without speaking any further we started to run towards the main area of the underground laboratory and reached the giant door which should have been hacked in normal circumstances.

I used my psychic powers to destroy the gate and succeeded, on the other side the clones backed away, but the real one was behind a table which had a screen on it to and a hologram the table was made some type of metal which I didn't know of.

Before the real Genus could make an escape I used sand manipulating to grab him and covered him in a very strong coffin only leaving his head out so he doesn't die without oxygen.

"Although I doubt he will answer any questions that are asked I have a way to make him spit out everything about his experiments", said Ryu to the heroes around him as they didn't have much clue what was going on and Ryu's powers were more diverse in elemental manipulation or anything he could imagine.


Approximately it took 20 minutes to raid the lab and get the experiments out of the lab so were dangerous while few weren't violent, the clones were destroyed because there was no use for them they would only hinder.


Inside the Association when we returned with genus safe they thanked us for the hard work which wasn't that hard in our opinion and for the day everyone almost everyone returned to there work such as training their students and killing monsters.

I returned with maria and rose but we would be going to the Association again in 3 days to show the new method of training that I had made.


Thank you for reading and sorry for this small chapter.

About 1042 word