Aftermath of Something Surreal

[ GINA ]

The last thing I remember at the hospital before we've been kicked out was pure disaster - the ob/gyne was the rapist and father of Rebecca's baby; He was the rude VIP customer at my job yesterday; and the worst thing of all, Rebecca passed out.

Crazy. It was a lot to take in.

I was shocked with the commotion that I didn't speak in awe. Even now, my mind still cannot process too much of what has happened. I cannot fathom things really quickly. It seemed like a sudden fireworks and you just stand there, watching everything shoot across the sky. There were lots of emotions and I did not know where to focus.

We're now on a Hospital room. Becca is admitted - you know, a patient, due to her passing out. But she isn't on gown or something. While me, I am just waiting, checking on her if she's getting conscious. Just sitting beside her.

A while ago, we were just about to go outside the building when Becca started breathing heavily, without tears or emotions etched on her face. Just staring blankly ahead. That moment, I accompanied her in her arms because she looked pale; in a sense she looks like an anemic teen or a drug addict having a withdrawal. We stopped walking right on as she told me she cannot feel her legs and that her vision is becoming blurry. I tried to keep her up but the next things happened in a fast juncture. She stumbled and fell on the floor and I panicked. She had lost consciousness after that. It made me feel paranoid for a second, thinking Becca collapsed with all these things ebbing towards her. With everything that's happening, I know I cannot just stand there and be with her as an accompaniment. I had to do something for my bestfriend.

There, I called for help and the doctors immediately assisted her as she fainted. Now, we're here.

Everything went blank for a second. I forgot my own dilemmas in a speed of time. All I see was Becca being rushed to a hospital bed. I have a lot of thoughts in mind, but I do feel like this is not the time to think about such things. My bestfriend is on the line and nothing more can be worse than this. Becca is my only family right now.

But, things are getting worse for her also. See this: she wanted to seek revenge that she forgot to put herself first. Now, she's unconscious. On a hospital bed with an oxygen filling her air to breathe and a dextrose to keep her hydrated. This is bad.. the moment when the doctor, who happened to be Stefano, showed off even with a mask on, nothing was more clear than the entire scenario that is still painted in my head. Everything was an aftermath of something surreal.

We're here on a hospital bed and Becca is still unconscious. The nurses said she will be fine and just need a gasp of air and some rest. They also asked us to immediately go out as Becca wakes up so that there will be no trouble, again.

They said it in a tone like we are the ones who started the catastrophe.

I hate it. How they were all composed and unbothered like they never heard a thing Becca revealed a while ago; like Stefano is no big deal, just because he's a doctor. They're tolerating it, trying to act like they don't care about him being a rapist.

I felt an ignition in my core, like a sudden bolt of lightning that conflagrates a feeling I already felt before. Anger. Betrayal. Hate. Disgust. These feelings came to me as a guest. They're here again.

Men are trash, indeed. Jason and Stefano is a huge delineation of what it feels like to be a man. A lustful being with nothing to think and care about. I am disgusted and angry. I'm feeling so much negativity as of this moment, rushing through my veins. Seeing Becca in this hospital bed makes me reach my boiling point. Enraged.

I held Becca's hands and lifted it from the bed as I took a deep sigh. "I'm sorry, Becca. I'm so sorry that you are dealing with these things. You know, I never thought that what you're going through is just.. so messy and discombobulated as this. I cannot do anything, I'm so sorry. But I just want you to know that, I will always be here for you. You are my family.. Please wa-"

I suddenly felt her hands squeezing mine.

"Be-- Becca?"

She opened her eyes and started wandering her eyes around the room. She didn't speak for seconds, until she did after that short pause. The first thing she said was...

"Where is Stefano? Where is that fucking monster.. I need to-"

She was about to take her dextrose off of her so I interrupted her and tried to make her calm. "Becca, please. Stay calm, okay? Stefano is just few rooms away from us. We are still here at the hospital.. we-- we can come back there anytime but you have to feel better before we can do anything. Okay? Stay calm."

Becca calmed herself down in dribs and drabs. Although, her eyes are still in shock. Her mind is still wandering around the hospital. I cannot go against what she's feeling because if there's pain worse than this, she probably might have known it better than me.

After a minute or two, she was calm. She remained quiet for a moment and I just ignored her.

Upon rechecking, I saw her fell asleep.


Ms. Rebecca Tyler -- a woman in her 20's, supposed to be having an abortion.

I am still puzzled about the things that have happened at the hospital a while ago. Everything was a sudden twist in a boring shift I use to have everyday at work. There were so much details that I need to figure out, yet, all I have is this morbid photo and Ms. Tyler's file for abortion. Sitting here on my study table with a good light from a lamp kind of giving me a nice way of analyzing things.

Although, this two alone seems enough to give me a pinch of what's happening. Thinking also of what Ms. Tyler said that made us all at the first floor hear.


It echoes. Loud and clear.

As she said, it was Dr. Gutierrez himself who raped her. The baby she has on her were the product of such crime, that she wants to disown it. Abort it.

It suddenly felt like an intricate TV show experience. In which I, as a viewer, needs to seek answers to. I feel like this could be a catapult for something bigger that Dr. Gutierrez is up to.

Whatever it is that he's doing. He needs to stop and be imprisoned.

I sat still on my study table with my back arched on the mono block chair. My mind cannot keep things up. My shift was done a while ago at 6:00 pm and I went home immediately after. You know this picture has something more than just it presents.. I know I shouldn't be digging this up but as a person who knows what's right and what's wrong, I have to do something since the hospital have been a part of this.. I feel like I have to help Ms. Tyler.

I know, this feels kind of stupid that I am going to barge into something that I totally have no idea about. I am not even related to any of these people. But this urge that I'm feeling within me; now that I have this picture will cause me nightmares for the rest of my life I won't do anything.

Sometimes, truth is just so sickening that you wish you knew nothing.

I started digging into Dr. Gutierrez's social media to see, for once, the things he's up to. I never knew what he's been doing for I was never a person in his sight. I was never an obnoxious staff who mingles around to talk about somebody else's life. You see, I'm not interested to an Ob/gyne's life outside work, until today.

Though, this applies not only to Dr. Gutierrez. I was never familiar of anyone in my workplace. If there's anyone that I could talk to about private stuff outside work, that would be Brandon. Brandon is my brother who's currently living with me here in my apartment.

Yeah, so this is a call for something. I wasn't just exploring his social media but in little ways that I can, even his private life. Now that I have this picture in my hands, I'm feeling there's so much more to find out.

Upon reaching his twitter, I can see that he tweets more of his son, John Bryan. Every milestone and birthdays, they're all documented in threads and are cherished just like how proud parents do. This looks sweet for a father-son relationship, though his age seems to be out of the context to be in. He's mostly in his 20's I think and still spoiled by his parents.

In all fairness, on the other hand, this definitely shows how he is being a good father to his son. I can see how he spoils him with luxury and everything more than what he needs.

I stopped scrolling when I saw few tweets. Everything I see hinders me from thinking how he could possibly do such morbidity to Ms. Rebecca Tyler. I need to know more than this.

Social media only showcases his good sides.

The worst side? That also has to be seen.