Episode 12/Xmas Special - Birth of Evil

Snow falls and play, throwing snowballs at each other. A woman walks outside with a blanket around her "Mikey? Will? Come on boys, your dinner is getting cold". The two boys run inside.

The Tardis then starts to materialise in the front garden of the Redburn House. The Doctor walks out of the Tardis and he looks at the streets covered in snow and he smiles "ah, proper snow! That's what I like to see". The Doctor walks over to the front door of the house and knocks on the door. The Doctor stands there patiently waiting until Maya opens the door and her face drops into shock "Doctor?" The Doctor smiles "I'm here for Christmas Dinner" Maya then hugs him "you're here, oh my god! Where have you been?" The Doctor goes "you said Christmas Dinner?" Maya nods at him "yeah! Three years ago" The Doctor stares at her "oh, right-" Maya smiles at him "Happy Christmas Doctor" The Doctor smiles at her "Merry Christmas Maya".

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn

Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn

Karla, Frank, Billy, Maya and Greg sit around the table watching as The Doctor devours the entire Christmas Dinner. The Doctor then wipes his mouth "wow, that was good, I think you even beat Jackie's" Karla goes "who's Jackie?" The Doctor stares at her "oh, um...an old friend".

Greg looks at The Doctor "so, what have you been up too?" The Doctor looks at him "oh you know, same old stuff, travelling, saving planets" Maya looks at The Doctor "on your own?" The Doctor shakes his head "oh, no, I met some people on the way, I travelled with someone a friend we went on some adventures, but he's gone now-" Maya stares at The Doctor with sadness as The Doctor goes "his name was George, but he left, left to be with his family" Greg nods at him.

The Doctor goes to talk until he then sees 'Breaking News' on the news channel "what's going on?" Karla looks at The Doctor "what do you mean?". The Doctor and everyone else walks over to the TV where they see reports of an explosion in Costa Rica, Coco's Island. The Doctor stares in shock as he sees on the news as Cybermen are marching out of the cave. Maya looks at Greg.

The Doctor runs outside with everyone and they watch as Cybermen start to climb out of from the sewers and they open up the drains, and climb out, holding their guns. The Doctor looks around in shock. Frank goes "is this an invasion?" The Doctor goes "if it's an invasion, they've already won, they've taken over the entire planet" Karla watches as the first Cybermen finally stands up and goes "remain in your homes, await further instructions" Karla stares in shock "what are they?" Maya slightly smiles "they're called Cybermen" Billy looks at Maya in shock.

The Doctor sits near the window, watching as Cybermen march up and down the street.

Greg looks at The Doctor "thoughts on what's going on?" The Doctor nods "sure" The Doctor sits there for a second until he looks at Greg "oh, you mean me?" Greg nods "yeah" The Doctor goes "well, they've obviously planned an attack, and today was when they did it, for some reason they won't let people leave their homes, and they've woken up every Cyberman that was down in that cave. I knew I should have stopped them! This whole planet is in danger".

(Commercial Break)

The TV then switches on and The Doctor runs over to TV where Karla, Frank, Billy and Maya are. Greg follows The Doctor over to the TV as the Cyban Cyber Controller appears on the TV. The Cyber Controller goes "the humans of planet Earth, Cybermen now occupy every country, every city, every street on this planet, but you need not fear. Cybermen will start designating streets and Cybermen will remove fear. Cybermen will remove sex and class and colour and creed. You will become identical. You will become like us!" The Doctor stares in shock "no! They can't!".

Cyban Cybermen march down streets, a Cyban Cyberman kicks down a door to a house, and it walks inside and grabs an older man. The Cyberman goes "you have been chosen, you will be upgraded" the old man looks at him "no, please" the Cyberman pulls the man out of the house.

The Doctor sits back and he rubs his face "they've begun the conversion" Frank shakes his head "I'm sorry, what?" The Doctor goes "they've started turning people into them, more of them, making them more dangerous than ever before" Maya looks at The Doctor. The Doctor looks at Maya "if we don't do anything, then there will be more Cybermen than humans on this planet".

The Doctor stands near the front door, and he looks at Greg "you know the plan, keep your family safe, whilst Maya and I follow them to wherever they're converting people" Greg nods at him.

The Doctor and Maya run down to the end of the street where they see Cybermen taking people towards a factory. The Doctor looks at Maya "what's in there?" Maya shakes her head "I'm not sure, I thought it was abandoned" The Doctor nods "looks like it's where they're converting people, we need to get in there and shut the operation down" Maya looks at him "how do we do that?" The Doctor looks at her "by giving them a choice, if not, I'll do what I always do" Maya nods at him "stop them?" The Doctor nods at her "for good this time, not just trap them" Maya goes "what makes you think they'll co-operate?" The Doctor scoffs "well, I don't, but these Cybermen are smarter than their predecessors, so I'm more likely to get through to them" Maya goes "if anyone can do it, it's you" The Doctor smiles at her "alright, let's go" Maya nods at him. The Doctor and Maya run towards the factory, and towards the conversion chambers.

(Commercial Break)

Outside the Redburn household, snow starts to fall again. Greg stands there watching the snow and he goes "it's the first Christmas with proper snow in years, and this is how we celebrate, trapped in our own homes" Billy looks at Greg "The Doctor will save us" Greg nods at him "I know, but you haven't met the Cybermen, you don't know what they can do, I do!" Billy looks at him until Frank goes "son, you need to go and help stop this" Greg looks at Frank "what?" Frank looks at Greg "you, The Doctor and Maya, you're a team, and they need you, we can look after ourselves, we have before, and we will again" Greg smiles at him "okay dad" Frank smiles "just come back alive, please" Greg nods at him "I will" Frank and Billy both smile at Greg as he runs out of the house. Karla then walks in and she goes "where's Greg?" Frank looks at her "saving the world" Karla stares at him "you let him go?" Frank nods "yes, I did because they need him".

The Doctor and Maya walk through the conversion chambers and Maya watches as a man gets pushed into a chamber by a Cyberman. All of a sudden, screeching is heard, and the sound of saws scraping. Maya eyes widen in shock "what the hell are they doing to him?" The Doctor goes "don't think about it" Maya then grabs The Doctor's arm and she goes "TELL ME!" The Doctor looks around "be quiet, don't draw attention" Maya glares at him "please, tell me what they're doing". The Doctor sighs and he goes "they remove the brain, and they place it into a suit of armour, giving it life, except it strips the entire life with no emotions, no way back. And the only thing it wants to do is change others into what it is, or kill people" Maya then watches as the Conversion Chamber opens, and what was once a man now exits as a Cyban Cyberman. Maya looks in shock "that was the man?" The Doctor nods "it used to be, we need to save the others-".

The Doctor then goes to turn a corner until he sees a Cyban Cyberman stood in front of him. The Cyberman grabs The Doctor, and another Cyberman grabs Maya. Another Cyberman stomps over and it goes "you will be taken to Cyber Controller" The Doctor nods at The Cybermen "just the person I wanted to see". The Cybermen take The Doctor and Maya to the Cyber Controller.

(Commercial Break)

Greg runs into the Tardis, and the blue haze light of the interior shines onto him. Greg smiles as he runs up to the console. Greg puts his hand onto the console and he smiles "I'm back".

Greg looks up at the console and he goes "you did it for me before, and now I kinda need help again, I need to find The Doctor" Greg then hears a beep on the monitor and he runs over to it and sees a beeping icon over near a factory. Greg smiles "let's go". The Tardis dematerialises.

The two Cyban Cybermen bring Maya and Greg into the Controller Room. The Doctor sees The Cyban Cyber Controller sat on a massive chair, that has pipes attaches to it's the entire body, similar to the Cybus Controller. The Doctor smiles "ah, so you survived then? Survived the cave?" The Cyber Controller goes "we all survived the cave, you trapped us down there for years, but we awoke the army, and slowly removed the debris. I planned an attack on the planet, I ordered Cybermen to dig further into the caves, where we found the undergrounds of planet Earth" The Doctor laughs "no, you found the sewage? The dump! I mean come on, you guys kinda smell. I mean look, I get that you're probably a little angry with us-" a Cybermen then goes "angry is an emotion, emotions are a weakness, Cybermen have no weakness". The Doctor then looks back at The Cyber Controller "you know what comes now, don't you? Whilst you're killing! And upgrading the people of planet Earth on Christmas Day, you know what happens...don't you?" The Cyber Controller goes "yes, we kill The Doctor!". Five Cyban Cybermen then aim their guns and they all start to say "The Doctor will be eradicated" The Doctor and Maya stand there in shock until all of a sudden, a gust of wind blows through the Controller's room. The Doctor smiles "oh, Greg-" The Cyber Controller then shouts "WHAT IS HAPPENING?" Maya smiles.

Inside the Redburn household, the door is then kicked down and two Cyban Cybermen stomp inside the house. Karla screams "NO, NOT US!". A Cyberman grabs Karla and starts to pull her outside. Frank stands in the kitchen and hides Billy under the table as a Cyberman walks in and grabs Frank. The Cybermen start taking the two of them towards the factory.

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor looks around the Controller's room as the wind starts to pick up. The Cyber Controller then says "WHAT IS HAPPENING?" The Doctor looks at them "your end!".

The Tardis then starts to materialise near The Doctor and Maya. Maya smiles at them.

Inside the Tardis, a small device is then ejected out of a small compartment and Greg picks up it "what's this for?" Greg then runs out of the Tardis and he smiles "Doctor! Maya!". Greg turns around, seeing The Cybermen "oh my god-" Greg hands The Doctor the small device "here".

Inside the Cyber Conversion Chambers, Karla and Frank both stand next in line for upgrading.

Karla looks at Frank in tears "I love you" Frank smiles at her "I love you too, Merry Christmas".

The Doctor smiles "so, do you know what this is?" The Cyber Controller stares at The Doctor "explain what it is" The Doctor goes "well, this is called a feedback loop-" a Cyberman stands behind The Doctor holding a gun. The Doctor goes "and this small device is attached to the emotional inhibitors, which is then when the feedback loop starts, the loop attaches to every single Cyberman, giving them their emotions back! Like this-" The Cyber Controller shouts "NO!". The Doctor pushes the device onto the Cyban Cyberman's inhibitor, causing it to start screaming. Suddenly, all of the Cybermen drop their guns, and they start to scream.

Inside the Conversion Chambers, Karla, Frank and all the survivors look around in shock and they start to run away, and they all run outside of the factory panicking and all screaming.

Back in the Controller's room, The Doctor looks at Maya and Greg "we should probably go, before it all gets a bit-". A Cyberman's head then explodes. The Doctor nods at Maya and Greg "before it all gets a bit explosive in here!". Maya and Greg run into the Tardis and The Doctor stops, and he turns around looking at The Cyber Controller. The Cyber Controller screams "THE CYBERMEN WILL GET THEIR REVENGE DOCTOR, THEY WILL GET REVENGE ON YOU!" The Doctor goes "looks like your emotions are showing, revenge is created with emotions, I'm sorry-". The Doctor runs into the Tardis and The Cyber Controller starts screaming "DOCTOR, NO!".

(Commercial Break)

The Time Rotor moves up, and it moves down as the Tardis flies through the time vortex.

Greg looks at The Doctor "so, think the Cybermen are all dead now?" The Doctor smirks at him "no, no matter how much I defeat them, they always survive, always!" Maya looks at him.

Back inside the factory, smoke pours from the destroyed Cyber Conversion Chambers. All of a sudden, The Cyban Cyber Controller's hand reaches out of the debris and pulls itself out. The Cyber Controller looks around at the destroyed factory and it screams "THE DOCTOR WILL DIE".

Back in the Tardis, The Doctor goes "right, let's take you back home, I told your mother that I'd stop travelling with you" Maya nods at him "but it's a time machine?" The Doctor nods at her "so?" Greg smiles "so, she wouldn't know if we went on a couple of other adventures with you?" The Doctor looks at the two of them "a couple more?" Maya nods at him "yeah!" The Doctor stares at the two of them and he shakes his head "I can't, I promised your mother" Maya looks at him "please, life with you has been incredible, you did so much for me, you gave me respect, and now I don't get bullied, and come on, you need us" The Doctor smiles at her "do I really?" Maya nods "yes, you do" Greg looks at The Doctor. The Doctor then nods at the two of them "fine, let's do this-" The Doctor pulls a lever and the Tardis starts to move faster, and inside the console, the room is very shaky. Maya and Greg hold on, whilst they start laughing. The Doctor goes "so, anywhere in time and space, where do you wanna go?" Maya looks at Greg. Greg looks at Maya and he nods "it's your choice" Maya looks at The Doctor and she smiles "somewhere amazing" The Doctor nods at her "then somewhere amazing is where we will go".

The Tardis zooms through the wintery cold skies of London and as snow hits onto the denim blue box, the Tardis, the blue, time machine flies towards its next adventure.

On a planet, a blue light appears on the ground, which starts to form into a body. The body then emerges from the light, and it is The Unknown, the creature from The Void. The Unknown looks around and it starts to growl until you hear it scream "DOCTOR!".

Also Starring:

Dawn French - Karla Redburn

Mark Kermode - Frank Redburn

Noah Jupe - Billy Redburn

Next Time:

The Tardis stands to materialise inside a dark room. The denim blue box becomes visible and it lands. Maya then steps out of the box and she goes "admittedly when I said somewhere amazing, I didn't mean a scary place like this" The Doctor then steps out of the Tardis smiling.

The Doctor and Maya stand there as many alien-guards surround them holding guns. Maya looks around in shock "Doctor?" The Doctor goes "stay calm, I'll sort this out-".

The Doctor pulls out his psychic paper and he shows one of the guard "see, I'm the chief medical officer, um...from the Shadow Proclamation, they've sent me to check on you" one of the alien guards steps forward and it removes its mask.

The Guard goes "all of us here have had the basic level 6 psychic training, that's blank, you're a liar, false identification is a crime, so I sentence you both to a hundred and twenty-seven years in prison" Maya stares in shock "excuse me?".

The Doctor is thrown into a cell and as he is pushed inside, he falls to the floor.

Some alien-looking guards pull a woman who is wearing a veil. The woman then says, with a familiar voice "get your hands off me! Before I tear off your fingers and make you eat them!". The guard then throws the woman into her cell and then closes the cell door. The Woman walks over to her cell door and she tries to open it, but it doesn't open.

A voice then goes "you're not getting out, well you might, but you need just one thing first" a person then turns around "and what's that?" Captain Jack Harkness then steps out from the dark and he smiles "we need The Doctor".

The Doctor, Maya, Jack, and three others run down a corridor as laser rifles are shot towards them. The Doctor then sees a room and he shouts "THERE!". Jack kicks open the door.

Maya smiles at Jack "whoa, you're pretty strong" Jack puts his hand out and goes "Captain Jack Harkness, and you must be Maya Redburn-" Maya smiles at him until The Doctor goes "stop it!" Jack smiles "I was just saying hello-"

Next Time - New Year Special - The Doctor's Friend - The Doctor and Maya land inside a space prison where they're all taken to be held, The Doctor works with some familiar faces and has to hatch an escape plan to escape the prison. Maya is taken to be executed until shes meets someone.