Episode 13/New Year Special - The Doctor's Friend

Cell doors are heard closing. Some alien-looking guards pull a woman who is wearing a veil. The woman then goes "get your hands off me! Before I tear off your fingers and make you eat them!" the guard then throws the woman into her cell and then closes the cell door. The woman stands up and moves the veil away from her face, and she is revealed to be Madame Vastra. Vastra then walks over to her cell door and she tries to open it, but it doesn't open. Vastra stands in her cell and she shouts "JENNY? CAN YOU HEAR ME? JENNY? STRAX?". Vastra stands there worried.

A few cells away, Jenny stands in a cell, beside her is a Sycorax. Jenny looks over at the Sycorax and she nods at it nervously "um, 'ello there, I'm Jenny" the Sycorax growls at her. Jenny nervously looks around the room and she starts to shout "ma'am! Please! Can you 'ear me!".

Strax stands at the cell door of his cell and he shouts "FACE ME FOOLS! I DARE YOU! I WILL FOR FIGHT FOR THE GLORY OF THE SONTARAN EMPIRE". A voice then goes "you're not getting out, well you might, but you need just one thing first" Strax then turns around "and what's that?" Captain Jack Harkness then steps out from the dark and he smiles "we need The Doctor".

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn

John Barrowman - Captain Jack Harkness

The Tardis stands to materialise inside a dark room. The denim blue box becomes visible and it lands. Maya then steps out of the box and she goes "admittedly when I said somewhere amazing, I didn't mean a scary place like this" The Doctor then steps out of the Tardis, and instead of his usual light-grey waistcoat, with a medium length black coat and brown checkered trousers, with black boots, he's wearing a brown waistcoat, with a long black coat and black checkered trousers with black glossy boots. The Doctor smiles "oh, what's wrong with this? It livens it up a little bit, what's wrong with a little bit of scary?" Maya smiles at him "nothing, I was just asking". The Doctor closes the Tardis door and Maya goes "I hope Greg's having as much fun as we are then" The Doctor smiles "well, he wanted to go and meet Shakespeare, we could have gone too-" Maya nods "yes, but I find him boring, alright!" The Doctor laughs "let's go and have a look around then" Maya follows The Doctor as they walk through an archway. As they walk through the archway, a siren starts blaring off. Maya smiles "you just call for trouble sometimes".

The Doctor and Maya stand there as many alien-guards surround them holding guns. Maya looks around in shock "Doctor?" The Doctor goes "stay calm, I'll sort this out-" The Doctor pulls out his psychic paper and he shows one of the guard "see, I'm the chief medical officer, um...from the Shadow Proclamation, they've sent me to check on you" one of the alien guards steps forward and it removes its mask. The Doctor smiles "oh wow, you're Tivolian's?" the alien guard goes "they're our ancestors, we're Vivolian's" The Doctor nods "right" The Vivolian Guard goes "and by the way, all of us here have had the basic level 6 psychic training, that's blank, you're a liar, false identification is a crime, so I sentence you both to a hundred and twenty-seven years in prison" Maya stares in shock "excuse me?" The Vivolian Guard scans Maya and The Doctor. The Vivolian Guard then goes "take the Timelord" The Doctor stares at him and he gets taken away. The Vivonian Guard looks at Maya "she's human, the basic lifespan of around eighty-nine years, so we'll sentence her to death" Maya shakes her head "no, please!".

The Doctor is thrown into a cell and he falls to the floor. The Doctor sits up and he goes "ouch" Jack then walks out and he goes "yeah, they're not too friendly around here" The Doctor looks at him and he smiles "Jack?" Jack stares at The Doctor and he starts to smile "no way, Doctor?".

Jack hugs The Doctor "oh is it great to see you again!" The Doctor nods "what are you doing here?" Jack goes "well you know, met a soldier in a bar, some things happened, and...got into a fight" The Doctor smiles "how original" Jack goes "so, what happened to her? You know, the previous you? The woman?" The Doctor goes "I changed, you know the drill" Jack nods "you on your own?" The Doctor smiles "course not, my friend is here, she's been taken by the guards" Jack goes "is she human?" The Doctor nods "she is, so are you" Jack laughs "well, they found out I was immortal" The Doctor nods "how?" Jack goes "they executed me, about twenty times. Any humans, they get executed, that's where they took Jenny" The Doctor then goes "Jenny?" Jack nods "a human girl in here, she was arrested with her friends" The Doctor smiles "Vastra".

Inside a small room, Maya sits on a stool until the Vivolian Guards throw Jenny into the room too. Jenny looks at Maya and she nods at her "well, 'ello there, who are ya?" Maya looks at her "Maya Redburn, you?" Jenny smiles "I'm Jenny, you're from Earth?" Maya nods "was travelling with a friend, and we ended up here" Jenny goes "we'll try to find your friend, my wife is in 'ere, we've got a plan" Maya stands up and she looks at her "to escape?" Jenny smiles at her.

The Doctor and Jack walk together into a cafeteria. Jack and The Doctor walk up to a canteen where they are handed food. The Doctor looks at some yellow mushed up food on his plate. The Doctor and Jack then walk over to a table and they sit down together. Jack takes a spoonful and he eats the food. The Doctor looks at Jack who smiles at him "it's not as bad as it looks, trust me" The Doctor goes to respond until Vastra and Strax sit on the table with The Doctor and Jack. The Doctor smiles at Vastra until Vastra goes "don't react, don't act as you know me, but we have a plan, you follow it, and we get out of here" The Doctor goes "how did you know it was me?" Vastra looks at him "how? By your dress sense, it is truly remarkable that anyone talks to you, dressing like that" The Doctor goes "what's wrong with how I dress?" Strax looks at him "sir-" The Doctor points at Strax "I don't want your opinion, you're a potato" Strax looks at him "sir, please do not disrespect me in front of other people, it's embarrassing" The Doctor smiles at him "good to see you again" Strax nods "you too sir" Vastra looks at Jack "rumour has it, you're the man who can't die" Jack goes "where did you hear that?" Vastra smiles at Jack and she goes "is it true?" Jack nods "it's true" Vastra smiles "time to use that charm of yours then".

The Doctor lays on a bed inside his cell as Jack stands near the cell door. Jack sees a guard coming towards him "hey there handsome" The Vivolian Guard looks at Jack "get back in bed!" Jack sighs and the guard walks passed him. Jack stands there waiting as The Doctor goes "it won't work" Jack goes "you know it'll work, you how I am with people" The Doctor rolls his eyes. Another guard then starts walking over and Jack smiles "hey there, how's it going handsome" The Vivolian Guard stands there and he looks back down the corridor and he then looks back at Jack "how do you know I'm handsome?" Jack smiles "oh you know, I have a thing, I just know" The Vivolian Guard nods at him. Jack goes "come closer" The Vivolian Guard walks closer to the cell and Jack puts his arm around The Vivolian Guard and he pulls the guard closer, but pulls him fast, causing his head to hit the cell, knocking him out. The Doctor stands up "no way".

The Doctor and Jack walk out of their cell, Jack holds a set of keys that he got off the guard. The Doctor looks at Jack "go to Vastra and Strax, let them out, I have to find Maya" Jack nods at him until a siren starts to blare off. Jack looks at The Doctor and he goes "okay, make it quick!"

Jenny looks at Maya who goes "is this it?" Jenny nods "yeah, you ready?" Maya nods at her "yeah" Jenny smiles "alright, on my mark" Maya and Jenny stand near a door together.

The Doctor stands near an archway and he looks around the corner, where he sees a guard stood outside a room called 'Execution Cells'. The Doctor looks at the guard and he sighs "move".

Maya watches Jenny as she picklocks the cell door open, as she opens the door, the two of them see a guard stood near the exit. Jenny looks at Maya "watch and learn". Jenny runs over to the guard. Maya watches as Jenny runs over to the guard and Jenny goes "um, 'scuse me, sir?".

Standing near the archway, The Doctor watches the guard turn around and The Doctor starts running over, as The Doctor runs over he then watches the guard fall to the floor unconscious.

The Doctor looks up at Jenny who stands there, ready to fight. Maya then runs over "Doctor!" The Doctor smiles "Maya!". The Doctor and Maya then hug. Jenny goes "Doctor?" The Doctor lets go of Maya and he smiles at Jenny "hey Jenny, changed my face again" Jenny smiles at him "oh my god, sir" The Doctor laughs at her and he hugs her. Maya stands there smiling until Jack, Vastra and Strax run over to The Doctor. Jack goes "Doctor, it's time we get moving!" The Doctor turns around and he sees Vivolian Guards coming towards them. The Doctor stares in shock.

The Doctor, Maya, Jack, Vastra, Jenny and Strax run down a corridor as laser rifles are shot towards them. The Doctor then sees a room and he shouts "THERE!". Jack kicks open the door.

As the six of them run into the room, Strax and Jenny hold the door shut. Maya smiles at Jack "whoa, you're strong" Jack puts his hand out and goes "Captain Jack Harkness, and you must be Maya Redburn-" Maya smiles at him until The Doctor goes "stop it!" Jack smiles "I was just saying hello-" The Doctor looks around the room and he looks at some drawers. The Doctor opens the drawers and he sees his Sonic Screwdriver and his Psychic Paper. The Doctor smiles "now we're in business" Vastra looks at him "we're trapped in this room, any ideas Doctor?".

Standing in the room together, guard try to push the door open as Strax and Jenny hold the door shut. Jack goes "Doctor?" The Doctor nods "I have a plan, it's old Timelord trick, I've never done it before, but I need time" Maya goes "to do what?" The Doctor goes "I'm going to summon the Tardis" Vastra stares at him until Jenny shouts "ma'am! I need help 'ere!" Vastra and Jack run over to the door and they try holding it shut. Maya sits beside The Doctor who places the Tardis key onto the floor. The Doctor looks at Maya "stand back" Maya nods at him and she takes a step back. The Doctor aims his sonic screwdriver, zapping the Tardis key. The Doctor keeps zapping the key until he then closes his eyes and he then moves the Sonic Screwdriver and aims it as his head, where all of a sudden, a gust of wind engulfs the room. The Doctor opens his eyes and takes a step back as the Tardis begins to materialise inside the room. Jack stands there watching as the Tardis lands. Jack smiles "you had a bit of change?" The Doctor smiles "oh yes". The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and he goes "everyone in, quickly!". As everyone runs into the Tardis, Strax shuts the Tardis' doors, The Doctor runs up to the console and presses a button "deadlocked, they can't get in". Jenny stands near the doors out of breath. Maya sits on the floor laughing, Jack then joins in and he starts to laugh "we just broke outta prison" The Doctor smiles at them "yeah, and just became one of the most dangerous people in the universe" Jack nods "I can live with that" Maya looks at Jack "how do you all know the Doctor?" Jack goes "I've known him for a while" Vastra nods "we all have, we're The Doctor's friends" Maya looks at The Doctor and she goes "what do we do now?" The Doctor looks at Vastra and he goes "well, first of all, let's head back to the Victorian times" Jenny and Vastra both smile at The Doctor.

In the streets of Victorian London, snow pours down in the city. The Tardis sits in the middle of a street as horse and carriages pass by it. The Doctor and everyone stand outside in the snow and The Doctor looks at Vastra "you all still up to your usual stuff? Detectives?" Vastra nods "we are" Jenny goes "well we were actually about to go after Jack the Ripper" Maya looks at her "wait, the actual Jack The Ripper?" Jenny smiles "yes ma'am" Maya smiles "that's so cool" The Doctor nods "we better leave you then, I still have another person to drop off" The Doctor looks at Strax "have fun" Strax nods "of course sir, may we see each other again on the fields of The Sontaran War" The Doctor and Maya stand together and then nod awkwardly. The Doctor goes "anyway-". Jack looks at Vastra and he then winks and Jenny "later ladies" Jenny smiles at him.

Inside The Tardis, The Doctor looks at Jack and he goes "here we are Cardiff" Jack nods "awesome" The Doctor stares at him and he sighs "Listen, Jack, you could stay with us, if you wanted too? I mean, we're always happy to take another person onboard" Jack smiles "I want too-" Maya smiles at him until Jack goes "but I'm trying to kickstart Torchwood again, I've been talking to Gwen and she agrees" The Doctor nods at him "if it happens, do it right this time" Jack shakes The Doctor's hand "course I will" Jack smiles at Maya. Maya smiles "bye Jack" Jack nods "till the next time" Jack then walks out of the Tardis, leaving The Doctor and Maya alone.

Inside The Tardis, the time rotor moves up and down in flight. The Doctor stands near the Tardis monitor and he goes "right, let's go see what your brother is up too" Maya looks at The Doctor "can we go somewhere first?" The Doctor nods at her "sure thing, where do you want to go?".

The Tardis hovers in space as Maya stands near the Tardis doors, which are open and she looks down at the Earth. Maya smiles "now this...this is something awesome" Maya's eyes glow with the blue light from the Earth. The Doctor stands smiling at her from the console. Maya then shuts the doors and she looks at The Doctor. Maya runs over to The Doctor and she hugs him "thank you" The Doctor nods at her "you're welcome" Maya smiles "so, technically, we're now criminals right" The Doctor nods "yeah, I'm sure I can find a way to clear our records" Maya laughs at him and she then looks at the throttle lever "can I?" The Doctor nods at her "don't tell Greg". Maya smiles and she then pulls the throttle and the Tardis zooms off through the vortex and to Greg.

Also Starring:

Neve McIntosh - Madame Vastra

Catrin Stewart - Jenny Flint

Dan Starkey - Commander Strax

Coming on the 30th of January 2021!!

Tales of Who - Season 1

Coming Soon Trailer for Tales of Who - Episode 1 - Martha Jones - Part 1:

Martha looks at The Master and she goes "don't you want to know what I was doing, travelling the world?" The Master sighs "tell me" Martha smiles at him "I told a story, that's all. No weapons, just words.

In present time in The Valiant, Martha goes "I told them that if everyone thinks of one word, at one specific time-".

Martha nods "a telepathic field binding the whole human race together, with all of them, every single person on Earth, thinking the same thing at the same time. And that word is Doctor".

Martha then closes her eyes and she smiles "Doctor-".

Martha wakes up in bed and she looks around her room and she sees a drawing of the Tardis and she gets out of bed, and she walks over to it and she looks at the picture, and smiles.

Outside a massive building that says 'UNIT'. Martha pulls up in her car, in a parking space that says 'Martha Jones'. Martha gets out of her car, wearing her UNIT uniform and she then smiles.

Inside the UNIT Head Quarter's, alert sounds start blaring. Mace and Martha run into the main quarters where loads of UNIT workers sit on computers. Mace looks around "what's going on?" a woman goes "it's like there's a massive magnet in the skies, and it's pulling all the metals towards it".

Inside Francine's house, August screams as object start to push onto the ceiling. Francine looks at August who is hiding underneath the table. Francine pulls her phone out, but it then lifts out of her hand and to the ceiling. Francine runs outside and she sees car's floating in the air.

Mace nods "I'm talking to the lifeforms that are currently onboard the spaceship above us, make yourselves know by species and whether or not you mean us threat".

A voice is then heard "we mean your threat, it seems our clone versions tried to poison your planet once before, but they failed" Martha goes "wait a minute-".

Suddenly, The Original Sontarans appear on the screen, wearing their original black and silver armour. The Sontaran Leader goes "we are The Sontarans, the original! And we're gonna use the metal of Earth to destroy your planet-". The Sontaran's then start to cheer "SONTA-HA!".

Coming Soon - Martha Jones - Part 1 - When Martha Jones goes back to UNIT, an unexpected threat arises. With Martha's son and mother worried about their safety, at UNIT, they try to establish contact to whoever is trying to cause a threat on Earth, something...original.

Announcement: Season 15 News Will be released on the 3rd of January 2021!