Episode 1-4 Moving On (5-1)

Episode 1-4 Moving on (5)

<" Welcome to ALPHA GAIA, Player.">

I hear a female voice with a window box with a text of what she is saying to me

<"State your name please.">

And the luxurious-looking chat box pops up in my face with the caption of Player Name inside of it.

When I think about it I realize what Maribelle said on what was her nickname she wants. Her nickname she will enter was Hagua where the inspiration of the word aqua means water. While my name is-.

"Therrah." That should right, the name that we both made.

Then I press accept on it then it dives me again, I don't know where I arrive onto but I see the big grey colored place then someone calls my game name to get my attention.

<"Hello Therrah, this is the character creation room to where we buffering your body to the exact measurements so you don't have any difficulties adapting your brain to the movement here in the game.">

2 minutes pass by and the buffering is complete then the female announcer speaks again.

<"Please customize your character to your liking.">

Then I see the customization options.





Oh my, even though it has only 4 options, the freedom to change shape, form, or grow is a breakthrough itself as I experiment on it. It is so amazing that GAIA has this feature that even other capsule games didn't have this and a big mirror is in front of me to see myself. The attention to detail is nuts.

I just want to retain my exact body and face features but I grow my beard and mustache connecting with the sideburns to look like a caveman then I change my hair long to my shoulder so to have a man - bun style.

Base on what I wear, the system generates my black loose shirt and red jersey shorts that I wear tonight and the badge that Maribelle gave me as a gift. Wow even what I wear is included in the buffering so it means that all gaming capsule has a full-body scanner too, I have learned new things about capsules tonight huh.

I checked the badge if it's functioning properly, wow! Even the pin is in the exact form and it can change too like the real one as I turn the pin from white to black. They made a whole body of me through data scanning which is amazing because in this kind of approach, the adaptation of the nerve diving here will be smooth and the brain will have fewer difficulties adapting on diving for those players' first time to dive including me and Maribelle.

So I change it by imitating a thick navy uniform with sleeves covering up to my wrists, military tactical pants, and I add a sniper military ghillie hood on top covering it by the half of my body. I can't change the color of my attire, I think there is a different catch here if they only restrict the design and color. So the color of my shirt and shorts is the same as I change it, even the print in my black shirt is also in there so I find it amusing though.

I see my bare feet not having footwear so I change it to military boots then insert the bottom hem of the tactical pants inside before I tightened my laces and tie it up and put inside also.

I see myself in the mirror and it feels comfortable because of the imitation of the navy uniform that even I change the fabric that has the same feeling when I attend the military training in PMA. When I think about the PMA, I immediately shrug it off my mind but all of my discipline I learned is from that training so I'm thankful. In the past, I stay in the PMA for years because my dad has a connection there so I stay there for shelter in my starting career as a professional career but in the condition of attending all the military training while practicing and analysis in LoL E-sport professional scene. I graduate after 4 years there that even Jung-Si saw it with a few of my teammates, Mom, and my sister is there too.

Before I click the 'done' button in the mirror.

I ask "is it okay to add the badge I'm wearing since it is been buffered already?"

She answers "Yes, it can be included in your wears." So I added it to my chest then I press the done button.

Then she speaks again.

<"Calculating your stats, randomizing items and matching character attire and the random origin.">

<"It will pop up your status, items, and origin in a few moments, and if you want to see it again please say either 'Status', 'Gears' or 'origin'.">

Then my status window pops up. The windows are transparent but the text is visible so I didn't have difficulties reading it.

The status window

[Username: Therrah

























432 + 126


810 + 189


11 + 1




Gears window

[ Tribe old army uniform- an old uniform that you wear from the Army academy of your tribe until you graduate.

Rank: Normal

Weight: 1

Defense: 26

Durability: 35/35

Tribe old Cargo pants - an old cargo pants that are passed on to one person to another

Rank: Normal

Weight: 1

Defense: 13

Durability: 17/17

Tribe old boots - an old boots that have different kinds of patches to be wearable

Rank: Normal

Weight : 0.1

Movement: 1

Tribal clan ghillie - a ghillie that has a hood to its head that has passed on generation to generation for those who will wear it to explore the world

Rank: Rare

Weight: 2

Defense: 87

Magic defense: 189

Durability 100/100

Lost Crest - a lost family crest that identifies your characters origin, the tribe said it holds power but stay hidden until your character is ready

Weight: 0.1

Durability: 100/100]

But I saw in the customization that I was sure that I wore new clot---

Then I saw my customized uniform in tatters and fabric patches together with fading color of black to match the worn-out appearance that even my cargo pants look like shit now. But when I saw the ghillie, my luck was good on this one. It has few little holes in it but it only adds to the look.

I notice something except my boots is that the feel of my clothes has a weight feel on it and discovered very small but not minuscule rusty interconnecting metal rings in between the inside of the fabric which explains the weight of my clothes.

The color of my whole clothing is brown with the tribal design of some sort but the ghillie is the most fascinating to look at because it's the cleanest one and has a lingering aura around it.

Origin window

[High Tribe Military graduate: You graduate by the tribe's high standard military education which is personally handpicked and taught you and the others like you by the Tribe's Chieftain.

Orphan: the tribe saw you as an infant alone by the woods with an unknown family crest. The tribe raised you despite not knowing your true origin, and give them pride and honor to volunteer by exploring the world of GAIA.

Alpha player: a special commemoration award for those who played the Alpha stage of GAIA. It will give you a badge that evolves by the achievement you earned by this world before it resets for the launching of the final release of the game.]

When I see the three windows press exit

2 guide books, a leather backpack, and a bag of coins pop up in front of me.

<"This will be your starting items with the compatibility of your origin. Please look at the items before going to GAIA.">She said to me

<"Press the ready button to move you to your server lobby. ">

As I look into the items, the 2 guide books namely "players handbook" and "Tribe military graduate notebook", a leather backpack with bread and water, and a bag of a coin containing 1000 bronze color coins. I put it in my backpack and press the ready button to move me in the server lobby.

<"GAIA servers are not yet operational as of tonight. The server launches at midnight on Saturday in Japan's Standard time. Please be patient for servers to launch, thank you.">