Episode 1-5 Moving On (5-2)

Episode 1-5 Moving on (5-2)

<"GAIA servers are not yet operational as of tonight. The server launches at midnight on Saturday in Japan's Standard time. Please be patient for servers to launch, thank you."> I saw it once I dive into my server lobby room, I saw one big black door in front of me closed tightly with locks then I saw the names on top of it and beside it.

Philippines, Japan, Korea, China, Indonesia, Singapore, and so on.

"Philippines" is the only door visible in front of me while the other doors are invisible to the naked eye but you can tell there is a door because I can see the name at the top. I don't see any sense on what do they want to create the character immediately before the game launches if I can create my character in 12 minutes including the buffering time of my body. I see the capsule interface on the top right side of my vision and click on it.

I Click the Boom meeting app to call Maribelle, she picks up after a few seconds.

"Oh! JJ, you called."

"Hello, I'm done on creating my character."

"Really!? So how do you look, let me see, let me see."

"Wait I'll stream it on you."

"Okay wait, I'm not in my gaming capsule. I'm done on my character 3 hours ago so you can see mine too. Give me 2 minutes."

I wait for her for 2 minutes, while I was waiting I saw a door on my back that is not locked but it can be opened, it says at the top of door named 'Chamber room'. I should see it later when I'm finished talking to her.

She called means she is on her capsule so I answer it this time via virtual call.

"Hello Maribelle." I said to her

"Hi, JJ!" She said to me. I see her character; Blue hair, blue eyes, blue eyebrow, end even her eyelashes are blue too. She go hard on the blue color huh, I saw her clothing; she go tattered sorcerer robe with a hood and a rusty thin armor all over her body with the same design and color like mine.

"You're like a mage in that outfit." I notice on her attire, like a tribe battle mage in the village

"I know right!? It clearly says in my origin, but the dirty, rustic, and tattered look kills the vibe." She pouts.

"I think there is a theme here. All the players have the same design and color meaning we are exploring representing one tribe."

"Ooh. That's a good theory."

"Let me see your character too." She said and let her see my whole outfit and my face.

"You're like a military guard in the tribe! That's so cool, wait is that a robe too?"

"Nope, it's supposed to be a tactical ghillie but became almost look alike the robe you got but more of a combination of cape and jacket."

"At least I can tell you got lucky because the ghillie is the most luxurious than all of your gears in general."

"Well, you're lucky too because of all of that armor covers you too much defense."

"Yeah, even though it looks rustic and old, it has both defense and magic defense but it has an additional effect too."

"Really! That's good, what's the effect?" I said to her but she put her tongue out

"Bleh! I don't want to tell you, Charice said that the first rule of RPG is to not tell my stats and equipment."

"Whoa! You got some pointers from Charice huh."

"Of course! She even said that at the past of how you're a douchebag in RPG games."

I just laugh because most of the time in RPG games, I play like a villain there that even Charice and the other guys don't trust me when I play this genre. We both talk about my RPG adventure with my teammates and also escapades on how to exploit game bugs to power level and kill players too; I'm a natural villain they said was the talk around the internet community on playing RPGs. I'm the one telling her my side of the funny stories we've had in the team on where we had silly fights on the games we played, got caught watching porn in the office, and corrupting files in our Desktops which the IT guys having a headache because of what we are downloading and virus cleaning.

She only smiled and reacts but she mostly listens on what I'm telling to her, it's been a long time talking for so long in telling stories and laughing at it. In mentioning Emperor; I tell her about how he finds me in the hidden corner of the street, fighting alone versus 4 guys because they lost their money betting in the games to where I was a player in the computer shops and they cross on me looking the weakest person on the winning team, waiting for me to be alone.

Well it's a sad story but in all of those things, it builds of who I am today as a person and how I care to others. It all pass by hours or so when I bid goodbyes to her, she is still smiling to me solemnly and said.

"You've got many things going through in your life huh."

"I just realized now on how long my journey was despite being a twenty eight year old guy."

"Well, experiences is not based on age, but how long the path you walking through."

"I can't debate on that." I raise my hands up on her and she chuckles.

"I'm going to sleep; I will log out so goodbye." She said to me and waves bidding goodbye.

"Bye." I plainly said to her and she ends the call.

As I recall to all the things I've been through in the past by telling Maribelle, I realized now that my retirement is a blessing because I've been through hell and back in my career to achieve in this sport. Maybe it's time for me to Move on and treat this like a long vacation for a while, since it will be one year to go back to work related to LoL Professional scene because of the rules regarding retirement status of person in Pro scene will only be lifted if spend one year not involved into the scene hugely. So might as well enjoy it.


9:42 is the time I saw on the capsule interface then I minimize it.

On what I'm seeing, on the top-right corner of my vision is where my capsule HUD interface was and above it is a text that has a caption "1 min.: 1 min." I don't understand it so I get my Player handbook; it says here this caption I see above the capsule HUD is the ratio of the time I spend here in the capsule game is different from the time pass by in the real world. So if the ratio 2:1 means 2 minute I spend here is only 1 minute pass by in real time, whoa I will expect more of this mechanic right here huh since it will be one of the instances that will change in GAIA soon.

Next in my top left corner is my HP, Mana, and fatigue meter. The fatigue meter is included in my HUD means it will be one of the crucial things to mind about in playing this game. Okay, okay. Good analysis by me.

So I look into the Chamber room observing if there is something shady about this thing. *sighs*there is nothing in the 2 guide books stated the chamber room so as soon there is nothing wrong with it so I enter inside this dark room.

So it's dark out here but automatically lights up the whole big room.

Then I hear again the female announcer. <"Going into the capsules server, recalibrating. Please be patient for the adjustments.">

<"while recalibrating, I need to introduce to you the game feature 'Chamber room' in GAIA.">

Umm, what is going on?