An excuse of a mission

2 days remain

Waking up at 6 am.

Ryu was feeling extremely energetic today while his bones were making cracking noise which surprised him, he was feeling stronger more flexible while his divinity more in tune with his body.

[Congratulations Dead bone pulse evolved into

All-killing Ash bones]

Getting used to these tabs wasn't hard but they still give a surprise.

[Main Mission:

Mission world: Naruto world.

● Help Naruto defeat pain.

● Help Naruto's and Sasuke's character development.

Side Mission:

• Invite Naruto and Sasuke in the team.

• compete with Naruto in ramen eating.]

"What an excuse for a mission is this? It more seems like the world will wants me to have fun than to solve a world devastating problem" Ryu was confused.

"Well that's because you are strong so I didn't matter inviting Naruto and Sasuke was supposed to be the main mission but with your ability, you don't need the help, as for helping let me explain," said Maria.

"The anomaly in this situation is Nagato and he is one of the antagonists in the series, his role was to kill Jiraiya and develop Naruto's ninja way but Nagato's soul was switched with a reincarnated impure soul that will only bring destruction unlike you if you kill Nagato yourself Naruto won't be able to develop and would die in someone's hand which is the reason you need help him become independent faster, without Naruto or Sasuke sealing Kaguya would be impossible and future

Calamities would destroy the Naruto verse if the protagonists die than a new hero would be needed and for that the anomaly, not a great choice unlike you what if he decides to leave the world it would cost a lot to fix the balance because of the Otsutsuki clan." said Maria

"Okay thank you for the explanation, the time for this world is going to stop so it doesn't matter that much." Ryu was excited

"You will be given an identity that comes in contact with naruto a lot.", said Maria

Ryu didn't wait any longer and got ready to do a warmup because he decided to limit his stats so he could improve his experience in battle.


After his warmup, he ate his morning breakfast, because it was 10 am Ryu decided to get ready, he wore a simple grey kimono his hair had grown to his shoulder because of the sudden increase in terms of pure vitality, he tied his hair toward the back black hair and disguised his both eye to black.

Standing in front of a portal that was wide and black.

He started slowly walking towards the portal and disappeared in the portal while the time was ceased move.

Ryu's senses went blank, this was the probably the second or third time this happened and he was already used to it, I took one second for his senses to back to normal looking around himself he was surprised but didn't show it his surrounding was filled with children and their parents with them while he was alone.

He suddenly had an influx of memory which told him his identity, he was one of the survivors of the Kaguya clan who came to the leaf village after surviving the bloodline purge and was registered as a villager of the leaf.

(First-person pov: Ryu)

I looked around but most of the children were not from the anime but suddenly I saw naruto who was bored of the Third Hokage's speech, Although the speech if comprehended had a good moral message but ridiculing someone is easier then to pursue such morals.

I started walking towards naruto to talk and make him my friend.

"Excuse me my name is Ryu Kaguya and I am new here in the village would you like to be my friend?" said Ryu with a casual smile that would seem peaceful to others.

At first, naruto seem scared that someone suddenly came to beat him in front of the Hokage but the latter part of the speech made him smile extremely content like found his Lost family member.

"Hi my name is Naruto Uzumaki of course I will be your friend," said Naruto as he was extremely excited about getting a new friend.

"Thank you very much I am extremely excited to start getting with others as well."

"So you are actually new in the village so where are your parents? did they not come with you for your first day at the academy?" asked Naruto as he was surprised that my parents didn't and with me.

Ryu said awkwardly "Well...I don't have any remaining at least in this world."

Naruto had a sad expression "Sorry for being insensitive."

"There is nothing to apologize about how would you know it." with a grin while he was rubbing his head.

"I actually don't have any parent either, but how did you get to the village without your parents? how is the outside world? do have exciting adventures out of the village?" Naruto was excited to know what the outside world was like because the whole village hated him and he either wanted to leave the village or become a ninja and go out on missions and become the Hokage to prove the people that he was not a demon.


half-hour speech was finished and the time to enter our class for the first time to start our studies but most boys were giving me surprised stare while girls kept glancing at me with red faces.

The boys were surprised because I was walking with naruto while I was extremely handsome at the height of 4'5ft throwing me stares of contempt and jealousy.

They were kids and without correct guidance, they of course would perform actions against naruto but he was numb to it not completely but he had good resistance against whatever they say.

'I guess it was my physic that scared naruto and the rest of the kids.'

everyone entered me and naruto were the first to sit and we were sitting in the middle chairs of the class when all the students were seated Shikamaru looked towards me and naruto but was surprised looking at both of us talking happily and my body.

"Hey naruto how are doing? you seem pretty happy today."

Shikamaru had a soft spot for naruto knowing how much the villagers hate him and beat him up but doesn't bring it up because it's a drag.

"Hey Shika you seem prepared for the start of the academy, this is my new friend but he is new to the village his name is Ryu Kaguya."

"Hi my name is Ryu Kaguya its nice to meet you I am new to the village hope we get along."

"Ryu this is Shikamaru the one beside him is choji, " choji was waving his hand while his mouth was full of chips.

"That guy with the dog is Kiba while the dog is called Akamaru and the one beside him with glasses is Shino."

suddenly one blond-haired girl and one pink-haired girl came like they were facing a storm and came towards me and naruto.

I saw a boy with dark hair but extremely quiet but I saw some fear in him when he saw the two girls and wanted to hide under the table.


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thank you.