A fresh day at work

They stayed for more time than expected, joking on each other. It was Thomas who is hellbent pulling Bellatrix leg along with others.

He said, "from tomorrow, our freshly graduated forensic doctor will stay with dear corpses cutting and examining them, haha.."

As if you will go on a date with different girls every day. I wish you break one of your body parts every day while investigating the cases," she rebuked sarcastically.

George and Reyan commented, "We both are safer than you."

Alastair immediately countered, "exactly! one is spending time with one of the nurses there while other is doing god knows what with a new innocent secretary."

Like all youngsters, they all love to play pranks and jokes on each other. Alastair never fell apart in this gang; instead, he is the big prankster.

Their parents laughingly said, "okay, okay! Stop your bickering. We hope you all will at least remember us to invite to your wedding."

All of them laughed while eating and drinking. Later all the family members congratulating once again, left for their places.

Alastair wanted to return his own home left by his retired major general foster father, but Thomas's mother asked him to come with them to their house.

Thomas and Alastair practically lived in one place ever since the latter lost his parents. When they reached home, servants already prepared their rooms.

Unlike a typical detective, he has a cheerful charisma, which cannot get unnoticed. All the servants treat him in the same way as Thomas.

Thomas and Alastair spoke for some time before going to sleep. The day came with sun twinkling on the sky partially covered with clouds.

It seems there will be heavy rain in the second half of the day. The day seemed gloomier than regular days.

Thomas and Bellatrix reached the CBI bureau for joining formalities whereas, Reyan and George went to the registration office.

Reyan then will go to the health ministry department to get his doctor's license to be an official doctor.

After collecting his new company's registration documents, George asked Reyan to drop him in his office building.

Reyan said, "idiot, after you became a boss, am I your driver now..?"

George laughed, saying, "come on, don't sulk now. It's on the way to your hospital; that's why I am asking you or else leave it."

Reyan shook his head, dragging him towards his car and dropped him in it by opening the car.

Thomas and Bellatrix were nervous as well as excited on the first day of their office. They had collected their I'd cards' and signed confidential documents.

Usually, being a new joiner, they will not be involved in more significant cases. But this time, it's different.

The police witnessed their caliber in the homicide case, so after joining formalities, they immediately assigned to a subject.

Bellatrix hesitated a bit before asking, "Sir, we have listened before coming here that new joiners are not allowed into the cases this fast."

The person who assigned the case to them is senior officer Junaid Ahmed. He smiled and said,

"Yes, Miss. what you said is correct, but due to bad weather, there is a storm outside the city. We have deployed most of our human resources there.

Here we found two male corpses not very far from each other, and it seems a severe case.

We have to manage with the human resources we have here, right..? so will you get to the work now..? "

They both nodded and followed him to the examination area. The examination area is a high-end one with all the modern pieces of equipment placed there.

Thomas and Bellatrix looked at each other before silently entering the room, along with Junaid.

Junaid said, "Welcome to the team guys, Bellatrix, you will examine these two corpses whereas, Thomas, you will have an assistant to help in finding their details."

"Do your best guys; I have to leave to assist the team, so help each other," saying, so Junaid left wishing them good luck.

Bellatrix shrugged her shoulders and stood in front of the stretches, having two corpses. Thomas asked the person to check their belongings and inform him if they found something.

She wore gloves and a mask to conduct an autopsy on the corpses. Thomas took the file having all the information about two corpses.

When Thomas left, Alastair also went to his home with Browny. The cute little dog curiously looked around when he entered into the living room of his foster parents' house.

Alastair laughed at Browny's barking, "it seems you liked the home, is it..? You shouldn't make me worry about you, okay..?"

Browny looking at him, barked in agreement, Alastair ruffled his head and lowered it on the floor.

Alastair opened the back door leading towards the backyard and then called back the old caretaker. He doesn't like to set up his office somewhere else as in the villa, and there are many rooms vacant.

The country's military gave his adoptive father's house as a retirement gift for his achievements located in the army colony and is guarded heavily by the military.

The caretaker is also coming from the military council, and hence he reached sooner than expected. The caretaker's called Lenin and is in the early '40s. Giving him instructions, Alastair went upstairs.

After receiving his doctor's license, Reyan went to his family's hospital. His family involved in the medicinal field from a long time, and the hospital is named after his grandfather's name.

George had already established a company when he was in the first year of his masters. Today he is going to join officially as the head of his company.

The police department, along with the CBI team us involved in rescuing citizens who are stuck in the storm and are unable to be in contact with the newly joined team in CBI.

It took two hours for Bellatrix to examine both the bodies. She called Thomas and the assistant.

"Thomas, the examination is completed. One corpse is female, and the other one is male. It's been 20-25 days when they both died, the first female died and the male.

If you observe them, their nails and teeth are going to fall out. Their blood is in the stage of decomposing, and the organs wholly decomposed.

The female here died with the lack of oxygen, whereas the male in the pain of looking something horrible that he never thought he would witness.

Look at his eyes; they are as wide as when someone is excited or horrified. Look at the lips curled upward; it means the female died with a small smile on her face."

Thomas nodded his head and asked the assistant Noel, "where did the CBI find these corpses..?"

Noel answered, "We found them at a dustbin where the entire street's dust will dump. In the morning, the dust collector person called us and informed us about the dead bodies lying there."

Bellatrix said, "you go and investigate the place; I still need to continue with the autopsy."

Thomas said, "be careful and don't be nervous" and left with Noel. The Police and CBI people formed in several teams and started rescuing citizens.

When Thomas reached the place, rain is pouring heavily. Noel showed the area that covered with barricades and restricted.

Thomas, along with his four members of the team scrutinized the area. It seemed nothing wrong at first glance, but when you observe with more precise, the ending of the street can lead to the main road of another street.

Thomas followed the lead and arrived at an ancient palace; he stopped there and looked here and there.

The ancient palace belongs to one of the distant relatives to the Queen. Thomas felt something fishy when a servant came out of the castle and went to the other street to keep their dust.

He didn't question the servant but came back to the restricted area since it's raining even though there was evidence before it would have wiped out now.

He asked one of his team members to look a bit forward from this place to find any clues. They asked nearby people as well, but everyone answered that they didn't know anything.

Thomas ordered them to get in touch with the garbage collector through the municipal garbage collection office. Since it's CBI who contacted, the garbage collector arrived immediately.

Thomas questioned, "in the morning, is it you who collected the garbage from here..?"

The man nodded and said, "yes, sir, it's me. My name is Steve. I have been assigned on behalf of another person as he is absent from work for two days.

When I came here to collect the garbage, there was a strange pungent like something dead long back, so I stopped and looked inside the bin and found out those corpses.

I immediately called the police number and informed everything."

Thomas said, "okay! When you came here, did you observe anything suspicious here? Like someone observing you or something strange."

Steve shook his head, "no, sir, I didn't find anything unusual. When I came here, it's less raining. Some servant was disposing of dust into the cans."

Recalling something, he added, "but sir, I felt these corpses originally don't belong here. If they were lying here, then someone from this street could have given complaint or something right.?"

Thomas nodded and dismissed him, saying, "if there's a need, you would need to assist us again."

Since this is not the place where the corpses died initially been, it might be challenging to find out what happened in reality when they died."

Alastair set up all his books and research equipment in one of the spacious rooms upstairs. After settling everything, he came downstairs and asked Flinch to stay here along with him and Browny.

Flinch smiled, "okay, Alas, but the ways where did you get the dog from...?"

Alastair, confused, asked, "why..?is there any problem with it..?"

Flinch laughed loudly and said, "there's nothing wrong, my boy. We need to find dog food and supplements since you like to keep it with you."

Alastair nodded sheepishly, "aah! Fine. since it's lunchtime lets, have lunch first, and then we'll go to buy those things."

Thomas came back to the bureau and took Bellatrix out for lunch. One their way, he informed what he found out at the crime scene.

Tomas called Junaid to inform what they found out. As they are stuck in rescuing citizens in the suburban far away from the city, they can only come back after a week.