

"Sorry, the number you have dialed is either unattended, or out of coverage area. Please try your call later."

I tried to call Becca a lot of times but she's not picking up. She must have blocked my number.

I need to talk to her! I was walking around the Sala with her naked picture still in my hands, in my mind. I cannot see how horrible those captives are. What does it have to do with my dad?

After what I saw in those pictures, I felt sick about what this is all about. I know Becca needed to know about this.

It made me feel so anxious. Why did she not tell me? Or does she know anything about this? FUCK. This is driving me insane. What is my father up to? I need to tell her everything about this! MY FATHER IS PURE EVIL!

I took her picture from that red and gold box. Grabbing, panting heavily, I've placed it on my pockets. I hurriedly changed my clothes and gradually took my steps towards my car.

She is not picking my calls up, so I will just come to her. I went downstairs and got my car key. I'm quivering as I went down the garage and started the engine.

This can't be real.

I went on and started driving the car with my mind still fixed on a vivid question in my head -- "WHY?"

I'm now treading the highway. I barely can see the road as I quiver in a sudden juncture. This can't be happening. All these time, I look up to my father so much. He's my role model and my greatest social figure. I idolize him. I know there are times when I'm usually alone but ever since then, I never thought of him as someone who's capable of doing such horrible crime. God. This time a lot of things were clouding up my head as I was driving my car.

Is my father related to any jobs concerning pornography? No, that can't be.. He's clearly a rapist.

But why is he doing this. Why to Becca?

Upon minutes on the road, I arrived at Becca's house and I immediately hopped off my car and ran over her porch. Nobody saw me came since the neighborhood is silent. I grabbed her doorknobs and it was locked, no traces of her being here.

With all my anger rushing down to my bare body, I knocked my hands off her door. "BECCA!?" I tried to call louder.


I tried a few times but nobody answered. Not even a glimpse or trace of anyone around here.

My anxiety came in a short time, not even a warning. I'm sweating cold, still having the image of Becca and those other girls in my mind. I need to figure things out or else my skeptic and paranoid side will come revving towards my mind

Where is she?



"Gina, We're here. There's nothing to worry about." I added.

I made myself feel easy as I said those words. We were sitting on a bench in front of that chair-like thingy where I guess they perform the abortion. I am feeling uneasy but I cannot tell Gina to quit because she knows me as a person who has my shit together. I know I am mentally and emotionally stable. I know it but -- Everything sucks. Everything hurts! I don't want her to feel like I am feeling anxious. I really don't.

As you see, I broke up with Bryan because of this; because I don't want this weak feeling of being dependent to whoever. This makes me feel more sick to myself. I hate all of these feelings; afraid and weak, but I cannot let it devour me. Gulping, I know there's no turning back against this. I'm aborting this baby in my uterus. I'm sorry but I really have to.

I sighed heavily in confusion.

The doctor already came to us after he made his tools assembled on a tool table.

"Miss Rebecca Tyler.. will you please---"

He stopped. Paused drastically. He stammered as he saw me.

I cannot clearly see him because of his mask but.. those eyes. I saw them before. At the bar, where the lights were colorful on his face. At the bar, where he offered me drinks. It dragged a lot of deep-seated mistakes and horrible past; a week I want to delete. That particular moment when I made a scar of myself-- Those eyes were a ghost haunting me for days.

This, I have been here before. Everything is a very familiar place to me.

I felt disgust, anger, and every feeling of disdain not so long ago.. I felt every horrible thing that this particular eyes have done.


"Umh, good morning doctor. My name is Gina and this is my friend, Rebecc--"

"Stefano--" I interrupted Gina as I knew who this person is. In front of me, is my nightmare. "Fuck. You-- YOU ARE A MONSTER! YOU RAPED ME YOU MOTHERFUCKING RAPIST! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FUCK YOU--"

I cannot help it. This person standing in front of me is that fucking monster who ruined everything that I have left; I felt tears coming down my face as I stood up and tried to attack him with my hands. Anger, disgust, humiliation -- a broad spectrum of my own nightmare; it's right in front of me. It came in an instant, like a huge pop of a balloon; a dam releasing water. I cannot hold it any longer. I let my emotions override until a group of nurses held my hands away from him and everything went on. A sudden commotion.

The next things that have happened, I don't have any idea. I felt like so much on me came out and all I wanted was to let him feel my pain.

I want him gone.. or should I say, I want him dead.



I tried to call Becca a lot of times but she's still not picking up. No, this cannot be happening. I even went on Gina's apartment but no one was there. Are they together hanging out somewhere? I honestly don't know what to think and where to find her. Things are starting to hurt; my chest, my brain, the back of my neck. Everything just hurts!

Since I cannot find her anywhere, I have to confront and find answers. I'm going to the hospital and interrogate my dad about those pictures.

Becca being one of those captives and all those minors! It's a lot to see.

I hopped into my car and started the engine.

My head is starting to be skeptic about everything that's happening. A lot is going on in my mind right now and I cannot think of anything better. All I was thinking was, WHY THE FUCK DOES MY FATHER HAVE THESE PICTURES? I kept thinking about that box. It makes me feel a lot of pressure going on within me, like a gut feeling or.. as they call it, a truth slap. I wish I never knew this.

Driving, my head is on another place while hitting these empty roads.

My anxiety keeps piling up. This is a complete living nightmare. I had my childhood ruined in an instant, as though my lifetime hero has been debunked from his good deeds. This will leave a scar on me forever, and it will surely affect my relationship with dad.

Minutes have passed and finally, I arrived at the hospital where my father works. South Coast Medical Hospital. This is it. I still have Becca's picture in my pockets and I know an interrogation with him, using this picture, can bring me peace of mind.

I went inside the hospital and asked the information personnel, still with my overflowing emotions.

"Where is Dr. Gutierrez?"

The lady looked at me from head to foot. "Uhh.. He's on duty. May I know your name, sir and may I know the reason why are you looking for him?"

"I am his son, Okay. Tell him I am John Bryan Gutierrez and I am here to ask him something."

The lady did not look at me for a second. She took a typing on her computer keyboard until she dragged her eyes towards me.

"Dr. Gutierrez has a patient right now, sir. I am sorry. But if you want you can wait at the waiting area."

I cannot meddle with this right now, but I cannot just barge into an operation. I am feeling uneasy. Every second that I was wasting feels like a hell of curiosity, killing every neuron in my head. I have nothing to do with it. So I took my steps to the waiting area and took a seat.

I am still puzzled by everything that's happening. What was this about? Dad, I rooted for you. I always admired you for raising me well but I cannot help it but hate you; not with this inane crime you did with every blonde women -- that fucking includes Rebecca! I feel angry and uncomfortable. I feel like I need to just.. crash the operating room.

Dad, you failed me.


I shook my head as I heard a familiar voice screaming a sentence loud from the operating room.

But, wait. That's familiar.

Is that Becca's voice?

As I entail that realization, I hurriedly went inside the operating room and saw there were nurses and other personnel holding Rebecca away from.. my father.

"Get this crazy bitch away from me." He shouted, giving his medical team a hand signal of disperse.

Dad, did you just call Becca a bitch?

I felt a sudden change of mood to full of anger and grievance. I did not hold myself back as I took steps towards him and punched him with all the force I have. Dad stumbled as he gasped in awe, looking at me in front of him.

Nurses in the room held me away from dad. That moment, I went totally blank. My fist hurts but somehow I just did what my body has to. I let it take away my senses. On my peripheral vision, I can still see Becca being dragged away out of the room.

"Jo-- John? What are you doing here and why did you punch me for?"

A group of hospital personnel offered to get him up but he waved his hands as a sign of refusal.

"That was.. for everything you did to Becca." I said as my dad stood up with a puzzled facial expression.


He is currently acting like he does not know what he did to Becca. He held his cheeks and stood up and approached me, as though he's seeking help.

"What am I talking about? Huh, dad? Well, I am talking about.. THIS."

I was about to take the picture out of my pocket but it's gone.



Another boring shift. I'm so tired of this job I want to file my resignation. I did not graduate and had a degree just to sit my ass here on this table for hours. This is lame and not what I expected being hired here.

As I was waiting on my desk as an information personnel here at the South Coast Medical Hospital, I did not even thought of things to become exciting today. There, I turned my phone on and started watching The Society on Netflix. I am currently on Episode 6.

"Where is Dr. Gutierrez?"

A man just rushed into me and asked without a pleasant tone. He seems a bit pale and obviously sweating in drips. He's wearing decent clothes and they were all branded, looking filthy rich. "He's on duty. May I know your name, sir and may I know the reason why are you looking for him?" I looked at him from head to foot.

"I am his son, Okay. Tell him I am John Bryan Gutierrez and I am here to ask him a question."

I did not look at him for a second. He's the son, no wonder why. But he sounded bossy. It threw me a bit off.

There, I started typing on my computer to search and acted like I was checking something. Dr. Gutierrez's son seemed a little bit off. He seems agitated by something or whatever.

After I saw a couple of things on my desktop, I dragged my eyes towards this guy with a name John Bryan, as he claimed. "Dr. Gutierrez has a patient right now, sir. I am sorry. But if you want you can wait at the waiting area."

He started looking a bit worried. He looks anxious and pale. There were not much people here at my area for everyone seemed busy. I cannot let him just meet his dad in the middle of an operation.

Dragging his feet out of my sight, he started walking to the waiting area. He was walking faster than usual and it looks very suspicious as though there is someone here who is currently admitted except his dad. His girlfriend? Relative? Well, strangely odd for he did not ask me if there is. Though, he seemed in a hurry.

As he vanished out of my sight, I noticed that he dropped something out of nowhere. I wouldn't mind it but it's giving me a weird sight from here. Is that a photo?

I stared at it and went on. To be honest, inches away from here, it seems really weird of a picture. This might be important to him. So, I went out of my desk to get inches nearer to the picture, acting like I was gonna take it. I wanted to give it back to Dr. Gutierrez's son.


Inches nearer, and it revealed that the photo was a pornographic material. "WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?!" I exclaimed. It was a photo of a naked blonde girl inside a car.

Seeing that detail, my eyes were fixed on the face of the woman in the picture. Her mouth was wide open and her hands were behind her back. The set up was inside a car. God, my eyes became bigger. I am in total shock.

I took the picture and put it in my pockets. I feel uncomfortable right now but I think.. giving it back to Dr. Gutierrez's son will cause a huge scene here at the hospital. So, I kept it.


I heard a loud voice from the operating room so I hurriedly ran and went there. I feel uncanny, and strange. What is happening?

I sigh heavily treading steps.

I ran and immediately entered the room. I can see that Mr. Gutierrez and his son were here, together with a recent patient who asked me for an abortion

Wait a second;

This woman held by nurses, who asked for abortion a while ago.. she looks exactly like this naked woman in the photo. Blonde, with that same exact shape of eyes.

What is happening?