
Can't Be Friends (Part 2)

Four months later

Belcalis POV

"I'm sorry, but the number you are calling is unavailable please hang up and try again later... Goodbye." The program robotic answering machine says hanging up in my face

It's been four months since I've heard from Onika, after declining meeting up with her at the hotel

I regret it

I should've just went at least I'd know she was okay she's not answering and none of her friends fuck with me because they knew I was engaged and

I guess they were right about me... I ended up hurting two of the most precious people in my life

Me and Onika known each other every since we came out the womb... I'm just three years older, but we were always so close I always protected her from bullies

I met Beyoncé in our junior year of high school I was beyond simped out when it came to her I always worshipped the ground she walked on... Until we got older and things between us began changing

So on impulse I ran to Onika like I always do... And I ended up taking her virginity and we began sleeping around

While Beyoncé and I started arguing more and more until she finally told me she was three months pregnant with our first born child

Everyone was happy, meanwhile I was livid and I felt pressured into being with her because of the baby so I proposed to her which every new day I start to regret it more and more

"Belcalis!!" A voice shouts bringing me out of my daydreaming coming face to face with an upset Beyoncé and her small, but noticeable baby bump

"Yes Beyoncé?" I ask trying to hide my irritation from her

"When are we gonna start planning the baby shower?!" Beyoncé asks her voice a few octaves higher then normal

"Bey I told you I think we should just settle for a small special baby shower so we can still have money to put towards the wedding." I sigh as I massage the bridge of my nose

"I don't want a broke baby shower Belcalis that may be what you're use to, but all the money you got you should want to go all out for our first born child." Beyoncé says pissing me off

"And what the hell is that suppose to mean Beyoncé?" I ask gritting my teeth in an effort to calm myself down before I say something I shouldn't

"It just seems you wanna be cheap." Beyoncé scoffs while looking at her phone in pure concentration

"Beyoncé." I said calmly to get her attention which fails so I make another attempt to call her

"Beyoncé!" I said just a little bit louder, but it was starting to piss me off

How the fuck you coming in here basically to call me cheap because I don't want all them bougie ass people here that you claim are friends and family

"BEYONCÉ!!" I shouted which spooks and she begins to grow red in the face

"Why are you hollering at me?!" Beyoncé asks and I just sigh getting up leaving the room with her right behind

All I'm wearing is some basketball shorts and a lose fit grey tank top

Grabbing my jacket and my keys I swiftly try and haul ass out of this house

This is not a home

Its just that... A house with two souls who are not meant to be clashing against each other feeding the negativity manifesting it until it became impossible to withstand it

"Where are you going Belcalis? To meet up with that bitch?!" Beyoncé asks her face becoming beet red

"You always accusing of some shit I don't fucking do yo!! I'm suck of it I need a fucking break!!" I yell leaving out the door not even giving enough fucks to close that bitch I ran to my car as the rain begins to pour down

I get myself settled in buckling my seatbelt before I put the key inside the ignition making my car come to life for the time being

I sloppily pull out the driving space hitting the damn mailbox putting a noticeable size dent in it before getting onto the road correctly and speeding off

I quickly cut on the heat as body slowly starts to relax and my mind wasn't all over the place as it was before I left

I turn on the radio looking for a good station until a familiar song comes on

Hearing the melody of the song as it brings back memories of Onika and I

Flash Back

"Belcalis quit playing I'm serious!!" Onika huffs in frustration elbowing me

"Alright alright alright I'm just shocked you haven't kissed Robert by now." I said shrugging my shoulders

"It's a big deal because it's my first kiss and I want it to be with someone special." Onika says laying back on her throw pillows

Just noticing how fast Nicki grew her body definitely began taking its womanly shape which made her more vulnerable to boys and their predatory ways

"Look Nick if its that important than... I'll give you my first kiss." I mutter and she looks at me

"R-Really you'd do that for me?" Onika asks her dimple decorating her face giving such an angelic look I'll never be able to resist

"Yeah its not that big of a deal." I said and she smiles before slowly crawling towards my direction straddling my lap

I was taken back Nicki never made such a bold move like this before and I won't lie it was turning on me

But I can't think of her that way she only sees me as a big sister so I'm doing her this favor... As her big sister

Before I could properly ready myself Onika softly grabbed both sides of my face in her warm soft palms and kiss me delicately

I quickly begin to kiss her back with the same delicacy my hands planted softy yet firmly on her curvacious hips

"Mmm!" I heard her moan as her tongue tries to gain access to the inside of my mouth

I part my lips giving in to her and temptation our tongues clashing our bodies becoming invisibly drenched in ecstasy at how good we felt to each other in this particular moment

She slowly begins grinding her hips on me causing my member to hard headily grown underneath her pressing against her unexperienced womanhood

"Fuck Onika!" I moan in distasteful pleasure kicking myself in the ass while provactive thoughts of Onika riding my member till her hearts content

"Fuck!!" I groan hitting my forehead against the steering in pure annoyance as I impatiently wait for the light to turn green

No matter what I hear or what could be going on around me my mind always shifts right back to her

I shouldn't have did what I did with her that night because now its unlocked all these feelings that I've been trying to suppress for years

How safe and comfortable Onika always made me felt

She always pushed and encouraged me to go for it, take risks

She was right

It should be her on my arm at every event as I introduce her to everyone as my fiancé

It should be her that I make inexpressable love to

It should be her carrying my first born

It should be her living in that house with me

Onika deserve that title

Onika deserve that ring

Onika deserve to be the mother of my baby

She deserved more then Beyoncé ever did, but I was scared we grew up together she always looked up to me as a big sister, she looked at me as her protector from the bullies at school, she looked at me as her confidant, she looked at me as her shoulder to cry on

And I... And I hurt her proposing to Beyoncé knowing damn well I wanted it to be Onika

I know Onika must've felt it like a huge slap in her face and everyone congratulating Beyoncé and I was like they were all laughing at Onika

"Oh God what have I done?!" I scream tears streaming down my face rapidly

My chest heaving as I struggle to breathe as my body becomes shaky

My burning from the stinging sensation

Is this what a heartbreak feels like?

Its so painful...

I park in front of the Mariott hotel where and Nick met whenever we could and explored each others bodies till we could both no longer take it

Reveling in each others arms after each and every intense love making moment we ever shared with one another

Our faces adorned with tired soft smiles, but I always held her close to me

To my heart she could hear the way it beats just for her

I cut off the car climbing into the back seat grabbing the zebra stripped blanket Onika bought me years ago on my seventeenth birthday

Laying on the soft seats I kick my shoes off putting the cover over my body as I begin to melt into its security crying myself to sleep

I wish I could wake up from this horrible nightmare