Deaths in the name of honor and dignity

Thomas said, "Sir! We need a team and some assistance to handle this case. Forensic doctor Bellatrix is still studying the corpses to find out any clues.

As per the information we have, we know their names, age, and some necessary personal details."

Junaid said, "Okay! Thomas, let me speak with the higher officials." Junaid called their central bureau's head and informed the situation.

The CBI's head Mr. Jean William listening to his words, gave his approval to contact Alastair and appoint him as the in charge of this case.

After setting up everything, Alastair came down and went to a nearby grocery shop. He took Browny along with him and a list of dog supplements he needed to buy given by Flinch.

Alastair never felt short of money with the fortune his foster parents left for him. He completed his studies using his scholarship money.

Holding Browny in one hand and a paper bag, on the other hand, Alastair walked out of the villa. Since the grocery shop located inside the military compound, he decided to go by walk.

Browny is so little and cute that it fitted in one hand. After reaching the pet grocery shop, Alastair collected the list of things Flinch gave him.

He got confused with the flavors and colors of dog food the store is supplying. Scratching his head, he looked at them intensely as if asking them which one is right.

Pets are allowed in the shop, so Browny sat in the pushing cart and looked at the dog food and Alastair repetitively.

Bending to Browny's size, he questioned, "you are only this much small, but you have these many different items. My head started aching to look at things.

Tell me how did your previous owner manages you. Aah! I am so confused. After all, who will not be confused, food is food. What does it mater with flavors and colors..?" he mumbled last part to himself.

The store guy offered his help and helped him in choosing dog food and other supplements. Singing a song to himself, Alastair happily came out of the grocery shop.

When he came to the home, Thomas shrieked at him, "where were you, idiot..? why didn't you pick my call..?"

Flinch answered awkwardly, "young master left his phone in the home." Thomas's face palmed himself, listening to that."

He didn't observe Browny looking at him curiously and was about to bark at him.

Thomas glared at browny and said, "come on! Please don't give me that look. It's your big brother who didn't answer my phone."

Alastair calmly laid Browny down, and it happily jumped up and down barking. He then said, "why are you shouting when you are already here..? Tell me what's the matter..?"

"My superior officer Mr. Junaid called you to inform about handling a strange case. He also sent you a request letter seeking your assistance.

He even called you on the phone and messaged you, dumb fellow," Thomas replied, sneering at him.

Alastair shrugged, saying, "aah! Sorry, I forgot about my phone. you see, I have a little dog to take care of, you know..?"

As if you will pick up the call if your phone is with you," Thomas mumbled to himself.

Alastair walking towards the staircase, replied, "I can hear you, Mr. Thomas, stop your lamenting now and come to upstairs."

Thomas requested Flinch to give him an orange juice and shouted back to Alastair, "go through the mail and messages you have received."

When he reached his phone, Bellatrix called him, "did you forgot your phone again, Alas..? I don't want to argue with you. Listen to me carefully.

I believe the two dead bodies we found earlier, has not died accidentally or naturally.

I found a small hole of the needle on the back of the nape of the female corpse, whereas the male corpse has a massive blow in the same place," Bellatrix finished as soon as Alastair answered his phone.

Alastair narrowed his eyes at the weather outside of the window and said, "send me the autopsy report, and I will go through the case."

Thomas walked into the study when he finished talking with Bellatrix. Alastair said, "give me the file containing information of the two corpses."

Thomas gave him a brown file, and Alastair took only 10 minutes to go through the file.

Thomas grinned at him and said, "you want to visit the crime scene, correct..?"

Alastair replied, "only after lunch."

Since it's raining heavily even though the place is blocked, someone stood nearby for a long time with an umbrella. The man talked to himself, "I hope at least now the truth will come out."

He moved a bit forward and stood on the other side of the street and smirked at the building.

Bellatrix called Thomas this time and said, "keep the phone on speaker Thomas." Thomas immediately clicked on the speaker icon on the phone and placed his phone on the dining table.

They can hear Bellatrix's voice clearly, "I have found out two more person's DNA on the male corpse. We have already matched the DNA with living persons in our database.

The result is no match. So the latter two might have died along with these two or after."

Alastair replied, "okay, Bella! We got it. Record all these things and do more deep autopsy on them."

Bella nodded and disconnected the call. Alastair said, "Uncle Flinch, take care of Browny. I am going out to work," and moved out of the house.

Browny running came out of the house and barked at him as if he is complaining that he is leaving without informing him. Alastair mouther sorry and drove off from there.

When he reached the crime scene, Alastair observed the area keenly. The road has been covering with drainage water, so they can't see any footprints.

He walked up to the dead-end of the street where the garbage collector found out the corpses, but for 10 minutes, he didn't return.

Thomas looked here and there and was about to call; surprisingly, he came from the main road and stood at the crime scene.

Alastair said, "Thomas, bring your team of police. We are going into the royal palace for questioning."

Thomas nodded and called his assistant to bring long two more people. Meanwhile, Alastair started scrutinizing the area.

He found something on one the trunks of the nearby tree. Thomas, wearing gloves, took it and placed it on a plastic bag and sealed it.

Only the main road that is with garbage bins filled with drainage water, inside the street covered with fresh mud came floating with water.

They found a nameplate on the mud in a golden color that usually seen waiters or waitress wearing in famous hotels.

The CBI team took half an hour to reach the crime scene, and Thomas immediately took them into the palace.

This time Alastair didn't say anything and silently moved inside the palace. At the entrance, a man stood up and allowed them inside.

The royal palace is the subsidiary of Windsor Castle, located in Windsor. The CBI team is a bit vary from the identity and is in a dilemma.

Alastair sneered to himself, looking at the royal castle. When the brother of the present Duke came out of the room, he frowned at the CBI team and looked unhappy.

Alastair didn't mind him at all and introduced himself. later he directly questioned them, "Mr. Richard, we are here to investigate about the two corpses out team had found earlier."

Richard became angry, "what are you talking about, young man..? Do you even know what place is this..? Who allowed you inside..? people like you are not welcome here."

Thomas frowned at his words, but calmly replied, "we know what place is this, that's why we are speaking politely or else you know our treatment, right..?"

Richard snorted but didn't say anything. Thomas said to his team members, "guys, search the place and report back."

Noel giving a salute, took the team for search. Mrs. Richard, Sarah, stopped them and asked, "what's going on here, Richard..?"

Alastair all this kept glancing at Richard and smile to himself. out of the blue, he asked, "Mr. Richard, what is your relationship with the duke of Windsor..?"

Mrs. Richard replied, "young man, you may not know, he is the cousin brother of the current Duke of Windsor."

Alastair nodded and asked, "how is your relationship as a couple..?" Mr. Richard got irritated and questioned back, "does it have anything to do with the case..?"

Alastair removing his glasses and giving a smile, said, "of course sir, everything counts when you are involved in a crime."

Sarah said, "my husband never involved himself in any crime officer. He is one of the British royal descendants. He will never do such a thing that brings shame to our royal family."

Alastair nodded and said, "so it might be you then, Mrs. Richard, or should I call you fake Mrs. Rcihard."

Mr. Richard looked shocked, listening to Alastair's words and started breathing heavily. Alastair called one of the servants and asked him to give some water.

After having some water, Mr. Richard said, "what are you talking about..?"

In the meanwhile, Thomas and his team came back and concluded, "we have searched everything but didn't find anything suspicious."

Mrs. Richard looked furious when she listened to the officers' words. She demanded "search..? What search? Do you have a search warrant."

Thomas replied professionally, "madam, we are from CBI and have the right to interrogate nearby places of the crime scene."

Alastair doesn't want to drag this, so he said, "I am going to speak frankly, Mr. Richard. This Sarah here is not your real wife, and your granddaughter didn't die in an accident. This woman has killed her."

With tears in her eyes, Sarah said, "why will I kill my granddaughter, are you out of your mind..? Is this some joke..? You can't accuse me without any evidence, officer..?"

Thomas looked at Alastair and immediately understood what he meant. He went out and brought the man that allowed them inside.

The man bowed to the royal wife and husband then stood aside. Richard shouted angrily, "what nonsense are you spouting..? Let me speak with you, superior."

Thomas interrupted him, saying, "Sir, you can't contact anyone when CBI is interrogating you."

Alastair, understanding that this man doesn't know anything, asked, " Mr. Richard can you see the painting of your family here..?"

Mr. Richard responded, "yes! I can see it. That painting is made by the famous painter when my granddaughter instead of learning painting."

Alastair nodded his head and then asked the caretaker, "why did you visit the crime scene when it is restricted."

The caretaker stumbled when Alastair suddenly addressed him. He was about to deny, but Alastair spoke again, "before you deny, you could have washed your boots thoroughly."

The caretaker replied, "I, I didn't visit purposefully. I was passing by and just took a look at the place. After all, I am the one who everyday places the garbage of this palace."

Alastair nodded and didn't speak for some time. Thomas went outside of the palace to talk with his team.

Mrs. Richard confidently stayed beside Richard and refused to answer any of his questions.

Sighing to himself, not knowing what to do, Mr. Richard stood aside as he was also curious to see if they will be able to prove.

Thomas came back and said something to Alastair, then Alastair said, "arrest Mrs. Richard and take her DNA sample."

Mr. Richard, you have to come to the CBI building along with us," said Thomas. Alastair called someone to test all the paintings and portraits in the palace.

Sarah protested a lot but unable to do so for long.

One the way, Thomas asked, "I am not able to understand that how did you know that she is not the actual wife of Mr. Richard."

Alastair gave a small smile and sat quietly, not saying anything.