
Can't Be Friends

Onika POV

"Please pick up." I beg seeing her contact on screen as it rings just hoping she'll pick

"What Onika?" Her voice filled with irritation, but nonetheless I was just glad she picked up

"Can you meet me at our spot?" I ask her and I hear movement in the background follow by hearing a door closing

"Look Onika I told you what we did cannot happen again Beyoncé and I are engage I can't do that shit to her." She says breaking my heart

Engaged? They're engaged?!

I didn't know whether to feel betrayed or just plain stupid thinking this girl could love me

"I can't pretend that night never happened Belcalis!! You took my virginity!! You said you would never leave me, you told me you weren't even happy with her!!" I spoke loudly trying to keep back the tears that so desperately wanted to escape

"Onika... Beyoncé is pregnant." Belcalis says and I felt my heart shatter into pieces

"You gave her what we talked about? You gave her what was suppose to be mine!! I'm suppose to be your fiancé, I'm suppose to be the one you have a house with, I'm suppose to be the one you make love to, I'm suppose to be the carrying thag baby!!" I cried my heart broken beyond repair

"Onika I love Beyoncé and I wanna do right by her I can't do that with you again, but we can be friends." Belcalis says reassuringly

I almost threw my fucking phone across the room

I contemplated what I wanted to say next

Should I threaten to expose our affair with the video I recorded or the pictures I took of her balls deep inside me

But then she'd hate me and I don't want her to hate me...

But I can't just be friends with her... Not anymore

I've been in love with this girl for all these years just for her to run and give her love to someone else

"I'm sorry Belcalis, but no we can't be friends." I said hanging up I turned my phone off tying my trench coat back up slipping back into my heels I exited our hotel room

Getting back into my car

This is where things end

To be continued...