Chapter 5- The interrogation

I thought that this class was going to be easy, turns out, I was wrong.

"Alright everybody, My name is Rita Goodwin", She said, "today, you will be sparring each other and you are allowed to use your powers."

"Is this going to be safe?" Someone blurted our from the back.

"Don't worry, we have a trained healer. Plus, rarely anyone dies on their first day", she responded.

That didn't assure me that I will be fine at all. Actually, that second part she said made me feel worse. I didn't know wether she was joking but I wasn't sure if I wanted to know.

She picked our partners, going alphabetically from her list. She called out my name.

"Draven Reyes, you will be fighting Emma Ray. Remember, try not to kill each other."

That still did not make me feel better about this class.

I saw my opponent, she looked like she wasn't much of a fighter. But she did seem confident that she could defeat me.

She looked at me like she was trying to analyze what I was thinking.

I grabbed my newly enhanced daggers and made my way to the gymnasium where we will be fighting.

It took quite a bit of time before she finally announced that it was our turn.

We each went to a wall facing each other. She didn't have any weapons which made me more confident in myself.

"You may begin", Mrs. Goodwin said.

I threw a dagger at her, aiming for non vital spots to avoid killing her. I was hoping that she can show her ability so that I can strategize but she just dodged it.

I recalled my dagger. I went into the darkness, and went out of her shadow. I tried to strike her but she just dodged without even looking at me.

I wondered how she knew what I was going to do next. I kept trying to attack her over and over again, but she dodged every single one.

Then I realized what her ability was.

"you know why you can't win? I can see all the possible outcomes of the future", She said, "my ability is foresight."

I threw a dagger at the wall, but I didn't make it come back. When she was in a direct path from it, I made it come back. Of course, she dodged it.

Then I had an idea. She said that she can see the possible outcomes of the future, so I blinded her. She knew the possible attacks that I was going to make, but she didn't know which one.

     I knew that this was my only chance of beating her.

     I threw daggers at her and dashed towards her. She was lucky, she dodged the daggers, but she was still taking punches from me. Of course, I didn't want to hurt her, so I didn't put much pressure in my punches.

     But it was enough to make her go unconscious. I hit her in her head and she dropped on the floor with a thud.

     "Enough", Mrs. Goodwin said, "you have won Draven."

     A doctor rushed to Emma. He gently tilted her head to keep her airway open. She was breathing, that was a good sign.

     "You may have the rest of the day off, we have everything covered here", Mrs. Goodwin said, "you have done a great job."

     And with that, I went back to the dorms.

When I got back from the dorms, I thought about how proud my father would be.

Then, I remembered that I had the person who killed him. I went into the shadows with a few questions on my mind.

He was just there, floating in the abyss I call the shadow realm. He saw me floating towards him, with no fear in his eyes. It looked like he didn't care if he died or not.

I controlled the shadows to bind him in case he had any thoughts about attacking me.

"Nice day out, huh?", he said.

"Shut up! I'm only here to ask you questions", I started, "and I might consider letting you go if you answer them all truthfully.

Of course, I had no intentions of letting him go. I just wanted him to taste a little bit of freedom and hope before he gets eternally imprisoned in this void.

He nodded, obviously falling for the trap.

"Alright, who do you work for?", I asked.

"I work for a very dangerous boy who calls himself a spawn of darkness. He is a very powerful person ability wise."

I was a bit suspicious of his answer. I noticed he said boy instead of man.

"Why did this boy need me?"

"That's the thing, he told me he needed you by his side. When I saw your face, I finally understood why. You guys looked identical, he was just looking for his brother."

I was shocked by what I just heard. It couldn't have been true. My father told me that I was an only child, and here, this guy is telling me that I had a twin this whole time.

I recalled a dream that I had, a boy with black fire dancing around his hands, carrying my face. Then I thought that this person was telling the truth.

"What? Where is he?", I shouted.

"He told me to tell you that he was going to be at the top of the Empire State Building on August 25 at 1 in the morning."

     That was coming up in a week.

"Also, why did you kill my dad?", I asked him ferociously.

"I didn't, I swear! It was like someone or something else was controlling me. I kept hearing voices in my head telling me to kill him. I lost consciousness and when I woke up, I was here, in the abyss," he said.

I actually believed him. He sounded so sincere when he said he didn't want to hurt my dad. I realized he was talking to himself, telling himself not to kill my dad.

"I was just hired to tell you to meet your brother, that's all! Someone just controlled me!" He finished.

A few minutes passed. I actually considered letting him go. All of what he said made sense. Someone controlled him into killing my father, when he was just hired by my brother to send me a message. I actually pitied him.

     A light shone inside of the abyss.

     "You may go, I trust you", I said.

     He floated towards the hole, leaving the darkness behind him.

     "Goodbye, little Erebus", he said.

     My father called me that as a kid, Erebus, the god of shadows. I sobbed on my knees, the light fading away as the man left. I was alone in the darkness, crying.

     Finally, I stood up, with a mission. First, I'm going to meet my brother, then I'm going to find the person who killed my father. But, I'm going to need some help.

     I wiped my tears and I went back to the dorms. I told my friends the situation, and they told me that they would be with me every step of the way.

     I smiled, knowing that I won't have to be alone in this cruel world filled with death.

     "I've always wanted to go to New York City", Jon said.

     I laughed at that. They were always there to make me feel better. I couldn't ask for better friends.

     "We will be leaving in a week, but first, I need to tell the principal of our little situation", I said.

     They all nodded.

     "But before we go, there's an event tomorrow. We should participate so we can get stronger. I heard there's a cash prize, we'll be needing money", Gabbie said.

     "Alright, we got this", Adrian said. I noticed that he looked happy, like something incredible just happened to him.

     We all went back to our rooms, everyone excited and nervous about the adventure we were going to have.

     I was pretty excited to meet my brother. I wondered how we got separated.

     With that, I slept so that I won't be tired for tomorrow's event. I heard that whoever wins it,  will acquire a legendary item that reawakens their abilities, making them stronger.

     I was so excited for... The chaser event. An event where agents are remade.