
(This is chapter number 10 and it is at least twelve-thousand words long chapter it didn't take long to write the chapter but increaseing the quality and dialogue was hard but this is still not peak gove your review so I can improve my self thank you for waiting and reading)

Naruto made space for Ryu to go towards the blackboard and sat with Hinata while her whole body was boiling with the distance closing no her, making towards the board Ryu wrote his name and spoke confidently "Hello my name is Ryu Kaguya and I am from the land of water hidden mist village,  It's nice to meet you I hope to get along with you all."

"Good you can go and sit"

'Looks like I made a bigger impression on Naruto than I expected.' Ryu saw Naruto waiting for him while Hinata already fainted as she couldn't control herself anymore, after reaching them Ryu started making water in his hand to wake up Hinata once she woke up with the splashed water on her she looked towards Ryu and thanked him for waking her up watching her Naruto made space for Ryu to sit.

Ryu sat beside Hinata because he didn't want her to faint again while Naruto sat beside him.


While Iruka was starting the class Ryu was talking to Maria 'so basically I should use at least 0.02 percent of my stats which means 20 stat points at the age of 6 ok, not like I was going to use my full power anyway.' Naruto had 50 points of chakra while Ryu had 200, it would be normal for the average genin to have 20 which was 2 C-class Jutsu to tire them out.

Naruto was an Uzumaki which gives him a 90% chakra boost even though he doesn't have a brain to utilize the intelligence in something useful but that's what Ryu was here for he would help him.

"Okay, Class first we will go to the training field and training exercises and skill training such as shurikenjutsu and taijutsu to know where you need improvement." Iruka wanted to know how skilled the students were as most of them were from powerful clans of the village and would be trained from a young age of 3.

Everyone was excited to take the top position for them to become the best student and ninja but knew not to dream too big or the failure will leave a sore spot in their heart.

While Sasuke was in his own thoughts dreaming that he already came first and made his father proud while surpassing Itachi.

Once all the students reached the training ground they were excited but their nervousness surpassed their excitement.

The first physical test was of 50 yards race to check there stamina, speed, and flaws in there technique every action requires a technique that is taught to all the children of the big clan but normal children like Naruto need to be taught these things at the academy which is not a problem the things is that Naruto is a trouble maker and the first thing he needs to learn is discipline.

"Everyone lineup properly and on 3...2..1 Go!!!" Everyone was in line I was standing beside Sasuke while he was glaring at me and smirked like he already won, arrogance....gets you every time I guess karma is a #itch.

When Iruka said go Ryu used feather foot to pass the starting ten-yards with a single step which left Mizuki, Iruka, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino, Choji, Hinata, Sakura, Ino, and most of all Naruto in a shocking daze that their jaws dropped while they were shaking in confusion but didn't know how and what happened but Mizuki and Iruka were first ones to get out of their daze after which the children started waking up Sasuke didn't want to lose to anyone and hoped to at least keep his pride by defeating the "losers".

In 5 steps Ryu won in 5 seconds while he was holding back his real power, although standing out wasn't Ryu's real objective but to make Sasuke and Naruto with others improve he had to become a mountain in there view that they had to climb while he would assist them in their training by using ark of course after taking permission from the Hokage not like he is scared of Danzo he could use mind control on the Third Hokage as well but sorting things with peace is the only path he wants to take.

The result wasn't surprising with my addition but the rest were surprised because everyone is scared of Sasuke.

1. Ryu Kaguya

2. Sasuke Uchiha

3. Kiba Inuzuka

4. Naruto Uzumaki

5. Choji Akimichi

6. Shino Abarame

7. Shikamaru Nara

8. Hinata Hyuga

9. Ino Yamanaka

10. Sakura Haruno


"Everyone did an extremely good job, next would be kunai throwing to check your accuracy, speed, and flaws."

Sasuke was called first he didn't believe that I would come first in kunai throwing as well.

Sasuke was holding the kunai's in his hand extremely focused, he swung his hand the first kunai hit the target there was a *bonk sound with the kunai's sharp edge embedding itself on the wooden target.




Two kunai hit the target while the third and fourth were a bit further from the target.

"Good work Sasuke work hard and you should be able to get better fast."

Sasuke's performance was extremely surprising for normal people but not for a God-like Ryu in his eyes it was lackluster and the most basic they all were learning.

10 min later Ryu's turn came and his performance made everyone dumbfounded but like he gave a crap.





All four kunais were thrown at the same time but all of them hit the target straight at the center.

Everyone's jaws dropped and they couldn't believe it but this time everyone was able to awaken faster.

First Naruto jumped at him and asked him "How did you do that? and how were you so fast in the race?" He was extremely happy that he made a friend and that friend is extremely strong even stronger than that Sasuke.

"First in kunai throwing, you need practice and focus second in the race I used a secret technique but I can teach it to you later." Said, Ryu as he wasn't that surprised at his shock and anticipation of learning something new, he was going to teach him later.

Shikamaru was standing with them and listening and was surprised that I would teach Naruto a secret technique.

Next was Naruto's turn Ryu had seen the rusted kunais in his hand so he called Iruka.

"Iruka sensei please look Naruto has rusted and blunt kunai." First Naruto was surprised then Shikamaru, he took the kunai's from Naruto's hand and inspected them and was surprised that he was given rusted kunai.

Iruka came and gave them a look and that was enough for an experienced teacher like him to notice the deformed kunai to some degree, Naruto has been his student for two years and his performance was sabotaged by someone giving him blunt and rusted kunai.

"Who is responsible for giving Naruto his set of kunai's?" Iruka was angry and wanted to know who was it suddenly Naruto said "It was Mizuki sensei who gave me this set of kunai." Naruto was confused and didn't know what happened while Shikamaru knew exactly what was happening and looked towards Ryu trying to ask him with questioning eyes, Mizuki came running when Iruka called him.

"Mizuki you should be more responsible the kunai set given to Naruto was not properly taken care of, bring him a new set of kunai." Iruka knew what was going on behind his back but before taking any actions against his old friend he would have to report the situation to Hokage-sama and he would make the decision what they should be doing with Mizuki.

Mizuki brought a new set of kunai with an apologetic face while swearing under his breath.

Naruto's turn to throw the kunai came and one by one he threw the kunai at the targets and saw the results.





Everyone was surprised except Ryu and Shikamaru while they both looked at each other in the eye. Shikamaru had a multitude of questions but asking them in public would not be a good choice so both decided to have a chat with each other later after the classes finish.

2 kunais hit the target the other two hit close to the target first Naruto was dazed and then Sasuke even more surprised, while nothing could stop Naruto from celebrating and Iruka, Mizuki, and Shikamaru from frowning as Naruto had tremendously better results from zero to two hitting the mark while two an inch away from hitting the target

The students were stunned but the class couldn't be stretched any longer so other children proceeded for there turn.

This time the results were similar but Naruto was in third place.

After the results, the time for close-combat came, the match list was like this.

1. Ryu vs Hinata

2. Shikamaru vs Choji

3. Shino vs Kiba

4. Ino vs Sakura

5. Sasuke vs Naruto

And all the other side characters who Ryu or the writer didn't give a crap about, while the most awaiting matches were between Ryu vs Hinata and Sasuke vs Naruto because the results of the new student and Naruto were too unexpected that everyone even Iruka wanted to know how they would be fighting there opponents.

Ryu and Hinata got on the field and started taking there stance Hinata took the Hyuga gentle fist stance and Ryu took water stream rock smashing fist stance perfectly just like bang without any flaws that Garou had and just the stance stunned the Hyuga princess as she didn't know how to attack the person in front of her as just after he took the stance she felt a pressure that was extremely strong like her father.

"Be a bit more confident you are strong but unless you get serious you will not survive, if I was a ninja of a different village I would have already killed you in a split second, show me what you can do with the Hyuga gentle fist." Said Ryu with a straight face.

With the middle of the sentence, Hinata suddenly remembered the cloud ninja incident and understood what Ryu was talking about she didn't want that type of incident to happen again and for that, she had to become strong She dashed towards Ryu and did a palm attack to his chest to which Ryu didn't counter her attack but deflected with his right palm and made some distance from her while she was losing her balance but stabilized herself thinking 'I can't give him time to get distance and I have to continuously attack him I can't risk losing my balance he is going easy on me since he just deflected my attack.' Ryu was able to get her to concentrate on him but she was far from getting confident of her skills because she was ridiculed by her father at the inability to learn faster he had never praised them but techniques like these can't be rushed, they take time and proper care for someone to learn fast.

The Hinata in front of him had a stronger resolve which was to at least showcase what she was capable of to the opponent in front of her.

Ryu knew what she was going through and reacting to her attacks was like reacting to a slug moving as slowly as it can he deflected her attacks one after the other his palms were releasing a gentle blue waving aura which was not chakra Hinata knew that he didn't attack purposefully but she didn't stop her palm moving in a rapid speed but surprisingly Ryu was able to see her flaws in her technique decreasing her attacks becoming relentless and smooth the Hyuga guard was first stunned at Ryu's technique that he was able to deflect all attacks without harming Hinata and second that Hinata was doing better than she had ever done in her training but her chakra was not enough to last her any longer so Ryu made his move and did a palm strike near her stomachs chakra pathways and her chakra path was blocked and she was pushed out of the ring.

That settled the battle and the battle was so intense and complex no one except Iruka, Mizuki, and the Hyuga guard were able to deduce what happened and how flawless Ryu's combat technique was, he was able to defeat his opponents without injuring them and by tiring them out with a pure technique that counters the Hyuga clans perfect defense which was far from perfect.

Ryu won the match

Shikamaru's match wasn't special he just gave up because it was a drag to fight Choji.

Choji won the second match

Kiba won the third match because Shino's abarame clan specialized in ranged combat rather than close-combat and the Inuzuka clan specialized in close-combat.

Ino vs Sakura and Ino won no need to give details because Sakura is from a normal civilian family with no ninja background which is the reason why Sakura was just trying to punch while Ino was able to dodge all of Sakura's attack.

After some fodders that weren't even in cannon fighting each other which wasn't as entertaining as Ryu's match the final match came and excitement was filled in all the fan-girls eyes including Sakura but at least Ino was able to think with her brain and wanted to see the improvements that Naruto had because she saw how Shikamaru behaved when Naruto made his new record.

Both Naruto and Sasuke entered the stage to fight when Naruto was about to jump at Sasuke he heard Ryu in his mind who was saying 'Naruto don't just jump at him leave it to me.'after hearing that in his mind he was stunned at the voice in his mind.

At that moment the time was at a crawl for Ryu.

[Puppet Control Master: The skill's name is self-explanatory it give you control over anything object or living being dead or alive once the strings are connected to a living being the fate of that person or animal is under the puppeteers control even speech, memory, and thought process could be controlled.


The Puppet Control Master title give an immunity to being manipulated by fate being against you and Illusory Law and Soul Law.]

The time resumed and Naruto felt something take over him suddenly he was no longer in control he could not even speak but something told him that Ryu was helping him win this match.

While Ryu's finger released a chakra thread that spread throughout Naruto's body, soul, and mind.

Ryu felt another consciousness in his head and felt he could think and do things twice as fast as before he didn't know but this helped unlocking Naruto's potential faster and gave him a permanent boost of photographic memory just for being able to connect with Ryu's mindscape.

Ryu didn't even have to move his body to control Naruto and Sasuke dashed towards Naruto and kicked towards his stomach with his right leg when controlled him and put a wingchun stance which was to not get the suspicion of any anbu. Kicking Sasuke's with his right leg that pushed his kick away even though Naruto may be skinny and weak but Ryu's chakra was enough to make him the strongest student in the whole of five hidden villages specially when Ryu could even control kurama which was the biggest advantage.

Sasuke lost his balance not expecting the defending maneuver from naruto who was a loser in his eyes when Naruto did three punches on his face in wingchun machine gun punch flow and after those three punches he fainted and fell on the ground which stunned everyone

All the male students were experiencing shock and Ecstacy while all the fan-girls were cursing at Naruto Ino knew something about Naruto changed he had been playing with Shikamaru and Choji for as long she knew them and never thought Naruto could make such a miracle happen but she couldn't get her head over the thought of Sasuke losing to Naruto who had the least marks for the past two years but when she looked at the feat Ryu pulled she knew that Naruto and Sasuke combined could not do anything to him even Hinata could defeat the Sasuke right now because she had a bigger responsibilities like her clan.

Ryu gave Naruto control back and told him 'Naruto I used a secret jutsu to take control you so you can win but you need to work hard to get better result.'


After school, all of Naruto's friends were going home with each other while Itachi came to take Sasuke and disappeared with him today, normally he would be on a mission but today was Sasuke's first day at school while Hinata was taken by the Hyuga princess defense.

"Are you going to tell me what happened back there?" Asked Shikamaru in a whispering tone that got a nod from Ryu.

"Naruto that was awesome I didn't know you were this good at kunai throwing? And you finally avenged all the male students defeated by Sasuke, hmph I never liked that arrogant bastard with that weird fighting technique." Asked Kiba he knew Naruto from the time he started going to the playground and playing with the rest Naruto always got bad results while he didn't know how to fight either.

This time Shino asked Ryu "I am curious Ryu where did you learn these close-combat techniques that could even defeat Hyuga clans gentle fist which is known for its perfect defense? I guess you proved that it isn't perfect once their chakra pool is empty." Shino spoke in a heavy but low tone which everyone was able to hear because it was rare for Shino to take the initiative to talk and they were also curious to hear my answer.

"This Martial art was created by a hero known as silver fang but his real name is bang the martial arts is called water stream rock smashing fist it is the incomplete version of my martial arts which is a fusion of three fighting technique which are,"

"1. whirlwind iron cutting fist it is a technique that can manipulate the wind without the use of chakra the technique is strong enough to slice through iron like it's butter with some specific wrist and finger movements it was created by bomb he was bangs big brother, second is Heavy dragon fist which can break boulders even with just one finger I was the one who created this technique it requires perfect chakra control so the user doesn't harm himself and finally,"

"Water stream rock smashing fist it is a technique in which the user does not attack directly and counter attacks with double the strength which is why I decided to just deflect her attacks but the technique is water stream rock smashing fist because the technique makes the opponent weaker because this technique target the opponents acupunctures which continuously slows down their movement speed and strenght after fusing these techniques it was extremely easy for me to defeat ninjas 10Xtimes stronger than me while using chakra but to train any one of these you would need at least 5 years to learn if you are a prodigy like Itachi Uchiha or the forth hokage or maybe dedicated enough to train 10 years to master it but that is an overall view the amount of hard work you would have to do just to reach the physical requirements to train these techniques is a lot but hard work makes everything possible,"

"And before you all ask how I learned these techniques first my body has a kekei mõra which is called murderous ash bones which makes my body stronger than others and I am able to control my bones if they pierce your skin they would turn any type of lifeform into ashes it gives a enormous boost to my physical capabilities which is the reason why I didn't use my fist but just palm to defeat Hinata."

"if anyone of you wants to learn this martial arts I can teach you specially to you Naruto your standings posture is horrible your methods to approach your enemy is horrible and you didn't even know you had rusted kunai's I have faced ninjas as strong as jonin and defeated them if you fought them you would die in 2 seconds."

"I am not telling you to not dream big but to achieve something big you need to seek perfection and that requires confidence don't let some idiot tell you what to do always do what your heart wants and work hard for your dream."

It took them a lot of time to take in what Ryu just said and he wasn't holding his voice that much so the anbu's were able to hear as well one of them immediately disappeared from there to report to the Third Hokage.

"You can give me your answer tomorrow I will be going to the Hokage-sama's office to have a talk." Said Ryu after that he separated without listening any further.

Shikamaru's questions were answered before he even asked them how did he know about Naruto's situation the answer was of course he was a ninja able to defeat jonin at the age of 5 or 6 how could he not notice such details to a ninja distracting the opponent is a second chance at life if missed you will die so he would have to go through a lot of situations on which his life depended on distraction with some kunai's.

It didn't take time for Ryu to reach the Hokage's office he just climbed the largest building to find where the Hokage office was and the shivers of nostalgia attacked him that his eyes watered he took a deep breath and proceed to reach the tower.

When I enter the tower the lady sitting at the counter looked at me and asked: "Excuse me are you, Ryu?"

"Yes I am," said with a casual smile.

"Hokage-sama is expecting you, you can go." Responded with a soft smile.

"Thank you."

Ryu reached the upper floor and knocked twice at the door when a voice of an old man reached outside that said "Enter" the voice looked tired.

So Ryu entered he saw a hill of papers on Hokage-sama's office table.

The old man smiled at Ryu to which Ryu smiled and said: "Hokage-sama I have a request to make but I would like to talk to you alone."

Hiruzen nodded with a serious expression and said "Anbu" the hidden anbus disappeared and Ryu started speaking his request.

"First of all I am not oblivious that you are busy and I have a way to ease your stress, First inform your advisor to find people who would separate the paper into different categorize and whichever is more important like a mission category or the reports of the situation in the borderlines or information gathered in other hidden villages and economy and whatnot until these categories have been separated you should take your rest and once they are done after the separation use multiple shadow clones to finish your work for you."

Hiruzen was first dumbfounded that he kept staring at Ryu for ten-minute and thought 'Why couldn't I come with a plan like this it is extremely important for a Hokage to be organised with his work especially when we are still trying to recover from the damage that was done by kyubi.'

"I am actually more curious why your advisor didn't come up with an organized plan like this I mean he is a Nara he should at least be able to do that shouldn't he?" This time Hiruzen was confused as well.

"So I have a complaint about the academy and the village, first you did a brilliant speech and I admire your preaching but then I saw a yellow-haired kid named Naruto who was called a demon by the adult and the kid clearly they don't care about what you say in the speech even your anbu's weren't doing a thing when these things were happening and were yawning at your speech, I can guarantee that they even beat him up seeing his expression when I approached him he was extremely scared and worried like I was going to beat him up the kid was skinny and looked like he just had a beating."

When Ryu addressed the first issue it caused Hiruzen's expression to darken and he was in deep thought but then he said "I understand the situation I will make some changes by the way your house is just above Naruto's by coincidence and I have a request for you as well now can you help Naruto in his situation with food I will send an anbu to give you money?"

"No need for the money and now the second problem the Academy training doesn't teach the children much there are some major clan heirs who have potential and that is what I am here to talk about and to show you something as well." Ryu reached his hands inside his kimono and took out Ark training gear and showed it to Hiruzen and told him: "To observe the effects we should go to the top of the tower."

Once they reached the peak of the tower Ryu took Ark in his hand and activated it in his hand.

Once he activated Ark the sky turned red and Hiruzu could feel the atmosphere turn from peaceful to extremely gloomy which shocked him he looked at Ryu questioningly.

"Look towards the street." When he looked towards the street he was shocked beyond imagination he saw the peaceful streets of Konoha were filled with destroyed building except the Hokage tower then he gave another look to Ryu.

"Please don't look at me like that, this is a different dimension in which I train and can summon even the nine tails in here but only for training purpose and this item cannot be copied because I created this item for my training unless I make a copy of it, but I also have to hide such an item you and I are the only people who know about and the least people know about it the better it is so please can you hide the Information about it from the council."

This was probably the first time Hiruzen was this dumbfounded and silent from beginning to end but finally, he said something.

"Can show me how you summon the nine-tail" Ryu nodded.


Ryu clapped once and the nine-tail was summoned with a big explosion and a roar from Kurama.

This time the Third Hokage almost had a heart attack and his breathing stopped for a moment but when he saw Kurama calming down and lying on the spot he calmed down but his shock didn't decrease in any manner and screamed: "HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!!!!!?" Confused that the monster that was responsible for Minato's death was lying in front of him.

"Calm down this is just a training device you don't need to worry about it I just want permission to use this item to help Naruto and the others." Because Ryu was a dragon the aura he was releasing was hidden but it was to a certain degree making Hiruzen trust him and that trust was better than mind-control because he didn't have to order him around and he could make his own decisions.

"Also when we are in this dimension the time outside stops and if you are worried about there safety let me tell you something if I die in this dimension then I would be transported into a hospital bed and your wounds would have been healed when you wake up but the objective is to teach the others how to survive."Ryu was anticipating his decision for this training program.

" Although the decision is for me to make I still want to show Shikaku this dimension for him to prepare a way to use this....what is the device's name?" Asked Hiruzen excited.

"Ark training gear or device whatever you want to call it, but I think you are right Shikaku-san from the Nara clan is an intelligent person so showing him this place would be good...OH, I almost forgot to tell you that once the person in training has defeated anyone of the monsters summoned which does not have to be kyubi it can a ninja as well which is better the monsters will drop unknown items that can help them improve you can think of it as a reward for there hard work and all that is in this dimension such as if I find some explosion seal I can take the items out of the dimension to sell them in the market This is a fast way to generate weapons and assets but upon one condition you will not tell about this to anyone form the council you can even use this dimension to rest or train do you accept the conditions?"

"I accept but I have a question why would you willingly reveal this big secret to me and Shikaku" Hiruzen was confused but Ryu had earned his trust.

"People tend to fear the unknown and as a ninja, this feeling increases the longer that particular thing is unknown to them I don't fear the unknown because I am strong enough to take care of my self but you have a bigger responsibility than me you don't live for yourself but for the villagers, this village is the king and you have to protect it."

"The purpose of revealing this was to gain your trust."


So after showing Shikaku the dimension and getting the Hokage's permission he breathed I sigh in relief but they had to take permission from the other clan heads to train the other students unlike Naruto who's responsibility is under the Hokage so they decided to make a meeting between the clan heads and the Hokage and with Shikaku on Ryu's aide people would be able to trust him more.

Ryu had made an enormous impact inside Hiruzen and Shikaku's mind and heart which allowed him to gain there trust.

I returned to my home and waited for Naruto's to arrive. Once he had arrived he came to his house and knocked.



Two knocks later Naruto opened the door and was stunned by my visit but opened the door for me to come inside and welcomed me.

"So how was your visit to great gramps?" Asked Naruto.

"Well, he is kind and considerate and took my request seriously and also made a request to help you get food and drink because you get beaten by others." Said, Ryu with a smile.

After hearing his answer his eyes started watery that's when Ryu said "Don't be dramatic and stop crying like a baby you want to be a Hokage right? then act like a proper ninja."

Ryu grabbed his hand took him outside to take him to ichiraku. After finding ichiraku he made him sit on the chair and sitting beside him.

"Excuse me I would like miso ramen with beef and egg, five bowls for starters what do you want Naruto?" Asked with I'mile which never disappeared.

"I want miso ramen with pork."

Teuchi smiled at them and said: "Coming right up."

While Teuchi was preparing the ramen Naruto asked worriedly.

"Do you even have the money to buy that many bowls of ramen?"

"Naruto I have the money to give you a supply of ramen for your life but if we gather so many bowls of ramen at the same time your house wouldn't have space to keep it inside and it would spoil so don't get worried because from now on I will get you as much ramen as you want but for now let's have a ramen eating competition." Without even Naruto answering I knew what his answer was so I called out Teuchi and told him about the challenge.

Naruto ate 8 bowls of ramen and lost because he is just 5 years old while Ryu is a dragon so his appetite is enormous he ate 80 bowls of ramen.

While Naruto was pouting on his defeat Teuchi was smiling at Naruto's antics and getting a new customer that would be spending money no less than a goldmine.

After returning home I said goodbye to Naruto.

Tomorrow would be a big day which means it is also going to be a tiring day, the Hokage has made a meeting between him and the other major clan leaders and elders which multiplied the mental labor convincing those old folks is very difficult because they are all very persistent specially Hyuga clan elders, this is an annoying plan but with there help it would be easier to make my plans chances of succeeding will be better.

"Maria first how was the Third Hokage not suspicious of my plans? or how was Hinata able to gain confidence and proficiency just by a small peptalk not even a talk-no-jutsu?" I was confused and this didn't make any sense.

"It's complicated so let's make it small so in this world you are like a Divine God and doesn't necessarily mean creator it could also mean extraordinary or inhuman beyond human comparison which is why you contain a very strong fate power and luck which simply means anything you say is either like an absolute order or is like a Divine favor to their soul but that happen unconsciously they don't have control over there spiritual instinct like you."

"There is actually another thing I wanted to talk about, you have fully transformed into a dragon."

"Now most dragons transform themselves into a human because they are either wounded and would want to heal faster, the human body requires less energy to make movements which increase their healing properties but decreases there combat power if you decide to transform into a dragon your powers would increase as well as you will be more familiar with your dragon body than the human body from now on."

"Ok, I understand, this is great can I sleep now?" Ryu was tired and wanted to sleep the most.

Sleep sleep


After waking up at 6 a.m. Ryu felt refreshed and stretched his body to activate his bodily functions while his body responded with bone-cracking noise and he felt extremely good.

The house was not normal in comparison to leaf villages normal houses because once you open the front door you would enter an instant dungeon or a dome of space created by Ryu the house was not extravagant but it was modern and in comparison to Naruto's house it's like a five-star hotel being compared to a normal room on rent.

Ryu first had his lunch which was ichiraku ramen and then he exited his house, the house from the outside looked small while from within it was really big.

Ryu body flickered to Naruto's house and talked to him.

"Naruto I want you to visit my house after you are finished with Academy today I will not be coming today because I have to visit Hokage-sama and here is your money go get some ichiraku for yourself I already ate." After giving Naruto 1000 ryō after that Ryu body flickered towards the Hokage Tower.

I was told to go to the top of the tower when I reached the top all clan leaders of major clans head were here with the elders and the reaction they gave me was curious stares.

"Everyone his name is Ryu Kaguya and he is the reason for this meeting in which only the major clan has been invited not the council." Said Shikaku giving a lazy but honest smile towards me.

"Hello everyone it is a pleasure to meet you all let's start with the introduction my name is Ryu Kaguya 6 years of age I escaped from the bloodline purge happening in the land of mist so I am new here," I said with a confident look.

The leaders and the elders of the major clans were calm after seeing Ryu's mannerisms and when they saw his physique they could tell this was not a normal child his bright confidence and compared to a 5-years old he looked like a titan 5ft his growth had increased to astronomical amount.

"Let us discuss the topic of today's meeting and for that..." I took out the Ark device and it glowed and suddenly an empty leaf village was in front of them all the hustle and bustle was switched with peaceful silence.

Everyone was staring at the empty village and tried to release any type of genjutsu, the Uchiha clan members activated there Sharingan and they saw no genjutsu so they gave me and the Hokage a questioning look.

Fugaku Uchiha asked, "Hokage-sama what is this there is no genjutsu around here than why can't we see any civilians of the village?"

Everyone was shocked that the Sharingan of the Uchiha was not able to find any genjutsu cast on them.

"The artifact in Ryu's possesion is able to create a replica of space and stop time of the outside world this item is able to generate enemies for anyone if they want to train and items if we are low on resources but the question is why are we here, Ryu is a student in the Academy even though he is a jonin of the mist and he has seen that a teacher was using underhanded means to fail a student most of all he saw potential in the students being wasted which is why we are using this method for their training but it needs your permission and this time I didn't want to involve the council that includes Danzo because that would be troublesome." Explained Hiruzen.

"I don't want to be disrespectful towards your clan and it's teaching but the children of the major clan are weak and unaware of the dangers outside the world most of the children just want to prove that they are better which causes them to become arrogant and underestimate the world outside, I want to teach them using this artifact so they realise what they are doing wrong having rivals is a good thing it could help them work together. As for why only the major clan heirs are going to be training it is because the less people know about it the better the root ninjas would have been spying on us if not for this artifact."I said.

After listening to what he said everyone was stunned and knew that would have been a problem for the Hokage-sama the most because Danzo is famous for being very manipulative and no one would admit it, but every knows that is a fact.

"You are the one who defeated my daughter..., Prove to me that you can teach something to her and I will give my permission to teach her whatever and however," Hiashi spoke with a straight but serious face.

Not only were the Hyuga clan elders but all the other clan heads and elders were stunned not because hiashi challenged Ryu but because he trusted Ryu without any suspicion about his plan but of course if the Third Hokage and Shikaku trust Ryu there must be some reason for them to trust.

While Inoichi was thinking about what Shikaku was thinking he didn't know what was going on in his head.

Everyone got ready to observe the fight and everyone was curious because the child in front of them was able to travel from the land of mist to the land of fire alone facing who knows how many of the ninja's who were purging the Kekei Genkai users.

Everyone gave them space Ryu was surprised as well and got ready in a stance of water stream rock smashing fist and Hiashi took his gentle fist stance and dashed towards him.

"Fist of flowing water, crushed rock" when Hiashi used his gentle fist covered with chakra striking his tenketsus all of his attacks were hitting where they were supposed to be hitting but to his surprise, the counter to his attacks started with double the strength and speed and his pressure points were getting hits making his speed and offense weaker, he created some distance by jumping back and shot three vacuume palms at the same time it was proved that if he didn't fight seriously he would be defeated.

"Fist of whirlwind, slashing steel."

The vacuume palms were neutralized by the pinkish-red aura in a spiral shape that manipulated wind it shocked all the clan heads and elders that was especially true for the Hyuga clan they thought how could there be such a technique that counters gentle fist perfectly without any flaws most people would use some destructive jutsu that waste chakra but Ryu's technique looked like it was created to counter a perfect defence like gentle fist.

Fugaku had a serious expression he was using his sharingan to observe the battle between the two while thinking 'Impossible...the technique is flawless if someone were to fight him in close combat they would lose no doubt but the proficiency, stamina, and endurance required is extremely high and to perform these moves would be absolutely taxing specially when he used that weird aura to defend himself it wasn't even chakra, I am surprised he was able to endure so many attacks from Hiashi, what a prodigy.'

"Even by using sharingan we can not just copy these movements they need years of practice even if you use sharingan to copy it even dodging would be an impossible feat with the speed he is attacking with maybe Shisui has some chance of surviving the attacks by body flickering but Itachi cannot face him from a close distance he should even be able to defend himself from long range attacks."said an Uchiha elder and non of the Uchiha clan members could disagree.

While the other clans were even more shocked that the Sharingan could not copy this, of course, unless you are a genius like Garou which anyone would doubt there any except Madara and Hashirama there are not many who can learn this easily If someone abnormal as Ryu helps the chances would increase but all depends on hard-work.

That didn't mean that Hiashi was going to give up he had his own pride and wanted to know Ryu's limitations.

Once Hiashi landed on the ground Ryu used instantaneous effect closing the gap between them and used fang interpolation striking as many acupunctures as he can which disturbed his use of skills and decreased his accuracy which proved to be difficult to ignore so Hiashi used something to defend himself.

"Eight trigrams palms revolving heaven."

This time Ryu increased his speed and strength while attacking using water stream rock smashing fist the strength of his attacks increased and it became harder for Hiashi to defend himself when the pressure continuously increased especially when he had a limited amount of chakra left.

Ryu backed away which decreased the pressure on Hiashi and he stopped spinning to save his chakra but ryu this time used something he had never used in his life.

Ryu opened his grey kimono upper left side and took out his murderous ash bone sword, Ryu's control was perfect so he was able to increase the size of the bone sword which was at the height of 4ft just as tall as him after seeing him taking out one of his shoulder bone everyone contemplated this was there first Time seeing this and they felt the atmosphere turn dangerous.

"I recommend you to be careful once your body is pierced by my ash bone the flaming bone marrow will spread it self through out your body eventually turning you into ashes but in this space you will not die, I revealed this to you just so you don't die unexpectedly without knowing what killed you." Said Ryu with a straight face that made the atmosphere extremely gloomy.

Everyone knew the kekei mōra dead bone pulse but none of them expected Ryu to have a variant or stronger version of this kekei mōra specially with an ability this dangerous that even an experienced person like hiruzen would never be able to defeat him because first he had a very powerful offensive technique than he had a defensive technique that works at long range as well, than he had a body that could weapons it's defence.

Ryu dashed at Hiashi attacking with multiple thrust of the long sword he was doing normal swings or Hiashi would be minsemeat by now.

Hiashi dodged his attack by jumping and using shunshin he was thinking what should he use Ryu was holding a bone sword so he wouldn't be able to manipulate the wind.

Hiashi used "Eight trigrams: vacuum wall palm" using both of his palm to thrust forward and push him back using all of his chakra, but Ryu didn't dodge or run he swung the sword one handedly using his right arm with force and lightning fire fused with ash bone and the chakra emiting from them created a vortex in the wind around the sword and it destroyed the whole attack coming towards him it made everyone dumbfounded by the potential that Ryu had shown at such a young age even Kage level ninjas would have problems facing him because not everyone specialises in long range attacks like Rasa the forth kazekage.

[Congratulations host has manually evolved his Murderous ash bone]

[Murderous plasmic ash bone: The Murderous ash bone is fire elemental kekei mōra which made it easier for fire lightning to fuse with host's bone marrow now host body is able to produce plasma natured chakra.]

Ryu stabed the ground and opened his upper right side of his kimono as well the tattoos of the dragon were visible to everyone now they saw those dragon shining with unimaginable amount of chakra and power but that was ignored when his body turned red like the Eighth gate of death but this was stronger and people didn't know how he was doing it but he covered himself in a plasmic chakra armor but instead of just the out side the Uchiha saw his whole body from the inside was burning with extremely destructive lightning fire chakra.

Instead of wasting his chakra Ryu condensed the armor to get thin but the strenght didn't decrease. Ryu jumped at hiashi with his sword and slashed Hiashi used shunshin to dodge while others also started running the exuded such heat that everyone watching the battle thought that even with there help this battle would be akin to sheeps trying to run from the slaughterhouse it was so powerful that the rock faces which was behind them melted so they had to change their location for safety and better view but the fun ended when it started.

"I give up I can not defeat you." Said Hiashi

"The match has been decided."


Everyone's mind was in a turmoil they didn't know how or what happened but the result was in front of them, the Uchiha were stunned by what they saw when Ryu combined the technique.

An extremely destructive lightning fire chakra fused with ash bones it created strong vortex that at that time whoever would have been close to him would have died.

Ryu used heal which stunned everyone even further but no one questioned any further Ryu was mountain of talent and mystery infront of them but something was stopping them from asking any question and taking decisions against him it was their insinct telling them to not do something that would trouble him.

"Now Ryu can you show them how you are going to teach the kids," said Hiruzen with a satisfied smile.


This time when Ryu clapped the location changed into a battlefield as he said"Rather than telling you I prefer you should experience it yourself it would be better without a doubt." the sky was red and the atmosphere was gloomy and the sound of fighting was resounding everywhere.

"Everyone, get ready we all will be attacked without any exceptions and hesitation." Everyone got ready including Third Hokage, Shikaku, and Ryu.


The name of the dungeon was ninja war and the mobs were ninja every ninja had 1 element to use for any jutsu but once the 1-hour mark was passed the enemies strength increased and the amount of jutsu they could use increased as well to the point that at the 9-hour mark the strength reached the kage level and the number of ninjas increased to 30 at the same time and at the end, the pressure increased to the point that they all were overwhelmed and died except Ryu and Hiruzen of course.

Ryu was sitting in front of some beds that were inside a room that looked like a hospital room it took 5-minutes for everyone to wake up and everyone was bitter because they were defeated by kage level ninjas but the proficiency of there fighting technique surpassed even hiruzen because majority of the time their opponents were using taijutsu and while they were not at there pinnacle.

They were ashamed of themselves.

"I guess even you need training and now you also know how I got this strong." said Ryu as he was alive even after there death which made their mood even sourer than it was before, Hiruzen was healed faster than the others while the most damage dealer was Ryu because he one-shotted everyone coming in contact with with his ask bone.

Ryu threw big storage scrolls at everyone laying on the hospital bed but they were stunned by the weight raising their brow one of them asked "What is this?".

"This is not something I gave, Ark is training artifact it analyses your skills and gives you equipment suitable for you or Even summoning animal contract or jutsu depends on the personality and strength but don't reveal this to anyone even those who train with me."


After Ryu clapped, everyone appeared on the top floor of the Hokage tower and felt stronger and more energized there chakra had doubled from the previous amount they had their faces were filled with disbelief, they had grown so powerful that they could feel themselves having more control and couldn't help but wondered what if their clan's heir took this type of training wouldn't there clan and the leaf village become the strongest in the five great nation especially with the ability to stop time it would give their children unknown amount of time to train and prepare themselves.

Ryu was more confused was the divine aura changing their personality to accept his plan or was it just trust maybe both what does he care about, it is for the better anyway.

"Alright, I think it is decided that Ryu is going to teach them I don't think there is anyone who would disagree to get their clan heirs potential reach top because the future of this village is in the younger generations hands." Said Hiruzen, Shikaku brought the papers for the clan heads to sign.

Once all the clan heads and elders returned to their clan Ryu, Hiruzen, and Shikaku returned to the office and the atmosphere between Shikaku and Third Hokage became gloomy.

"Well, what are you so depressed about? everything is going perfectly," asked Ryu confused.

Hiruzen first looked towards Shikaku then at Ryu then said"Well although this is an S-rank secret I trust you and the whole village knows about it so it wouldn't hurt to tell you, there is uneasiness between the village and the Uchiha clan because the nine-tail attack was planned by an Uchiha but if it was from the outside the village or a traitor from the village we don't know."

'Oh crap with all the training and stuff I forgot about the Uchiha clan Massacre, wow and that was actually a part of the main plot how can I forget that?'Ryu was surprised but felt awkward.

"There is but a simple way to solve this problem, go to the Uchiha clan personally and tell them that you trust them and want to prove that the Uchiha clan is innocent, take the Yamanaka clan head, Inoichi Yamanaka, with you and look at their clan leaders and elder's memory to see if they are betraying the village that problem is solved now let's approach the bigger problem,"

"The eye has a direct connection with the brain and the sharingan makes the Uchiha clan members more likely to lose themselves in the anger if you show them suspicious they will question their loyalty towards the village and the situation migjt go even more out of control, the question who did it?"

"Did you find who is responsible for leaking this information, the village is oblivious to the hidden danger who would be bold enough to ignore your orders you are in a bigger problem than you think spreading S-rank information in the village will only spread chaos between the villagers it would be easy for the enemy to take advantage of the situation while you are distracted."

"We can't suspect the obvious you should have suspected everyone who made suspicious moves from the get-go is their someone who would benefit from this, someone with a deep resentment towards them, or someone who could cause trouble to take advantage of the situation"

First Hiruzen and Shikaku stayed silent. Hiruzen first thought of how or who would have spread the information but he didn't want to suspect his previous troublesome ally.

"If you want I can assist you in anyway you want you can trust me."

After saying that Ryu left but the office was silent Hiruzen was trying to find a solution for the information leaks.

Shikaku was in deep thought and talked to the Third Hokage.

"What he said is true we suspected the obvious and our sight didn't even reach the person who was leaking so many S-rank information it is akin to betraying the village and the authority of the Hokage being this weak and not important would give a bad impression on the younger generation we need to get bit strict with our decisions," said Shikaku he had a serious face.

"We ignored those facts because we needed to repair the damage and mourn for the people who died in the attack." Said Hiruzen he was getting old but at the very least he now didn't have mountains of paper in front of him and had time to think about these things.


Ryu returned and waited for Naruto's return. Once Naruto returned Ryu visited Naruto's house and took him to his house and his reaction was something to enjoy.

"WOW, YOUR HOUSE IS SO BIG!!!!." said Naruto while gesturing with his hand spread about how big the house was.

"Although the house was small I used some magic to make it bigger I can make your house bigger as well if you want." Said, Ryu, smiling at Naruto.

"Obviously who wouldn't want that." Said Naruto with a goofy smile while his eyes squinted.

"I bought ramen for you it is in the kitchen."

When Naruto came lifting a giant bowl of ramen Ryu asked "How was your day today? I think I will go to the Hokage office tomorrow as well after school but today let us go and train."

"What!! You train as well" said Naruto like I said something new and alien.

"Yea what is there new about training that seems alien to you every major clan heir does it from the age of three only you are foreign to this."

"Don't worry I will teach you techniques that will help you with creating even clone jutsu and make you just as strong as I am right now." That made Naruto extremely happy and excited with anticipation.

Ryu put his hand inside his kimono and took out a gravity band for Naruto to wear.

"What is this?" Asked Naruto as had a feeling that he will regret wearing this.

"You are supposed to wear this in your hands look I am wearing one too." Said Ryu smiling seeing Ryu wear it aswell Naruto ignored that feeling When Naruto wore the band on his hand the gravity on his body doubled.

'Let's give Naruto the system's survival training.'

Naruto screamed "What in the world is this thing? I feel so heavy." Naruto tried to take it off but that wouldn't work.

"From today onwards till you become a ninja your nightmare starts that is called training."


The atmosphere changed and a familiar house was in front of Ryu.

They were in the same jungle Ryu was in last time."Naruto this place is called Ark it is a different dimension of space and when you are inside this place the time in the village stops, every day after we come back from the academy you will train here for 15 days and defeat Sasuke till you become a real ninja I will also have you fight monsters that could scare You to death but you need to resist and always win or your dream will never come true, don't you want to know about who your parents were." At first, Naruto was terrified but when he heard the last part his mind cleared he knew what his dream was and he also wanted to know who was his father and mother.

"Well, after observing your face looks like you finally made your decision."

"Do you know who my parents were?" Naruto asked with a sad look on his face.

"First of all, yes but you are not strong enough for me to tell you that everything in this world everything requires Power as long as you have strenght people will fear you, second this training is going to last till you die and after death, I will revive you and train you again you can not quit and even the Third Hokage won't help you in this." Said Ryu with a smile that looked like a deal with the devil and Naruto didn't know what to say at that.

"The band you are wearing is called gravity band and right now it is set to double the gravity on your body while I use it on 10xtimes the normal gravity with training and time you can achieve that as well." Said Ryu with confidence while Naruto was shocked to the core he didn't know how Ryu was able to endure so much pressure.

"First run as much as you can for a half-hour then I will decide what you will do next." Ryu was going easy on Naruto because he was still small and after his stamina is finished he could use heal on him.

At the 5-minute mark, he was having trouble but without any complaints.

At the 15-minute mark, he was on the ground but suddenly a current went throughout his body and he heard a voice.

"If you stop I will shock you with lightning chakra and don't worry I can heal you all I want and I will do anything to make you a proper ninja."

"And also please forget about that useless girl called Sakura she hates you and will never like you, love cannot be forced you always see Sasuke ignoring her because love cannot be forced and you already have someone who has a crush on you," Ryu said the last part with a cheeky smile.

While Naruto was salty in the first part but blushed in the last part and questioned "HAAA!!! WHAT!!!!WHO IS IT!!!????" he was confused at who could it be that even he didn't know who it was.

"The girl we sit beside her name is Hinata, the one I fought on the first day she has a crush on you." Said Ryu to which Naruto blushed, even more, he remembered that he sat beside her today as well and she was red the whole time while he thought that she was sick.

"But I didn't even talk to her that much how could she have a crush on me?"Asked Naruto confused.

"Well it works that way for woman you ignore them they think you are cool you are nice to them they ignore but the feelings Sakura has towards Sasuke isn't a crush or love it's extreme attraction and desire to attract his feelings toward herself and she would do anything for that for example she would ridicule you and your skill while praising Sasuke and you cannot deny it he is stronger than you which means he was born with a golden spoon and you would have to work hard to fool people togive you food or even starve for days."


Naruto continued to run after completing a half-hour run he stopped it wasn't easy for a child like him but thinking about overthrowing Sasuke and the most important of all things finding out his parents identity he trusted Ryu a lot for reasons he didn't know but had a strong feeling that he would help him in anything and will always hope the best for him.

After Ryu had transfered some of his chakrs Naruto already had gotten stronger but Naruto was still breathing heavily and felt his body was breaking when the first half-hour mark was completed and the reason was the double gravity.

Ryu used heal to fix the damage in his body Naruto was able to get used to the gravity to some extent and because of heal any problems within his body were cleared and his potential would increase in the future instead.

Naruto was shocked that just a second ago his whole body was hurting like hell but now it almost appeared like he was normal again and felt a very lightweight he wanted to ask what happened but before he could he was given a new task and didn't want to waste any time.

"Naruto you did well by being able to hold on this long, now do a horse stance." Ryu showed him how to do a horse stance.

"Stay like this for 2-hours this should be easier after getting healed but as time passes it slowly gets tougher but don't give up."

Naruto copied the horse stance and tried to stay and hold as much as he can because if he did get really tired he would get healed.

Ryu was trying to make his core foundation better by destroying his body and healing before he teaches Naruto any type of technique and unless he is good at taijutsu he won't be getting any ninjutsu but they had all the time in the world so Ryu didn't fear anything.

'This divine aura is a cheat people trust me more than their clan itself.'Ryu was feeling giddy inside while the whole quest was getting easier the more time he spent.

Once again this time Naruto was having trouble with horse stance after 1 and a half-hour it had gotten easier for him to do any exercise but that didn't mean he didn't have any trouble as time passes by his body was shaking and it looked like he was about to fall to the ground his breathing was quick the body felt extremely heavy for him to go any further it was then the chakra from Kurama started leaking he was feeling weak and dizzy Ryu didn't stop Kurama as he did something sneaky with kurama's memory and he was helping Naruto instead of harming him with Kurama there was no way Naruto would lose to anyone but relying upon his power is only going to stop his improvements but Naruto also needs to learn about kurama and how to control his chakra.

After the chakra started circulating itself inside Naruto it became easier for him once he was done with the horse stance he fell on the ground.

"Good job you did extremely good for today this is enough tomorrow it is going to be tougher than today and the after tomorrow is going to be worse and the cycle must go on I won't give up until I make you the strongest shinobi in the world."said Ryu giving Naruto assurance of his brutal ways to make Naruto achieve what he wanted.

"Hey Ryu I felt something coming from my belly it was warm and helped me doing the horse stance and the pain disappeared slowly by time what was that." Naruto was confused because he in control of his emotion but that didn't mean he would be able to control kurama's power at the age of 5 while having an extremely weak body.

"Don't worry I will tell you about that when the time comes."Ryu said assuring him.

Ryu gave Naruto 6 giant bowls of ramen and he ate all the ramen given to him.

Ryu was using healing magic just in case he needed and so his body's natural healing speed to an unimaginable level but of course, magic like this requires a lot of mana but that didn't trouble Ryu and it improved Naruto's performance.

After Naruto finished eating Ryu healed him again and finally, Naruto spoke "What is this jutsu? And how did you learn this? And you are not making any hand signs."

"This is not a jutsu this is magic when the time comes I will teach you but don't tell anyone." Ryu was not worried about Naruto telling anyone else.

"Sure this is a secret hehe," said Naruto while looking around back and forth.

After giving Naruto 10-minute to lay down he told him to do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 100 squats and a 10 km run.

After doing all the excercises Naruto felt like a dried corps but he was still alive this time Ryu didn't heal him he gave him some water.

"Drink slowly and don't down it one go or you won't be able to breath properly and die of suffocation if the water reaches your breathing pipe."Ryu's statement scared Naruto and he did what was told.

"Can't you heal me and stop the pain?"

"No you have to fight at least 5 monster now while you are tired that would speed up your training process don't you want that or do you want a 30 day training after school everyday?"

"No please don't I will do it."

"Don't worry Saturday and Sunday is off for your training there is something known as over training."


Ryu clapped and there were packs of wolfs sitting on four legs across the field Ryu pointed at one said"You come and fight him."pointing at Naruto which scared Naruto shit-less he didn't know what to say.

"Naruto this is an extremely normal kunai fight 10 wolves with this and you are good to go until you are able to defeat them you are not allowed to eat, sleep or...maybe stopping you from going to the washroom would be too much but what's the use when you aren't evem allowed to eat."

Let's get to the main point Naruto was having trouble killing anything and he would have died if Ryu wasn't eating ramen in front of him and saying "This could be your if you kill 10 of them they are not even coming at you at the same time what are you so scared off of?"this aggravated Naruto and he focused on the task at hand.

Conclusion it took naruto 15 hours to complete the excercise and 10 hours to kill 10 wolves, people would be thinking how well kurama took control and killed them while after that Naruto thought that he was a monster to kill innocent animals.

Ryu smiled and said "Naruto these animals maybe innocent but the ninja's of other villages are not you have to steel yourself to become a Hokage and take responsibility of the village while making bad decisions, remember a ninja never let's his emotions out in a fight because every fight you do out on a mission your life is dependent on the decision you make specially when you are a chunin and jonin you would have the responsibility of the newly promoted chunin and genin can you take the responsibility when you are taking the job of a ninja this lightly, high level ninja have to kill other ninja's on mostly all missions what would you do you would get yourself killed if you don't stay focused on the task and let your emotion block your judgement people would start taking advantage of you like that."

Hearing what Ryu said Naruto was extremely tense and depressed but he could not deny how unserious his attitude towards becoming a ninja was.

"You have already surpassed Sasuke this is your first kill and not your last either today you have learned something your movement are more animal and I have a way to teach you keep fighting like this you will naturally adjust your mental state and physical state you would get stronger by time don't worry you are physically and mentally stronger than Sasuke he won't be able to defeat you but don't trust Mizuki sensei he is working for a traitor of the leaf called snake sanin Orochimaru don't tell anyone about this and don't approach him either, take this."

"This is..???" Asked Naruto contemplating but happy that he actually surpassed Sasuke in one day and surprised that Ryu knew so much about the village but he is still not strong enough to be a ninja.

"This is shadow clone and multi-shadow clone jutsu as an Uzumaki your chakra pool is massive compared to others that is why you can't use the weaker version of this jutsu called clone jutsu."Explained Ryu he would make Naruto strong enough to make people acknowledge him and make Sasuke work harder.

Naruto was the happiest person the world right now but he asked curiously "Hey Ryu would that Orochimaru guy be able to defeat you? And how strong are you?"

Ryu smirked while saying "There is no chance he maybe a snake but I am a dragon he could only dream of flying while I can fly out of this world and as for how strong am I hmm strong enough to become a Hokage but it is a very tiring job so I'll pass on that." Ryu said it arrogantly but it wasn't an uncalled for statement though.

"You should go inside and sleep in the bedroom tomorrow is going to be tough," said Ryu and Naruto happily ran inside to sleep.

15 days later...

Naruto and Ryu came out of Ark first Naruto's physique didn't look like that of a pauper but it resembled Ryu and he was taller 4ft5inch while Ryu was still 5 because he shape-shifted or he would be 6 by now they were titans compared to others and Naruto was eating healty everyday but most of all he had a maturity and seriousness fitting of a ninja which surprised even Ryu when he compared him to his old self in 15 days the change was astronomical.

"Naruto wear something that won't catch others eye you are ninja so always stay hidden don't try to show off but you can defeat Sasuke atleast."

So what happened to Kurama, Ryu gave him memory of the future in which Ryu was present with Naruto and Kurama's relationship with Naruto was extremely good and he knew what Ryu was trying to teach Naruto which is why he helped Naruto while training.

Ryu gave Naruto a black t-shirt which had an Uzumaki clan symbol on the back and front with black shorts and Ryu was wearing a black kimono because he likes black clothes and loose kimono.

"Well...what should we do now?" Asked Naruto it felt weired for him because he was anticipating his training to progress and do cool moves like Ryu.


Thank you for the wait and for reading.